Guo Zhengyang actually has no way to give an accurate evaluation of how intelligent the demon worm brood is. It is even possible that there are differences in intelligence between different broods.

But at the moment he was following him, the brood No. 2 named by himself, after losing a large number of monster insects without stopping, and unable to recover any energy,

Its next move made Guo Zhengyang silent.

The third time, when he continued to hunt the monster insects of the God Transformation Stage from another direction, he only killed a few thousand, and no new swarms of God Transformation Stage insects appeared in this direction. In the previous two places, he had hunted Hundreds of thousands were terminated.

Not only was there no follow-up insect swarm, after waiting for a while in Guo Zhengyang, there was no waiting for the monster worms in the Dao stage.

He waited and waited until he left this area and looked at it from other directions, only to find that many monsters at the transformation stage that had been spreading from one point to all directions started to flow back...

The monster swarms that originally flew outwards were all changed to fly backwards.

Moreover, the return flight of some monster insects did not really return according to the original path, but staggered from the original path, one direction was like this, and the other direction was also like this.

After observing several directions, Guo Zhengyang was indeed silent.

The conclusion drawn from these observations is undoubtedly that Brood No. 2 is on the run!

After a moment of silence, Guo Zhengyang suddenly took out a spirit crystal and swallowed it himself.

Guo Zhengyang suddenly smiled when he somehow sensed that [-]% of the spirit crystals swallowed by him were drawn in a certain direction along with the lines on his armor back.

It's weird to laugh!

"This guy is really stupid, but with his wisdom, it seems that he really doesn't know how to create suspicious arrays, so it's not surprising."

It's not surprising that the No. 2 brood is on the run. From its point of view, the demon worms it sent out died inexplicably and were worthless.Sending a high-level demon worm to the past also lost contact with it in an instant. The opponent's strangeness and danger are indeed unprecedented, so the brood will choose to flee directly when Guo Zhengyang strikes for the third time. This is indeed a very wise choice.

But what made Guo Zhengyang laugh was that since it chose to escape, it also made the demon worms it sent out turn around and run away with him. Could it be that it was afraid that Guo Zhengyang would not find the direction of his escape?

If it's just the brood escaping by itself.But if he continued to send other demon insects to fly away according to the original route, Guo Zhengyang might not know that the other party was on the run.

Even it is in the process of fleeing westward.It can also be regarded as a small trick to let those flying demon insects flee eastward when they return, and it can confuse people to some extent.

But the current situation is that the demon worm's nest is fleeing westward, and those demon worms ordered to return by it are also fleeing westward, towards the direction of the brood's nest. This is to show Guo Zhengyang where it is at the moment! !

All kinds of circumstances, all of which show that this guy's intelligence is low and pitiful.

Even if it knows how to cast doubts.It will not affect Guo Zhengyang at all, and it will be easy for Guo Zhengyang to find out the location, because as long as Guo Zhengyang transforms into a monster worm bred by the No. The pattern of the bird is passed to the brood, and this kind of transmission can make it recognize the direction.Determine the location of the brood.

But if it is a brood with normal human intelligence, it will inevitably set up infinite doubts during the escape, constantly disturbing Guo Zhengyang, so that he has to judge the location of the brood all the time, then it will be more troublesome, and Guo Zhengyang may not be able to chase it. superior.

can now.Things couldn't be easier.

The resurging demon worm has already pointed out its exact location, so Guo Zhengyang doesn't need to search for it by himself.

Next, he turned into a monster worm directly, and then attached to a recovered late-stage monster worm, letting that monster lead him to chase the brood.

After escaping and chasing, Guo Zhengyang was replaced by demon worms in the Dao stage, easily throwing off many demon worms in the transformation stage that were returning.However, this chase did not come to an immediate result. He chased for two or three days, but he was still chasing.

Although he was getting closer and closer to the mother's nest in the induction, he still couldn't really catch up, which also made Guo Zhengyang feel a little bad.

Brood No. 2, which is fleeing, could it be that the immortal-level demon insects took it to escape?The speed of the demon worm is very fast. The speed of the demon worm at the peak of the god transformation is absolutely impossible to be faster than all monks, but it can basically be faster than half of the monks. In the past, when Liu Xia was at the peak of the god transformation, the maximum speed could reach [-]% to [-]% of the speed of light. But that is already running a lot of treasures from the Fire Mansion, plus the speed of the saber intent and body urging.

She has already exceeded the limit speed of many cultivators in the transformation stage.

As for the monster worms at the peak of Transformation God, their speed is not as fast as Liu Xia's, but it's not too far behind. Their speed is basically comparable to [-]% to [-]% of the speed of light, and they can persist for a long time.

As for the demon worms in the Dao stage?Under Guo Zhengyang, the monster worm at the peak of the late-stage Hedao took him along for two or three days, and his speed could basically be maintained at more than ten times the speed of light, which was faster than many late-stage Hedao monks.

If it weren't for the immortal-level demon worms fleeing with their brood ahead, they would definitely have caught up in two or three days! !

After all, monster worms fly away by themselves, and they can match more than ten times the speed of light in the late stage of the path, but the monster worms in the late stage of the path are only the size of a football. What about the brood?As the mother's nest becomes stronger and stronger, its size will also become larger and larger. The mother's nest in Guo Zhengyang's hand, which can only breed in the middle stage of transformation, is already the size of a three-story building, and the mother's nest is born to move extremely slowly. , only the demon insects can fly fast by pulling the brood to escape.

Therefore, if hundreds of demon worms in the late stage of the path are pulling a brood, the speed will be dragged down by more than ten times.

After two or three days of chasing, the demon worms under Guo Zhengyang were exhausted, or did they just shorten the distance? ?

Frowning, Guo Zhengyang quickly changed another car, replacing it with a monster insect in the late stage of Heyao in its heyday, and continued chasing forward until another day.

Guo Zhengyang suddenly laughed.

Because he has already seen the brood ahead!

Good guy.

A large honeycomb-shaped heart with a height of 50 meters and a width of tens of meters fled forward quickly under the pull of four almost transparent bugs.

At this time, the entire starry sky is only the brood in front, plus three or four big bugs, the left and right are all empty, there is nothing, not to mention planets, there are no stars, there is only absolute darkness and dead silence.

"Immortal-level demon worm. Is it almost transparent?" The color of the demon worm will also change with the increase in strength. The lowest-level demon worm is black, and it has turned white since the stage of transforming gods. This is the first time Guo Zhengyang has seen a translucent demon worm. The late-stage Hedao peak demon worms under him are just a piece of milky white, the size of a football.

The three or four big bugs in front were the size of a basketball.Each plate is above the brood, and there are thin, almost transparent threads hanging from the mouth.Hanging the brood and cruising forward.

Although he could see it, Guo Zhengyang was only able to see it because he cast a vision-enhancing spell, and after chasing for several hours, he finally approached within half a mile of the brood nest.

At this time, Guo Zhengyang suddenly turned his mind and tried to control the brood in front.

This attempt is also simple, that is, to order the brood to stop.

After one thought, the mother's nest obeyed the order instantly, and the heart-like mother's nest beat suddenly.The translucent demon worm that was pulling it away abruptly stopped in mid-air.

Guo Zhengyang was overjoyed, and just about to go forward, he didn't expect the mother's nest to jump again, and then the four big worms above it suddenly changed direction, directly cut off the four silk threads, turned to Guo Zhengyang, and burst out with a destructive aura.

This also surprised Guo Zhengyang.He didn't sense the resistance of the brood just now!

The last time he controlled the brood at the foot of the upper boundary mountain on Earth, he had added his mind. When the brood resisted, he could clearly sense the rejection and resistance, just like an ordinary person reaching out to stroke the fur of a cat or dog. The dog is when the big hand is lowered.Constantly breaking free and even scratching and biting.

Last time, Guo Zhengyang could only control the brood for one second without resistance or struggle, until it took nine seconds for the brood to be completely controlled. From now on, no matter how he stretched out his hand to caress, he would obediently remain motionless.

But this time, after he had an idea, the brood immediately lost its resistance.Let him caress.

But who would have thought it would be reversed all of a sudden?

Guo Zhengyang couldn't see the slightest resistance and struggle, but the immortal-level demon worm above it turned around?

"It's the existence behind it, and that existence can also send thoughts through the distant starry sky?" Startled, Guo Zhengyang hurriedly ordered the brood to let it control the immortal-level monster insects.

And the mother's nest, which didn't have any resistance, jumped again, and the few immortal-level monsters instantly restrained their destructive aura and became dumbfounded.

But it was just a breath, and with the beating of the No. 2 brood, the immortal-level demon worm shook its wings again, and once again burst out with an extremely strong breath.

Guo Zhengyang gave another order. One was to order the No. 2 brood to restrain the immortal-level demon worms, and the other was to order No. 2 brood to instantly fly out a group of demon worms at the fusion stage to attack and kill the immortal-level demons.

But after a few demon worms in the Dao stage pounced on those transparent monster worms, they couldn't bite through the backs of those monster worms at all.

While Guo Zhengyang was still thinking about how to deal with it, the No. 2 brood jumped again, but this time its jumping was not to re-order the immortal-level monsters, but to send a thought to Guo Zhengyang.

The idea is to carry a sentence, a kind of discourse similar to spiritual communication.

"This starry sky is mine. No matter where you come from, retreat immediately. I can pretend that I have never seen you."

The No. 1 brood that Guo Zhengyang got the first time has limited intelligence and can never express a complete meaning. The No. 2 brood seems to be similar to the No. 1 brood, just look at his ridiculous reaction when he fled before. .

But now this idea clearly expresses a complete meaning.

Guo Zhengyang immediately understood that after the worm swarm that swept through the Fierce Martian Realm this time, there was really a mastermind behind the scenes, who not only could control all the broods, but also absolutely possessed complete wisdom.

When Guo Zhengyang's face was serious, the No. 2 brood also jumped again, and another thought came, "If you want this Yinxu female beast, I can give it to you, but if you do it again, don't blame me for not letting it go!" I think it's better for the same family to attack you."

After expressing the thoughts, the translucent monster insects that were originally above the No. 2 brood flapped their wings and fled away in an instant, leaving only the No. 2 brood motionless.

"The mother's nest, originally called the female beast of the Yinxu? The same race? What race can control the mother's nest?" Guo Zhengyang did gain a lot of answers this time, but the meaning behind the answers made him People shudder.

The worm swarm in the Fierce Martian Realm is a certain individual in a certain strange race who brought a large number of female beasts of the Yin Ruins to breed offspring and devour the starry sky?And Guo Zhengyang can also control the Yin Deficiency Mother Beast?So the existence behind that mistakenly thought that Guo Zhengyang was also of its kind?

Also, has such a disaster already happened in many regions?Otherwise, why would the other party say that this starry sky is his?Doesn't this mean that the starry sky in other regions is also occupied by others? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )

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