One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 432 Do Your Best

The safety area of ​​the Fiery Mars Field is a roughly oval-shaped starry sky, and a layer of black protection outside the safety area is like a protective film to maintain thousands of planets in the center.

However, there are more than [-] areas outside the protective film of the safe zone at this moment, and there are armies of monsters like flood peaks swarming down, jumping on the protective film, biting and gnawing.

Looking down from a very far distance, it looks like black and white water dragons, constantly impacting the protection of the safe zone.

Although this kind of insect swarm offensive has lasted for a few days, and the protection has remained strong for a few days, and has not been breached by the monster insects. After all, the protection is also to extract a part of the special substance in the mother nest, and then cooperate with countless arrays to restrict it. Yes, it can effectively resist the all-encompassing ability of monster insects.

But even so, in the safe zone at this moment, groups of monks have been ordered to assemble and sent to more than 20 front lines.

After the distribution of more than 20 frontlines, there are at least a few thousand monks at the same level, and countless monks at the stage of transforming gods are guarding them.

The many assembled monks were not scattered branches, but all assembled into a battle formation.

For example, for some elite monks of the major sects of the metal clan, a hundred union periods melted like a liquid, and then condensed into a strong metal giant with a height of 500 meters.Such a metal giant, condensing the power of a hundred harmony stages, is perfectly united, and the attack power it can explode is actually no lower than that of the immortal state.

However, the body softens and fuses, and can be combined at will. This is only the unique racial power of the metal race, and although the metal race is extremely powerful, it is difficult to reproduce. There are tens of thousands of monks in the human race, but there are only a few monks in the metal race. Thousands, so there are only a few dozen of these giants condensed out of a hundred manpower in the entire starry sky.

Although the human race cannot change the physical body, the human race monks can also practice various joint secret arts and secret arts. A hundred strong people stand in a mysterious position, and when they are moved, they will form a small killing formation full of deterrence. .

And then.There are also several small killing formations that stimulate the air movement according to the joint secret technique, connect with each other, and then form a new large killing formation. After the formation is completed, thousands of breaths of the Dao stage will be connected into one, even if it is hanging flat and motionless in the void , also gives people a sense of shock.

The killing formation condensed by thousands of monks in the Dao stage.The power that can be exerted is indeed enough to avoid even the immortal state.

In front of such an army of insect swarms.An individual's martial power will indeed appear a little insignificant, even if they are at the immortal level, they will be exhausted in the face of endless monsters and insects, and they will be powerless.

Only by forming a joint killing formation with countless big monks like this, can we deal with this world-ending disaster in the fastest and most efficient manner.

"Fellow Daoist Wu, this dead planet is called Ten Thousand Stars, and it is the largest and most powerful one in our safe zone. If you can mobilize the power of its planet, our side will be much easier."

In the safe zone at the moment, there are no Immortal Realm and Loose Immortals sitting in town, because the Immortal Realm and Loose Immortals have teamed up to find opportunities to hunt and kill the brood outside the safe zone. After all, everyone knows that the brood is immortal, so you are in other places No matter how many monsters are killed, it will not help. Naturally, many top powerhouses will not waste their force in the safe zone.

And those who stay in the safe zone to preside over the offense and defense are the elders of the major sects such as An Qingjie.

An Qing Festival at the moment.He also brought Patriarch Xinghe and the monks of the Liaoyun Sect under his command to one of the twenty front lines.

This front line is jointly guarded by the three major factions of the Liaoyun Sect, the Metal Clan Ba ​​Yinchuan, and the Tianyan Clan Fengxing Sect.

The human race is only one of the three overlord races, and there are more than a dozen major forces in the human race that can be on an equal footing with the Liaoyun sect. The number of such forces, the metal clan and another overlord race, the Bancang clan, are similar. The other non-overlord races ethnic group.It is also possible to have one or two such forces, so facing this kind of insect disaster at this time, there are only more than 20 attack points of the monster insects.

Liaoyunzong was in charge of the No. 11 front line. At this time, there was a joint killing formation assembled by Liaoyunzong's [-] conjoined Taoist monks, and there were also three super metal giants.That was already the [-] Metal Clan's Dao Stage, and the Tianyan Clan's Feng Xingzong also assembled into a killing formation at the [-] or [-] Dao Stage.

However, the appearance of the killing array of the Tianyan clan is extremely strange. Adult Tianyan clansmen have three arms and one eye, are about four or five meters tall, and their skin is like a burning flame. Many monks of the Tianyan clan have always liked to use His one-eyed eye was refined into a terrifying magic weapon. At this moment, after hundreds of days of the Yan Clan gathered together, the four or five hundred monks below were arranged in a mysterious formation, with blazing flames beside them, as if hundreds of people were standing in the boiling magma flow. A monster with four or five hundred big eyes floating hundreds of meters above.

This shape has to be said to be very bluffing, at least the ancestors of Xinghe and Guo Zhengyang were taken aback when they saw it for the first time.

In addition to a group of monks in the Dao stage, the number of monks in the transformation stage is even more frightening, but those monks are almost all scattered to the rear and sides, and various auxiliary battle formations have been assembled.

The killing array gathered, and the battle was ready. An Qingjie even deployed the maximum power he could, and moved the original planet's trajectory from here to a dead planet thousands of miles away.

The appearance of this planet is lifeless, the area is extremely large, and the pressure on people is unprecedentedly strong. After the ancestors of Xinghe and Guo Zhengyang escaped into the planet, they were shocked to find that the gravity here is almost thousands of times that of the earth. It can be said that Just grabbing a rock the size of a fist here will weigh thousands of catties.

The terrifying gravity made the two of them fly at an extremely slow speed.

And An Qingjie also entered with the two of them. First, after telling Xinghe Patriarch something related to Wan Chongxing, An Qingjie smiled wryly, "Fellow Daoist Wu, I'll leave it to you here, although I also know that I want to study the It is not an easy task to get the medicine for the planet, but I still hope that the sooner the better, otherwise, once this place is really breached, our Liaoyun Sect will suffer a lot of casualties. Although the sect is now much stronger than it was in its heyday , There are thousands of Dao periods, which was unimaginable before the insect disaster, but if this place is really breached, I am afraid that too many of the backbone of these sects will also perish."

It is also true that although the Liaoyun Sect is powerful and has an Immortal Realm and a Sanjie Sanxian sitting in it, under normal circumstances, it is unreasonable for such a sect to have thousands of Dao stages.

In the past, the Liaoyun Sect had at least three Immortal Realm masters at its peak.There are at most a few hundred monks in the Dao stage, not only here, but in the center of the chaotic galaxy. The Tu Clan, who was very prosperous in the past, had five immortals sitting in the town, and there were only a few dozen Dao stage monks under his command. It is family.It is not a sect, so it will not easily recruit disciples from outside.But the ratio of the normal sect's Dao stage to the longevity stage is about one hundred to one.

Now Liaoyun Sect has thousands of Daoists, the key is that after countless monks broke down and fled to the safe zone, they were gathered into various sects.

So for the current Liaoyun Sect, Anqing Festival can mobilize two thousand Daoism periods to guard the front line.

But even so, if this swarm of insects broke through from the front line guarded by the Liaoyun Sect, they would still be doomed.

The bug swarm, the bugs outside, are also countless demon bugs of the transformation stage and the dao stage.No matter from which point it breaks in, it will bring endless disasters to the local area.

These have already been the lessons of blood and tears for the monks in the safe zone.

Every insect swarm, if it cannot be stopped, will cause the entire safety zone to fall, so no one will cheat in this regard, it would be self-defeating, but more often than not.The monsters besieged multiple points, and everyone sent people to garrison together. As a result, some frontline defenses were breached, and the insects came in to kill a large number of monks, but some frontlines were stable from beginning to end.

Afterwards, the bug swarm receded, and those who had nothing to do were naturally nervous for nothing.There is almost no loss, but at those front lines that have been breached, whoever is home will cry without tears.

Therefore, An Qingjie is not afraid that the bug swarm cannot be defeated. If the bug swarm cannot be dealt with, everyone will die together, and no one will complain and feel distressed. .Their front line was broken, and then hundreds or thousands of monks at the joint stage were killed or injured. The insect tide receded, and the other front lines were safe and sound, only Liaoyunzong lost money.

Therefore, the burden on the shoulders of Xinghe Patriarch is still very big.Although the power of a planet is limited even if its star power is activated, this limitation is also relative. The more terrifying the planet you choose, the greater the limit it can exert. And the heart of the planet.

The heart of the planet is to refine a living planet and extract and condense the life force of the entire planet. It is also an incomparable treasure. Simply put, if you put the power of a planet into a dead planet, you can make that planet The planet is reborn, which is the power that drives a planet to thrive. If a planet's heart is placed in the Ten Thousand Stars, its power can continue to explode. When these powers are exhausted, another planet's heart can still Continue to erupt...

And if the planet's explosive power can be sustained and circulated, it is still a super planet like Wanzhongxing, whose gravity is more than a thousand times that of the earth, and its volume is also more than ten times that of a super planet, then the terrifying power it can exert may not be weaker than the various killing formations ahead .

At that time, if there is a real danger, what the Xinghe Patriarch did can save the lives of many monks in the Dao stage.

"Elder An, please rest assured, I still say the same thing, do my best!"

"Okay, then I won't bother you. The strongest power on this planet is the power of the earth element and gravity. As long as Fellow Daoist Wu can handle it, our Liaoyun Sect has ten planetary hearts that contain the essence of the earth element. The power of the planet has been repeatedly burned ten times, and I have also discussed with Ba Yinchuan and Feng Xingzong,..."

After Xinghe Patriarch made a serious promise, An Qingjie smiled again, and then quickly fled away.

After a while, when only Guo Zhengyang and Guo Zhengyang were left in Wan Chongxing, the Xinghe Patriarch also smiled wryly and shook his head, "It seems that we still have to rely on the Lingshi Mansion to have hope."

The first time he researched the elixir for the star Kutan, he used it for 20 years in the Lingshi Mansion. Even if it was the first time he used it and was not proficient, if he wanted to make a difference in the continuation of the insect swarm, he still had to use the spirit to make a difference. Shifu will do.

He was afraid that this place would be breached before he researched it out...

Following these words, Guo Zhengyang also helplessly reached out and patted the shoulder of Patriarch Xinghe. Under such a catastrophe, personal strength is indeed not enough, and all they can do is try their best. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )

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