One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 448 Coquettish Chapter 1 Eyes

"It's saved, we're saved!"

"You don't need to die. I thought I was going to die this time. I couldn't escape the fate of being devoured by demon insects. I didn't expect Senior Guo to be so strong, so powerful!"

"That's right, don't look at who it is. If it wasn't for Senior Guo ten years ago, our safe zone would have fallen. Facing things like insect swarms, Senior Guo alone is more powerful than those immortals. It's all powerful."

"Enen, have you noticed that compared with ten years ago, Senior Guo has become much stronger. Ten years ago, he wanted to send the brood and demon insects into the dark world. He died dozens of times before and after eight The brood was sent in, and now he can easily create such a terrifying space storm, swallowing more than a dozen broods at once, and he has really become much stronger."

"Senior Guo, the stronger the better, the stronger he is, the safer we are!"


Cries of joy and tears of joy resounded continuously inside or outside the Liaoyun Sect's mountain gate, and the various emotions contained in those voices were enough to move anyone's face.

That's right, this time the monster insects came to invade, although the insects haven't really started to attack and defend.

But as long as he knows the general situation, I am afraid that no monk can face it calmly.

Ten years ago, [-] or [-] broods brought demon insects to attack. In just a few days, many front lines were completely broken, and many demon insects swarmed in. If the insect tide hadn't receded, there might be tens of trillions of monks in the safe zone. More than ninety-nine percent of them are dead.

This time, I suddenly learned that three or four hundred broods were gathering outside the safe zone with countless demon insects...

Who dares to have confidence?

Such a terrifying and huge army of monsters, if they really want to gather together to charge, even if the protection is stronger than ten years ago, they won't be able to stop them for long, right?As for the strength of the defensive monks in the defense?Although in the past ten years, there have been many breakthroughs in the stage of transformation and entered the stage of harmony.

But compared with ten years ago, this power is still not as good.

Among other things, the monks of the Hedao stage who fell ten years ago were at the peak of the Hedao stage, the late stage of the Hedao stage, etc., and the newly broken Dao stage within ten years basically broke through and entered the early stage of the Dao, and some of them even entered the early stage of the Dao. Haven't reached the peak of the early stage of Hedao yet.

There is a gap in cultivation, and the coordination of various formations is not enough and unskilled.

Therefore, even if the number of Taoist monks in the safe zone is not much different from that of ten years ago, the overall strength is still not as good as ten years ago.

In such a situation, who dares to say that he can survive after the demon insects launch an offensive?

There are really too many monks who feel that these few days are already the only few days when they can live in this world, and too many monks are ashamed and have no hope of survival.

But the problem is that they don't dare to have hope of survival, and they don't really want to die. If there are tens of trillions of monks, if they can choose to live, more than [-]% want to continue to live.

And under the wave of collapse and despair, "Guo Zhengyang" suddenly appeared out of nowhere... In front of so many people, he opened his mouth and spewed out a space storm that was calculated in the range of light, tearing and cutting the void The demon worms and brood devoured into the back world.

Undoubtedly, countless people who watched this were ecstatic.

The ability shown by this person is too crazy.

It actually made the crowd see the hope of completely stopping this pest disaster, and gave everyone the hope of continuing to live.

So at this moment, no one can not be excited, no one can not be excited.

It was in the midst of cheers and tears of joy that someone suddenly spoke strangely.

"Where is Senior Guo? Why can't I see him in this reflection technique?"

"You don't know? These space storms that Senior Guo urged were created with his own life. When he just vomited out this storm, he died."


"What are you afraid of? Senior Guo is immortal, and he will probably come out again soon!"


"Space storm, if you just shatter the void and break out space cracks, some immortals can do it, but the space in this world has its own strong stability, and the immortals can barely create the space between the positive and negative worlds. cracks, but it will be eliminated by the stability of the space in a short time, and the space there will be restored to stability. It is really unexpected that Senior Guo's attainments in space magic are so terrible, and the storm he created is comparable to the real one. The storm in the Chaotic Sea, right? But in the Chaotic Sea, the natural space barriers are unstable."


There was another sound of emotion, and as the words gradually spread, they were reflected on the eight screens in the sky, and suddenly a handsome and handsome figure appeared in one of them.

As soon as the figure appeared on the stage, it completely exploded the audience.

The crowd of spectators who were already excited burst into hysterical roars again.

Guo Zhengyang!

Dressed in white clothes, there was a slight smile on his handsome face.

Who is that if it's not Guo Zhengyang?

And Guo Zhengyang appeared on the screen, in front of and behind a large densely packed brood and demon insects, and suddenly turned around and smiled.

This smile was only a very shallow and calm smile, but through those observation techniques, the smile was clearly reflected into the eyes of countless monks, and they could see clearly.

Then, Guo Zhengyang, who had a slight smile on his mouth, turned back, opened his mouth, and a series of tiny black things shot out from his mouth vigorously.

In the blink of an eye, tiny black things continued to grow and lengthen. As Guo Zhengyang's body exploded and turned into a handful of blood rain, another terrible storm swept forward with countless space cracks.

This time, the scene appeared in front of almost all the monks in the safety zone, and it also made countless monks' blood boil and tears filled their eyes, and countless female monks screamed and cheered for Guo Zhengyang.

Amidst the cheers, the more and more massive space storm swept forward, until it quickly sank into the endless depths of monster insects.

Visible to the naked eye, pieces of monster worms or broods that had no time to escape were all cut into pieces by the terrifying space crack, or swallowed directly.

"Good guy, it's enough to relieve my anger!"

"This kind of method, and only that one can use it! It is simply a super ** level space attainment, plus immortality, the combination of the two phases is simply perfect, he alone is comparable to countless armies!"


It was also the first time to see this scene, the Xinghe Patriarch directly gave a thumbs up, his face full of admiration, and he couldn't accept it.

This is the space barrier that connects the positive and negative worlds. It is very difficult for ordinary immortals to break through. Even if you manage to break through, because of the stability of the world, the cracks that appear will soon disappear and peace will be restored.

It turned out to be a good thing now, as soon as that one made a move, it was a sea of ​​space storms that could sweep across an area calculated in units of light miles.

What he created is exactly like a real star disaster.

This ability can only be described as super **.

Although every time he used it, this person also paid the price of his life, and one life can cause such a disaster, but the problem is that the servant is immortal...

When the two are matched, one person is really enough to compare with countless armies.

Of course, some people watched in admiration, some people watched with excitement and tears filled their eyes, and naturally some people watched it speechlessly.

In the Huo Mansion, the real Guo Zhengyang and Liu Xia looked at each other.

That **** is so terrifying now?

Of course, apart from feeling that the **** ability was terrifying, what made Guo Zhengyang speechless was that **** looking back at her before she died!That eye was so masterful.

Even Guo Zhengyang himself was a little fascinated and admired.

He died generously with a smile, just for the survival of hundreds of millions of lives behind him.

That feeling...

Well, think about how that guy did all kinds of crimes on Jialan Star, pretending to be a big guy naked, and deliberately uglifying the little girl with only her fingernails laughing, and walking around in the elders' meeting Go, there are almost too many pranks like this to tell. In a few days, a group of people collapsed and fled, hiding as far as possible.

This doesn't work!

"We really don't understand the thoughts of sixteen or seventeen-year-old girls."

After looking at each other for a while, Liu Xia suddenly sighed, the sigh was very strange.

Guo Zhengyang was stunned for a moment before laughing dumbly, but no, according to the lifespan of Turbo Beast, the woman outside is actually a [-] or [-]-year-old girl equivalent to a human race.

"Didn't you come from that age?" Guo Zhengyang smiled and looked at Liu Xia, "I don't understand, you should understand?"

Liu Xia was immediately annoyed and became furious.

He actually said that she understood Duo Bao Beast's personality?

Seeing that Liu Xia was furious, Guo Zhengyang immediately surrendered with a smile. After waiting for a while, he looked to the outside world again, and saw that the demon insects and broods were still being swallowed into the back world in the sky reflecting the spells.

Then Guo Zhengyang flashed a strange feeling in his heart again.

It seems that with the immortality of the multi-treasure beast, she alone can send all the broods and demon insects trapped outside the safe zone to the back world.

Then this time the monster worms besieged, is there nothing else to do?

This is very different from what he expected.

Guo Zhengyang's sword intent is complete, and his spatial will has also been completed. Originally, he wanted to compete with the unknown life behind the mother's nest. Compared with ten years ago, his own will is absolutely sharper and fiercer. No matter how the opponent oppresses him in terms of will, and confronts him, he has the confidence to defeat that opponent.

But seeing Duobao Beast playing so happily, it seems that all monsters will be sent into the dark world by the space storm created by Duobao Beast before the monster insects officially attack and defend. Doesn't Guo Zhengyang have no chance to fight that unknown life?

Also, this is a nest of hundreds of broods. If Guo Zhengyang can recover them one by one by relying on the Myriad Beasts, what a huge and terrifying power it will be?

But now that seems to have no chance.

Unless he is willing to reveal the secret of his Myriad Demon Genesis in front of Duobao Beast.

This situation was really unexpected! (To be continued.)

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