One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 453 The Ascender, the Legacy, and the Indigenous

The plan of the natives of the fairy world to destroy the foundation of the Ascendant is to let batches of Void Clans lead the Yinxu Mother Beasts down to earth, and use the Void Clan's super willpower to control the Yinxu Mother Beasts to devour everything in the mortal world.

As long as the ordinary world can be completely wiped out, the immortal world will lose its powerful foundation of the ordinary world, and without a large number of ascenders, these immortal natives will have a certain amount of power to fight back.

And the realization of this plan is actually not too difficult.

The catastrophe after descending to the mortal world? ?

How do you say it?Heavenly Tribulation is mainly aimed at those powerful beings that cannot be tolerated by the mortal world. As long as you do not have enough strength, you will not be obliterated.

And not every life in the fairyland is cultivated in the fairyland. For a simple example, two soaring immortals, a man and a woman combine to give birth to a child. Compared to the Ascendant.

The newly condensed life of two Ascensioners mating is far stronger than the life born in the Mortal Realm due to the genetic inheritance of their parents and the environment of the Immortal World. It is compared to the existence of the Taoist realm in the mortal world, which is ridiculously powerful.

But these babies are stronger than the babies in the mortal world, and compared with the strength of the ascended, they are still in the sky and the earth.

In the same way, races with pure wills like the "Jing" in front of us, as well as female beasts of the Yin Ruin, do not actually have the strength of an ascendant at birth. Junjing is almost the same.

Then with the channel between the two realms, send a group of clansmen whose strength can be endured by this world and will not be killed by the catastrophe, and control the female beasts of the Yin Ruins to devour them, everything becomes possible.

As for the Ascender, there is no stable world passage, and there is no way to go down easily, so what if a fairy king breaks the world barrier?An ascender who comes down will immediately encounter a catastrophe. If he can't pass it, he will die, and if he passes it, he will be sucked into the fairy world. In theory, after the fairy king opens the barriers of the world, he can indeed be born in the fairy world. His strength is not enough to match Ascendants come down shoulder-to-shoulder, but the question is what's the point of coming down like that?

After those people survived, their strength was not higher than that of ordinary monks, so what did they do when they came down?

Therefore, from ancient times to the present, there are very few descendants from the fairy world.

"How long has your plan lasted? How many people have come down?" Listening carefully to Wanjing's narration, Guo Zhengyang's mood was extremely strange.

After all, in the past, he never thought that the plague of insects that swept across the starry sky would actually involve the struggle in the upper realms. Now the disaster that is sweeping across the starry sky is completely caused by the Ascendants who bullied these natives of the Immortal Realm. The supremacy of the fairy world is as simple as that.

"I don't know, I only know that the group that came down with me, almost thousands of Void warriors, all came down more than 200 years ago. And the Yinxu female beasts that everyone carried were dozens to several It varies from one hundred to one." This time, Guo Zhengyang did not inquire about the meaning of the law, but narrated it normally, but Jing still answered it very straightforwardly.

"How many galaxies have you devoured?" Guo Zhengyang was silent for a moment before speaking again.

"I don't know, the Mortal World is too big, and it's not very convenient for us to communicate." Jing said again, but still couldn't give a clear answer, and then he said, "The one who came down to the world with me is Lord Yiming. In the first place, Master Ming’s strength is in the immortal realm of the mortal realm, and he was our commander in that period, and it is estimated that only Master Ming knows about the general situation, and I am just a pawn under Master Ming’s command.”

Speaking of this, Jing shook his body, and he didn't know if the shaking of his body was changing his expression, "You are lucky, fortunately you met me, I am only comparable to your god-forming stage monks in the mortal world, and my willpower is very strong. A weak existence, even brother Jiangwu, is only comparable to yours in the early days of your union, if you meet Lord Ming's guards, I'm afraid you will die without knowing how to die."

Guo Zhengyang finally had a hint of horror.

Is this just the stage of transforming into a god?In the first battle ten years ago, he was almost killed. How can the willpower of the Xu clan in the transformation stage be so terrifying?But it was only a group of female beasts in the Yin Ruins that took a group of gods into the gods, and the Fierce Martian Realm was shattered.And that Jiangwu is only comparable to the early days of Hedao?But in the previous battle, the willpower of Jiang Wu was actually only one or two chips worse than Guo Zhengyang's perfect sword intent.

If the Void Clan is at the same level as the Immortal Realm, how perverted willpower should it be? ?If Guo Zhengyang confronts the Xu clan who is comparable to the longevity level now with will, I'm afraid...

But after being shocked, Guo Zhengyang suddenly laughed again.

No wonder the Void Clan, which is similar to the cultivators in the Transformation Stage, is so easy to control!

And since this scene can be controlled, then he is really not in a hurry to kill, he does have too many questions, and he wants to know from the other party.Likewise, he'd love to learn some subtle mind-control techniques from this guy.

This native of the fairy world may bring him many benefits.

This is indeed the case, even though Guo Zhengyang has been guarding the left and right, guarding against being attacked by Jiangwu, but the subsequent situation seems to show that Jiangwu has long since abandoned Jing and fled. Guo Zhengyang relaxed and learned many things from Jingkou.

For example, the current fairyland.

In addition to the battles between the Xu clan and the Yinxu female beasts and the immortals, it seems that the immortals are not peaceful inside, and there are also various forces vying for hegemony.

However, Jing doesn't know much about the internal situation of the immortals. Strictly speaking, he is just an unknown pawn of the Xu clan. The Xu clan is comparable to the Taoist realm when he was born. Jing is only in the stage of transforming gods, and he has no great background. But knowing how limited he can know.

But he has also heard many things. For example, among the immortals, the most intense battles are two different camps, one is the camp of the ascended, and the other is the camp of the descendants of the ascended. They are called the descendants in the fairy world.

The name left behind is not pleasant, and there is a certain degree of discriminatory surname.

But in the Immortal World in front of us, Xiayi is also an extremely powerful force. The forces established by several Xiayi powerhouses often break out conflicts with the Ascended camp, and the situation is very bad.

In the final analysis, the reason for this situation is firstly that Xiayi is often discriminated against, and after being discriminated for a long time, he has a desire to fight, and then there is a struggle for resources.

In the fairy world, ascenders often look down on the descendants, and the name is proof.

Almost every ascendant stands out from the hundreds of millions of monks in the mortal world, the most outstanding, and they have to survive the catastrophe, and their abilities and strengths are top-notch.

As for the descendants of the Ascended...they were born at the level of the Dao Monarch. After cultivating to the Immortal Realm, they only need to break through a bottleneck and do not need to cross the tribulation, which is countless times easier than the Ascended.Because of the ease, the qualities of the two parties are naturally not the same, they are not at the same level at all!

This is the fundamental reason why the Ascended looked down on the bereaved family. Of course, there may not be some other reasons, such as seeing that they live too easily, and remembering that they only came to the fairy world after a narrow escape, so they are jealous and unhappy.

Look down, resource allocation is naturally unfair.

Ascenders feel that they have gone through all kinds of hardships to become immortals. Those guys are just lucky. They were born in the immortal world. How can they treat them as equals?Not to mention that the Immortal World was developed from scratch by Ascenders, and they fought and fought with the natives such as the Xu Clan. I don’t know how many seniors died, but those descendants enjoy it directly?Think beautifully.

So the initial situation is that the descendants of various races in the fairy world are often discriminated against, enslaved, and the allocation of resources is only to drink the soup left by those who ascended.

After all, the Immortal World is not big, it was developed little by little, and the resources are limited.

Conflict is inevitable!

If the ascendant of the human race meets the descendant of the human race, it is easy to say that everyone is of the same race, and in view of the face of the same race, there are many things to discuss, but the human race is only one of the ten thousand races, even if it is one of the old overlord races, but whether it is the fairy world or the mortal world, There are indeed too many different races.

When Ascendants other than the human race meet descendants of other races, the various emotions may not be so simple. For the same reason, Ascendants of other races encounter descendants of the human race, the same.

Little by little contradictions, accumulated from generation to generation, plus resource competition, once they break out, they will become big.

In the current fairy world, the regime established by some peerless powerhouses of the descendants often kills and enslaves some ascended people whose realm is not high.

It is good luck to meet the same race, but it is a great tragedy to meet a foreign race.

After all, no matter how strong the Ascendant is, he is only a spirit fairy just after ascension, but the descendants are born in the fairy world. To break through immortality is as simple as tearing the bottleneck. King, Immortal Master Realm! !

Even if the Ascendant has extraordinary strength and great quality, it is not enough for an Ascendant who has just entered the Spirit Immortal to meet the True Immortal and Immortal Monarch of the descendants.

And the biggest problem is that the number of Ascendants is far less than that of the descendants. Although the Mortal Realm is large, there are many people who can ascend, but no matter how big the Mortal Realm is, the number of monks who can ascend can be yin and yang with those descendants in the Immortal Realm. Field, just give birth to a quick birth?There is no comparable surname at all.

But no matter how small the number is, the ascenders still have an absolute advantage!In the eyes of the natives such as the Xu clan, the ascended are the sworn enemies, and even the natives of the Xu clan look down on the descendants, and they only respect the ascended.

After all, the origins of the ascenders are there, and each of them is one of the elites with countless vitality, and even the entire fairy world was opened up by the ascenders.

So in the Immortal Realm in front of you, the Ascenders occupy 100% of the resource territory, and they occupy [-]% of the resources of the entire Immortal World with only one millionth of the number of the descendants, but the descendants are more than a million times the number of Ascendants. , occupying [-]% ​​of the resources of the fairy world, with an average of [-] million descendants, the resources he can enjoy are only half of that of an ascender!

The reason is very simple, how many years does it take for an ascending person in the mortal world from birth to ascension?After so many years, the descendants of the descendants in the fairy world have intercourse with each other, how many descendants can be born?

After you soar, you will eat it naturally. Nima, I have worked so hard to fight down below, and I have survived from hundreds of millions of vitality. You are lucky. I don’t know that the one who soared earlier gave birth to so many people in the fairy world with ease. Willing to share resources fairly with so many people?impossible!

Under such circumstances, it is strange that conflicts do not erupt.

And the remaining [-]% of the Immortal World is the territory of primitive natives such as the Xu Clan and the Yinxu Mother Beast.

"Wait for the day when you ascend, you'd better pray in advance, don't ascend to the territory of the descendants, otherwise you will laugh, there is an essential difference between the descendants and the ascension, the ascendant has a mortal body, and he will pass through the fairyland when he first enters the fairyland." Qi-quenched body, that kind of great good fortune, is a qualitative transformation after going through endless hardships. The body of the spirit fairy that was shaped is also completely different from those ethnic groups that were born and raised in the fairy world. It can be distinguished at a glance from the outside. In case you Ascend to the land of the descendants, hey, no matter how powerful you are, how much stronger can a newly ascended true immortal or immortal king be? Good luck, if you meet a human family, they may let you go and send you to the camp of the ascended. Unlucky! Well... tsk tsk, it's going to be a lot of fun."

After roughly telling about the situation in the fairy world and what he himself knew, Jing Cai's body like a cloud was trembling again, as if he was very happy.

However, this sentence also seems to explain a lot of things. It means that in his heart, Guo Zhengyang has been determined to be a strong man with great hope of ascension, but this is also nonsense. The Void Clan, whose voice is in the chaos, is born with a body of will. In terms of willpower, they can be more terrifying than ordinary monks at the longevity level at the stage of transforming gods. He is actually inferior to Guo Zhengyang at the stage of Daoism in terms of willpower. This guy is a pervert , it is simply indescribable.

If such a person has no ability to ascend, then it is too unbelievable. (To be continued.)

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