One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 455 Growing Up

"Continued Cup."

Near noon, the sun was shining brightly, on the bustling streets of Donghai City, on the first floor of a street-facing cafe by the window, a middle-aged man who was still handsome and had an amazing mature charm smiled at him. The waiter said something, and the middle-aged man smiled dumbly after the waitress left with a cup with a reddish face.

The little girl is still hanging around in the world now, her trajectory is different from her previous life, and she hasn't seen him for more than ten years, and I don't know if the girl will recognize him when we meet again.

In his previous life, he was the Song Yiyi he met when he was 44 years old, and he lived it again, and now he is 44 years old again, and that girl is gone.

But at this time in her previous life, she had already entered the spiritual domain, but now she is working in Donghai City...

"Sir, your coffee."

Just when Guo Zhengyang was looking at a building in the distance outside the window, a soft and shy voice sounded beside him. Guo Zhengyang recovered and smiled politely, but was soon taken aback.

When he was dazed, the waiter who brought the coffee had already left, Guo Zhengyang took a strange look at the back of the waiter, he hadn't come back for more than ten years, are girls so bold now?Well, there is not only an extra cup of coffee on his desk, but also a note with a phone number on it.The waiter just now looked only ten ** years old, right?With such a strong taste, he still likes an uncle like him?

After being stunned for a while, Guo Zhengyang put the note into his pocket, and the moment he stuffed it into his pocket, the note had already turned into nothingness.

After savoring and swallowing slowly again, thoughts flashed through Guo Zhengyang's mind.

The Fierce Mars domain, which is closer to the earth, is safe recently.

After getting rid of Xu Clan Jing who controlled the brood, Jiang Wu, who destroyed another galaxy not far away, escaped without a trace. It is estimated that they would not dare to take revenge easily, and Jing He Jiang Wu's subordinates Most of the brood nests were also banned by Guo Zhengyang. Even if Jiangwu who ran away wanted to report to their group of masterminds of the Xu clan, he might not be able to come back within a few decades. , except that the territory has shrunk countless times, it is indeed very safe.

Not only is it safe, but the remaining monks in the star field have also gained great confidence. They don't know about the Void Clan, but they know that the counterfeit has repelled hundreds of broods by himself, and their confidence has soared. The living planet inside also hid.

There were more than 1000 planets in the original safe zone, only a few dozen of them were life planets, but many big forces also had planet hearts. They were afraid of falling and dared not use them before, so hundreds of billions of monks were crowded into one planet. Great, now that counterfeit products are so scary, so in the month before Guo Zhengyang came back, there were more than 300 more living planets in the safe zone.

The territory and resources available to many monks have expanded tenfold, and the living environment is undoubtedly much better.

Even if the matter over there comes to an end.

However, Patriarch Xinghe did not return to Earth, he still stayed in the Fierce Martian Realm, because he still wanted to make new breakthroughs in alchemy.

After inheriting the alchemy attainments of the monk surnamed Hong, the ancestor of Xinghe is already a great master of alchemy in the star field, but that is far from reaching the peak of alchemy, so he stays there at the moment because he wants to rely on the art of alchemy In exchange for a large number of alchemy classics collected in various sects, so as to integrate more knowledge.

Not only Dan Dao, he is also collecting all kinds of refining and formation classics.In his words, if you collect more, you can also use them for Guo Zhengyang and others.

Of course no one objected to that.

Leaving aside the ancestor of Xinghe, Guo Zhengyang also practiced in the Fire Mansion a month before his return, and raised his cultivation level, which had just entered the early stage of Hedao, to the peak of the early stage of Hedao, and even knocked out a lot of willpower from Jingkou The operating skills, as well as various methods to further temper the willpower, have been studied for many years.

After all, one month outside, Lingshi Mansion is more than ten years old, and it can do many things.

This was the situation before he came back. Everything was stable there. Now he has returned to Earth for three or four days. He stayed in the Upper Boundary Mountain for a few hours and then met with his family.

This meeting, many things are indeed beyond imagination, for example, his grandfather, who has been working hard for more than ten years, has only reached the peak of Daojun Dzogchen, and has not yet entered the stage of transformation.

And her mother, relying on the idea of ​​epiphany all the way, broke through to the peak of transformation...

As for his father, uncle and aunt, they are basically in the Taoist realm, and his second sister, Guo Xiaorou, whose children are all in elementary school, and the eldest sister, Guo Lingling, is still single, and her cultivation is only in the Taoist realm.

Nearly 12 years ago, when Guo Zhengyang had just left, Mr. Guo was already at the peak of Taoism in the early days. He was the strongest in the Guo family except Guo Zhengyang. In [-], he was thrown away so much by Guo Zhengyang's mother, which I have to say was unexpected.

These situations also say a lot.

Some things that Guo Zhengyang had guessed before, but he was not sure about, are now certain.

For example, the concept of epiphany, whether or not one can achieve epiphany is also related to aptitude. The better the aptitude, the easier it is to achieve epiphany during meditation, and the worse the aptitude, the harder it is to achieve epiphany.

And you use this ** to break through and improve all the way, the more difficult it becomes later on, this kind of difficulty may be because you have more epiphanies, the way of heaven has always used the same way for you to have epiphanies, and you have a certain degree of immunity.

This makes Guo Zhengyang very helpless. It seems that even if he has the idea of ​​epiphany, with the qualifications of his grandfather, father and others, he may not be able to reach a high level.

But thinking that they could live at least a few hundred years longer, Guo Zhengyang was relieved again.

In addition, there is Guo Zhengyang's uncle, who is now in his 70s, has retired from the officialdom, and has begun to take care of the elderly at home. On the contrary, Guo Zhengyang's father is only in his 60s, and has already reached the level of a deputy state-level senior official. s position.

Guo Zhengyang was stunned for a while when he first learned about it, and he was dumbfounded after he was stunned. I didn't expect his father and uncle to be so keen on officialdom. 20 years, and Guo Zhengyang is now one of the second generations that can be counted in the whole country.

He stayed at home for three or four days, spending time with his relatives, and then went to sit at Liu Xia's house. It was not until today that Guo Zhengyang inquired about Song Yiyi's situation, and rushed over when he learned that she was in Donghai City.

Over the years, the situation of the Song family has also changed a lot. Because Song Yiyi's father has received a lot of care from Guo Zhengyang, the business has grown bigger and bigger. Now the Song family's assets have already reached tens of billions, and the promise is a big group. The 'year-old Song Yiyi has also become The princess who does her part occupies a high position among them.

Moreover, Song Yiyi also met her own chance again in this life, and now she is already at the peak of the mid-term Juling. In terms of sex, Guo Zhengyang never took care of her, but only ordered the group of people from Shangjie Mountain to secretly look after her safety, and did not interfere with anything else, letting her develop on her own.

So this development is roughly similar to the previous life, but there are also many differences.

The difference is not only that Song Yiyi did not step into the spiritual realm at the age of ', but controlled a large financial group in the secular world, and Song Yiyi has a very bad relationship with her father now.

In his previous life, Song's father was only wealthy and well-to-do. Until Song Yiyi's death, he had a harmonious relationship with Song's mother. But in this life, he is suddenly worth tens of billions. He couldn't bear sex or something. Eight years ago, Song's father and Song's mother separated.

Because someone gave birth to a pair of twin sons for him, Song's mother and Song Yiyi were naturally furious about this, but Song's father also knew that his family was able to get up because his daughter met a nobleman many years ago, so even if he had a net worth of tens of billions, He was not stubborn at home either. I don’t know how many means were spent. In the end, the two parties separated peacefully. It was just a branch office, and there was no divorce. However, 20% of the assets under his name were transferred to the names of Song’s mother and Song Yiyi, and they are still in the name of Song’s father. Only [-]% in the hands, [-] billion industries.

Knowing this, Guo Zhengyang also added a lot of emotion.

It's a bit to blame for this matter, if he hadn't asked people to help the Song family back then, making the Song family's wealth rapidly expand, I'm afraid...

But thinking about it again, if he was really to blame for this matter, Guo Zhengyang also felt a little wronged.

After thinking wildly for a while, Guo Zhengyang, who was silent, suddenly woke up again, then got up with a smile and walked outside the coffee shop.

It's off work over there.

Seeing you this time, he is also planning to connect the little girl to the realm of comprehension. Well, it is not necessary for her to go back to the spiritual realm with him. , Guo Zhengyang must be sent out.In the previous life, the relationship between the two was a little strange, but in this life, Guo Zhengyang already had Liu Xia, but he couldn't think about it any more, he could only pave the way for this girl.

After a while, Guo Zhengyang walked slowly outside a skyscraper, on the side of the square.

It was almost at the same time that Qianying drove out of the underground parking lot in a fiery red sports car. Looking at Qianying, Guo Zhengyang couldn't help laughing again. The little girl back then had grown up, and now Song Yiyi is a well-known little girl. Tao, smartly dressed, her pretty short hair adds a lot of heroism and chic, and her pretty face is not inferior to Liu Xia, enough to have an alluring appearance.

When the sports car was about to drive to the road, Guo Zhengyang just wanted to extend his hand to say hello, but he didn't expect another expensive car to turn from the road and stop in front of Song Yiyi's car with a swish, and then, a man holding a big bouquet of roses Hua's handsome figure got out of the car, looking enthusiastically and brilliantly at the fiery red sports car that gradually stopped.

"Yiyi!" The handsome figure is about 25 or six years old, with a handsome appearance and a suit and leather shoes. His appearance is very outstanding, and he is not bad compared to Guo Zhengyang.

And such a scene naturally attracted the attention of a large number of pedestrians nearby.

Under the gaze of the crowd, Song Yiyi frowned in the sports car, pushed the door to get out of the car, and strode forward with beautiful legs in stockings. When the handsome guy smiled brighter, the little girl stretched out her foot and kicked the handsome guy. Kicked to the ground, stumbled into the mud, "Get out, trouble me again, I will destroy you!"


When the handsome guy turned pale, there was an uproar nearby, even Guo Zhengyang stared.

No way, this girl's character is so hot? (To be continued.)

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