One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 458 Apoof

"Concubine??" The young man's laughing words made Song Yiyi feel very serious, she didn't understand what was going on, and she was feeling that the flying fairy was so heroic, but she never thought that the other party would ask her to be his as soon as she opened her mouth Concubine?

As a modern person, I'm afraid it's hard not to think of Lei.

After all, she has never formally contacted the world of comprehension before, and how many years has the concubine been out of modern life?

Guo Zhengyang shook his head with a helpless expression.

He really didn't expect that he would take Song Yiyi to teleport to the spiritual domain. He originally wanted to formally introduce the situation of the cultivation world to the little girl, but he was interrupted by such a guy.

Is this the site of Baishuangmen?Well, Guo Zhengyang found out after sensing it that this place is really very close to Baishuangmen. Although it did not appear directly on the island where Baishuangmen sect is located, it is only tens of nautical miles away from the island.

He can use teleportation to determine the general direction after the space jump, but that is indeed only a general direction, and he can't go to any point he thinks of, without any mistakes. After all, Guo Zhengyang's spatial will is only realized by Xiaocheng. stage, and space secrets and the like, he is not particularly good at.

While shaking his head and laughing, Guo Zhengyang stretched out his finger a little forward, and a faint fluctuation of spiritual energy appeared.

The young man who was smiling lightly suddenly changed his expression. Just as he was about to say something sharply, he opened his mouth and dropped it with a huff.

"What happened to him? You killed him? What the hell is going on here? Where is this?"

Song Yiyi stared straight again, looked ahead in shock, then looked at Guo Zhengyang, her face was full of astonishment, she didn't know whether Guo Zhengyang killed the man just now, but she could see that the man was hanging outside the mountain High in the sky, hundreds of meters below the mountain, Guo Zhengyang just touched it, and the young man fell from the sky and fell straight down.

Inferred from normal conditions.If you fall from such a high place where there are so many people, you will definitely die.

"It's rare to see you once, and I'm in a good mood, so I'll save his life, but it's always going to be hard." Guo Zhengyang smiled and shook his head.

The suffering he was talking about didn't just refer to the guy falling from the air and falling.But there are other hardships.

Even Guo Zhengyang is in a good mood because he met Song Yiyi again.But such a guy popping up suddenly is also very unappetizing, and there must be a small punishment.

After laughing, Guo Zhengyang said again, "This is the spiritual domain. On the earth, monks generally live here. The location of the spiritual domain is in the Pacific Ocean. The area is not very large, but it is also much larger than our domestic territory. Not much. The entire periphery of the spiritual domain is blocked by formations, and ordinary people can’t find it. Only most monks know this place, let’s go, I’ll take you around.”


The little girl let out a low cry again, obviously a little dizzy from the information.

Guo Zhengyang waved his hand, rolled up Song Yiyi and flew out.

This road is not going directly to Shangjie Mountain, but flying in the spirit realm at will, he just wants to take the little girl for a stroll first.I remember that in the last life, the two of them were so weak that they only dared to walk cautiously around Fangshi Island to survive. At that time, the little girl sighed more than once, if there were not so many monsters in such a beautiful scenery in the Lingyu.If there were not so many fights and fights, it would be great to let her take a stroll and have fun.

As a result, such a wish was never fulfilled until she died.

So she has the ability in this life, although Song Yiyi may not have such a wish now, Guo Zhengyang is still going to take her for a walk first.


During the high-altitude flight, Guo Zhengyang did not deliberately hide his breath.I just took the little girl for a walk, and the first tour, the little girl was always in a daze and couldn't get used to it. Until a moment later, Guo Zhengyang stepped into the monster territory and came out from the sea below. A huge monster, it was a sea snake monster, a terrifying snake with a body length of 400 meters, the whole body was covered with jet black scales, and a sharp black horn grew on its forehead. When it circled out from the sea, With a strong wind and waves full of stench, and a pair of green eyeballs staring at them, they roared eerily at the two people in the sky.

At this moment, Song Yiyi, who was still in a dementia, was taken aback and jumped up from the clouds.

Guo Zhengyang was dumb, "Don't be afraid."

Smiling and comforting the little girl, as soon as he stretched out his hand, the palm of his hand stretched flat to his chest, and the majestic sea snake monster below shook his body and flew high into the sky with a bang.

However, if you look closely, you can find that the flying escape of the snake monster is not triggered by itself, but seems to be pulled by the great power of Nuo, and it can't help flying away from the sea. But full of fear and trembling.

And it is hundreds of meters long, and the huge monster body of the thick bucket also shrinks rapidly after flying away from the sea. After a few breaths, the sea snake becomes only as long as fingers, and the thin ones are more like embroidery needles. Hovering in Guo Zhengyang's hands trembling.

"In the spiritual domain, humans and monsters are entrenched together. Humans have four major sects, which are Shangjie Mountain, Xiantu Mountain, Luohe Mountain, and the Baishuang Gate from which the stupid bird came from before. Most of the monsters belong to the sect. In the eastern part of the spiritual domain, this little snake is just a little demon comparable to a real person, by the way, what inheritance do you get? Do you know the division of realms?"

Guo Zhengyang looked at Song Yiyi with a smile after twirling the miniature sea snake in his hand as if playing with soft lines.

Song Yiyi almost stared out her eyes, looking at the snake demon in Guo Zhengyang's palm, and then at the sea below... her face was full of horror.

She really can't accept it. The majestic big snake just now is three to four hundred meters long. It has a single horn on its forehead. It looks like a terrifying existence like a legendary dragon. If it appears in the secular society, it will probably cause infinite panic. Yes, but Guo Zhengyang just reached out and grabbed the thing in his hand, like playing with a small loach.

What kind of means is this?

But looking at it, Song Yiyi suddenly turned pale and screamed, and her body shook a little, "It's so high, get down quickly, get down's too high."

She just realized that the two of them were flying high in the sky? ?A zone thousands of meters above sea level?She was too shocked just now, so she didn't notice this, but now that she noticed, she felt a wave of heart palpitations.

Guo Zhengyang was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and lowered the cloud head. When he flew to a place only tens of meters away from the sea, he shook his hand and dropped the miniature snake in his hand.


The miniature snake returned to its original size during the fall, fell into the sea and splashed a large wave, and fled towards the deep water at an alarming speed.

It seemed that that guy was also quite frightened by Guo Zhengyang.

That's right, it's just a small demon in the Realm Realm, and it's good that he didn't get scared to death when he suddenly fell into the hands of a strong person like Guo Zhengyang.

After all, the snake demon is not a ruthless killing machine like a demon worm. The monsters who have cultivated to the realm of real people are actually intelligent, and the demon clan is one of the ten thousand races in the mortal world.

So even if it can't sense the depth of Guo Zhengyang's cultivation, at least it can feel how unfathomable Guo Zhengyang is from the short time just now.

"I, I happened to be near the school when I was in high school. I stumbled into an underground labyrinth by mistake. I got some good things, so I knew how to practice. A real person, what is a real person?" Song Yiyi stared at that The snake demon that fell into the deep sea was still pale.

"A real person is a realm experienced by monks. Ordinary people are new to cultivation, absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into their bodies, and continuously tempering their bodies. The entry-level state is called the spirit-gathering period. Na Lingzhi, you are now in the middle stage of gathering spirits, and above the gathering spirit stage is a real person, and the most obvious sign of a real person is that you can fly in the air without the aid of any utensils..." Guo Zhengyang felt another burst of emotion in his heart, and sure enough in this way.

What this girl got was the chance from her previous life.

Feeling emotional, he also began to popularize the basic knowledge of cultivation to her.

"Ah~ I thought I had already become a little superman, even more powerful than those superheroes in American movies. I didn't expect that I was only in the middle stage of gathering spirits? The lowest among monks?" Song Yiyi was learning some basics After the situation, I couldn't help but collapsed again.

Isn't that right? She has been passed down for many years. With the continuous accumulation of her physical strength and spiritual knowledge, she is really proud and excited in these years. She thinks that she is like the superheroes in foreign movies and TV shows, omnipotent yes, now...

"Then what state are you? You can fly in the air, and you can fly with me. Are you a real person? No, the flying one and the big snake were defeated by you so easily. Are you Daojun? You just said that among the four major sects in the spiritual domain, the strongest are basically Daojun... No way, Uncle Guo, are you really the strongest group of people on earth?" collapsed In an instant, Song Yiyi asked excitedly again.


Guo Zhengyang was dumbfounded. When he popularized science just now, he did say that Daojun is basically the strongest among the major sects on earth, but what he said was only the basics.

When he was about to say something in silence, Guo Zhengyang frowned again, and looked down playfully.

Isn't it true that even monsters are popular, and the small ones become big ones?

Speechlessly rolling his eyes, Guo Zhengyang stretched out his hands again and grabbed it downwards. The sea below instantly rolled with waves. Along with the rolling of the waves, an extremely terrifying sea snake faintly emerged with a ferocious figure under the sea water.

At first glance, the giant beast hidden under the sea is over a thousand meters long, as thick as a small house, and its aura is already in the middle stage of a Taoist monarch.

The next moment, the gigantic sea monster flew out of the sea involuntarily, and shrunk rapidly amidst the waves splashing, and finally shrunk into a miniature snake, hovering in Guo Zhengyang's palm.

"This is a snake demon from the Dao Monarch Realm. It seems that we accidentally entered his territory." After playing with the snake demon with a fishy smell, Guo Zhengyang looked at Song Yiyi with a smile.


The little girl spit out in shock. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )

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