One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 460 Brother Zhou, Don’t Misunderstand

"Uncle Guo!"

"I've seen Master Uncle!"


On the Upper Boundary Mountain, when the illusion was released, Guo Zhengyang, who appeared in his original form, took Song Yiyi back to the mountain gate, and there were respectful greetings everywhere along the way. .

In Guo Zhengyang's eyes, this situation was naturally not surprising, and he was easy to deal with, but Song Yiyi was speechless for a while.

Apart from being speechless, she didn't know how to express her feelings. After all, she saw that many monks were courteous to Guo Zhengyang, and even some old men with beards respectfully saluted in front of Guo Zhengyang, calling them uncle Or uncles, or even lower seniority, and Guo Zhengyang is only in his early twenties, and he is exactly the same as the uncle Guo she saw when she was a kid, that is to say, after 20 years, it turns out that someone Nothing gets old.

In addition, for a period of time before, Guo Zhengyang took her into the spiritual realm, saw a large number of unimaginable scenes, all kinds of beautiful scenery, and listened to Guo Zhengyang explaining things related to the spiritual realm again and again.

The experience of these few hours was indeed too subversive, so she didn't know whether she accepted it or not.

"This is the Upper Boundary Mountain. Apart from the suzerain Senior Brother Zhou, there are six elders like me in the Upper Boundary Mountain. I will take you to get to know them later."

Song Yiyi looked weird, Guo Zhengyang smiled again, and after a laugh, he took Song Yiyi to the main hall of the mountain gate. The little girl hasn't been able to accept too many things for a while, but that doesn't matter, just give her some time. And since Song Yiyi suspects that he values ​​her because of her good qualifications, then make a mistake.After all, this is a good excuse in the world of monks.

"Uncle Guo, do you really want to take me in as an apprentice? Also, I will stay here in the future, can't I go back?" It was at this time that Song Yiyi couldn't help being curious, and looked at Guo Zhengyang suspiciously.

"Do you want to worship me as a teacher?" Guo Zhengyang didn't answer affirmatively, but said with a smile, "This is up to you, if you are willing to worship me as a teacher, then I will accept you. As for where do you want to stay in the future? Whether it's in the spiritual domain or back to the secular world, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter."

For some things, it is easy to deviate from the original plan during the development process.

For example, when Guo Zhengyang accepted Liu Xia as his apprentice, he was interested in Liu Xia's aptitude and wanted to accept a genius, but when he first came into contact with Song Yiyi, he didn't want to accept Song Yiyi as his apprentice, but if possible, he still wanted to continue. The situation in the previous life, such as developing into a Taoist companion.

But who would have thought that when he was on Jialan Star, because of the calculations of a bunch of wretched guys, he had a relationship with Liu Xia by mistake, and after experiencing various things with Liu Xia, it wasn't that he didn't have any feelings for her, so he faced it calmly up.

This deviated too much from the track, and Song Yiyi also deviated from the planned track because of Liu Xia's relationship with others who kept calling him Shun Liu.

But now that we've reached this point, it doesn't matter if we get off track.

"So good?" Song Yiyi stared again after hearing this, but after staring for a moment, she became pleasantly surprised again, "Of course I do, hehe, but if I take you as my teacher, then I will be in the upper realm What kind of generation is the mountain? Could it be very tall, and maybe there are some guys with white hair and beard who want to call me uncle."

Guo Zhengyang is speechless, what is she thinking now, is it just because she can enjoy the high status that she wants to worship herself as a teacher?

However, when Guo Zhengyang was speechless, a figure suddenly escaped from a distance, and when he reached tens of meters behind Guo Zhengyang, the figure immediately descended from the clouds and saluted Guo Zhengyang, "The three generations of Shangjie Mountain are here Qing, pay homage to Master Uncle."

"Get up, what's the matter?" Yu Qing is also a real person cultivator, and he is still the guardian of the mountain gate today. At this moment, Guo Zhengyang has brought Song Yiyi to the main hall of the mountain gate, but the guardian suddenly rushed over, there must be something wrong Bar?

"Master Uncle, it's like this. Xiantushan Wushuang Ancestor, Qianjue Ancestor, Hu Zongzhu and others have come together, saying that they want to meet Shi Shuzu, your old man, and accompanied by Baishuangmen Ji Zongzhu and his party." Qing hastily replied respectfully.

Guo Zhengyang smiled, "Then you go and invite them in."

If it was the strong Luoheshan who came, Guo Zhengyang would definitely go to greet him in person after he knew it, but he didn't bother to greet him personally when Patriarch Wushuang and others joined forces with the strong Baishuangmen to visit.

However, when he signaled Yu Qing to retreat and he took Song Yiyi to the main hall of the mountain gate, Guo Zhengyang still sent out his spiritual consciousness to inform Zhou Yiqing of the matter.

A moment later, Guo Zhengyang had just introduced Song Yiyi to Zhou Yiqing, Mu Jie, and Du Yunbo in the main hall of the mountain gate of Shangjie Mountain, and hearty laughter immediately erupted outside the hall.

Hearing the laughter, Zhou Yiqing and the others also laughed, and walked out of the hall one after another.

"Fellow Daoist Ge, Brother Qianjue, Fellow Daoist Hu, don't come here unharmed!"

"Brother Zhou, you are being polite. The old man is still the same, but Brother Zhou. I haven't seen you in 20 years. It seems that his cultivation has improved a lot."


Although the current overall strength of Shangjie Mountain has already surpassed Xiantu Mountain by thousands of miles, after all, everyone is an old acquaintance who has known each other for hundreds of years. After the first meeting, the courtesies that both parties should have were fully unfolded.

During the ceremony, Zhou Yiqing and the others also invited Patriarch Wushuang and others to sit in the hall.

"Nizi, hurry up and kneel down to thank Senior Guo! You Nizi, the wings have won. Senior Guo was lucky enough to come here to fuck near my Baishuang Gate. If you don't show your kindness as a landlord, you have already lost a great gift, and you even offended Senior! , if it wasn't for the generosity of Senior Guo, who is too lazy to argue with you, how can you still stand here?"

As soon as everyone sat down, Ji Yun, who was following everyone in Xiantu Mountain, immediately stared at him, slapped a certain young man behind him, and then sternly reprimanded him.

Accompanied by the severe reprimand, the young man immediately knelt down and kowtowed to Guo Zhengyang, "Thank you, Senior Guo, for not killing me!"

Guo Zhengyang's expression remained the same, that is, the other monks in Shangjie Mountain had the same indifferent expression. After watching the other party kowtow several times, Guo Zhengyang smiled and said, "Forget it, since the matter is over, let's end it like this. The restrictions on you , it will disappear automatically after more than a day, just stop being so domineering in the future."

Accepting the other party's kowtow to thank him calmly, Guo Zhengyang really has nothing to be ashamed of. After all, if his cultivation base is not strong enough and the status of Upper Boundary Mountain is high enough, the result of the matter now is completely different. Maybe it is Song Yiyi. Forcibly kidnapped and made concubines, and the concubines in the cultivation world are basically double-cultivated cauldron furnaces, the meaning is self-evident.

So not killing this kid surnamed Ji was already the result of Guo Zhengyang being in a good mood.

"More than a day later?" Following Guo Zhengyang's words, the young man was stunned for a moment, and a layer of deep fear appeared in his eyes. After all, the restraint on his body would occur every other hour, and it almost caused him pain. If you want to commit suicide, the restriction will disappear after more than a day. Doesn't it mean that you have to endure the pain that is worse than death ten or twenty times?

"Why, you are still not satisfied?" Zhou Yiqing opened his mouth this time, and when he looked at it with a surprised smile, Zhou Yiqing said again, "Today was a good day for Junior Brother Guo to accept apprentices, but I just brought * *Going back to the spirit realm, just being jumped out by you spoiled your interest, a little punishment, aren't you happy?"

When Guo Zhengyang notified Zhou Yiqing and others of the important person from Xiantu Mountain to visit, he also roughly explained the previous skirmish, so Zhou Yiqing and others also knew what happened.

"No, no, Lingfeng didn't dare, thank you Senior Guo for not killing me." Ji Lingfeng immediately shook his head, and kowtowed again and again with a pale face and panic.

"So today is a good day for Taoist Guo to accept disciples? Congratulations!" Patriarch Wushuang stood up at this time, first smiled and congratulated Guo Zhengyang, and then said with a smile, "Such a happy event, given by you kid If you lose your interest, you really deserve to die, but Guo Daoyou, after all, this is just a junior who doesn't open his eyes. With Guo Daoyou's current status and strength, it is not an exaggeration to call him No. 1 in the spiritual domain. Forget about it, why don't you sell Ge Mou's face, let's just forget about it?"

In a word, Guo Zhengyang was taken aback for a moment, and even Zhou Yiqing and the others were also taken aback, all looking at Patriarch Wushuang strangely.

What Guo Zhengyang said just now is to let it go. The restraint on Ji Lingfeng will disappear automatically after more than a day.

But let’s forget what the ancestor Xinghe said now. This sentence obviously has a different meaning from what Guo Zhengyang expressed. His meaning should be to let Guo Zhengyang sell him face and lift the restriction on Ji Lingfeng now.

The face of ancestor Xinghe is still very big in the spiritual realm.

But before Guo Zhengyang said it, Zhou Yiqing said it once, the two of them had made clear the attitude of Shangjieshan on this matter, and the ancestor Wushuang actually stood up to let them sell him. What is this? mean?

After being stunned for a moment, Zhou Yiqing laughed, and said meaningfully, "I didn't expect Brother Ge to care so much about this kid. Zhou must have been mistaken."

A blind guy wanted to snatch Guo Zhengyang's newly acquired wife to be a concubine. Guo Zhengyang didn't kill him, but just punished him a little. The Patriarch Wushuang actually wanted Guo Zhengyang to cancel the punishment. This is already a challenge!

Could it be that the other party has forgotten that the original reason for Guo Zhengyang's battle to destroy Xueyou Mansion was that the Black Prison Patriarch robbed Guo Zhengyang of his body?

"Brother Zhou, don't misunderstand!" Patriarch Wushuang smiled heartily, "This time, I brought a few friends from Baishuangmen to make amends, and other than that, I just wanted to discuss with fellow Taoist Wu if I had the chance. Brother Zhou still doesn't know that the old man has practiced in seclusion for nearly [-] years, and finally broke through to the realm of Daojun Daojun. Ignoring the old man, this lunatic, I just wanted to take this opportunity to come to Guizong to ask for help from Taoist Wu, but since I happened to meet such a big happy event as Taoist Guo’s acceptance of disciples, the old man was not prepared enough. Days, it seems that it is not suitable to seek help from fellow Daoist Wu, but Lingfeng is a junior after all, if on a big day, when the ban breaks out and disturbs the festive atmosphere of the noble sect, it will be even more sinful, if fellow Daoist Guo does not If you don't mind, why don't you just go around him once, and the old man will come to thank you with all the congratulatory gifts."

The laughter was hearty and heartfelt.

But after the words fell into the ears of everyone in Shangjie Mountain, they looked at each other in blank dismay, and then all laughed again, each with a meaningful smile.

Ancestor Wushuang came this time not only to intercede for Ji Lingfeng, but also to seek friendship with Ancestor Xinghe?

This is really well said. (To be continued.)

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