One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 464 Equal Exchange

"Senior Brother Wu, you bought all these classics from Sanxiu?"

The more he thought about it, after a few breaths, Guo Zhengyang looked at Patriarch Xinghe with a smile, and raised the volume of classics he was holding in his hand.

"No, most of them are collected from casual cultivators, but [-] to [-]% are from Liaoyun Zong's collection. I am now a guest elder of Liaoyun Zong, and I can also read some classics, but from Liaoyun Zong The classics obtained in the sect only account for about half of the collection of the Liaoyun Sect." After Xinghe Patriarch explained a sentence, he looked at Guo Zhengyang suspiciously, "What do you mean?"

"I really can't hide it from senior brother. I just think that if we can collect more and we don't lack time, then we can collect as much as possible. The more we collect, the greater the benefit to us." Guo Zhengyang said without hesitation. He said what he thought in his heart, "Before the change, our group of people was not very strong. If we really want to exchange classics with others on an equal footing, they may not be willing to give this face. Any sect force that is beyond the safety zone of the Fierce Martian Region, and has enough strength, can do things with confidence."

The monks on Earth 20 years ago consisted of one mid-immortal-level, two newcomers to the immortal-level, plus a few joint stages. This power is not small, but placed in the safety zone of the Martian Region, it is just a very ordinary force. If Guo Zhengyang came forward to propose the exchange of classics, not many people would give face.

But in the current Upper Realm Mountain, there are seven immortal realms, three of which are at the peak of the late immortal realm, Liu Xiachu has entered the late immortal realm, and there are two middle-period immortal realms, plus Guo Zhengyang, and each of the seven of them is the lowest kind of world The will is great, like Guo Zhengyang and Liu Xia, the pair of perverts, both of them have perfect double wills... This kind of force is definitely the strongest in the safety zone of the Fiery Mars Region. As long as they are equal and willing to exchange classics on an equal footing, I am afraid There will definitely not be too few people who will agree.

"This is a good thing!" After hearing this, Patriarch Xinghe's eyes brightened.

Guo Zhengyang also laughed. After laughing, he took out piles of spiritual materials from the storage ring and started to set up an array. Donating to build an interstellar teleportation array that can go back and forth to the earth is not a troublesome thing for him now. An hour later, the construction was completed, and Guo Zhengyang activated the formation again and returned to the Fire Mansion. This time, he was simply calling for people.

Since the plan is to exchange classics with the current major sects of the Lie Martian Realm in a fair and honest manner, then it is natural to call for all the people, and the more people are easier to handle.

After all, Guo Zhengyang is only proficient in formations, and Xinghe Patriarch is only proficient in alchemy. If someone presents a profound weapon refining classic, but the two cannot judge the level of the classic, that is a joke.

But on today's earth, Li Changqing and Du Yunbo are proficient in refining weapons. Although Li Changqing has gone out to travel, Du Yunbo is still there. Seventy to eighty percent of the level of the owner of the Fire Mansion, which can be regarded as the level of an interstellar grandmaster.

If you also bring that person over, you will have more confidence when exchanging classics.

After a while, when Guo Zhengyang reappeared, there were already two more people beside him, besides Du Yunbo, Liu Xia also followed him.

Everything was explained on the way here, so after arriving at Liaoyun Sect, Guo Zhengyang just watched Du Yunbo and Liu Xia go to greet the Xinghe Patriarch, while he released a breath of immortality.

"I don't know which fellow daoist is here? it you??!"

After the aura bloomed, it quickly alarmed the cultivators in the Liaoyun Sect. Accompanied by a clear and pleasant voice, a beautiful figure quickly appeared outside the hall, but when the person came to see who was in the hall, his expression changed drastically. The beautiful eyes that were originally modest and polite immediately became full of resentment and embarrassment.

"Guo Daoyou..." Qingshi Xiaoyan, who was the first to rush over, was still staring at Guo Zhengyang in a daze, but Baku Xiaomu, who came a step behind her, didn't have so much emotion. Instead, he walked into the hall with a big smile. Guo Zhengyang saluted politely, and then looked at Du Yunbo and Liu Xia in surprise, his eyes full of surprise and uncertainty.

It is impossible not to be surprised, there are more than 100 immortal-levels in the safety zone of Lie Martian Region, of which there are only more than 20 immortal-level human races, Baku Xiaomu naturally knows all of them, and they are very familiar with them. After all, everyone is a monk in the Presbyterian Church. He often sits together to do research because of monsters, resource allocation and other issues, so he is familiar with all the immortals in the star field, but suddenly finds that Liu Xia and Du Yunbo's aura is similar to his, but they are completely new faces ? ?

"I've seen Bakuzong and Fairy Qing." The scene turned cold in an instant, and the ancestor Xinghe took a step. It's not what you think. My junior brother is undoubtedly Guo Zhengyang, but he is not the one you know. The Guo Zhengyang who swayed the space storm and swallowed more than 20 nests 100 years ago is actually a fake. It is the immortal Immortal existence pretends to be my Junior Brother Guo."

In the past, Guo Zhengyang never used his real body to appear in front of the cultivators of the Fierce Martian Realm, nor did he deliberately explain it. The reason is that when he was faked at first, he was unable to explain it at all. Later, when he was able to explain it, there was no need to explain it deliberately.

But now I plan to exchange classics with various sects in a fair and honest way, so I naturally need to explain some things.

"Elder Wu, what do you mean?" Following Xinghe's explanation, Baku Xiaomu was stunned, completely unable to understand what he said.

"It's like this, the breathless old monster from Guixingyu, and the one who turned into me and robbed monks and monks everywhere, are all alone. That person has an innate spiritual treasure in his hand, which can allow him to breed infinitely. The avatar with the same strength as the real deity, if the avatar is damaged, it will not affect itself, so it will be immortal. When Brother Wu and I first appeared here, because we offended him, he was maliciously retaliated by him and kept changing into my appearance Doing evil everywhere, I was also a victim of that incident." Guo Zhengyang smiled and said, "That guy is a multi-treasure beast. It was also it that robbed Fairy Qing and helped Fairy Qing break through and enter the Immortal Realm, not me."


Baku Xiaomu was still sluggish, and seemed unable to accept this explanation at all for a moment.

On the contrary, Xiaoyan Ting's beautiful eyes flashed repeatedly at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, and finally, after Guo Zhengyang finished speaking, he blushed and let out a coquettish reprimand, "Absurd, do you think that just a few words can push away those things completely? After you saved the entire safety zone, I don’t have to worry about the previous things, but you... but are you so irresponsible?"

Well, this guy obviously doesn't believe Guo Zhengyang's explanation, but the latter sentence, with your irresponsible words, instantly made a group of people in the hall look weird.

Even Baku Xiaomu, who was sluggish, gave Qingshi Xiaoyan a strange look on his face.

Irresponsible, responsible?What does this all mean?

"He didn't do what you did, how can he be responsible?" Liu Xia, who was standing behind Guo Zhengyang, stepped forward with a strange look on his face, and after taking Guo Zhengyang's arm, he glared at Qingshi Xiaoyan. Open your mouth.

Qingshi Xiaoyan was also furious, just when he was about to say something, Baku Xiaomu waved his hand, first stopped Qingshi Xiaoyan's words, and then looked at Guo Zhengyang with a smile, "Guo Daoyou, Elder Wu, what you just said , It is really difficult to distinguish the authenticity in the next time, but those are all things in the past... I don’t know why Guo Daoyou came to my Liaoyun Sect this time? Also, these two fellow Daoists? Finally, I don’t know what happened before Guo Daoyou The expensive star field? What do you mean??"

In a short time of communication, the words narrated by the other party contain too many meanings.

"Bakuzong, there are some things that the old man lied about before. In fact, we are not monks from the Fiery Fire Region, but from other stars. These are all my juniors and sisters. It's just that there were some things that were not serious when we first came. It's convenient to explain, but the old man didn't tell the truth." Only then did the ancestor Xinghe smile again.

At the beginning, they came to the Liaoyun Sect to return Hong Ai's remains, saying that they were a planet on the edge of the Fierce Martian Region. Staying there, the Xinghe Patriarch casually mentioned a planet that had been gnawed into scum by demon insects, even if the Liaoyun Sect monk suspected it, he had no way of verifying it.

At that time, I said that because I was afraid of causing all kinds of accidents, but now with the strength of the earth monks, even if the earth is exposed, I am not afraid of accidents at all.

Now relying on Guo Zhengyang alone, even if he confronts a Sanxian like Wu Kongping, he may not be sure of winning, so the matter can be explained.

Of course, it is better not to expose the matter of the earth, so this time the explanation, the ancestor of Xinghe said that several people were born in the center of the chaotic galaxy...

"In the central area of ​​the chaotic galaxy, the number of living planets is at least a hundred times that of the Fiery Martian Domain in the prosperous period. We are here this time to make a deal with many sects in the safe zone. If anyone is willing, we will come up with various Formation, Alchemy, Artifact Refining classics, in exchange for classics of the same value, and even if anyone wants to move to the center of our galaxy, we can help everyone."

After Xinghe Patriarch explained, Guo Zhengyang also smiled and spoke again, somewhat increasing his bargaining chip.

With the current strength of Jieshan above, it is also one of the most powerful sects in the safe zone. It is estimated that some people will be moved by the status of the strong to propose an equal exchange of classics, but this is not enough.

Therefore, the method leading to the center of the chaotic galaxy is also announced, which will move more people.

After all, after the pest plague subsides in the current safe area of ​​the Lie Martian Region, the biggest problem is that there are too many monks and too few resources! !

In the past, when the pest plague was not gone, hundreds of billions of monks were crowded on one planet, and the living environment of most of the monks was like a slum. Hundreds of thousands of caves were dug on a hill, and one family was next to another. , leading to the thinness of aura, which scares people to death, which is thinner than the aura in the secular world of the earth. Later, although the major sects created a batch of living planets, but now tens of billions of monks occupy a planet, each swallowing a mouthful of aura, tens of billions When the monks breathe together, they can swallow the aura of a planet in the blink of an eye. Now the aura environment of the planets in the safe zone is much better than that of 20 years ago, but it is only better than 20 years ago. As far as the sect of the Liaoyun Sect belongs, the aura of the Liaoyun Sect is quite strong, but other than that, other places are far from even the earth's spiritual realm...

And all kinds of cultivation resources can't stand the loss.

Not to mention the human race, a race with strong reproductive potential, the resources in the safe zone are not enough at the moment. If the human race here is allowed to breed a few more generations of monks... well, at most a hundred years, this place will be eaten up by monks from all walks of life. starry sky.

Therefore, Guo Zhengyang can be sure that if he only relies on his own strength to exchange classics with other people on an equal footing, and if too many sects agree to this matter, then once the conditions that can be based on the center of the galaxy are added, I am afraid that there will be ten here. For the big sect, at least nine of them must agree.

That kind of situation is more in line with what he thinks in his heart. (To be continued.)

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