One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 471 This is the Immortal World

"Is this the fairyland?"

After bidding farewell to all the relatives and the monks of the Upper Boundary Mountain, Guo Zhengyang was sucked away by the golden light and disappeared, and the place where he reappeared was a dense forest. .

The big trees with a height of hundreds of meters are strange in appearance, like beauties bent over and with waterfall-like blue hair hanging from the top of their heads. The trunks are curvy like a picture scroll. Xu, if you take a closer look, you can see that his body is constantly decomposing, every inch of pore, hair and skin seems to be being sucked and ripped apart by an invisible force, and then healed again.

During this process, the pain was not intense, it seemed that some force dispelled the pain independently, and there was still a large amount of thick golden air flow on the left and right, rushing over like sea water, and merged into Guo Zhengyang's body.

Is this the Immortal Qi Tempered Body just after ascension?

Enduring the light pain of his body collapsing and recovering easily, Guo Zhengyang just wanted to look around, but his vision darkened, and he staggered and sat down, because the spiritual sea also collapsed.

Immortal energy quenches the body of the ascended monk in the mortal world, including not only the physical body, but also the spiritual sea.

His body suddenly shattered and reunited, and his spiritual sea collapsed and healed. Even if Guo Zhengyang wanted to sense the surrounding world at this moment, it was not easy to do so, because the moment his body's spiritual sea collapsed, his visual and auditory perception of left and right would disappear, and only the moment of healing could heal. will recover.

In such a situation, it took hundreds of breaths and hundreds of cracks to heal before Guo Zhengyang suddenly heard two cracking sounds during another healing.

"It's really the ascendant who is absorbing the immortal energy to quench his body, no wonder!"

"Tsk tsk, this guy is really unlucky, he actually flew up here, what should we do?"


Guo Zhengyang not only heard the sound of breaking through the sky, but also heard two voices with completely different tones, one with emotion, and the other with gloating.

Then, his physical body shattered, his spiritual sea shattered, and he couldn't sense it anymore.

This situation is very dangerous. If someone comes with malicious intentions, it will be troublesome. Guo Zhengyang can only take advantage of the moment when his body is healed.

"Since they are all ascenders, let's help him protect the law, this area is not peaceful."

"help him**?"


The moment he lost all perception, his sense of the world was revived. Guo Zhengyang heard two more words, but these words made Guo Zhengyang happy. The two who came over were also Ascenders?

Then his luck is not too bad.

Although he knew very little about the Immortal World, he had also learned from Xu Clan Jing that after ascending, if an Ascendant accidentally falls into the territory of the Yi Clan, the end is often extremely miserable.

And when he had just ascended, the first two beings he encountered were Ascendants, and the other party was going to help him commit suicide because he was also an Ascendant, so he was lucky.

Of course, Guo Zhengyang did not completely relax his guard. Although his perception of the world is intermittent, he is not without the power to protect himself.

Once again, Guo Zhengyang was a little startled, because he clearly felt that with a large amount of immortal energy sweeping from left and right, a strange beast was also galloping towards him in the current of immortal energy.

But the next moment, he lost his perception of the world.

When he was able to sense left and right again, he had already discovered that the strange beast had been killed by two traitors.


Intermittently, after a while, Guo Zhengyang finally realized that after his physical body was healed again, there was no desire anymore, and the spiritual sea was also stabilized...

Take complete control over your perception of the world around you.

He closed his eyes and sensed it, but he sighed inwardly.

Because he clearly knew that during the time when he was quenching his body with immortal energy, there were a total of forty or fifty beings, such as strange beasts or immortals, who came along with the tide of immortal energy that he absorbed and quenched his body.

But at this moment, those guys who came later were basically executed, and only a few sporadic ones escaped.

"Congratulations, Fellow Daoist, for successfully tempering your body and becoming a member of the Immortal World!"

Sighing softly, before he had time to examine the changes in his body carefully, two figures quickly escaped from several miles away. The first one was about two meters tall, with dark complexion, three faces on one head, and bruises on the upper body. The four-armed guy, and the three-faced and four-armed guy, every face has a thunder mark between the brows.

The other one, at first glance, looks like a large round meat ball with a diameter of 1.5 meters. In the center of the meat ball, a human-sized face flows like water, constantly changing directions, and black water drips from all over the body all the time. After spraying, it quickly atomizes and flows into the meat ball again.And this big meat ball, no matter how the face moves, there is still a lightning mark that appears and disappears at the position between the eyebrows. .

Three-faced family, one of the overlords of the chaotic galaxy.

The Poison Wheel Clan, the overlord of the Poison Wheel galaxy!

It was the Immortal of the Three Faces who spoke to Guo Zhengyang to congratulate him. The other party spoke the common language of the chaotic galaxy, so Guo Zhengyang could easily understand it.

"I'm Guo Zhengyang, thank you two seniors for your help." Although for Guo Zhengyang, even without the strength of these two, he may not be unable to cope, even if he only relies on his body to recover his perception for a moment, he has the confidence to do a lot. However, he also has a lot of gratitude to the two in front of him.

Without them, even if he could handle the process of tempering his body with immortal energy, he would probably be seriously injured.

"You're welcome, you and I are both ascenders, and helping is what we should, and even small things are nothing to worry about." The three-faced immortal laughed with three mouths at the same time, and even clapped his hands and threw a jade slip while laughing, "Fellow Daoist just ascended, I'm afraid Many things are not clear, many things are recorded in this jade slip, you can study and observe first, and we will talk about it when you are well. During this time, Brother An Hu and I will help you look after .”

An Hu should be the name of the Poison Wheel Clan Immortal.

Having already taken advantage of the great favor of these two, Guo Zhengyang didn't shirk any longer, and thanked him with a smile again, before sitting down cross-legged and looking at the jade slips.

While looking at the jade slips, he was also carefully experiencing the changes in his physical body. He could clearly feel that his physical strength always contained a thunderous force, and his physical bones were so strong that it was unimaginable. At the same time, the Linghai... His Linghai has become golden, like a coast made of golden light, but the area has shrunk a lot, and it is not as big as the Mortal Realm. However, the Linghai is no longer a spiritual consciousness. Instead, wisps of gold flowed.

After sensing for a moment, Guo Zhengyang found that there was also a mark of thunder that appeared and disappeared on his forehead at the position between the brows.

He suddenly realized, no wonder Xu Clan said before that in the fairy world, ascenders and descendants can be easily distinguished from the appearance, and every ascender will have a thunder mark on his forehead?

After crossing the tribulation and ascending, each ascendant has absorbed a certain amount of the power of the world-destroying thunder and calamity.And these powers are preserved and continued in the body after ascension.

The mark that contains a trace of the aura of the world-destroying thunder is difficult to imitate by any technique. The technique can imitate the mark of thunder, but the real coercion of the world-destroying catastrophe cannot be imitated.

So only from the appearance, you can clearly distinguish the ascended and the descendants!

While observing the changes in the physical body, Guo Zhengyang also quickly flipped through the jade slips. The jade slips were refined by mortal means, and it was only when he flipped through them that Guo Zhengyang realized that the most dangerous time for an ascendant is when he has just ascended and is tempering his body. At the moment of refining the immortal body, at this time, because the physical body and spiritual sea will collapse and heal, the ascendant will lose the sense of the world in a blink of an eye. If they are attacked by surprise, the danger is indeed great.

And it's not just that your sense of the surrounding world will be intermittent, but also because of your newly ascended cultivation level, all mortal means cannot be used. The mortal world is based on aura, which stimulates the power of spells and magic weapons.

However, the fairy world is based on the immortal energy that is countless times higher than the spiritual energy to cast spells and fairy weapons, so when you haven't learned how to completely transform your own learned skills, if you manipulate the magic skills of the mortal world, you will only be able to use them in the fairy world. The technique collapsed before it took shape...

The simplest example, if you compare a spell structure to a paper cup, and the aura is the boiling water poured into the paper cup, then the paper cup can indeed hold the boiling water, and if you hold the paper cup and throw the boiling water at others, it is a spell explosion.

But for the same paper cup, once you pour molten iron with a melting point of 100 degrees instead of boiling water with a melting point of 1535 degrees Celsius, can the paper cup withstand the high temperature of molten iron?At that time, not only can it no longer be used by you to kill the enemy, but it will still hurt yourself.

Only when you adapt to the characteristics of the fairy world, transform and restructure the spells you control, such as turning paper cups into cups made of diamonds with a melting point of more than 3000 degrees, can you withstand the high temperature of molten iron and continue Operation method.

Not only spells, magic treasures and acquired spirit treasures from the mortal world cannot be used once you enter the fairy world. You must attract the surrounding immortal energy to refine it before you can use it.

Spells, magic weapons, the restraining power of formations, everything you have gained in the mortal world, you can't use it when you first ascend, and no matter how powerful a monk is, it will become a tiger that has lost all its minions at this time. The left and right senses of heaven and earth are intermittent. Once attacked, there is basically no life.

Therefore, if a monk who has just ascended is in a safe environment and no one disturbs him, he can naturally complete the body tempering easily. Later, he will think of a way or deliberate the difference between the fairy world and the mortal world by himself, transform the magic weapons he has mastered, etc., or learn from others. Only by purchasing the method of transformation in the hands of immortals and getting used to everything can they transform into real immortals.

But if you're in an unsafe environment, then...

Guo Zhengyang was lucky. As soon as he ascended, he met two ascenders, and offered to help him with his body. However, his luck was not so good. During the time of body tempering, there were dozens of people who came to attack and kill him. his!

In this jade slip, apart from the introduction at the beginning, what is left is the knowledge of various methods such as transforming techniques and magic weapons.

Seeing this, Guo Zhengyang smiled.

Because he has already deduced this knowledge by himself!

When his body was broken and healed for forty or fifty times, and before the two survivors dared to come, he had already deduced how to transform the few simple spells he knew into immortal spells. As time went on, what he could transform There are more and more spells...

This is not surprising!

When the world first opened, there was no fairy world, and the fairy world was opened up by ascenders. After opening, the spells and magic weapons of the original mortal world could not be used in the environment surrounded by immortal energy, so all kinds of transformation techniques are all The ascensionists deduced it by themselves, and the basis of their deduction was also based on the knowledge theory of the mortal world!

So as long as you have enough theoretical knowledge, you can also deliberate on the transformation technique by yourself after ascension.

And Guo Zhengyang's grasp of the knowledge theory of the mortal world?

Look at when he crossed the catastrophe, he shattered the catastrophe cloud that was dozens or hundreds of times more terrifying than ordinary immortals with one finger, causing the catastrophe cloud to collapse as soon as it appeared, which is enough to show how great his various attainments are.

At that time, when he used that finger, it was only Guo Zhengyang combined with the surrounding heaven and earth, and one finger drove the power of thousands of asteroid systems in the surrounding area. With one tremor, thousands of asteroid systems exploded with great force, crushing the catastrophe.That relies on the combination of alchemy and formation, which is similar to using elixir to mobilize the power of the planet, and then using the formation to restrain and stimulate the power to control the planet.

But because his various attainments have reached unimaginable levels, he does not need to study the left and right spaces in advance, nor does he need the assistance of formations, so he can instantly mobilize the terrifying mighty power of thousands of asteroid systems.

With such a foundation of attainments, Guo Zhengyang did at the very beginning of his body transformation, after absorbing a little foundation of immortal energy in his body, he quickly analyzed the characteristics of immortal energy and the difference between spiritual energy with his terrifying knowledge and attainments, and then he could sense the surrounding world. Intermittently, a suitable transformation technique has been deliberated, and some low-level spells mastered by the mortal world have been tried to be transformed so that they can be used in the fairy world.

That's why he has self-confidence, even if he doesn't have the strength of those two senior immortals, he still has the power to protect himself in the face of the attack of the latecomers.

Of course, if outsiders knew all this, even the Immortal King would be stunned by his speed.

The first batch of immortals who opened up the fairy world after ascension and worked out the transformation technique, which one didn't spend months or years to barely figure out the transformation technique?

Later, ascenders can inherit the wisdom of their predecessors, but even with the classics to learn, it will take about half a day to master it at the fastest, and it will take several days to modify ordinary spells for the first time. For fairy art!

For people like Guo Zhengyang, who had just ascended to the ascension, and just after dozens of breaths of body tempering, he had already figured out the transformation technique. This is no longer scary, but can scare immortals to death!

But for Guo Zhengyang, this is nothing surprising. As a guy with good talent, he spent 6 to [-] years to comprehend countless inheritances of the top classics, and then integrated many inheritances to form his own new system. , With such a background of knowledge, he has already surpassed the imagination of countless people in many aspects.

After all, the classics that Guo Zhengyang obtained, each volume is the secret code of each major sect, and it is the precious knowledge accumulated by generations of predecessors of a super sect. Any volume is valuable enough to make countless people envious, But he has comprehended thousands of thousands of valuable knowledge from several huge galaxies.

Fifteen to sixty thousand years of learning and deduction...

It is no exaggeration to say that in some respects, Guo Zhengyang's understanding of heaven and earth has almost caught up with the creation of heaven.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to instantly mobilize the mighty power of thousands of asteroid systems by pointing it out when he was crossing the catastrophe.

That is the result of the combination of alchemy and formation methods, but his understanding of alchemy no longer needs to use any rare treasures to refine its essence to refine it into a elixir, and it only needs one finger to lift his hand. To vibrate and mobilize the power of heaven and earth, there is no longer any need for expensive formation-based spiritual objects to be arranged and condensed according to mysterious means. To control and use those powers of heaven and earth, you only need one finger to cooperate with your own spiritual consciousness to stimulate and induce, and you can control it.

It only takes one finger to shake the rules of the world around you, and you can instantly move the power that is far away from countless light miles to your fingers.

These methods are really close to the magic of the Creator.

So after Guo Zhengyang's ascension, some people felt that he had traveled all these years to hone his combat power and whether he had gone the wrong way to find all kinds of rare treasures. In fact, it made sense.

If you can comprehend all aspects of attainments to Guo Zhengyang's level, you really don't need any treasures to assist you, just relying on your own understanding of the world, you can change the world with a single thought, and burst out a terrifying power that is enough to make anyone vomit blood. Yes, you don't need any magical treasures and techniques, just relying on knowledge and attainments, and instantly mobilizing countless world powers around you, that is the most terrifying murderous intent. (To be continued.)

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