"In our Feiying Kingdom, the one standing high above us is the Demon Feather King, but that one is too far away from us, and His Majesty's rule is not that one person directly controls the entire country. Your Majesty's command is that each of the big sects or big families occupy all sides. , Zongmen and aristocratic families are divided into grades from one to nine, with the ninth grade being the highest. Each grade of power has a corresponding assessment standard, all of which are approved by the superior power. The sect assessment is finalized by the rank-[-] forces, and so on."

"But in layman's terms, the powers of the seventh and highest ranks are often ruled by immortals. The powers of the fourth, fifth and sixth ranks are basically controlled by true immortals. The first, second and third ranks are all dominated by spirit immortals, or there are also real immortals. But it failed to meet the standards for promotion to the fourth-rank power... In the area around the Shuangmu River, the largest is the Shuangjie City, which is controlled by the third-rank power Yang Qizong, and each of the second-rank sects in the Shuangjie City directly submits to Yang Qi. Zong Nagong proclaimed his vassal. The place we are going now is Dinghai City controlled by me, Dinghaizong. When we get there, fellow Taoists can decide whether to stay or not after learning more about the situation."


During the flight, Senior Brother Ji and An Hu's explanations also made Guo Zhengyang nod repeatedly.

But while nodding, as he continued to fly away, he finally discovered a more interesting thing, that is, they flew all the way, and they hardly met anyone. Resources are available everywhere.

Well, this is the normal state in the sphere of influence of the Ascendant.

Here, the area of ​​Feiying Country is larger than that of the chaotic galaxy, and in the center of the chaotic galaxy, hundreds of star fields only occupy less than [-]% of the entire galaxy, and the rest are all dead starry sky, which means that the entire chaotic galaxy is almost The combination of about ten thousand star fields.

A star field is a combination of tens of thousands of asteroid systems.

In Feiyu's country, there are seven Ninth-Rank forces, one Ninth-Rank faction basically occupying nearly a thousand star fields, and one Ninth-Rank faction basically governs about ten Eighth-Rank forces.

Each eighth-rank force occupies hundreds of star fields and governs about ten seventh-rank forces.

By analogy, a second-rank force occupies about ten territory the size of an asteroid system like the solar system, and there is no vast space in this range, and some are just a plane with various mountains and rivers , if the diameter of the sun is about (0 light miles), then the territory of a second-rank force is basically about (00 light miles) in length and width.

In such a huge area, there is no space, only patches of fairy mountains and great rivers, and endless fairy and rare fairy treasures.

And the second-rank sect is basically composed of hundreds or thousands of spirit immortals... In simple terms, these hundreds of thousands of ascended people occupy such an area of ​​immortal land.

The population is appallingly small.

Of course, this is not to say that there are only hundreds or thousands of immortals in a second-rank sect, and there are also some ascended people who are married in pairs after ascension, and their offspring were born in the immortal world, but these are not descendants.

In the past, he only listened to the narration of an unknown person in Xuzujing, and Guo Zhengyang didn't know much about the descendants of the descendants. Now, after listening to real immortals, he knew that the real descendants refer to those senior immortals who gave birth to them who have fallen and lost. The survivors of the Ascendant's backing are combined with other descendants who have lost their backing, and the race has grown from generation to generation.

The Ascended Patriarch has passed away, and only the leftover bloodline is left, which is the abbreviation for the lower bequeathers.

Like this kind of Ascension who gave birth to them is still alive, and they are taken care of by their ancestors and their friends. Although their strength is often not comparable to that of the Ascension, they will not be called the descendants, but Known as the Xianmai family.

The Xiayi clan and the Xianmai clan have the same surname, the difference is whether the ancestor is still alive or not.

Once the ancestor of the family falls, and there is no Ascendant who has a good relationship with the ancestor to take care of it, then the Xianmai clan will soon become a descendant and be expelled from the Ascendant's territory.

Dinghaizong and Dinghai City are the destinations of Senior Brother Ji, Guo Zhengyang and others. There is about 1000 light miles away from Guo Zhengyang's initial ascension place, which is the distance of the sum of the diameters of several solar systems on a plane.

But after flying away for dozens of hours, a group of people finally saw the outline of Dinghai City in the distance.

This is because in the Immortal World, under the environment of strong Immortal Qi, space is restricted and oppressed, so that the speed of Immortals may not be comparable to that of the Mortal Realm. Those who ascend in the Mortal Realm can almost easily perform in space. Dozens of times the speed of light, but here, your flying speed will be hindered by a lot of resistance, such as the thick and sticky immortal energy blocking it, so it will plummet a lot.

At least according to Guo Zhengyang's judgment, the speed of Senior Brother Ji and An Hu, let alone dozens of times the speed of light, has not even reached one.

Otherwise, a mile of light is just 100 seconds, a little more than one and a half minutes, and a thousand mile of light is just a distance of more than 1000 minutes of light flying in space, which is more than ten earth hours.

These two flew away for a full day and night, about forty earth hours.

It was also after seeing Dinghai City that Guo Zhengyang finally realized that there were more people nearby. Dinghai City is huge, and the number of immortals is far more than that in the wilderness. But in fact, if you look carefully, the number of those people is also limited, only tens of thousands of breaths of life .

Tens of thousands of people, occupying territory the size of several solar systems, possessing all resources, really...

And if the country where the bereaved family is located is changed, the population in such a large territory will be billions to tens of billions.

Thousands of Ascended Spirit Immortals, plus tens of thousands of descendants of the Xianmai Clan, enjoy the same resources as the tens of billions of descendants. It is conceivable what the contradiction between the two sides is.

Even if Guo Zhengyang was a bereaved family, he would not be able to stand such blood-spitting distribution rules.

Along the way, he also learned about the cultivation bases of Senior Brother Ji and An Hu. Of these two, An Hu is in the middle stage of Lingxian, and Senior Brother Ji is in the late stage of Lingxian.

Although at first glance, their cultivation base is not much higher than Guo Zhengyang, at least Guo Zhengyang is now in the early stage of Lingxian.

But don't underestimate the difference...

In the simplest sentence, the lifespan of an ascending spirit fairy is 1 years, which is equal to more than 3 earth years, and the immortal realm of the mortal world has only 3000 two-hundred-year lifespans. Immortal monks alternate!

However, under Changshouyuan, not every spirit fairy can be promoted to a true fairy. On the contrary, even if an ascendant wants to be promoted from a spirit fairy to a real fairy, there is basically a one-in-tenth probability. Lower, far rarer than one in a million.

What a horrible difference is this?

Therefore, in the fairy world, the gap between the middle stage of spirit immortality and the early stage of spirit immortality is actually no smaller than the gap between the immortal realm and the Taoism stage in the mortal world.

Compared with the peak of Lingxian in the middle stage and the peak of Lingxian in the early stage, the difference in cultivation base is about nine times.

At the peak of the late Lingxian, the cultivation level is about 81 times that of the early Lingxian peak, and at the peak of the Lingxian Dzogchen, the cultivation level alone is seven or eight hundred times thicker than the peak of the early Lingxian!

In the fairy world, it is already very remarkable for a spirit fairy to be on par with a spirit fairy in the middle stage in the early stage, but it is already a small myth for a spirit fairy to be able to escape from the Lingxian Dzogchen's hands or escape in the early stage.

As for spirit immortals fighting true immortals?

Since the birth of the fairy world, there have been few such true myths!

When Guo Zhengyang was in the mortal world before, when he first entered the Hedao stage, the area of ​​the spiritual sea was comparable to the peak of the late Hedao stage, but now he has just entered the Lingxian, and the area of ​​the Linghai after the immortalization is only comparable to that of the middle stage of Lingxian.

And even if he reached the peak in the early stage, he would still be more than 80 times stronger and thicker than him if he came to the Great Perfection of a fairy.

"Here, Fellow Daoist Guo, you have entered Dinghai City. You can find a place to rest at will, or ask for more information. After you get familiar with the environment, as an ascendant, you can easily find a sect nearby to join. Most of the sects of the first, second and third ranks are very welcome to those who ascend. However, our Ding Haizong has been in a lot of trouble for a while, so I will not keep you. If nothing happens in the future, I will go to a fellow Taoist again. Reminiscing about the past."

Dinghai City is a city floating on a vast ocean. The area of ​​the sea is larger than the round earth stretched into a flat surface, while Dinghai City is a city that is constantly floating on the lavender seawater even though it is submerged in seawater. A city larger than the territory of China.

There are only tens of thousands of people in such a city, so it is naturally huge.

After taking Guo Zhengyang into Dinghai City, Senior Brother Ji said, except for certain places in Dinghai City, mansions in mountain ranges the size of seven or eight provinces in China are not allowed to intrude. No fee is required.

After saying this, he and An Hu clenched their fists at Guo Zhengyang and prepared to leave.

"Two seniors." Until then, Guo Zhengyang smiled and said, "I don't know the sect the two seniors belong to. What's the trouble? If Guo can be used..."

"Oh, thank you fellow daoist for your kindness, but you don't need to worry about that matter."

"Pfft, kid, let's go while you cool off. Just you, a spirit fairy who has just ascended, it took you three days and three nights to familiarize yourself with the transformation of a few basic spells, and you still want to help us fix Haizong? Go, or your little life will die!" They will all be lost without knowing.”


Guo Zhengyang was grateful for the kindness of the two immortals at the beginning, as well as their unreserved guidance and introductions along the way, so if the other party's sect was really in trouble, if he could help, he would naturally help.

But after his words fell to the ground, Senior Brother Ji and the two fell silent.

After that, Senior Brother Ji was okay, he just smiled and waved his hands, expressing that he didn't need it politely, but An Hu, who was more venomous, rolled his eyes strangely and laughed loudly.

After ridiculing, An Hu didn't wait for Guo Zhengyang to respond, he rolled with his body like a meat ball, lightly bumped Senior Brother Ping, and then fled away.

Brother Ji also smiled at Guo Zhengyang again, and disappeared in an instant.

Guo Zhengyang himself stretched out his finger and touched his nose, shaking his head and laughing.

"Forget it, let's comprehend and transform all the things I have learned first, and wait until I fully adapt to the environment of the fairy world, and then look at the situation."

Isn't it? It's really troublesome to transform the mortal world's spells, magic weapons, and alchemy attainments learned in the fairy world to be suitable for use in the fairy world, and the more you know, the more cumbersome it is to transform...

In the previous three days and three nights, Guo Zhengyang had transformed less than half of what he had learned. This was the result of his great wisdom that no one else could have imagined, and his efficiency far surpassed that of ordinary ascenders.

So even if something happened to Ding Haizong, he really wanted to help, but he had to wait for his strength to return to its peak before he could hope.

Otherwise, since he can only display less than half of his own strength now, a spirit fairy who jumps out at random in the later stage will be ten times or dozens of times his strength...

And Ding Haizong's Ascension Lingxian has hundreds of thousands of people, and the other party's troubles seem to be big troubles, which is really not something he can intervene now. (To be continued.)

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