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"Is it really here at Ding Haizong?"

"It's Fairy Jingxiu!"

"I don't know which fellow daoist is here. If Jingxiu offended me before, Ban Ruoqing in Xiayi Xinggong can make amends to fellow daoist on Jingxiu's behalf. We can discuss anything, as long as fellow daoist releases Jingxiu." , Ban will definitely remember it deeply, and will definitely repay this favor in the future."


In the Dinghai Sect, since Guo Zhengyang said that more than one true immortal had fled from afar, Jihai Anhu and others also ordered all the disciples to abandon everything and just use the portable fairy house to quickly collect others, but only [-] to [-] Dinghaizong immortals, Only eight and a half times it was collected, three figures flew down from the distance in the sky.

Swish Swish stood outside the gate of Dinghai Zongshan, looked ahead, the eyes of the three figures were clearly surprised, only one of the three figures was a human race, the other two were an immortal from the Tianyan clan, and the other was unknown to Guo Zhengyang. race, and these two foreheads also have thunder marks that appear and disappear from time to time, and they can be seen as ascenders at a glance.

On the other hand, the human youth did not have a mark of thunder on his forehead. After seeing Tang Jingxiu behind Guo Zhengyang, the other party quickly rushed to the direction of the mountain gate, and his eyes did not stay on Guo Zhengyang, but kept wandering, as if he was searching for something. .

That's right, he sensed that Guo Zhengyang was only in the early stages of a spirit fairy, so he didn't think it was Guo Zhengyang who captured Tang Jingxiu, he thought there was some strong man hiding in the dark nearby.

"Idiot, it was him who moved his hands. He is a real fairy in disguise. Don't talk nonsense with him, kill him."

When the young man clasped his fists and glanced around, Tang Jingxiu yelled angrily and pointed at Guo Zhengyang. Although An Hu almost used the oath of heaven to prove that Guo Zhengyang had just ascended, Tang Jingxiu didn't fully believe it.

This is also nonsense. After all, An Hu didn't really make the oath of heaven, and even if he did, it may not be reliable. Guo Zhengyang helped Ding Haizong so much and saved so many people, so even if someone is willing to risk his life It is not surprising to make a false oath.

Isn't that right, if Guo Zhengyang is really just a spirit fairy who has just ascended, and has the strength to easily defeat her in the early stage of a real fairy, what does this mean... What does this mean?

In the history of the fairy world, it has never happened a few times that an early spirit fairy escaped from the hands of a true immortal at the early stage. Once it happened, those immortals who could create such myths, as long as they did not fall unexpectedly in the later stage, no one would be able to escape. It is not an existence that can ascend to the throne of the Immortal King, and even among a large number of Immortal Kings, he is also a famous superpower.

So if Guo Zhengyang is really just a spirit fairy, she can easily defeat her in the early stage of a real fairy. At least if it is true, Tang Jingxiu will not dare to be an enemy of such a person. As long as such a person is not surprised Falling, I am afraid that he can become the fairy king with certainty.

With such a person, how could she really dare to fight to the death with each other without end?

Therefore, whether Guo Zhengyang is an early spirit fairy, or a real fairy pretending to be a fairy, is of great significance.

As long as you can be sure that he is a spirit fairy, all the strong men of the Tang family are here, and you don't dare to be enemies with such a person casually, then with Guo Zhengyang's great kindness to Ding Haizong, it is true that no one is willing to make a false oath to scare People, at worst, will be suppressed by the lock of heaven in the future, anyway, they won't die directly.

So even if An Hu said that Guo Zhengyang had just ascended in the name of the oath of heaven, she didn't believe it much except for the initial shock, and still thought that he was just a real fairy in disguise.

And the three true immortals who came here were also stunned by Tang Jingxiu's scolding. They all looked at Guo Zhengyang in a daze, and took a few breaths. There was no dissatisfaction with Tang Jingxiu's tone, some were just surprised, and even couldn't laugh or cry, "So it's you? A real fairy pretending to be a fairy? Are you trying to scare people?"

After saying a word, Ban Ruoqing looked at Tang Jingxiu affectionately again, "Jingxiu, nothing is more important than your safety now, I'd better rescue you first, fellow daoist, as long as you let Jingxiu go, we will Ban Ruoqing can guarantee that you will leave safely."

Guo Zhengyang was dumbfounded. He didn't expect Tang Jingxiu, who was a prisoner, to be so ruthless after this group of people appeared.

After he also glanced at Tang Jingxiu, Guo Zhengyang looked at Ban Ruoqing again, "What about after I leave?"

Only then did Ban Ruoqing turn cold, and stared at Guo Zhengyang seriously, "You hurt Jingxiu, and you have formed an endless feud with Ban. I can give you a day to escape with you, and after a day, I don't care about you. Wherever you are, I will try my best to chase you down, and I will definitely kill you. You are a true immortal, and letting you run away for a day without defense is considered a great opportunity for you."

Guo Zhengyang was speechless again. He had a hostage in his hands, yet the other party was so arrogant and said these things outright...

But facing the three real immortals in front of him, two of them are Ascended True Immortals, if a fight broke out, he really wasn't sure of winning.

"No! He will never dare to kill me now, do it!"

Guo Zhengyang was still thinking, but Tang Jingxiu yelled angrily behind him.

It made Guo Zhengyang furious on the spot, damn it, who is the prisoner of whom?In the middle of the fire, Guo Zhengyang stretched out his hand to cover Tang Jingxiu as soon as he turned around.

Ban Ruoqing also scolded angrily, and as soon as he waved his hand, a picture scroll floated up into the sky. Almost at the same time, the surrounding world changed greatly. The scene of Dinghai City floating on the sea suddenly transformed into an endless The vast snowfield.

Guo Zhengyang's face remained unchanged, but he continued to stretch out his hand to cover Tang Jingxiu, and flicked his left hand behind his back.

The vast snow field dissipated in an instant, and even Ban Ruoqing disappeared out of thin air.

And his other hand was also covering Tang Jingxiu's pretty face more than ten centimeters away, hissing, and invisible auras entered Tang Jingxiu's body.

"Brother class?"

"Where is the class junior? Damn it!"


At the same time, there were two angry reprimands from behind Guo Zhengyang, but the two immortals who came with Ban Ruoqing were shocked and inexplicably looking for Ban Ruoqing's whereabouts, but no matter how hard they searched, they couldn't find it.

They couldn't find it, so the two men were shocked and angrily attacked Guo Zhengyang. A towering green mountain the size of a palm flew head-on and fell down. Although the mountain was only the size of a palm, Guo Zhengyang felt a strong palpitation before it fell. The body disappeared in a flash.

But Tang Jingxiu's tender body trembled wildly at this moment, and not only let out a horrific scream, but also suddenly more than a dozen blood holes exploded outside her tender body.

"This kid hurts his hands." The scream of Fairy Jingxiu made even the two Ascended Immortals shudder when they heard it. Ji Hai and others who are still gathering the disciples.

With a whoosh, Ji Hai and An Hu were pulled by the distance and floated towards the big hand of the Tianyan Clan True Immortal.

As for the true immortals of another unknown race, they quickly fled to Tang Jingxiu.

The chaos appeared, and Guo Zhengyang, who had disappeared without a trace, suddenly appeared again, directly behind the true immortal of the Yan clan that day. With a single pointing, the true immortal of the Tianyan clan also disappeared out of thin air. Talent is finally free.

"what happened?"

One by one, they disappeared without a trace. The true immortal of the unknown race who was rushing to Tang Jingxiu's side was suddenly frightened, and even the movement of rushing towards Tang Jingxiu slowed down.

Guo Zhengyang disappeared again, but just after disappearing, he reappeared at the same place, and looked back in horror, the direction he looked was the direction that Ban Ruoqing and the others came from.

"Another person is coming! Damn, this is too fast. It took me a long time to get two of them. I have exhausted my whole body of cultivation. I haven't recovered yet. I can't handle a few more."

"What should I do? When these newcomers arrive, if Ban Ruoqing and the others come back, so many people join forces, let alone protect Ji Hai and the others, I don't know if I can escape."


A series of thoughts quickly flashed through his mind, Guo Zhengyang gritted his teeth, his eyes were full of murderous intent, since the shot, it was the first time he burst out with real murderous intent.

The strong men who rushed over were almost continuous, if he didn't move the killer, he would never be able to protect the disciples of Ding Haizong, and even waited for the immortals who came to gather together, more and more, I am afraid that he would not be able to leave alive will be a problem.

But now, taking advantage of the opportunity that Ban Ruoqing and another true immortal of the Tianyan clan were sent away, Tang Jingxiu was seriously injured and unable to fight. He only faced this immortal of an unknown race, so he had a good chance of killing him, because Among the previous three of Ban Ruoqing, only this one had the lowest cultivation level. Among the three, Ban Ruoqing's cultivation base was the strongest, probably at the peak of the mid-stage true immortal, and the other had just entered the mid-stage and had not yet reached the true immortal level. In the early stage of true immortality, it is not at the peak level.

And Guo Zhengyang just sent Ban Ruoqing and another Tianyan Clan immortal back to the original path before, similar to the time when Duobao Beast turned around and sent Zhou Yiqing from Jialan Star back to Lie Martian Realm, that kind of space reversal magical power , Guo Zhengyang can also rely on formations to do it, but it consumes too much. He used such methods on Ban Ruoqing and the two of them, which is almost equivalent to a small ant prying over the earth, sending only one Ban Ruoqing away. Consuming [-]% of the energy, Ban Ruoqing disappeared after he was sent away, and he was refining some immortal plants to refine them into recovery medicines to supplement his cultivation.

And one body has not recovered much, and the other has to be sent away quickly.

Now, his cultivation base is not enough to use that method now, and that method consumes much more than directly beheading a true immortal.

So the only question is, is it worth it?

If the killing ring is really set, it means that they will never die, just to repay the love of Ji Hai and An Hu for protecting the Dharma. Is it worth offending Tang Shi and Yi Xinggong completely and being hunted down by them endlessly?

After a pause of less than a breath, Guo Zhengyang stretched out his hand and killed the immortal of the unknown race.

What else is worth it?

Didn't listen to what Ban Ruoqing said, even if he let Tang Jingxiu go away now, the other party will continue to hunt and kill him?

With a single grasp, the true immortal of an unknown race who was still terrified and inexplicably split into four parts abruptly. After separating the cracked body, a ray of cross-shaped breeze could be vaguely seen blowing by.

It was this seemingly normal breeze that instantly killed an early stage true immortal.

But when the real immortal died in dismemberment, Guo Zhengyang's body also suddenly fell, falling heavily into the sky.

"Brother Guo?"

"Brother Guo, what's wrong with you?"


Seeing this, Ji Hai Anhu and others were also shocked and rushed over, but Guo Zhengyang waved his hand weakly, "Quick, at most a dozen breaths, someone will come over."

Ji Hai Anhu was shocked again, turned his head without hesitation, and gathered many disciples as quickly as possible.

Wisps of blue mist also appeared around Guo Zhengyang, pouring into his body quickly. After ten breaths, Guo Zhengyang, who was extremely weak, recovered a little bit of vitality, and An Hujiehai finally brought all the immortals of the sect into the Immortal Mansion.


Guo Zhengyang dodges, grabs the Immortal Mansion and takes the two of them in, before disappearing in an instant.

The moment he disappeared, two figures galloped towards him again.


"Hiss, this is Yi Xinggong Ringgit? Dead?"


The two figures who came forward were all human immortals, one middle-aged and the other young. The young immortals had just arrived here, and hurriedly screamed and rushed towards Tang Jingxiu, whose body was bursting with blood holes, bleeding continuously, and screaming almost horribly. A middle-aged immortal looked at the Yixing Palace immortal who was dismembered, his eyes were full of horror. (To be continued.)

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