"A second-rank force governs around ten asteroid systems, with a length and width of two to three thousand light miles each. The ruling range of a third-rank force is basically ten times that of a second-rank force, and a fourth-rank force belongs to a third-rank force. About ten times, Tang, the territory under Tang's command is about a thousand asteroid systems, with a length and a width of 30 and [-] miles respectively, but this time, it is not only Tang who came back to kill me, but also Tang Jingxiu's flower protectors. .If you want to leave safely, you can only be safe if you completely leave the territory of Huxizong, a fifth-rank force above the Tang family."

"The territory ruled by the Huxi Sect of the fifth-rank force is basically about [-] asteroid systems, which is close to a small star field in the mortal world. I just need to go all the way west and escape along the border between Feiying Kingdom and Wanlin Kingdom. I want to leave It's not too difficult here."


After hundreds of breaths, Guo Zhengyang has been flickering in the airspace of the fairy world by teleportation. Guo Zhengyang has completely recovered his cultivation level while escaping. If his recovery power is spread, it will probably make countless immortals dumbfounded.

At this moment, Guo Zhengyang also has a very clear plan on how to escape.

He didn't dare to use his speed to the limit, because once it was used to the limit, the spatial fluctuation would be too large, which would definitely alarm those pursuers, but even if he had to take concealment into account when casting teleportation, his speed was the same Very fast, very fast and scary.

In the normal late stage of the spirit fairy, it is good to maintain double the speed of light during the continuous flying escape. If you want to maintain double the speed of light in the middle stage of the spirit fairy, you must be very good at escape, or have unique means to assist it. For example, Qinghai and An Hu brought When he rushed to Dinghai City, the two kept flying at double the speed of light in the middle stage and the late stage. Among them, Jihai was in a normal state, and An Hu had the speed advantage that ordinary spirit immortals could hardly match in the middle stage, so they could do it. to those.

However, there is a huge gap between immortals in the fairy world. Lingxian can maintain double the speed of light in the late stage, and Lingxian can basically control nine times the speed of light easily. In the early stage of true immortals, it is 81 times the speed of light, which is a speed of breathing 0.8 light miles. In the middle stage of true immortals More than 700 times the speed of light, one breath can travel seven or eight light miles, and the speed of a real immortal will be nine times faster in the later stage, and one breath can cross fifty or sixty light miles.

At this speed, it would take two or three days for a True Immortal to escape with all his strength in the early stage, to reach the east from the west of the Huxi Sect territory of the fifth-rank force, and penetrate once in a straight line.

Although Guo Zhengyang himself has only just entered the spirit fairyland, the area of ​​his spiritual sea is about the same as that of the middle stage of the spirit fairy, and relying on his perfect spatial will and his unpredictable formation skills, etc., he can be mobilized in the flight. Even if he does not dare to continue to hurry, he can easily cross a light or two with one breath, which is even more terrifying than the speed of a true immortal in the early stage.And once he reaches extreme speed, he can definitely display a speed comparable to that of a true immortal in the middle stage.

He didn't dare to do that when there were many pursuers behind him.

But even so, after a few hundred breaths, Guo Zhengyang has leaped nearly a thousand miles, and is about to leave the range of Dinghaizong. According to this speed, as long as there are no accidents, he only needs more than a day in the fairy world, and about sixty to seventy hours in the mortal world. leave safely leave.

Of course, it was also fortunate that he led the way, otherwise, if Ji Hai and others led the way, the speed would have to be at least a hundred times faster than him, even if there was no obstacle, it would take hundreds of days to travel that far.

His body kept flickering in the void, jumping over one or two light beams at a time. During the process, he also carefully covered up the spatial fluctuations, so as not to attract attention. Guo Zhengyang escaped dozens of breaths in the continuous escape, and suddenly sensed a wave behind him. The huge coercion of the stock was swept away.

Only then did he give a wry smile, and his body appeared under a big tree, and his body also became transparent.

It seems that everything just now is really just an ideal state...

"That kid, his strength should be between the early and middle stages of True Immortal, but his methods are very strange. Everyone remember, as soon as you find him, send a message immediately. Except for the late stage of True Immortal, don't fight him alone."

"Senior Qi, don't worry, we will be careful, haha, we don't want to end up like Brother Ban!"


"Forget it, don't argue with him, I have already notified my lord father that the ringgit has fallen, even if I, Yi Xing Palace, do my best, I will take that boy down."

"Haha, when the rest of your Yi Xing Palace arrives, that kid will have already fallen into our hands, so why bother Ban Sect Master..."


When Guo Zhengyang was hiding under the tree, a huge wave of immortal consciousness also swept past him, including sweeping across his body.

Even if these immortals scanned Guo Zhengyang's body, no one would notice his existence, but Guo Zhengyang could clearly distinguish these five true immortals!

And the five true immortals were divided into three waves afterwards.

Among them, senior Na Qi went on the road alone, and the other four walked in twos, one of which was a pair that Guo Zhengyang knew, Yi Xinggong Ban Ruoqing and Tiantian Yan Clan Immortal, the other wave he didn't know, but relying on the sense of breath, It can also be sensed that both of them may be in the middle stage of true immortality, and both of them are also human races.

"Huh?" The five true immortals were divided into three, and they scattered in three directions near Guo Zhengyang. Guo Zhengyang himself planned to go quietly after they left.

But he didn't expect that Guo Zhengyang was still waiting, but he was startled, and looked to the southwest of himself in astonishment, pointing slightly in the direction of Wan Linguo.

Just because the idea of ​​robbery and killing appeared! !

He really didn't expect that the idea of ​​robbery and killing would appear at this time. How long has it been since this thing appeared?In fact, since he left the earth, he has hardly met him a few times. The main reason is that Guo Zhengyang didn't meet many people and didn't go to many places. Later, relying on the Lingshi Mansion, he studied various Such classics, even after staying for 10,000+ years and basically staying at home, it is even less likely to encounter the idea of ​​robbery and killing.

So when the idea of ​​robbery and killing suddenly popped up, Guo Zhengyang thought he was hallucinating. After all, in his impression, this thing hadn't appeared in 10,000+ years.

But with a breath of surprise, Guo Zhengyang immediately became excited again.

The idea of ​​robbery and killing appeared, and the target was still a middle-stage true immortal, who appeared in the immortal world!

This means that in the mid-term of the target, the true immortal will encounter a big opportunity in the next few hours or dozens of hours?A chance in the mid-term of a true immortal?

Originally, Guo Zhengyang just wanted to be safe, and just take Ji Hai and others out of here safely, but now he is moved.

He paused for a few more breaths in the heartbeat, and the immortals who were divided into three waves disappeared in the induction. After even the target of the robbery disappeared, Guo Zhengyang rushed towards the direction where the target disappeared without hesitation.

The opportunity in the mid-term of the true immortal makes people's heart beat just thinking about it!


"Where did that guy go? Why hasn't he found anything yet?"

"Yu'er, you don't have to worry about this. Judging from the situation told by Fairy Jingxiu, Ban Ruoqing and others, that person's strength is at the peak of the early stage of true immortality, or in the middle stage of true immortality. This kind of strength is alone against any of us. No one has the upper hand, and although he escaped for a while in advance, if he escapes carefully to cover up his breath, the speed of his involvement will drop sharply, far behind us, and if he escapes with all his strength, it will inevitably cause great commotion , just now we were led by Senior Qi, and Senior Qi is the peak of the late stage of true immortality. If there are fluctuations in the surrounding power, we must not be able to hide from Senior Qi's induction. He is carefully hiding his breath and fleeing, he must be in the vicinity. As long as we are more careful, we will definitely find it."

"I hope so, but damn, as soon as I received Jingxiu's request for help, I rushed here with you. I didn't expect it to be so slow, and He Jiu took a big deal for nothing. This time it was He Jiu and He Jiu. The surname Qi saved Jingxiu at the most dangerous time, and now that kid He Jiu sent Jingxiu back to Tang's... a step too late, He Jiu is really cheap. If I came a step earlier, how could there be He Jiu? Nine what's the matter?"

"Yu'er, don't underestimate the enemy. Although the strength of that surnamed Guo is only in the middle stage of true immortality, and we are in the middle stage of true immortality, but looking at Ban Ruoqing before, they are not weak, but they have suffered such a big loss."

"Haha, Uncle Jing, don't worry, that's all there is to that guy surnamed Guo who has been hiding his head and showing his tail. As long as I find him, I will definitely capture him alive and send him to Tang's, but I'm afraid that he hides too deeply. After all, we You're not those trash from Yi Xing Palace, even if you don't mention me, with Uncle Jing around, as long as you find him, you won't run away without him."


After being separated from Fei Xianzong's strange surname fairy and Yi Xinggong Ban Ruoqing and others, the two human race immortals flew straight down towards Wan Linguo, exuding immortal consciousness to search carefully along the way.

But during the search, facing the cautious words and advice of the middle-aged immortal beside him, the young immortal didn't care, and even spoke with extreme contempt.

Not only did he not take Guo Zhengyang to heart, but even the immortals of Yixing Palace who came out to hunt down with him were equally scornful.

That's right, not to mention that there are only 12 true immortals in Yi Xinggong, and their Moi family has 16 true immortals. When it comes to strength alone, Moi's family dominates both in the mortal world and in the fairy world A strong side.

For example, the Mo Yijing next to Mo Yiyu is an ascendant from the mortal world, and he is the son of the contemporary Mo Yi family owner, and this is the Mo Yi Jing who was born by the Mo Yi family in the mortal world and founded in the fairy world after ascension Moi's family, and all the descendants of Mortal Realm, Moi Jing and other four people ascended.

This kind of probability is absolutely extremely rare. Taking Tang as an example, the wife of the Patriarch is also the Ascended Taoist Companion that the Patriarch of the Tang family found after he ascended, and the four true immortals of the Tang Family, except for the Patriarch of the Tang Family and his wife, the rest One was Tang Jingxiu, who belonged to the Immortal Bloodline family, and the other was an ascendant who married a certain daughter of the patriarch in the Immortal Realm, and joined the Tang family.

So strictly speaking, in the Tang family, only the head of the Tang family is an ascendant with the surname Tang, but in addition to the ancestor of the Moi family, there are four descendants of the Moi family who ascended from the mortal world. Find the ancestor and start again, and there are still three true immortals from the Immortal Clan of the Moyi family, and the rest are the family members of the Moyi family.

This already shows how terrifying Moy's strength is. Among the many fourth-rank forces in the vicinity, Moy's is not the most numerous, but when it comes to deterrence, he is definitely one of the strongest.And Mo Yiyu, among the many outstanding descendants of the ancestor Mo Yi, was faintly established as the young master, including his uncles who had ascended from the mortal world, all of whom were suppressed by him... One can imagine what this is like Mo Yiyu could come to this point only when the conditions were right.

Even in normal times, Mo Yiyu never cared about Yi Xinggong Ban Ruoqing and others, but now seeing that he came a step late and was taken advantage of by Feixiangong Hejiu, the earliest Ban Ruoqing who came came instead. After making a big scandal, he looked down on Fei Xiangong and the group of people even more.

It's just that in the overflowing words, Mo Yiyu and Mo Yijing, who have been carefully searching the left and right, have no idea that the target they are looking for has been carefully following behind them.

They are hunters, they came out together with many real immortals to hunt down Guo Zhengyang, but at this moment, they have already unknowingly become the prey of others. (To be continued.)

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