One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 491 It's Unlucky

"Quick! Just find that kid and send it!"

"What I'm talking about is that even though that person is terrifying, we 42 true immortals are together, and even if we meet him, we can't kill him. Isn't it easy to entangle him?"

"That's right, now that the air-forbidden array has been used to its limit, he can't jump in space, he can only fly away with ordinary escapism, it must be easy to find, as long as we are lucky, we can find it, hold him back, that is the source of 1000 million middle grades Jing, damn it, those Ascenders are really rich and powerful, if they can't beat those guys, it's better to just grab them."


Hulala, continuous figures flew across the sea, and cries of different emotions also rose from the left and right heavens and earth. This is a total of 42 true immortals of the descendant clan walking together, and also in the process of escaping. Searching left and right with all their strength, not only are the immortals exuding immortal consciousness to search, but more than a dozen immortals are running secret techniques to link Qi machines together and search together.

Under the surface of the sea, Guo Zhengyang only relied on his spiritual sense to sense a group of immortals in the sky, and he smiled bitterly in his heart.

There are so many Wanlin Kingdom immortals chasing and killing him just because of money, and there are dozens of them as soon as they appear, that momentum...

Feeling a little helpless, Guo Zhengyang could only hide his breath as much as possible, lay in ambush under the sea water, and planned to wait for the group of immortals to pass by before flying away.

This is already the third wave of true immortals Guo Zhengyang has encountered since he discovered that there is also a serious space suppression in Wanlin's country. In another two quarters, he only relies on ordinary escapism to fly away, and his speed has dropped several times , It took two quarters to fly more than 1000 light miles. According to this speed, it would take four or five times longer to leave this area safely. [

Originally, he could leave the range of Hu Xizong in more than ten days, but at this moment his speed.It will take at least forty or fifty days.

But he had no choice at all.

Quietly restrained his breath and hid, a majestic thought swept down through the sponge. After passing by Guo Zhengyang once, Guo Zhengyang just breathed a sigh of relief, and then his body shivered again, and his expression became more dignified.

Because that idea actually came back! !

Has it been discovered?

This is not impossible. Although the immortals of the Xiayi Clan are generally inferior to the true immortals of the same realm, that is only under normal circumstances. It is not impossible for the Xiayi Clan to give birth to monsters.Otherwise, how can the descendants have the qualifications to compete with the Ascended, and how can there be so many immortal kings?

It's not surprising that among the hundreds of millions of bereaved clans, some people who are even more perverted than the ascended ones pop up occasionally, but he doesn't know if the immortals who are searching this area are evil or not.However, more than a dozen true immortals of the descendants joined forces to perform the search secret technique, and it is estimated that it is really possible to surpass the ability of ordinary ascenders.

The body is awe-inspiring.A series of loud laughter suddenly sounded in the sky.

at the same time.More than a dozen immortals who were laughing, waved their hands and raised more than a dozen banners. When they waved in the wind, a layer of air wall appeared in the distance of tens of light miles to the left and right.

No matter how stupid Guo Zhengyang was, he knew that he had been discovered.

Facing more than 40 true immortals of the descendants at once, this...

He scolded lightly.A sword also suddenly emerged from the sea, and instantly became like a star piercing into the sky. At the same time, tens of light miles of heaven and earth were formed within the air wall.Crumbling and shattering.

clap clap~

The shaped wall was shattered, more than a dozen flags collapsed and seven handles collapsed on the spot, and more than a dozen real immortals who were laughing wantonly also spurted out a mouthful of blood.

While the other true immortals were still scrambling to sacrifice their celestial artifacts, Guo Zhengyang took a deep breath, and collapsed the heaven and earth that were hundreds of miles in length and width at a time. blood arrow. [

However, he still stabbed the sword high into the sky steadily.


A true immortal of the descendant clan pointed at by the sword weapon disappeared instantly as if liquid evaporated, and several figures around him also trembled and fled wildly away.

The other True Immortals of the Remaining Clan who were exercising their Immortal Qi also screamed in alarm, not caring about attacking and killing Guo Zhengyang, but retreating desperately, screaming as they retreated.

Can be rivaled!

Destroying a large area of ​​the power of heaven and earth at once, gathering all the power of heaven and earth in one sword, that kind of destructive momentum, as well as the crazy mighty power of heaven and earth, even if it has not been added, it has already made most of the true immortals feel sincere love The smell of death is gone.

Although they knew that Guo Zhengyang was terrifying, otherwise those Ascenders would not have offered such a heavy reward, but the first group of True Immortals who discovered the target still found that they had underestimated him.

And Guo Zhengyang, after controlling the sword to save a few meters again, directly vaporized the two monks who were in the early stage of true immortality.

Only then did I seize the opportunity of the crowd to retreat, once again mobilized my strength to break through the local space suppression, and jumped thousands of miles west in an instant.

He no longer cared about it, nor did he have the heart to worry about whether such an act would attract the attention of the immortals.

At this time, the only option is to seize the opportunity and escape before the left and right pursuers arrive, otherwise what awaits him will be a dead end.

Also waiting for Guo Zhengyang to disappear.

A group of true immortals from the descendants who were fleeing in a panic stabilized their bodies together, and then looked down in shock and inexplicable.

The area of ​​hundreds of light miles long and hundreds of light miles below has all been turned into nothingness, everything no longer exists, and there is only an absolute dead zone.

Everything was completely destroyed, the mountains and the sea evaporated out of thin air, and the scene of annihilation was indeed extremely frightening. What was even more frightening was that the target had beheaded the three of them in the early stages of true immortals one after another. When more than 40 true immortals from the descendant clan walked together, they beheaded three people in one go, and then fled in an instant.


The remaining 39 true immortals of the descendants all turned pale with fright, and spoke for a long time.

"I messed with his grandma, I quit, this guy is too perverted!"

"Kill him? Stop kidding, everyone, goodbye."


After talking for a while, the two figures screamed strangely, set up the light and went further south.



Thousands of miles away to the west, Guo Zhengyang, who beheaded three more true immortals, broke through the void with blood all over his body, and fell heavily to the ground as soon as he appeared.

When the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground resounded, he hurriedly mobilized a large number of immortal plants and grasses on the left and right to turn them into liquid medicine, and quickly blended them into the body.

It's just that after recuperating for two or three breaths, his face changed drastically, and he looked to the left in horror.

Someone else?

His body was terribly weak.Guo Zhengyang still had to support his body and disappear.

"Quick! There was a strong spatial fluctuation, and there was also a strong life energy fluctuating here just now, it must be him."

"It's really the one with the surname Guo? Probably not? Just now, those guys from Wei Linzong summoned us to rush to the east."

"Are you stupid? Don't you know that guy is extremely proficient in the power of space? He must have escaped by performing a large-scale escapism after realizing that he was besieged. The breath of life just now was very weak. It must be him, and he was seriously injured! This is a great opportunity!"

"Then do you want to inform others?"

"Don't notify me yet, let's see the situation. He was seriously injured. We are 37 real immortals together. Can't we take out one who is seriously injured?"


Dozens of breaths after Guo Zhengyang disappeared, another figure came galloping from the north, and at the same time there was a series of shouts, and pieces of tyrannical immortal consciousness swept down.

Guo Zhengyang, who was hiding in the dark, frowned.

Just frowning.But he also knew that this time, even if he wanted to, he couldn't do it. He was always afraid of being trapped.Hold on.Then there were a large number of immortals from left and right chasing and killing him. Once he was surrounded by dozens or hundreds of people, no matter how powerful he was, he would surely die.

So the previous two times, he used the most powerful blow as soon as he was discovered, first repelling the invading enemy, and then seized the opportunity of the enemy's chaos to forcibly break through the space.Jumping thousands of miles at a time to escape.

He has no choice, if he doesn't use the large-scale space escape technique, he can only escape a few miles, tens of miles?That faces a large number of real immortals chasing and killing them.Casually will be tracked by the opponent relying on escapism.

But now that he has tried his best to use the large-scale space escape technique, he is already seriously injured, how can he use it?These injuries require at least a few hundred breaths to recover [-]% to [-]%.

Even in this state, he couldn't break through the left and right spaces to suppress the power of the blockade.


Regarding the fact that he performed a large-scale evasion technique, but appeared directly near another group of pursuers, he was a little bit reluctant to complain about such a bad luck, and he could only mutter in his heart, and then circulated the power of heaven and earth again.

However, the mobilization and operation this time was not violent, because he didn't want to mobilize all the power of heaven and earth, but to form an array!

Regardless of whether the more than 30 real immortals will notify others, he is temporarily trapped here, and he is seriously injured, so he can only rely on formations to defend against the enemy.

But as soon as the power of left and right heaven and earth was mobilized, Guo Zhengyang coughed out a mouthful of blood arrows, and his figure also fell out of the virtual state.

"Haha, it's really him!"

"This kid's breath is so low? We are so lucky!"



Boom boom boom, amidst the laughter, the brilliance of immortal artifacts smashed down from the front. Although Guo Zhengyang was weak, he could only use his sword intent to increase his speed to the limit, flickering and wandering in the void.

But there are too many immortal artifacts, and there are many large-scale attack artifacts among them.

puff puff!



In just a few breaths, Guo Zhengyang was repeatedly injured while dodging, and was directly hit by seven or eight immortal artifacts of various shapes.

His body was also thrown into the air after that, but just halfway through the flight, he was smashed down by a mountain of fairy light, and hit the ground, but there was another sharp golden object piercing the ground. superior.

With a choking sound, like a meatloaf, Guo Zhengyang was stabbed in the back by a sword and a spear, but there was a huge mountain in front of him.

On the left and right, there is a celestial weapon full of murderous intent to encircle and suppress.

Seeing that there is a chance to kill this target, it seems that they have seen the poor wealth beckoning to them, and many true immortals of the descendants have also gone crazy. During the fierce attack and killing, wanton surprise laughter also flooded quickly.

However, the frightening Guo Zhengyang, who had been injured repeatedly, and whose face was already pale, suddenly disappeared, crushed by several celestial artifacts.

The next moment, the sky and the earth spun, and the land of hundreds of light miles turned into a murderous maze.

You can no longer see things on the left and right, and even the immortal consciousness can't penetrate much.

A group of crazy real immortals were stunned, and then their faces changed.

"How is it possible? How can there be groups here?"

"Damn, what the hell is going on?"


After the discoloration changed, all the true immortals went crazy one after another, some rushed to send messages to the outside world, and more gathered together and began to attack and kill the left and right formations. (to be continued...)

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