One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 496 Everyone is crazy

"Brother Guo, Brother Guo..."


In a daze, Guo Zhengyang heard an urgent call in his ears, followed him before gradually regaining consciousness, but after regaining consciousness, Guo Zhengyang's first reaction was to open his mouth and spit out a blood arrow, and then opened his eyes exhaustedly, As far as the eye can see, there are Ding Haizong disciples such as Ji Hai, An Hu, etc. beside him, and at the same time, sharp pains in his body also hit his whole body.

"Great, you're finally awake!"

"Brother Guo, you scared me to death, you finally woke up."


Looking at the surprised eyes on the left and right, Guo Zhengyang just wanted to say something, and he spit out another blood arrow. The next moment, he hurriedly closed his eyes to check the situation in his body, but the poor state of his body made him unable to resist falling down. Take a breath.

On the left chest in front of the body, a sword wound penetrated half a finger into the muscle, and the wound was still decomposing. It seemed that although some medicine had been applied to it, the medicine was far from curbing the wound.

There was burning pain in his back, and a knife mark almost tore his upper body in two along the spine, and the injury there was also deepening strangely. [

These were the two most serious physical injuries, one almost tore his spine, the other almost pierced his heart, and there were as many as a dozen minor physical injuries.As for the spiritual sea, there are also cracks in many places, almost collapsing.

Isn't that right, the previous him, even though he had done amazing feats, in the early stage of a spirit fairy, under the pursuit of more than 100 real immortals, he not only escaped alive, but also turned over and killed him again and again, and finally was shocked. Many of the more than 100 real immortals ran away in a f*cking manner, scaring a few people, but the price he himself paid was absolutely astonishing.

After all, there are more than 100 true immortals, not cats or dogs. Guo Zhengyang's strength is to be able to compete head-on with a powerful true immortal in the middle or late stage. After all, he was seriously injured, he mobilized the power of heaven and earth to donate in a hurry, and every time it was too late to heal his wounds, he was chased up again, and he was injured again and again. Surrounded by Yikong and the others, they escaped alive again, and used a large-scale space escape technique again, crossing nearly a thousand light miles at a time. What happened, he didn't know at all, but depending on the situation, it was An Hu and others in the Immortal Mansion of Ding Haizong who was brought by him to rescue him back to the Immortal Mansion.

Take a deep breath, the pain is heart-piercing, although Guo Zhengyang's physical strength is more terrifying than his spiritual power, but so many real immortals are indeed not vegetarians, when the real immortals are fighting with you in the middle stage , the imperial envoy's most powerful immortal weapon can also hurt him.

However, under the severe pain, Guo Zhengyang still had to send out his spiritual consciousness to search around. This portable fairy mansion forged by Ding Haizong is not small, and there are also some immortal herbs and medicines in the fairy mansion.

**While controlling his spiritual consciousness to search, Guo Zhengyang trembled again, but this time he was unlucky enough to vomit blood, but the pain made his complexion suddenly tighten, and when his face was twisted together, he almost fainted from the pain , there are a lot of cracks in the cracked spiritual sea, and you send out your sense of immortality to search around, in fact, it’s like an ordinary person’s legs and bones are broken and cracked, and you are still holding on to run, that feeling is really refreshing yu Fairy wants to die.

However, Guo Zhengyang suppressed the pain with strong willpower and searched quickly.

After dozens of breaths, when Guo Zhengyang trembled and passed out again, a handful of drizzle suddenly appeared, quickly sprinkled on Guo Zhengyang, and poured into all parts of his body.


"Dizzy again? Brother Guo's strength is so terrifying, what kind of fight did he go through to get hurt so badly?"


Guo Zhengyang has been taking him in the Immortal Mansion all this time. Ji Hai, An Hu and the others really don't know what happened outside. It's not that Guo Zhengyang blocked the people in the Immortal Mansion from seeing and hearing, but that the battles happening outside are real immortals. A super showdown, a group of fairies, even if you let him watch, they can't understand, can't see clearly.

So until now, no one like Ji Hai Anhu and others knew what Guo Zhengyang went through outside.

However, seeing that Guo Zhengyang was seriously injured, they had already taken out the best healing elixir of Ding Haizong to heal him, but it didn't have much effect at all. At most, it curbed some of the speed of the deterioration of the injury. Looking at Guo Zhengyang again It was easy to wake up, and after dozens of breaths, he passed out again, and the two of them were also nervous and at a loss.

However, while the two were exclaiming in surprise, Guo Zhengyang, who fainted, only fainted for a few seconds before opening his eyes again, and looking at his face, it was already better than last time, at least there was a trace of blood on that face Se and ruddy. [

"What's the situation outside now? How long have I been out?"

After waking up, Guo Zhengyang also asked questions soon.

"You fainted for more than 100 breathing times for the first time. We found something wrong, so we took you into the Immortal Mansion, and then sent a Lingxian who rarely had contact with the outside world in the early stage to take the Immortal Mansion outside. Just now This time, you only fainted for [-] or [-] breaths." Ji Hai hurriedly replied, and then said nervously, "Brother Guo, how is your injury? How could it be so serious?"

"Ascender or Xianmai clan?" Guo Zhengyang breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't faint for much time after the two times combined, and the last time he fled, he jumped thousands of miles at a time, and the gang of chasers didn't know him In which direction they jumped, it seemed that they didn't catch up so quickly, and Guo Zhengyang didn't answer Ji Hai's words, but continued to ask questions, and when he spoke, he involved some wounds, which made him tremble again and again in pain.

But fortunately, Guo Zhengyang has mobilized his strength to refine some celestial herbs and elixir, and it is the most effective elixir for the injury in front of him. Even the healing liquid he refined is only taken from the Dinghaizong Immortal Mansion. But it is certain that with his attainments in alchemy, the healing liquid he made with the same medicinal materials is definitely more than ten times stronger than the elixir refined by Ding Haizong's immortal.

This is like a big doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in the secular world of the earth, and a small doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in an ordinary hospital who treats people with the same set of acupuncture and moxibustion, and the effect is absolutely different.

"Accelerator?" Ji Hai replied again, and Guo Zhengyang also smiled wryly, "Let the Xianmai clan go, we are now in Wanlin Kingdom."

After confessing, he mobilized the immortal grasses and medicines from the left and right worlds again when Ji Hai and the others were startled and rushed to arrange staff, and refined the spiritual liquid again to heal himself.

After dozens of breaths, as a puff of medicinal liquid melted into the body, the spiritual sea that had been shattered into several cracks also healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. Although it was still far from being cured, when Guo Zhengyang drove the immortal consciousness, he also It's not as painful as before.

Next, Guo Zhengyang moved his thoughts again, and after a dozen breaths, he refined a batch of new psychic liquid. As soon as the psychic liquid appeared, it flowed into the sword wound on his chest at a speed visible to the naked eye. The decay soon stops and more gradually begins to heal.

Not only the wounds on the chest, but also the wounds on the front, back, left, and right sides of the body, with a spray of different spiritual liquids refined from different immortal herbs and precious medicines, hundreds of breaths passed by.

Guo Zhengyang was injured all over his body, and he had recovered a lot from the appearance.

But it's just the appearance. Before he was seriously injured and dying, he tried his best to do it time and time again. He was injured again and again, and each time was very serious. If he wanted to fully recover from his injuries, he definitely couldn't do it in a moment. It's here, at least with these immortal herbs in Dinghai Zong's Immortal Mansion, it's far from being able to make him recover quickly.


"Brother Guo, can I ask you a question?"


When Guo Zhengyang was able to bear the pain and stand up and move slightly, there was a sound of spraying rice on one side, and An Hu's shocked and inexplicable scream.

"What?" Guo Zhengyang looked in surprise, while An Hu twitched his face, raised his finger and pointed, and finally put it down, "Are you really a human race? No, not just human races, all races in the world, no matter how tyrannical You don't have the physical ability like you, do you? We have checked the injuries you suffered before... Ordinary immortals, it is impossible to get up without lying down for a few years, even if there is the best alchemy master in the fairy world to treat you In a few days, don’t you think you will have the slightest ability to move?? Where did you get the elixir you just transferred?”

"It's made from the precious medicinal herbs found in your Immortal Mansion." Guo Zhengyang was dumb, and then he replied, but An Hu and the others rolled their eyes in shock, and some even almost fainted because of the huge stimulation.

Find the celestial grass medicine from their fairy mansion and refine it on the spot?This... When did Guo Zhengyang practice alchemy?Even if it is not a pill, but a psychic liquid, it can be seen that these psychic liquids are definitely far more terrifying than ordinary pills!

Even though they knew that Guo Zhengyang had just been ascended for a few months, he was capable of fighting Tang Jingxiu at the early stage of a true immortal, and he still easily defeated him. This is simply an indescribable super evildoer. But now, everyone still can't accept such a scene.

"Brother Guo, outside? Why did you suffer such a serious injury?" After a long period of astonishment, after dozens of breaths, Ji Hai finally came back to his senses, and then asked nervously and worriedly.

Guo Zhengyang took a look at Ji Hai, then shook his head with a wry smile, "It would take too much time to explain in detail, I can only explain it in the simplest way, that is, there are ** ten Ascended Immortals outside, and four or five hundred The besieged true immortals have been chasing and killing me, and they scattered to chase and kill me, although their strength was not concentrated, but I was surrounded by more than 140 true immortals before, and I was surrounded two or three times in a row, and I was injured like this."

"Five or six hundred real immortals chased and killed you?? Damn..."





With a simple explanation, everyone present went crazy.

Guo Zhengyang, an early spirit fairy, can defeat a real immortal early one-on-one. This can be described as a myth in the entire fairy world, but now five or six hundred true immortals are chasing him?This, this is definitely a terrifying scene that has never been seen since the creation of the fairy world.

What's even more frightening is that Guo Zhengyang escaped alive after being hunted down by so many real immortals?

Of course, those real immortals dispersed, but didn't you listen to what Guo Zhengyang said?Even if he didn't face the siege of all the real immortals before, he was surrounded by more than 100 real immortals, surrounded two or three times?In the early days of Guo Zhengyang, he was surrounded and strangled by more than 140 real immortals, and managed to escape two or three times in a row?

Hearing this, even if they were old-fashioned immortals who had ascended thousands of years earlier, Ji Hai and the others were all crazy, and even several people fainted from fright. (To be continued.)

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