One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 5 Kill Her

However, Guo Zhengyang was extremely puzzled, why did he suddenly have such a strange idea in his mind?

The idea became more and more intense, almost controlling his consciousness, as if forcibly controlling him to walk out following the guidance of the idea.

If it weren't for his firm will, I'm afraid he would really be controlled by his mind.

Standing on the spot and fighting with will and mind, Guo Zhengyang suddenly reached out his hand to cover his forehead a few minutes later, and when he pressed down with one hand, a large amount of sweat was wiped off.

In the struggle against his thoughts, he was already sweating profusely without knowing it. He turned around and took out a mirror from the bedside. He also found that his face was pale, his brows were deeply wrinkled, and he looked so embarrassed.

If someone else saw him, they would probably think that he had some kind of illness that broke out suddenly.

This is not suitable for outsiders to see.

This kind of idea that seems to control his will is obviously not something that ordinary people can understand.

And even if Guo Zhengyang has the experience of fighting for the rest of his life and has been exposed to too many weird things, he can't figure out why there are so many ghost things in his mind for a while.

"No matter what, if I live again, I can't be easily manipulated by others." As he held his head and struggled with his thoughts, a stern look flashed in Guo Zhengyan's eyes. Starting with three digits, it is not an exaggeration to kill hundreds of people and kill thousands of people.

The will has already been sharpened in the iron-blooded gunpowder smoke, and the sudden appearance of this idea is getting stronger and stronger, and in the struggle against the idea, the longer he fights, the more he feels a splitting headache, a pain like a knife He was churning in his brain, so he couldn't help but want to hit his head against the wall to relieve the pain, but Guo Zhengyang still suppressed everything, turned around and returned to the bed, and lay down slowly.

The dormitory in the dinner room was indeed empty and lonely half an hour after school ended. There was only Guo Zhengyang in the dormitory of Nuo University, and it was quiet without a trace of noise.

In the empty and oppressive dormitory, Guo Zhengyang lay quietly on the bed, hugged his forehead tightly with his hands and huddled into a ball, allowing the cracking pain to invade his body, and just gritted his teeth and endured it silently.


"Huh, I finally made it through."

Ten minutes later, Guo Zhengyang sat up from the bed again, glanced left and right, and a gleam of joy flashed in his eyes again.

I survived.

Although in the process of fighting against that idea, his head seemed to be torn apart, and the pain was absolutely unforgettable. In order to resist the pain, he really wanted to smash his head and finish it off, but the whole process he did not know. Still relying on tenacious will to endure life and death, not even a snort.

After struggling for about ten minutes, he finally suppressed the thought. The clothes on his body were already drenched with sweat, sticking to his body extremely uncomfortable.

He wanted to change a set of clothes, but when he did it, he froze there again, "What is that intention? It wants to control my consciousness and control where I go..."

His brain was running fast, and he really couldn't figure out why there was a strange idea in his mind.

Could it be that he died, and something happened in the process of returning to 50 years ago?

In the previous 50 years, he had never encountered such a situation.

"It should be related to my death and my strange return to 50 years ago. Maybe after my death, my soul can be reborn 50 years ago. Is it because of the help of the idea? Ordinary people die, but I ushered in a new life. It's hard to understand... If so, then the mind really helped me a lot." He also never understood why he could go back to 50 years ago strangely after his death.

Combined with this strange idea that suddenly appeared, it was difficult for him not to connect the two.

And if his rebirth after death was really related to that idea, that thing would have saved his life. This kind of kindness cannot be repaid no matter what he does.

Because that not only didn't make him lose his mind, but also gave him a chance to make up for all the bleak wounds.

"If I can still live to go back 50 years, and it is really related to that idea, then this thing should not harm me. If it does, I will die directly."

After thinking for a while, Guo Zhengyang had some guesses at most, but he couldn't be sure what was going on, so in the end he only touched his cheek strangely, and continued to prepare to change clothes.

But just as he took off his clothes and before he had time to put on new clothes, Guo Zhengyang trembled again, and slowly lay down again holding his forehead, and his body began to tremble again.


That thing came again!

Silently hugging his forehead and shrinking into a ball, he fought against that thing tenaciously again, but Guo Zhengyang's mind was tumbling again and again, and he came again so soon. What should he do if this thing keeps appearing later?

Although it can be suppressed, but it appears from time to time, let alone studying, even normal life becomes a problem.

"Don't let outsiders find out, or they might think I'm sick, and if I'm sent to the hospital, my parents will know...

Damn it, if this idea is really related to my rebirth, it is considered a great kindness to me, then I will listen to it once and see what it wants me to do. After a quick thought while his complexion changed drastically, Guo Zhengyang gradually gave up fighting, but prepared to listen to the guidance of his thoughts and go out once.

When this thought flashed through his mind, Guo Zhengyang was suddenly taken aback.

Before fighting against the idea, the oppressive feeling of that thing was indeed getting stronger and stronger, and later it had to control his consciousness, and forcibly controlled his body to go to that place.

But now after he was willing to let go, the thoughts became weaker. Although they were still in his mind all the time, the intensity rapidly decayed. The strong oppression quickly became indifferent, and it almost had no effect on him anymore.


A strange look flashed in his eyes again, he stayed for a few breaths before getting up, and slowly walked outside the dormitory, his pace was astonishingly slow.

This walking is also a rest.

He is just the body of an ordinary boy now. He is already very tired after studying hard for an afternoon, and he is tired and hungry after practicing for a while. Before, he had to contend with thoughts for so long, and the pain was astonishing. Now he is so tired that he wants to fall asleep with his head covered and walk. are all strenuous.

However, while walking, he naturally operated his exercises to absorb the aura, even though the aura on the left and right was extremely thin, Guo Zhengyang still recovered quietly while moving slowly.

It took him an hour to walk a distance of 1000 meters before returning to his normal level.

At this time, the guidance under the telepathy also came to an end.

Following the guidance, Guo Zhengyang's eyes were full of astonishment, supermarket!

This thing actually made him come to a large supermarket on the main street more than 1000 meters away from County No. [-] High School.

Standing outside the supermarket for a few breaths, Guo Zhengyang still walked in. He could only move forward. Once he retreated, the thought would become violent. He could fight it or even suppress it, but that kind of pain was not suitable for Appears in crowded places.

Followed the guide into the supermarket, followed the guide all the way through the supermarket to the cashier at the exit, and then suddenly changed my mind.

"Kill her, kill her, it will be of great benefit to you!"

Originally, the thought of giving directions suddenly changed into another form. Guo Zhengyang raised his head following the induction, and at a glance saw a [-]-year-old girl standing and working a few steps away, helping customers to check out.

And the message conveyed by the mind is to ask Guo Zhengyang to kill this girl. Killing her will bring great benefits!

This is not someone talking in his mind, but just an inexplicable wave of thought, which is what Guo Zhengyang understood about the wave.

"It didn't ask me to come to the supermarket, but asked me to come and find this woman and kill her?"

Guo Zhengyang was really stunned. Killing people was nothing to him. In his last life, he really did too much of this kind of thing. He fought and fought all day long. Killing people was just a common practice, because most of the time, if he didn't kill people, he would die.

So kill, nothing.


This thing appeared so strong and weird, but the ultimate purpose was to let him kill a seemingly frail cashier girl?


After realizing this meaning, Guo Zhengyang cursed secretly.

He had difficulty walking before, so he had to come over to take a look affected by this weird idea, but he was really speechless.

Killing is very simple, but he is lucky enough to live again. His biggest wish right now is to satisfy his parents and give them a satisfactory answer in a few months, instead of letting them watch him become a murderer.


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