One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 51 The last one


The astonishing sound of the engine came from far to near in the darkness, like a roaring dragon. On the outskirts of Qingyuan City, waiting for a Mercedes-Benz to rush along a road for more than ten miles, turn off at a secluded intersection, and drive into panic. In the boulevard, just over ten minutes later, the car suddenly stopped in front of another BMW with its lights on.

Two figures, one old and one young, also hurriedly got out of the car, daring to approach the BMW like the wind.

"Mingfeng, Yunguang... Crack!!"

After he really rushed over, the old man only took a few glances, then let out an angry reprimand, and even reached out to pat the front cover of the BMW car, and the hood was deeply dented with his palm.

"Master, Brother Guang and the four of them were all pierced by cold weapons. This murderer is so terrifying. Mingfeng and the others all took guns and fired a lot. With their skill,..." The old man was furious and the young man also deeply Taking a deep breath, there was unspeakable fear in his eyes.

The four people who died inside and outside the car were all stabbed to death by cold weapons, but except for He Yunguang, the other three of these four were also good players. People held guns, and depending on the situation, they fired a lot of shots. After all, some people were still changing magazines before they died. Could this be less?

But it was such a good player who was beheaded one by one with cold weapons?Such an assassin is definitely a super master.

"It's him, it must be him!!" As the young man exclaimed, He Yizhong also suddenly looked at the gloomy trees on the left and right, and the anger in his eyes almost ignited his eyebrows.Although the words were nonsensical, the young man still understood clearly that it was him, and the one who attacked and killed He Mingguang was definitely the one.

Just when the young man nodded in agreement, He Yizhong, who was watching the trees on the left and right, suddenly waved his hands, and a cold light flew out from the palm of his hand, piercing directly towards the shadow of the trees on one side.

The moment the sharp blade made a move, He Yizhong's body also jumped out directly.

The young man was startled. Could it be that the murderer hadn't left after the murder?The startled young man also turned over and took out a pistol, and looked warily in He Yizhong's direction, but just as he was on guard, he tensed up again and dodged to his side.

But it's a pity that it was too late to dodge, a sharp blade cut past him, cutting the main artery in his neck and flying down, the young man's screams followed.

And He Yizhong, who jumped out, also turned around hastily, and his eyes were tearing at the first glance, because in the afterglow of the headlights of the two cars, the young man who came with him had fallen into a group wearing a sun hat, covering his eyes. In the man's hand with the mask, when the young man was still struggling, the man swiped his right hand directly between the young man's roar, and the young man was completely paralyzed.

"Little thief, I will fight with you!!"

With eyes about to split, He Yizhong yelled angrily, turned around and rushed towards him, what he held in his hand was not a gun, but a knife that gleamed coldly.

It can be seen that this skilled old richest man is also more accustomed to using cold weapons.

And the speed of his pounce was also very fast, his ghostly body pounced straight down, the speed made Guo Zhengyang a little frightened, he pushed the young man in his arms out with his hand, Guo Zhengyang also stuck to the young man's body and bullied him Going up, the dagger in his hand also pointed at He Yizhong's waist and stabbed it down.

Even during the piercing, He Yizhong's body swayed, and he suddenly circled behind Guo Zhengyang with very strange steps, and the short knife in his hand also brought out an afterimage, and he turned up.

Guo Zhengyang couldn't hide in time, he felt a pain in his ribs just as he moved, but he was overjoyed when it hurt a bit.

Overjoyed, he swayed and slammed directly into He Yizhong's arms, but He Yizhong turned pale with shock, "How is that possible?"

That's right, the knife in his hand stabbed Guo Zhengyang's body, but it couldn't pierce the clothes.

But at this time, he didn't have much time to think about it, his body swayed, and Guo Zhengyang, who was already leaning on him, stuck in the air again, and staggered a few steps away.

"You are so young, it's impossible to be invulnerable, you have a treasure coat on your body?!" He Yizhong was not in a hurry to make a move this time, but looked at Guo Zhengyang in shock and anger.Although Guo Zhengyang's whole body is almost armed and airtight, but his eyebrows and forehead are exposed, it is still easy for him to see that he is a young man.

Guo Zhengyang, who stood a few steps away from the angry shout, was also very grateful. He really didn't expect He Yizhong to be so good, and even the best ones were stronger than him.

Fortunately, he knew that he might be in danger this time, so Guo Zhengyang wore four vests and two shirts.

These six pieces of clothing were also swallowed by crooked gourds, because everything swallowed by that thing will become thinner. A normal coat is swallowed once, and it is as thin as a shirt, and a normal vest shirt is swallowed once, and the thin one is like a light Yarn, wearing six or seven pieces will not feel the slightest heavy feeling.

And the clothes swallowed by crooked gourds cannot be pierced by ordinary people with a knife, so even if He Yizhong is not an ordinary person, the short knife in his hand is probably not a magic weapon, at least not capable of piercing six of his treasures at once. clothing protection.

If it weren't for Baoyi, Guo Zhengyang might really be in the hands of this old guy.But what surprised Guo Zhengyang was that although the old guy was very powerful, he didn't sense the aura fluctuations from the opponent.

He is not a monk?

It's not that monks are so strong...

The fierce conflict that broke out immediately after the appearance almost made Guo Zhengyang suffer.

While his thoughts were flying, Guo Zhengyang suddenly jumped forward again. This time, the ambush was to kill the last master of the He family. Since the target appeared, the two sides didn't need to talk nonsense at all.

"Even if you have treasure clothes, but you are not good enough, you are still not good enough! Kid, I definitely want you to die without a place to bury you!" Guo Zhengyang fitted himself up and rushed towards him, but He Yizhong also dodged the pounce and shot out in anger.

Relying on that wonderful step again, he dodged behind Guo Zhengyang like a ghost, and He Yizhong stabbed Guo Zhengyang in the back of the head with his knife.

However, Guo Zhengyang didn't hide. Instead, he lowered his body and raised his left hand backwards. When the short knife stabbed his sun hat, he grabbed the blade with his left hand.

Afterwards, He Yizhong was allowed to use his strength, and Guo Zhengyang's left hand just held the blade firmly and remained motionless. In terms of strength, he was not inferior to He Yizhong, and the difference between the two was more in fighting skills.

Holding the dagger in his left hand, Guo Zhengyang just turned over, and the dagger in his right hand stabbed He Yizhong's stomach. He flew out, and when He Yizhong dodged in shock again, the short soldier that Guo Zhengyang grabbed with his left hand was also thrown out.

This time, He Yizhong managed to dodge again.

But Guo Zhengyang's third throwing knife stabbed straight down again.

Over there, He Yizhong dodged twice in a row, his old strength was exhausted and his new strength was used up to make a living. Although he was still twisting his body to dodge forcibly, he was still stabbed in the shoulder by the throwing knife.

When He Yizhong's body swayed and his steps became chaotic, Guo Zhengyang raised his hand and threw out a knife shadow again.

"Puff puff~"

A flying knife came out of his hand, even though He Yizhong had tried his best to dodge it, he was still pierced through his body by two sharp blades in a hurry.

He was hit three times in total, one was pierced through the shoulder, the other was pierced through the lower abdomen, and the third pierced directly along He Yizhong's left chest. After three stabs, the extremely skilled old richest man fell down with a bang.

But Guo Zhengyang reached out and touched the back of his head. There, the sun hat had been punctured. If his sun hat hadn't been swallowed by crooked gourds, after the transformation, it would be able to withstand ordinary people stabbing with all their strength with cold weapons. , then there is no way to win that first-line opportunity to let him grab He Yizhong's weapon.And if it wasn't for the fact that his left hand was invulnerable and he could hold a sharp blade without any damage, then between Guo Zhengyang and He Yizhong, it might not be certain who would live and who would die.


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