One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 510 Give both grace and power?

(ps: The fourth update is here, thank you for the rewards, sister-in-law, hehe~)

"The first time there were 16 people, the second time 31 people, the third time eight people, the fourth time five people, the fifth time 32 people, a total of more than 300 real immortals, and I killed 92 people, hey, this time, Those guys will definitely not dare to hunt and kill me again."


Guo Zhengyang didn't know that a large number of real immortals were coming to look for him in the extreme distance. At this moment, he was just Ming Daming standing on a mountain top. He breathed a sigh of relief.

This counterattack, Guo Zhengyang's results are indeed astonishing...

The first time he hunted and killed more than 170 real immortals. Before the formation was broken, he killed 16 real immortals. The second time, the real immortals who broke out of the maze fled. He had already shot in time, but the second time This time, only 31 true immortals were shrouded in mist.

Because other guys run too fast!

However, after he used the formation for the second time to envelop those 31 true immortals, the result he achieved was annihilation! !

More than 170 real immortals were trapped by the maze, and it took dozens of breaths to tear up the formation. One can imagine how long it would take them to tear apart the formation after only 30 people were covered by the formation. During this period of time, Guo Zhengyang was able to use formations to disperse more than 30 real immortals gathered together one by one, and then killed them one by one. [

One-on-one, he is really not afraid of anyone.

One person directly attacks and kills more than 30 real immortals. Of course, he can do his best to kill and defeat them, but a single movement within the maze can move a single enemy to the vicinity, and against ordinary enemies, Guo Zhengyang only needs to mobilize force.Just like Mo Yiyu's outstanding mid-term peak, they can already be killed relatively easily. Ordinary true immortals in the late stage only need to accumulate strength to kill or seriously injure with the sword of Mieshi.

Therefore, most of the formation support is one-on-one, and he can indeed achieve extremely astonishing and astonishing results.

Therefore, the real immortals who did not run away in time for the second time all died in the hands of Guo Zhengyang.

It's just that after that wave, Guo Zhengyang's efficiency plummeted when he tried to kill again.

Because he walked out of the maze again.The left and right immortals had already run away completely, and he tried his best to chase after them, but he only caught up with a group of eight people from the lower survivors who were in the mid-stage true immortals, and five ascended mid-stage true immortals.

Twice is still wiped out.

Finally, we met another group of more than 70 people.

Nothing to say.Guo Zhengyang shot again, enveloping everyone into the formation at once.Kill as much as possible.Even at the beginning, he didn't care about his own injuries, he only wanted to kill the enemy as soon as possible, as long as the enemy's attack and killing methods were to avoid the vital points as much as possible, he would exchange injuries for injuries to kill the opponent.

This is not because Guo Zhengyang has a tendency to abuse himself, but because more than 70 real immortals gathered together.It is also a very strong force. He wants to kill as many people as possible, but he is worried about those people's dying counterattack.

After all, he is a real fairy, and he jumps over the wall when he is in a hurry.It's terrible if you push an ordinary person to a dead end, let alone trying to push more than 70 real immortals to a dead end?If Guo Zhengyang doesn't show enough ferocity, then either [-]% to [-]% of these true immortals will run away, and it will be difficult for him to catch up again, or it will make them panic and frightened to the extreme, even if they know that their chances of death are more than half. Dare not die to fight back.

So he deliberately showed enough ferocity and cruelty at the beginning, and deliberately showed the scene of himself killing several real immortals to other immortals.

It is to psychologically obliterate their last courage, obliterate their courage to fight back when they are dying, so that they dare not fight him again, only dare to escape.

This plan was considered a success in the end, and Guo Zhengyang beheaded nearly half of the more than 70 real immortals at the cost of serious injuries.Except for the fierce counterattack when he beheaded those true immortals at the beginning, no matter who he caught up to later, it was difficult for the other party to muster up the courage to struggle to the death, but just rushed forward in the mist, escaping faster Everything is fast.

After finally breaking the formation, the rest dispersed in a herd, each fleeing more urgently than the other. [

However, after those people escaped, the price Guo Zhengyang paid was also very tragic. Although the injury was not as good as that of the coma, it was only two chips lighter than that.

Fortunately, no gods in this area dare to continue chasing him. Guo Zhengyang also has enough time and energy to find various healing medicines, but this time he no longer searches in the wilderness, but collects his own. loot.

At the beginning of this chase and escape, even if Guo Zhengyang had beheaded many people, but because he was afraid that there were treasures that could be sensed in the fairy mansions of those people, and that his relatives, friends and elders would find his location, he killed them. No one dared to pick up those loot, so they could only discard them.

But now he doesn't have such worries anymore. Since he jumped out and took the initiative to design, every time he kills a person, Guo Zhengyang confiscates the opponent's storage ring. How many good things are there?

These treasures are at least several times more than those in Dinghai Zongxian Mansion.

After a few hundred breaths, Guo Zhengyang searched for a large number of celestial herbs and precious medicines that are useful for his current injuries, and refined these things into healing elixir and poured them into his body.

He heaved a long sigh of relief when he recovered [-]% of his injuries within a moment.

But after that, Guo Zhengyang was still searching for these immortals' portable immortal mansions, but after searching over and over again, he was a little disappointed.

"No, the storage rings of 92 true immortals are carried with me in the fairy mansion, and there is not even a single fairy asking... Even if the fairy asking fairy is relatively rare, it is too rare. There are so many real immortals, and there are many ascended. Didn't collect a single one? So, I was really lucky to be able to find 26 fairy Wenzi in that valley before."

This time, Guo Zhengyang was searching for Fairy Wen. After all, this thing is of great use to him. As long as there are enough Fairy Wen, he can rely on his over [-] years of intensive research to make his own Cultivation has increased crazily.

Although he has defeated those chasers now, if he can improve his cultivation base again, he will only be more pleasantly surprised.

But after searching all the storage rings, he couldn't find them.

After a moment of disappointment, Guo Zhengyang cheered up again, and once again collected a batch of celestial herbs for healing.Refining it into spiritual liquid to heal yourself.

Sitting cross-legged quietly, about two minutes later, because there were enough celestial herbs, at least those were enough for his injuries, so Guo Zhengyang's injuries were almost healed in a short period of time.

But just as he was recovering from his injuries and was about to leave this area, he suddenly stomped his feet and looked forward.

At the end of the sky ahead, figures soon appeared, and these figures added up.There are also nearly a hundred people, and all of them are true immortals with terrifying aura.

Guo Zhengyang was startled for a moment, and then he took a serious look. Could it be that those people haven't been completely killed?here we go again?

"He is Guo Zhengyang? Hiss..."

"Those behind him..."


When Guo Zhengyang's face changed slightly, those real immortals also approached quickly.In the end, they stamped their feet in front of Guo Zhengyang, but their eyes were not on Guo Zhengyang.Instead, it fell behind Guo Zhengyang.On the sharpened peaks one after another, there are corpses inserted like meat skewers.

There are 32 corpses in this batch, and they are also the batch of true immortals that Guo Zhengyang killed last time.

This scene was really scary and scary, even the lowest ones coming from the opposite side were true immortals, but it can be seen that the true immortals with similar cultivation levels as them ended up like this one by one. More than 30 real immortals were planted on the mountain like this, and the corpses were violent in the wilderness, that kind of impact...

"Sure enough, it's better to be famous than to meet, fellow daoist Guo. After hearing about fellow daoist's deeds in Xiahu Yucheng, he was quite impressed by his demeanor, so he came here from Xinghu sect to meet him."

Most of the immortals were terrified by the mountains behind Guo Zhengyang, but Hu Yucheng, who was flying in the front, didn't change much, but quickly smiled and saluted Guo Zhengyang.

But facing this scene, Guo Zhengyang himself frowned. Didn't this group come to kill him?

"Guo Daoyou, Senior Hu is the strongest true immortal in the southern part of our empire. Even in the entire empire, he is also one of the peerless powerhouses. He was named one of the top ten youth powerhouses in the empire, ranking ninth. If you want to invite fellow daoists to join the Xinghu Sect, this is a great thing, as long as fellow daoists are willing, Moi's Tang family is nothing more than a chicken and a dog, and I want to congratulate fellow daoist Guo here." Guo Zhengyang was puzzled. After Hu Yucheng became Huxi Sect Master, he immediately explained to Guo Zhengyang with a smile.

After a pause, the patriarch of Huxi Sect said in a more embarrassing manner, "Guo Daoyou, in Xia Zongsheng, he was added as the suzerain of Huxi Sect. In addition to admiring the demeanor of Senior Hu and Guo Daoyou, he also came to apologize to Guo Daoyou. Zhi Xiaoer, offending Fellow Daoist, I didn't know it at first..."

Guo Zhengyang was silent, he looked at Zong Sheng and then at Hu Yucheng, and there was a lot of playfulness in his eyes.

These people really didn't come to hunt him down, but to win him over?Star Lake Sect?He really doesn't know what kind of sect this is, and what kind of sect it is. After all, he has just ascended and has been hanging out in the Dinghaizong area. He just knows something about the surrounding area. , but moved Guo Zhengyang.

A young strongman in the kingdom of the fairy family refers to below the fairy king, because the fairy king and the fairy king are all high-ranking old overlords, and they don't come out easily. Only the real fairy is the most active force in the fairy world. He still knows this common sense. And the top ten young masters of an empire are basically the strongest true immortals in a fairy country.

Of course he would not despise such a person.

But join Xinghu Sect?He really didn't plan, even if he had the idea of ​​joining a certain sect in the fairy world, he couldn't just agree to it just because someone said something casually while being confused, right?He is not stupid.

"It turned out to be Senior Hu. I'm sorry. Guo has no plans to join the noble sect. It seems that the trip is for nothing." Cheng cupped his fists and replied politely.

In a word, Hu Yucheng's expression remained unchanged, he was still smiling, but in the depths of his eyes, there was a wry smile, did he really need to do something?To win over Guo Zhengyang, his original intention was to come here, to admire Guo Zhengyang's prestige, to propose a discussion, and when he was crushed with absolute force, and when the guy was shocked by his own strength and awed by his heart, he would treat him with courtesy. His heart-to-heart or something made him feel awed and grateful, and finally bowed down to his own demeanor. Anyway, his father used to attract many strong men for the sect, basically with one treasure in one hand and a big stick in the other. I think this is a good way.

It is impossible for Guo Zhengyang to join Xinghu Sect because of his one word. He came here in person. Of course, it is impossible for Guo Zhengyang to pat his ass and leave because of Guo Zhengyang's refusal. Therefore, the original plan was that after Guo Zhengyang refused, he would take the initiative to propose Discuss with each other in a friendly manner. After all, he is well-known in the empire for his warlike reputation in Hu Yucheng, and he is not worried that Guo Zhengyang will misunderstand him and deliberately trouble him.After the sparring, Enwei and his relationship, even if he can't be directly drawn into the Xinghu sect, but at least it can deepen a lot of feelings and give him more confidence.

But now against Guo Zhengyang, he really doesn't have much confidence. What if he loses the battle later?Then don't talk about giving both kindness and power, it will only become a joke.

While Hu Yucheng was hesitating, behind him, a group of immortals became excited. (to be continued...)

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