"Pfft~ What did you say? Did Hu Yu succeed or fail? Was he defeated by Guo Zhengyang? No way, Hu Yucheng is the ninth young strongman in our Feiying Country, one of the strongest true immortals, how could he lose? In Guo Zhengyang's hands?"

"What's so strange about this? Senior Guo is not weak. What are you when you are Senior Guo? That is, under the pursuit of more than 600 real immortals, you can still kill several times, constantly beheading the pursuers, and finally scare Half of the more than 600 immortals escaped. Such a record is enough to show the horror of Senior Guo. I have already said that even those veteran powerhouses may not be the opponent of Senior Guo. Yes, he is the strongest true immortal in our Southern Kingdom!"

"Well, in fact, even if Hu Yucheng will be defeated by Guo Zhengyang, it's not too unbelievable. The problem is, just today, it wasn't the real immortals like Yi Xinggong and Tang who just started chasing and killing Guo Zhengyang. This matter is still going on. Will it continue? Why did Hu Yucheng fight that guy again? Could it be that it wasn’t just Tang and Moi who chased and killed Guo Zhengyang before, but also the Xinghu sect? Maybe leave alive, there is more than one fairy in the Star Lake Sect!"

"Haha, you don't know. It wasn't Hu Yucheng who was chasing and killing Senior Guo, but after the news about Senior Guo's defeat of more than 600 real immortals spread, Hu Yucheng, who was far away from the Xinghu Sect, heard about it and came here on his own initiative. I asked Senior Guo to discuss it."

"Hu Yucheng took the initiative to come to him to discuss? This... This can also be explained. After all, when Hu Yucheng rose up, he killed all the true immortals in the empire with one sword. His reputation for being warlike is not false, but he really Lost? The more than 600 real immortals chased and killed Guo Zhengyang just happened today. Even if Hu Yucheng is aggressive, when he goes, the surname Guo should be seriously injured, right? Could it be that Hu Yucheng was directly defeated if he did it directly? Wouldn't this be too funny? Hu Yucheng ran hundreds of millions of miles away, just looking for one defeat?"

"I don't know if it's funny or not, but it's absolutely true that the success or failure of Huyu is in the hands of senior Guo. Tsk tsk, this senior Guo is too fierce. He was chased and killed by more than 600 real immortals. He counterattacked and killed him again and again." More than 600 real immortals scared half of them away, and the remaining half, he took the initiative to defeat more than 170 real immortals from the front at one time. From the beginning to the end, the more than 600 people who chased and killed him probably died one or two hundred people. After the battle, he could calmly defeat Hu Yucheng who was going to compete with him. What kind of evil is this? He is the strongest true immortal!! No wonder Hu Yucheng would say after the defeat, I am afraid that the top ten youths in the empire are strong. It is not his opponent! This is the demeanor of a peerless master!"

"Pfft~ Really? When did this all happen?"

"Haha, your news is too outdated!!"


The success or failure of Lake Language was lost in the hands of Guo Zhengyang, and because the young master of Xinghu Sect had other plots in his heart, not only did he not cover up or block the news of such a defeat, but instead fueled the flames in the dark to publicize this defeat, so this matter, It also spread within the southern country at an astonishing speed in the shortest possible time.

It is conceivable that Guo Zhengyang, who had gained fame because he was chased and killed by more than 600 real immortals, and killed more than 300 real immortals, and because he was defeated by Hu Yucheng, he What a shocking sensation it caused.

Almost every immortal who heard the news for the first time, no matter where they were or what their status was, was deeply shocked by the name Guo Zhengyang.

In one day, he was first chased and killed by more than 600 real immortals, and every time he was surrounded, he could not only escape, but also continue to kill the pursuers. Half of them fled, and when there were only more than 300 pursuers left, they divided into two groups to search for him, and then took the initiative to attack, ambushing more than 170 real immortals at one time, routed and killed them from the front, and then shocked the other team of more than 100 real immortals again. Immortal, let half of the people inside escape, then attack the remaining 70 people, and kill half of the immortals again.

Such a record can only be described as crazy and shocking.

After achieving such an impressive record, Guo Zhengyang not only did not stop, but carried the momentum of a big victory, and quickly defeated the ninth-ranked super immortal Hu Yucheng in the empire. The simple duel made Hu Yucheng willing to admit defeat. He even took the initiative to tell him who the ninth-ranked young powerhouse is, and I am afraid that ten of them will fight together, and they will not be Guo Zhengyang's opponent.

Such Guo Zhengyang was indeed stupefied and frightened countless immortals.

It's too cruel. I'm afraid they have never seen such a fierce and powerful immortal in their life. It is not that there is no large-scale war in the immortal world. If a national war breaks out between the kingdom of the ascended and the kingdom of the descendants, it will kill and injure tens of millions of immortals in one battle. There are, but there are definitely not many who have created such a terrifying record with their own strength.

At least in the current Feiying Kingdom, even the top ten super true immortals, no one has ever achieved such a record.

And Guo Zhengyang's name once again caused an unprecedented sensation in just one day.

Who was Guo Zhengyang one day ago?I'm afraid no one knows about it, but not long ago Guo Zhengyang repeatedly escaped from more than 600 pursuers, and even continued to fight back, scaring away half of the immortals, he had already gained fame, at least his reputation was completely Shocked the eyes and ears of all the immortals in the Huxi Sect.

But at that time, Guo Zhengyang's name was only famous.

There are still many people who suspect that although Guo Zhengyang was already very strong and terrifying at that time, not everyone thought that he could compete with the old top ten super true immortals.

But after the battle with Hu Yu, the ninth-ranked Super Immortal lost easily, and even took the initiative to say that ten of them fought together, and none of them were Guo Zhengyang's opponent. This really made Guo Zhengyang a sensation in all directions, and his reputation was directly shaken The whole empire.

The news of the explosion surname spread rapidly from the Huxi Sect and even the Xinghu Sect. Although it is impossible for this news to spread throughout the entire empire in one day, at least in the Xinghu Sect area of ​​the eighth-rank power, there are still too many people. , they all learned the name of Guo Zhengyang at the first time, and then they went down to the immortals who were only comparable to the stage of transforming gods and Taoism, or up to the group of strongest super true immortals, or some immortals. Jun, everyone was deeply shocked by this name, dumbfounded.

Although countless immortals didn't know Guo Zhengyang, whenever this name was mentioned now, almost all of them would tremble with fear, awe and envy, and tremble with fear. Naturally, it was because Guo Zhengyang was so powerful that he completely defeated more than 600 people by himself. My god, what a perverted record this is.

With so many immortals, either they left their hometowns and fled completely, or they were killed. Such ferocity is enough to scare most people's hearts.

But there is no doubt that the stronger the person, the easier it is to arouse the envy and reverence of many immortals.How many immortals don't want to be as famous as Guo Zhengyang one day, shaking the empire with just one name?

How many people don't want to have that kind of strength?

Even those immortal kings whose strength is far above the real fairyland and who dominate the territory of one side are almost stunned when they receive the news. They were so shocked that they were all jealous... While feeling deeply that this newly-emerged guy is so powerful, they couldn't do what the other party did when they were young. What a wonderful thing it would be to pull the super monster by his side and earn it under his command.

This is not surprising, after all, the immortals are not stupid. Under the circumstances of no grievances and no enmity, they saw a super evildoer who suddenly rose up, whose strength is not as good as them now, and after inquiring, they knew that Guo Zhengyang would be punished by more than 600 people. The pursuit of immortals is just to stand up for a second-rank sect and repay the favor of others. Well, with such perverted strength and such human touch and affection, then for such juniors, if they can't afford to win back, they will Incredible.

Guo Zhengyang is only a "true immortal" with such a shocking record, once he enters the ranks of the immortal king, how terrifying will it be?

Therefore, if the other party has not yet grown into a towering tree, if you can pull them into your door and to your side, then when the other party fully grows, you will still be a guy who values ​​affection. The benefits are unimaginable.

Therefore, in the spread of the matter, in the vicinity of Xinghuzong, a group of immortals who dominated one side, after hearing the news, many people were stunned, and soon there were orders from various cities and caves. Send out... Go to Huxizong!

This kind of super talent, this kind of indescribable up-and-coming star, is quick and slow, since he is by his side, it would be too stupid not to win over.

Even if they can't win over, as long as they can make friends, it won't be a bad thing for them.

Although not every True Immortal can be promoted to the Immortal Monarch Realm, and the probability of a True Immortal entering an Immortal Monarch is still very low under normal circumstances, even one of the dozens of Ascended True Immortals may not be able to become an Immortal Monarch.

But in layman's terms, like Hu Yucheng's super true immortals who can stand at the top among tens of millions of true immortals in the entire empire, their probability of being promoted to immortal monarch is basically greater than [-]%, while the rest A little possibility, it still refers to falling due to accidents during the growth process.

As long as such a true fairy does not have accidents and takes good care of it, it can almost become a fairy king, and after becoming a fairy king, it is infinitely more terrifying than ordinary fairy kings.

So like Hu Yucheng's group of super true immortals, even if they meet immortals who are not in their own sect, as long as the two parties know each other, the immortals will give them extremely courteous treatment, and no one will underestimate them.

It is conceivable that a "true fairy" who suddenly appeared in Feiying's country, who even defeated Hu Yucheng and could make Hu Yucheng say that kind of words, would never Will not pass up the opportunity to make friends. (To be continued.)

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