One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 521 Don't dare to come out to see me?

(ps: The total list of monthly tickets is 93, thank you everyone~)

"Sect Master, when will Fellow Daoist Guo come back?"

"Yeah, those of us who came early have already stayed here for more than three days, and even those who came late took a day and a half, but Daoyou Guo never showed up. Could it be that you look down on us?"

"Although Guo Zhengyang's rise is in an unstoppable trend, he is too arrogant. We have so many immortals visiting, but he actually avoids them. This air is too big!"

"Before the fellow Taoists of the Liang family and Hui Wuzong came here, I heard that Guo Daoyou treated each other with courtesy. Why is there such a big gap when it comes to us? It is so difficult to even meet Guo Daoyou? Could it be that we Liyangzong and Liang's Are those people not worth mentioning in comparison?"

"Seniors, don't get me wrong. Senior Guo really has some important business to leave temporarily. It's not that he looks down on you seniors. Before leaving, Senior Guo told Yu that he will be back soon. Please calm down."


Time flies, and more than three days have passed, and the inside and outside of Dinghai Sect are still crowded with people and bustling. After Guo Zhengyang became famous, within two days, there were thirty or forty seventh-rank forces and three or four eight-rank sects. There are immortals visiting, and these are indeed far from over. When Guo Zhengyang left Dinghaizong to look for the immortals who were harvested from refining and refining in a remote place, in just three days, there were ten seven or eight people from ** in Dinghaizong. Immortals from the pinnacle force came to visit.

This is not surprising, under the command of a ninth-rank force, there are ten eight-rank forces, hundreds of seventh-rank forces... and there are several ninth-rank forces in Feiying's country that are directly under the control of His Majesty the Immortal King, so Guo Zhengyang is so famous , it is indeed impossible that there are only thirty or forty seventh-rank forces visiting.

But because Guo Zhengyang was not there, the subsequent visitors were only temporarily promoted to the suzerain of Dinghai Sect, such as Ji Hai, who were in charge of receiving them.

But Jihai is only a late-stage spirit fairy, receiving so many immortals from so many giants all at once. Such a situation really put a lot of pressure on him. There are many immortals.

Fortunately, among these latecomers, most of the immortals are still relatively prudent. Even if they are dissatisfied because they can't see Guo Zhengyang after they come, they basically don't care about it with Yu Hai, especially in Yu Hai. Haiyi explained again that Guo Zhengyang left suddenly because of something urgent, and when he came back soon, most of the immortals from various sects and families would wait patiently, but there were too many people, so naturally there were all kinds of people.

It is difficult for mature and prudent celestial beings to embarrass spirits like Ji Hai, but some of the true celestials who followed the celestials gradually began to complain, even sarcasm, although such celestial beings are not It was too much, but it still made it so that Ji Hai could only make amends cautiously and appease the immortals.

After retreating from one fairy peak again, Ji Hai just wiped off his cold sweat before meeting An Hu who had withdrawn from another fairy peak. Dead to death, Guo Zhengyang rescued Ding Haizong because of the kindness of Ji Hai and An Hu, so to describe it indirectly, these two are the lifesavers of the remaining monks of Ding Haizong. One is now also elected as suzerain and elder.

And it is true that Jie Hai cannot handle the reception and appeasement of those visitors by himself, after all, there are too many people here.

"Senior brother, how is the situation?"

"It's not the same."

"Hmph, it's not that Brother Guo invited them here. It's obvious that they insisted on coming without invitation. Now that Brother Guo has something important to leave, it has already been explained that they can leave if they don't want to wait. Since these people stayed Come down, then wait for a few days, Zhenxian and Xianjun, each with a lifespan of tens of thousands of years, what is there to wait for a few days, so many people are so easy to serve, even a few seniors from the eighth-rank forces don’t care Is it just the Li Yangzong and the He family of the Yuxing clan who are so delicate? Although there are only a few real immortals scratching their heads, I don't believe those immortals don't know."

"Freeze said."


After the two met, An Hu asked casually, and when he got an answer that was similar to what he had imagined, he immediately transmitted angrily. Although it was a sound transmission, it would be very easy for the real immortals on the mountain to eavesdrop on the sound transmission of the two immortals.

"That's how it is!" An Hu was shouted, although he was a little depressed, he still muttered again.

After Guo Zhengyang became famous, he didn't take the initiative to invite these strong people to visit him, but the other party came here spontaneously. Since he has something important to leave temporarily, you can leave if you don't want to wait. If you stay, you can wait for a few days. How, and after so many immortals in the seventh and eighth rank forces stayed, they all waited quietly, only the group of Li Yangzong and the He family of the Yuxing clan seemed so delicate, could it be that there are some peerless powerhouses? Once you become famous, you have to wait for you at home and treat you well?Do you have to let go of everything during this period?

"Okay, don't talk about it." Ji Hai also understood An Hu's depression, because he also thought so in his heart, but after thinking about it, these words really can't be said indiscriminately.

However, during the exchange between the two, a domineering laughter suddenly came from outside the sect, disrupting the conversation between the suzerain and the elder.

"Guo Zhengyang, I heard that Hu Xiaoer praised you. We, Feiying Kingdom's ten great immortals, are no match for you. This deity, Lingfang of the Yuxing Clan, came here to try your best. Come out and pay respects!"


The wanton laughter spread to every corner of Dinghai Zong's sect, and the two of them could hear it clearly, and their faces changed after that.

"Lingfang of the Royal Star Clan? The one who ranks fourth among the top ten super immortals in the empire?"

"Hey, this is here to find fault. Damn, he is from Yuxingzong, a powerful ninth-rank force. Brother Guo has been away for three days now. I don't believe he doesn't know about it. Even if he is not convinced Hu Yucheng said that, he came to challenge Brother Guo, but he did not wait for Brother Guo to come back and reappear, but came here now, what does this mean?"


In the discoloration, Ji Hai and An Hu couldn't help frowning, and An Hu couldn't help cursing in a low voice. Since Guo Zhengyang's fame has risen, along with the big figures of the seventh and eighth rank forces, they have come to visit one by one In fact, they were not the only ones who had thought of it. Some previous visitors also bluntly said that although Guo Zhengyang became famous this time, although there were many benefits, it might also cause dissatisfaction among some people after they got closer to Guo Zhengyang.

Those people are undoubtedly one of the top ten super true immortals in the same empire as Hu Yucheng. They can stand out among tens of millions of true immortals, and most of them are ascended true immortals. They are known as the strongest A group of people, all of them are the proud sons of heaven in the major forces, and all of them are respected and treated by all the immortals in the real fairyland, even the fairy kings will look at them differently. Those people are usually respected, but Guo Zhengyang and Hu Yucheng fought, but Hu Yucheng said that even if ten of them fight together, they are not Guo Zhengyang's opponent. Will come to challenge him rashly, but with this sentence, the meaning is completely different.

You said that ten high-ranking and highly respected super masters add up to not be another opponent who suddenly rose to become a true immortal, which is too humiliating.However, this was said by Hu Yucheng, who is also a veteran super immortal... It is easy for countless ordinary immortals to believe that sooner or later there will be other strong men from the top ten super immortals who will come to challenge Guo Zhengyang.

So both Ji Hai and An Hu were mentally prepared for someone to challenge Guo Zhengyang, but this is the fourth-ranked Yuxing Clan Ling Fang?This was somewhat beyond their expectations.

Ling Fang of the Royal Star Clan, this is indeed an extremely remarkable person. He has done many sensational things along the way of his rise, but the most sensational thing is Ling Fang, who was only in the late Zhenxian period more than 2000 years ago. The peak of the early stage of the defeat of the two immortals in the second battle.

The sensation caused by that battle was even greater than the sensation caused by Hu Yucheng's defeat of more than 200 real immortals in the late stage and Dzogchen. At the peak, the cultivation base is 81 times that of the later peak, and this is all the power gathered together. Even if an immortal monarch is attacked from the front, he can basically sweep dozens of hundreds of real immortals at the later stage. In the early days of the two immortals, one can imagine how terrifying this is.

Therefore, his battle to become famous is not only more terrifying than Hu Yucheng's famous battle in terms of prestige, but also his real combat power is much stronger than that of Hu Yucheng, otherwise he would not be ranked fourth in the top ten super true immortals people, and Hu Yucheng is only ninth.

When Ji Hai and the others thought about it, even if someone among the top ten super true immortals couldn't help but come to challenge, it should be the sixth and seventh monsters who came here, but they didn't expect that the first one to come was Ling Fang...

And the background behind this guy is so terrifying, he must know that Guo Zhengyang is not in Dinghaizong now, but he didn't wait for Guo Zhengyang to come back, so he came here now?

After a few breaths of amazement and shock, the two of them exchanged a glance, and hurried to the outside of the mountain gate.

After waiting outside the mountain gate, the two found that they could see not just one person, but a group of people. Among the group of immortals, the one standing in the front was a square pillar more than two meters long and half a meter thick. This is the Royal Star Clan, who once ruled a large galaxy in the Mortal Realm, one of the overlord races like the Poison Wheel Clan, the Royal Star Clan.

This should be Ling Fang of the Yuxing Clan, but behind Ling Fang, there is a human immortal with a bruised nose and a swollen face with an extremely embarrassing expression. It is Hu Yucheng.

In addition, there were several other figures that they did not recognize.

"Where's Guo Zhengyang? Don't you dare to come out to see me? Or did you run away? Hu Xiao'er is full of nonsense, he has no skills, and dares to slander us. The deity has brought Hu Xiao'er here, just to open his eyes and let him Witnessing with my own eyes whether the peerless strongman I said is really that strong, Guo Zhengyang shouldn't be caught by the rumors, scared the ass and ran away, right? I beat Hu Xiaoer three days ago, and he left three days ago for something, let the deity wait Is it such a coincidence that he hasn't shown up for three days? If he hides in Dinghaizong but just dare not see the deity, he should get out and admit defeat, admit that what Hu Xiaoer said is nonsense, and Ling doesn't mind letting him go .”

Fang Zhuzi laughed again when the two of them looked at the people outside the mountain gate, and the laughter made the entire mountain gate in front of them tremble.

And following his words, no one escaped from the mountain gate again, and Hu Yucheng, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face behind Lingfang, looked even more embarrassed. (To be continued.)

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