One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 534 Can you be more embarrassing? ?

"I still underestimated myself too much, I never thought I could do it! However, it's not just because I underestimated myself, but also because I underestimated those guys... The strength of the group here is not weak, The key is that the guys who control the array are a bit scumbag! It's cheaper for me!"

Several immortals of the Thousand Feather Sect controlling the formation, as well as the great elder who had just arrived to capture Guo Zhengyang with a thunderous force, were suddenly stunned by the change in the left and right formations, while Guo Zhengyang in the mist layer was overjoyed and ecstatic. .

Because before this, he really didn't expect that he would be able to snatch the group of Qianyu Zong Hu Zong and use it by himself.

He is not a fool, nor is he an idiot.

Even if he is powerful, his understanding of heaven and earth is far beyond that of most immortals, but since he is only a true immortal at the early stage of cultivation, even with the power of heaven and earth, if he is surrounded by the Qianyu sect group, he will undoubtedly die.

So from the moment the battle started, he has been choosing the best plan to meet the enemy. At the beginning, he wanted to sneak past without making a sound, but in the end, he failed, so he changed to rush in at the fastest speed, but it still didn't work. , Qian Yuzong's reaction speed was too fast, he was stopped just after walking a distance from the lake, and the power of the left and right formations was also mobilized crazily, so he gave up his original plan again, and changed to controlling the formation with the formation, and then destroying the formation.

Destroy the formation here first, even if the power of the left and right formations can be transferred to kill him, but as long as he continues to destroy the nearby formations, destroying more and making the local vacancy bigger and bigger, then the left and right formations will be counted. You can also flow over to kill him, but the strength will also be weakened.

It’s like in Mortal Realm, when a group of large formations form a circle, out of 100 formations, three layers and 1% of the outer layer are destroyed, and the other 99 formations can still be fully integrated, and 100% of their power can be exerted. But that's only 99 formations fusion, not 100. When the local formation is destroyed to 2, only 98 formations can flow through. When the local space is large, the remaining formations will decrease, and the strength will be reduced. getting weaker and weaker.

This principle is the same in the fairy world.

What Guo Zhengyang did was to destroy as many large formations as possible, and then build up his own formations in the local area to fight against each other.

Otherwise, no matter how arrogant he is, he won't really think that he can stand in Lanze Lake and fight with seven or eight hundred immortals plus the strength of countless formations. He will definitely seek death.

At that time, he didn't try to use Qianyuzong's guardian formations for his own use, because he was afraid that he would not be able to do it. Although he could understand and understand the power of the formations here, but you understand and Seeing it through is completely different from whether you can take control of the formation.

Because the formations here are not dead, but there are immortal kings controlling the movement and flow.

It is much more difficult for you to seize the formation controlled by someone else in operation than to directly destroy the formation. To destroy the formation, you only need to analyze the characteristics of the large formation, find the key points, and then use all your strength to destroy it.

But to seize the formation... After you find the key point, you can't just think about destroying it, but also communicate with the power of heaven and earth to influence, transform, and transform others who can't use it, so you can seize it.

During this process, they already control the formations, so as long as you do some transformation actions, you will basically be discovered by the immortals who control the formations. As long as they use the formation power to eliminate your transformation and eliminate your influence on the formation force, you Just busy.

And in the beginning, it was not just one immortal who controlled the left and right forces to deal with Guo Zhengyang, but dozens of them. How could Guo Zhengyang dare to expect to take this group of forces over.

It was only in the course of the battle that he gradually discovered that the immortal monarchs who surrounded and killed him with the power of controlling formations on the left and right were really scumbags in terms of formations, and their attainments in formations should all be very rough Yes, I just know how to control the operation of the formation. When Guo Zhengyang also controls the formation force he created to compete with it, even if he doesn't expect to gain more control from the opponent, he will still rely on himself. Accomplishments in formation strength, if you do something to the opponent's formation, even if the opponent finds out and then use the formation force to eliminate it, it will cause them more trouble, more trouble, and they will not be able to fully control and mobilize the formation Killing him with the force of the group can give him more time to set up his formation.

Well, the result is good, while I affect the opponent's formation strength with my hands and feet, I frantically set up formations for myself, and I found out that I was doing manipulations with formation strength over there. !

In this case, Guo Zhengyang was happy, not only happy, but also instantly understood that he had no chance to directly win the battle.

He didn't try to snatch it at the beginning because he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to snatch it. After wasting time in vain, the situation would become extremely bad. That would be courting death, but it didn't mean he didn't want to.

After all, it is definitely much more difficult for him to destroy the opponent's formation one by one, and to set up formations for himself, than to directly seize other people's formations.

He destroyed them one by one, and after a few hundred breaths, he only destroyed four or five formations near Lanze Lake, and the strength of the formations he arranged for himself was only two or three times stronger than those destroyed Compared with the existing Thousand Feather Sect Protector Array.

But now, he has seized the control of thirty or forty formations at once!

As long as these formations are transformed quickly and collectively, so that those guys can no longer control them, this area will completely become his territory! !

In ecstasy, he lamented that he was also frantically mobilizing the limit of the power he could operate to increase the efficiency of transforming the formation.

There is indeed hope that these dozens of formations will be retaken.

Because the formation hubs of these formations are still in the opponent's hands, the transformation he made before can affect the influence and control of those formation hubs against the group, but it is not absolute.

Just like the Fire Mansion in the mortal world, a Town Mansion Boundary Monument is the absolute center and has absolute control over all the formations of the Fire Mansion. Your actions have affected the Town Mansion Boundary Monument’s control over the group, making it less powerful. Aura, but it does not mean that its influence is completely dispelled.

If at this time, there is another one who is similar to Guo Zhengyang in terms of formation skills, and fights with him for control of those formation hubs, there is really hope to regain the formation.

But it's a pity that I really want to be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with Guo Zhengyang in terms of array formation attainments. I'm afraid there are not many in the entire Thousand Feather Sect. After all, Guo Zhengyang has studied various attainments for 10,000+ years. For the survivors, the spirit immortals only have a lifespan of 6 years, and the immortal emperor only has 5000 years... The immortals of the descendants of the survivors have no heavenly calamity, and their lifespan is indeed half that of the ascended.

Even the immortals still want to fuck!

Even if they don’t lack all kinds of ancient classics, even if all kinds of classics may be better than those collected by Guo Zhengyang in the mortal world, even if their formation aptitude is not bad, but which fairy can spend all their time on research On formation?

So when Guo Zhengyang just seized the power to control the formations, he said with emotion that he underestimated himself, which is not bad. It's not that all the immortals who controlled the formations before had no achievements in the formations, but that he himself was too small. **, so even among those celestial beings, there are those who can be counted as masters of formations. Compared with him, they still have no ability to discover the tricks he made.

"You bastards, it's fine if you can't control your own formations to kill a real fairy, but he snatched away the mountain protection formations? Damn it!!"

But when Guo Zhengyang was frantically transforming the formation power, a furious roar suddenly sounded in the formation area controlled by him, but it was the Great Elder who finally woke up, and after waking up, this one also collapsed.

He is so angry now that he wants to kill all the immortals who surrounded and killed Guo Zhengyang before.

It's too bad!

It's just a real fairy, killing thousands of first-class sects like Qianyu Sect, dozens of celestial monarchs came to surround and kill him, and even mobilized the protection of the sect, they couldn't kill him, but he killed more than a dozen celestial monarchs, this is already Qianyu Zong Jianzong has never been ashamed since, but he didn't expect that now even the big formation that his family worked so hard to create has been taken away by the other party?

Can you be more embarrassing? ?

Of course, in extreme anger, the Great Elder was also deeply shocked by Guo Zhengyang's desire and terror. After all, no matter how angry he was, he could understand that you, an outsider, broke into a sect that had been occupied by others for tens of thousands of years, and made others work so hard. How inconceivable it is to be taken away by the formations that were painstakingly forged.

Especially when there are dozens of immortals in the sect who are controlling and operating the formation, it is simply unbelievable that you can still snatch it away.

To what extent is the other party's attainments in formations so monstrous that he can do this?

And if such an evildoer, after really completely controlling the power of the formations outside dozens of lakes, even if he controls only two or three percent of the entire sect formation of the Qianyu Sect, it is possible that his evildoer may not be able to And created even more unbelievable miracles.

So amidst the roar, the Great Elder immediately took out a jade tablet from the Immortal Mansion.

This jade tablet is the control hub of all formations of the entire Thousand Feather Sect. In the past, it enjoyed absolute control over all the formations of the entire Thousand Feather Sect.

It's just that he just took out the guardian boundary tablet, before he could turn it on, he suddenly stared and disappeared quickly.

"That is similar to the existence of the boundary markers of the town mansion. This old guy must not be allowed to do it! Otherwise, even if he is unable to take control of these formations from me, he can directly destroy dozens of large formations. Although the time gap is bigger, this area will be empty, and the force that can flow from the left and right will be divided more thinly, and the strength will be much weaker, but he must not be allowed to do this now!"

As soon as the Great Elder disappeared, Guo Zhengyang also appeared out of thin air, and even slowed down the temporary transformation of the opponent group, he just quickly drew his sword and slashed at the direction where the Great Elder disappeared.

But what surprised him was that the method he used now was already the method he used to smash Lingfang's natal fairy weapon back then, and his current cultivation base was undoubtedly many times stronger than when he dealt with Lingfang back then, but he It turned out that it just cut off the connection between the other party and the natal fairy weapon, but the affected elder paused for a moment, and then he was restored to the connection with the natal fairy weapon.

"Hey, this is a super strong man! The super strong man in Xianjun!"

In an instant, cold sweat broke out on Guo Zhengyang's forehead. Fortunately, he acted quickly, otherwise he would have confronted that old guy in the first place, and the matter would never have developed to this point.

But now that it has developed to this point, the opponent has absolutely no chance.

Even if his method can only be successful for a moment, he can use it continuously, and he will not give that person a chance to use his method at all. (To be continued.)

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