(ps: Khan, I have been fascinated by reading a book for the past two days, and I read it all night yesterday, and when I woke up, it was past four o'clock in the afternoon... 囧ah, I have lost all my code words..)

"Why hasn't Moses come? Why hasn't the Ninth Elder come back?"

"I can't hold it any longer! The group of formations around him is about to lose control again. Even if we control all the remaining formations, we still can't completely wipe out the hands and feet he made in that area? Damn it!"

"Hurry up and think of a way, or he will take away part of the strength again!"

"What can I do? That little thief's attainments in formations are too terrifying. I think it's better to send someone to the imperial city to urge the Ninth Elder quickly, and let the people from the Moxi clan come over to help!"


Another moment later, the Thousand Feathers Sect protects the large formation group, and many immortals have temporarily suppressed the dispatch of Lingxian and True Immortals. Instead, they are fully controlling the other formations in the sect, operating and dispatching to smooth the next door. Look at the tampered forces in the area of ​​the occupied formations.

But who would have thought that even if they had already tried their best to deal with the formation forces in that area, they would still not be able to stop Guo Zhengyang from tampering with the formation force. This is not surprising. After all, Guo Zhengyang relied on technology to win the formation. Combined together, although the power that can be exerted by scheduling is extremely powerful, it is impossible to find Guo Zhengyang's hands and feet technically, so it is impossible to handle it.

The biggest advantage of fully operating and dispatching formations is that those immortals who are good at formations can hide behind and control the frontline formations.

For example, thousands of formations were scattered and mobilized in the past, unable to merge and gather. The group of people who are good at formation power can only walk and control the dozens of formations next to the fallen formations, in order to perceive the strength of the formation in that area. Now because all the formations have been mobilized, but the strength of the Thousand Feathers Sect's formation is chained to each other, controlling one ring and influencing the next, so now those people, even if they are hiding outside hundreds of formations, can't It is possible to operate superimposed power through various formations to check and mobilize the frontline formations.

So after letting go of dispatching spirit immortals and real immortals, and after all the formation forces have been circulated, their greatest benefit is to allow those immortals who are best at formation forces to hide far away at the back to contain Guo Zhengyang.

But the problem is that at this time, the Thousand Feather Sect, a group of immortals who are best at battle strength, have lost half of them...

When they had no losses, they were still on the front line to contain Guo Zhengyang. More than a dozen immortals who were the most skilled in battle could only find Guo Zhengyang's petty tricks and transformation behaviors. Now half of them have been chopped into pieces. The rest are also lingering fears, fluctuating thoughts, and unable to devote themselves fully. Now when Guo Zhengyang is playing tricks on a group of forces outside his control group, those people outside can only find [-]% of them.

Although Guo Zhengyang's stealing was suppressed in this way, [-]% of the results could be retained if he did one action, and he did it again and stacked in circles. After just over half a quarter, he transformed the dozens of formations in front of him almost beyond recognition. And these transformations are still incapable of being discovered by those enemies.

Then when you think it’s okay, you suddenly mobilize all the means before you deploy, and in the blink of an eye, the dozens of formations there suddenly changed again, almost beyond recognition. When using the remote control method, it takes almost [-]% of the strength to force [-]% or [-]% of the force to operate in the way you want.

So naturally it shocked the rest of the immortals.

still not good?Want to be snatched away again?

They have already protected themselves here, yet they are still under the watchful eyes of everyone, yet another group is taken away by the other party. This is also a huge psychological blow to the immortals of the Thousand Feathers Sect.

Under the huge psychological blow, some of the figures really felt panicked.

"Destroy! Destroy that group of formations. Instead of being captured by him and increasing the strength of this little thief, it is better to destroy them all for me before he can fully control them!"

In the panic of many immortals, the majestic voice of the Great Elder suddenly sounded.

All of a sudden, many immortals were shocked, destroyed?

But soon, many immortals reacted, and then took the initiative to cut off the connection between the formation forces that they could perfectly control and the out-of-control formation forces in that area, and then mobilized and operated the rest of the formation forces to quickly attack and kill the local area.

That's right, rather than watching the formations over there being taken away by Guo Zhengyang and increasing the strength and bargaining chips of that guy, it's better to destroy them first, as long as they are destroyed, they can make a gap between them and Guo Zhengyang, It's a good thing to have a spacer belt. Let's see how the little thief continues to win the battle.Does he dare to go out of the range of the formation controlled by him to seize the formation?

Thinking about it this way, although it is a very tangled thing to destroy one's own formation with one's own hands, the benefits are definitely far from the disadvantages.

If the formation is gone, it will be a big deal to rebuild. Even if the disciples in that area were killed under the force of thunder, they can still be recruited again. After all, the most important thing in the kingdom of the bereaved is life!

Moreover, most of the spirit immortals and true immortals in that area have been mobilized away in the past half a quarter.

"Destroy it, just destroy it, you must be decisive at this time!"

"Destroy the formations! Before that little thief can completely control the place..."



With a roar, the formation controlled by the immortals crazily attacked and killed the area, and Guo Zhengyang hadn't fully controlled the formation there yet, so he absolutely couldn't stop it this time!

It's a pity that just when the endless murderous intent was about to pour out, what surprised all the immortals was that from the rear of the group of formations, within the range of formation force completely controlled by Guo Zhengyang, a large fog suddenly gushed out, and all of a sudden The force that had not yet been fully controlled by him was completely shrouded, forming a protective belt of mist.

Under the protective belt of fog, their attacking and killing power in the past was sent chaotically outside Qianyuzong, within tens of thousands of miles, in the blink of an eye.


When the tide of attack and killing passed, seeing that the area was still covered with mist, and seemed to be unharmed, countless immortals were stimulated to spurt blood on the spot.

Can't destroy it? ?

But it is also true, Guo Zhengyang initially occupied thirty or forty formations, and when he expanded outwards, he naturally expanded in a circular manner. The first time he swallowed thirty or forty formations around the lakes such as Lanze Lake. The second time is this time, and it is still the same, that is, two semicircular rings.

It's just two rings. Although he hasn't completely controlled the power of these two rings, and he can't control them proficiently, but as long as he wants to, he can indeed stimulate the power that he has completely controlled to rush forward for a circle or two. , although the strength of the formation after the forward pounce will be weakened, it is still capable of blocking the blows of many immortals. After all, the formation he can control at this moment has doubled in size compared to the beginning, and when he is placed again After adding a large number of space attribute treasures to transform, the ability to display is also stronger.

"Great Elder, what should we do? Can't even destroy it?"

"Now the formation controlled by him is close to the strength of our entire guardian formation, and we have already been taken away by him more than 100 formations outside the lake cave!"


It really can't be destroyed, and many immortals completely collapsed after vomiting blood.

"Then don't wait for him to continue attacking our group, destroy a group first, and the group that is closer to him, he can't influence it, let's destroy it first, and clear a separation zone with him before we talk!"

The Great Elder was surprisingly decisive, and the words he said frightened many immortal monarchs. The group of formations that have not been touched by Guo Zhengyang should also be destroyed first?

This is really not ordinary decisiveness!

But after being frightened, many immortals still gritted their teeth and controlled the movement of the formation force again, preparing to kill and destroy the formation force that was about to be annexed by Guo Zhengyang in advance.

But the accident happened again at this moment!

When all the immortals were mobilizing their forces, the formations controlled by Guo Zhengyang in front of them were also turbulent, and then, the mighty clouds of smoke did not carry much chilling aura, just like ethereal fairy clouds. It disappeared on the spot with a whistling sound, and when these clouds of smoke appeared in the next moment, they appeared in various parts of the formation controlled by Qianyuzong, one piece here, one piece there.

And no matter which area the fairy cloud appeared, the power that was surging at that time was like a space behemoth suddenly jumping out of the side, and with a swish, a large amount of great power was swallowed by the whale.

That's right, no one has ever said that spatial ability can only be used for defense!

The power of space can also be used to attack, creating a large area of ​​space to move and fluctuate. While the enemy's power is still mobilizing and running, it will appear at each point, and directly move those still flowing power to the outside of Qianyuzong. It is tantamount to destroying the operation cycle of the opponent's formation.

Even after the appearance of those fairy clouds, not only the galloping forces were moved by them, but also a large number of immortals.

As soon as some fairy clouds appeared, they appeared beside the continuous groups of real immortals and spirit immortals, and after the last tremor, hundreds of local immortals disappeared, and when they appeared next time, they were thousands of miles away from the gate of Qianyu Zong , the position is also erratic.

The galloping movement of the immortal cloud completely disrupted the established steps of the Qianyu Sect's immortals, and not only quickly collapsed in the circulation, but failed to complete the formation deployment.

Even the army of immortals who had been dispatched was also thrown out of an unknown number of people.


Before everyone could be shocked, another cloud of smoke billowed in the group controlled by Guo Zhengyang, spraying out a large amount of formation force containing extremely strong space attributes, and swaying it again.

This time, due to the collapse of the local formation force, not much power has been removed, but some sporadic formations themselves have been moved away part of the formation-based fairy treasures, making the formation force vacant, and more A large number of immortals were moved out of Qianyuzong again.

"Boom boom~"


After another short moment, Guo Zhengyang's control formation continued to explode with force, releasing large clouds of teleportation time and time again. Although in the end, the direct lethality produced by these teleportation forces was not great, at least under such a force, and Not many immortals were really beheaded, and almost none died here, but the group around Qianyuzong suffered disaster.

Not only were too many parts of the remaining thousands of formations destroyed, but also tens of thousands of spirit immortals and true immortals were moved out of the Thousand Feather Sect.

The immortals who were about to gather together turned into a mess. (To be continued.)

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