One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 555 The same trick, I won't do it a second time!

"Retired? Master, he left?"

"Well, let's go!"

"What's going on? He suddenly left again?"


The imperial city of Feiying Kingdom, originally evolved into a sea area, and the situation that trapped the entire imperial city in a blue wave suddenly dissipated. After Jing Haiwang retreated, a figure hurriedly reached the sky in the depths of the imperial city, and was puzzled by another behemoth. open to ask questions.

That huge monster is also the king of the Feiying Kingdom, the King of Feather, the King of Feather is the great demon of the chaotic galaxy ascending. After stepping into the Immortal King Realm, once this Immortal King appears in his own body, he will be a terrifying head that stretches for an unknown number of miles. After the Jinghai King retreated, the originally gloomy and depressed eyes of the Yaoyu King suddenly showed a smile following the words of the escaping figure.

While the smile was widening, the Yaoyu King also turned into a middle-aged figure of the human race, and laughed loudly, "I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it, even the old guy Jinghai's shot fell into the hands of Guo Zhengyang. "

As an Immortal King, or an Ascended Immortal King, he used to have the strength to overwhelm Jinghai King, but this time he was killed by the other party, Ming Daming, even though he relied on his own family to create countless years of formation prohibition. No matter what the reason for such a thing, it is a deep shame for Yaoyu King.

So his eyes were full of coldness before, which is quite normal.

But this coldness did turn into an uncontrollable smile after learning the reason why Jing Haiwang retreated.

"What? King Jinghai fell into Guo Zhengyang's hands?"

Following the Yaoyu King's loud laugh, the figure on one side was shocked.

"That old ghost Jinghai came here this time just to entangle me, so that Jingbowei and Qiandao Zhenjun under his command can go and kill Guo Zhengyang, but he never expected that Guo Zhengyang played by Jinghai old ghost The hiding place turned out to be a fake, it's ridiculous to let them go to work for nothing!"

The Yaoyu King smiled and explained in shock.

Although he didn't see everything happen with his own eyes, but before King Jinghai retreated, a group of bereaved immortals came from outside the imperial city, and after communicating with King Jinghai, King Jinghai retreated, he could still see clearly.

What's more, when the descendants of the descendants of the bereaved clan came, they also followed many people, and those who followed were the ascended immortals, those who worshiped Wuzong.

Those people were ridiculing the immortals of the bereaved family to their heart's content, and it was also because of these that the Yaoyu King heard the reason of the matter clearly.

And this news did dissipate a lot of his anger.

The enemy who brought him great humiliation was still a majestic fairy king, but he fell into the hands of one of them, an ascended true immortal. Deducing his whereabouts is just deducing a false location, which is indeed enough to make people laugh.

Following Yaoyu King's laughter, the figure on his side was also dumbfounded again, unable to react at all.

On the contrary, the Yaoyu King sighed suddenly after laughing again, and turned around to look, "Xi'er, you were completely suppressed by him. As a teacher, I regret it now. I shouldn't have worried about the existence of Jing Haiwang back then, so I went to arrest Guo Zhengyang." The income door is closed, that kid is really a super evildoer."


After saying a word, the figure was still speechless, but there was a big wry smile on his face while he was speechless.

This one is also the former No. [-] True Immortal of Feiying Country, who ascended to the Nine Tribulations of the Mortal Realm and was accepted by the Demon Feather King as a prostitute. In the past, Kong Xi'er was also unfathomable in the hearts of other super true immortals. , and after someone was defeated by Guo Zhengyang and released some "big words", as one of the super true immortals, he was also dissatisfied, and even thought that the other party was not worth his shot, so he instructed Ling Fang to challenge, then At that time, he really didn't take Guo Zhengyang too seriously.

But now, seeing that guy continue to create new miracles again and again, even the most arrogant person has to lose all language description ability to that guy.

"Let's go, I fell into the hands of Guo Zhengyang. That old guy Jinghai is probably going to vomit blood. Although I lost my lord this time, it's because I haven't fully comprehended the Guo's Formation Code. As long as I completely After eating it, my formation ability will be greatly improved again, and it will not be too late to avenge this revenge in the future. It is a pity that I missed that one time, and I will never have the opportunity to accept that kid as a disciple in the future. The Immortal King also stumbles with his strength, and he is only a true Immortal. I can't imagine where he will go in the future. With his world attainments, sooner or later he will be promoted to the Immortal Monarch. The Immortal King is also [-]% sure. Unfortunately, missed……"

Unlike the former strongest super immortal of Feiying Kingdom who was speechless, Yaoyu King was full of emotions, and there was regret in his constant emotions.

Yes, as soon as he heard that Guo Zhengyang had defeated Hu Yucheng and Lingfang, he had paid attention to Guo Zhengyang, and he was also thinking about taking him as his apprentice. After all, it is normal for the Immortal King to be moved by such a super evildoer.

But he won't recruit disciples so casually, but he is going to send people to Baizhan Continent to find out about Guo Zhengyang's details. As a result... the person who went to Baizhan Continent to inquire about Guo Zhengyang's details has not returned yet, and the other party has done something super earth-shattering After that, the Yaoyu King's heart to accept Guo Zhengyang as his disciple became more and more intense, but his scruples became more and more serious.

After all, as long as you are not stupid, you will know that although what Guo Zhengyang did was sensational enough, it also offended King Jinghai to death, and he also knew at that time that King Jinghai was not in Wanhu Country, and he was going to an ancient immortal with King Huidao. Treasure hunting in Wang Yi Mansion.

At that time, even if he wanted to take Guo Zhengyang as his disciple, he had to worry about whether King Jinghai would fight him for Guo Zhengyang after his return. he.

Once that happens, even if he knows that Guo Zhengyang is a super evildoer with a limitless future, he is also afraid that he will be dragged down miserably by the other party before Guo Zhengyang grows up.

So the idea of ​​accepting apprentices was not implemented in the end, and he just kept watching as an outsider.

But now he really regretted it, regretted that he shouldn't be on the sidelines, because he never thought that the current Guo Zhengyang could make King Jinghai stumble.

Even if he knew that Guo Zhengyang's formation skills were outstanding, he might use the formation ability to protect himself from being found out, but he really didn't expect the other party to be able to hide the truth from King Jinghai.

After all, speaking of Guo’s Formation Code, he has also read it. Although it is extremely advanced, he can fully understand it. He is reading Guo’s Formation Code now, just learning from different theories that can inspire him.

He can understand the Guo's Formation Code, so naturally he doesn't think that it can hide King Jinghai, and he has always guessed that as long as King Jinghai makes a move, he will not miss.

But who would have thought that the little guy would shock him again, and now he created a new miracle.

If he had known that he would make the Immortal King stumble now, then he really shouldn't have missed the opportunity because of Jing Haiwang, but now, he has no chance.

"Although I missed a good opportunity and missed a super evildoer, but fortunately, this king has never turned against him, and I should have given him a lot of help by exchanging the alchemy treasures in the past. It can be regarded as a small kindness." Yuan, when he grows up after that, he can also develop into a helper, which is not a bad thing for me, even if he has a headache, he should let that old ghost Jinghai have a headache, and now, he should not only have a headache!"

Another thought came to his mind, and the Yaoyu King took Kong Xi'er back to the Immortal King's Mansion in an instant.

At the moment when the Yaoyu King disappeared, far away, in the empty wilderness of Feiying Country, there was a figure who was stimulated to vomit blood again and again.

However, because the figure vomiting blood is not a human race, but a pool of water light, and his blood is not red, but dark blue, so at first glance, this piece of water light covering a radius of several thousand meters is just constantly flowing. The dark blue liquid is tumbling, and those who don't know what's going on can't see what's going on at all.

But it's a pity that everyone around the water at this moment knows the inside story, so a group of immortals looked at each other when they watched their immortal kings vomit blood, and then they all became terrified.

"How, how?? How could it go wrong?"

"The kid isn't there?"

"Not only is he absent, but he has actually deployed forces in that area, which means that it is a prosthesis he left behind on purpose? Is he deliberately mentioning my deduction? And I didn't see through the prosthesis and fell into a trick ? I was tricked once by a real fairy!!!”


The blue liquid in the water was tumbling up and down, Jinghaiwang couldn't stop vomiting blood, and his thoughts and mind exploded with joy.

He really couldn't believe that he made a mistake in the previous deduction, or was deliberately played by someone once.

The majestic fairy king was being teased and fell into the hands of a little real fairy. That feeling was really exciting! !

In the constant roar of Jinghai King, Qiandao Zhenjun and Mu Kun and other immortals were also trembling all the time, smiling wryly.

At this moment, they really didn't know what else to say or do.

Just quietly watching King Jinghai roaring and furious, after a while, King Jinghai, who was so stimulated that he was about to pass out, turned over the waves and roared at Zhenjun Qiandao, "Bring his Qi mechanism, I will Play it again."

When True Monarch Qiandao responded in a hurry and took out the sealed Qi mechanism of Guo Zhengyang even more respectfully, King Jinghai rolled the water and brought the Qi mechanism into the water light again.

After tumbling again for a while, Jing Haiwang suddenly sneered loudly, "Okay, okay! Sure enough, there is another prosthesis, but the same trick, I won't do it a second time! Let's go!"

Last time, he didn't think that the deduction would go wrong at all, and he didn't think that Guo Zhengyang would have the ability to expire him now. The last time he was cheated, although it was very exciting, but as long as he could kill the little thief, he would be able to vent his anger up.

Now his deduction is indeed much more attentive, and he has almost exhausted the means. The result of the deduction is that he deduces to a position at the beginning, but after careful analysis, he can feel something wrong, and finally uses a variety of methods. As the assistant of the secret art treasure, he was finally convinced that the place he had just deduced was an empty shell, and he went beyond the empty shell and deduced another very real place.

He has seen through an illusion and found another more real location, but he doesn't believe it, this time it's still fake!

That kid made his side of the Immortal King stumble, this shame, he must return it to the little thief a million times. (To be continued.)

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