One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 57 1 at a time

(ps: The second update today, please recommend, please collect, please ask for Sanjiang ticket.)

"Where are we going now?" Guo Zhengyang looked at Jiang Weijie with slightly bright eyes, but these things quickly settled down again. After he followed Guo Lingling into the car, he smiled and looked at the elder sister again.

"Go to the city? My classmate is getting married tomorrow, do you want to call my second uncle?" Guo Lingling also smiled, and Guo Zhengyang couldn't refuse this laugh, but he just felt weird. To attend a classmate's wedding, he doesn't know anyone, to join in the fun?

But it's true, since the eldest sister said that Jiang Weijie came to the county to hide, he knew that the wedding probably hasn't started yet, otherwise if the wedding is over, the eldest sister can go home directly, that is from the north to the edge of the south ... There is no need to use the excuse of looking for Guo Zhengyang to get rid of this suitor.

It was that the person in front was obviously too "enthusiastic", and he insisted on driving Guo Lingling over again. I guess this is what made his elder sister most helpless.However, Guo Zhengyang still happily called his mother, saying that he had something to do this weekend and would not be going back, and Guo Lingling was not mentioned at all during the process.

Although his mother said a few words about it, when he put down the phone, Guo Lingling smiled coquettishly and rubbed the top of Guo Zhengyang's head fiercely, "You are smart."

That's right, if Guo Zhengyang said she was there and didn't go to see it after they arrived at the door, Guo's mother would probably grab someone and complain again. Thinking of it, who knew Guo Zhengyang was so smart.

"Hehe, then let's go to the city? Xiaozheng, I'm older than you, so I'll call you Xiaozheng with your sister Ling. You and your sister Ling will stay in the hotel at night. Many people came to Xiaoyue's wedding this time. They all live in the same hotel." Jiang Weijie, who was driving ahead, couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene, and changed the subject with a smile.

"Okay." Guo Zhengyang nodded, and Jiang Weijie smiled again, "I didn't expect you to be a senior in high school. The college entrance examination is almost here. How about it? Which university are you going to go to?"

As soon as his words landed, Guo Lingling stared suddenly, coughed lightly, and smiled, "By the way, Brother Jiang, I heard you said that you started a company and what do you do?"

"Um, a real estate agent."

"Not bad, real estate is so hot now."


Seeing the abrupt change of subject between the two before and after, Guo Zhengyang was speechless.But he was warm-hearted in silence, well, he used to be too poor in his studies, in the three years of high school, two and a half years were unsightly, he often got angry when he mentioned this, and he was often taught by his father because of this , so those who are familiar with him basically know that in the past he was most troubled by the things about his studies. It is estimated that Guo Lingling also wanted to take care of his feelings, so she changed the subject as soon as she heard Jiang Weijie's words, but the problem is that in the past two months, he His grades have already improved by leaps and bounds. In school, he was praised by the teacher every day and set up as a model...

Now he is not afraid of others mentioning this.

However, none of his family members seem to know about these things.

Because of taking care of his feelings, no matter how much he changed at school in the past two months, his mother came to visit him every week, but never asked about his grades. He was so disappointed that he hadn't asked about his grades for such a long time.

This really made Guo Zhengyang a little depressed. Didn't he study hard for so long to make his family happy?As a result, he really worked hard and won the praise and admiration of many teachers and students. On the contrary, his family either really didn't care about it, or they deliberately avoided asking.

This kind of thing feels really weird.

Shaking his head speechlessly, Guo Zhengyang didn't say anything, just sat quietly.

Then the Mercedes-Benz drove to the urban area. Jiang Weijie was talking most of the time on the road. Guo Zhengyang, the siblings, basically listened. Guo Zhengyang was so boring that he almost fell asleep.

Jiang Weijie was very funny, but his attention was on Guo Lingling, and he was always trying to be cute in front of the ladies when he talked. He took care of Guo Zhengyang at first, but after a few words, he didn't pay much attention to him anymore.

Guo Lingling took good care of Guo Zhengyang's younger brother. She was afraid that he would be bored, so she often talked to him, but the conversation turned into teasing, which made him even more depressed.

"Hey, let me tell you, Xiaozheng, why have you become so deep lately? Are you pretending to be somber in front of your sister? Are there no other girls here?" The car was already approaching the urban area, and the metropolis ahead was faintly at the end of the world. Only then did Guo Lingling in the car look at Guo Zhengyang in surprise, her eyes full of curiosity.

After all, she is a very familiar person, and she can still feel Guo Zhengyang's changes. She teased him before, and she could easily make this kid want to cry, because this kid never lost his temper with her, so no matter how she Teasing, making him angry again, he will only bear it by himself, it is the attitude of wanting to cry without tears, which makes Guo Lingling very funny, but this time, no matter if she is pinching her cheeks, rubbing her hair, or other things What, Guo Zhengyang just looked helpless, no matter how much she kneaded, there was no response.

This change is indeed still very big.

"What can I do, I have been spoiled by your dishonesty." Guo Zhengyang sighed heavily, his teeth sore.

This confused and helpless expression made Guo Lingling laugh again on the spot, "Oh, I see, you like to act mature recently, don't you?"

"Heh, Lingling, your brother has such a good temper. If it were our Xiaoyue, if I casually said a few words to her, she would definitely have choked with me on the spot." Guo Lingling laughed, and Jiang Weijie in front of her also smiled.

"That's right, our Xiaozheng has more than a good temper." Guo Lingling also raised her pretty face proudly, as if she was very proud of Guo Zhengyang's younger brother, and Guo Zhengyang couldn't laugh or cry with that proud look.

But when he scanned the front of his eyes, he found that Jiang Weijie only disapproved when he heard this, but under the disapproval eyes, there was laughter and agreement, "It can be seen."

The corner of Guo Zhengyang's mouth curled up, and he was actually very interesting about the previous target. After listening to the target this time, he also roughly understood a lot. A great man, 28 years old, self-made. His family background is from an ordinary worker’s family. He used to be an executive in an intermediary company. After accumulating a group of contacts, he started his own business. In just over a year, his company was established in Mingchuan The city's second-hand housing market has a place.

In his mouth, this is really an admirable young talent, coupled with young and handsome, he is really a charming and successful man.

Of course, how much of these words are true or false is yet to be judged.

As for men, in front of the lady they like, it seems very common to occasionally brag and beautify themselves when posing for a courteous gesture.

But even putting these aside, Guo Zhengyang can roughly judge something. This Jiang Weijie should be a very ordinary little boss, not as painful as the targets he met the last two times.

The target this time is likely to be an ordinary person.

Just as Guo Zhengyang was pondering playfully, the thoughts in his mind suddenly changed.

This suddenly made him startled, and a trace of suspicion flashed in his eyes. Jiang Weijie's goal was right in front of him, and the idea along the way was simply guiding the direction in his mind, always guiding the goal in front of him, why suddenly? Has there been a change?

After silently sensing the change in his thoughts, Guo Zhengyang glared, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

"Isn't it? A new target has appeared? Jiang Weijie hasn't won this target, yet another one has appeared? Two hunting targets at a time, two secrets can be plundered?"

The change of thoughts is that one splits into two. One of the split thoughts still guides Jiang Weijie, while the other points to Mingchuan city ahead.


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