One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 581 5 Lines World


"Hiss! It's just a gust of wind, but it has this kind of power? It almost tore my body apart? Where is this place? There are so many immortal king corpses..."


In the outside world, hundreds of immortal kings were terrified and excited by the appearance of the King's Burial Ground. Inside the King's Burial Ground, standing on the dark ground, Guo Zhengyang suddenly stepped back and stretched out his hand to touch his chest. A shocking scar, as if cut by a sword, where the skin was ripped apart. .

Such a scene shocked Guo Zhengyang, almost staring his eyes out of his sockets. One must know that his physical tyranny has been fully proved in so many days of being chased and killed by the Pearl King. Broken, at least he was hit with all his strength by the King of Pearl, and he was in pain at most, and he would not really leave scars at all. But just now, when he was still paying attention to the bones on the left and right, a light The wind, a golden breeze blowing towards his chest, because he didn't feel the slightest murderous intent in the wind, and he didn't feel the slightest danger, Guo Zhengyang didn't care too much, but turned his gaze back with interest. After a few more glances, the golden wind suddenly picked up speed, so fast that he couldn't react in time, it blew on his chest, directly cutting a wound two or three centimeters deep.

This kind of wind really makes people feel cautious.

In awe, Guo Zhengyang carefully glanced left and right again, and found that the left and right were empty, so he hurriedly mobilized the immortal plants in the immortal mansion to turn them into spiritual liquid to heal his wounds.

It's just that when the wound was recovering, Guo Zhengyang was shocked again, and looked more warily to the left tens of meters in front of him, where three or four golden winds suddenly appeared in the void. It was blowing slowly like a sickle, and not every ray was blowing towards him. If the four golden winds did not change their trajectory, only one would blow on him.

But this also made him feel like he was facing a formidable enemy. Even if the wind gave him the feeling that there was still no danger, he would not be fooled again after suffering a loss once.

With a flash of his body, four sickle-like golden winds blew across the road. He thought that such a simple dodge should have little effect, but what is surprising is that the four sickle-like golden winds passed by his side so lightly. It passed by, and it actually passed.

Guo Zhengyang was still in doubt, and suddenly his feet itch, and when he lowered his head in astonishment, he realized that there were sprouts popping out from the ground under his feet. It was only under his left foot that it gave him a slight itchy feeling.

But at this moment, within a few thousand meters of the place where he stands, there are layers of emerald green grass shoots, just a few breaths out of the ground, all the green grass grows, covering the withered yellow earth in the blink of an eye, turned into green grass.

These green grasslands still didn't feel the slightest sense of danger. Guo Zhengyang also stepped on the green grass, and there was no abnormality except for a slight itching.

"Strange, here... hiss!"

Still in shock, a layer of fire suddenly broke out on the grass below, burning all the grass in an instant. The fire continued to explode, and he was burned to both feet before he could react. The severe pain seemed to be that both feet were burned. The same feeling of being burned made Guo Zhengyang fly away in shock.

At this moment, a meteorite suddenly crashed down from the sky on the left side. It was scattered aimlessly, not aimed at him, and was easily dodged by him.

But the series of changes in this short period of time made Guo Zhengyang very suspicious. What is this place? Why is everything so strange?

Not only was it strange, but it was also full of dangers. An ordinary wind could cut his body apart, and the sudden burst of flames could almost melt his feet?

And it seems that these things that appear in turn are not aimed at him, but just appear aimlessly and randomly?

After thinking for a moment, Guo Zhengyang walked in the air after healed the injury on his foot, wanting to explore this land clearly. With his current speed in the middle stage of Immortal King, once he casts it, it is indeed extremely terrifying, but the next few days For a moment, flying around, but he couldn't find a clue at all.

This is simply a boundless barren world with no end at all.

And when he was exploring, he encountered several dangers. For example, when he was flying, it suddenly rained heavily on the ground where he was standing. The rain spread all over the world and he couldn't hide. It's like ordinary rainwater in the world, but after a few more drops, it suddenly makes him feel like being struck by lightning, and he opens his mouth to spurt blood. It's as if a certain drop of water contains the power of the infinite water world and hits lightly, wave after wave. The waves continued, and the power contained in a drop of water could almost blow him into pieces of meat.

Or, a big tree suddenly emerges from the ground, grows vigorously, and transforms into a towering tree in the blink of an eye, absorbing all the nutrients from the left and right heaven and earth, and almost draining Guo Zhengyang's vitality through the absorption through the void.

In a world full of weirdness, murderous intentions are everywhere, but they don't have a purpose, they just flash and pass by randomly...

Such a situation really made Guo Zhengyang both shocked and suspicious, and his head became more and more confused.

Of course, he is an immortal king after all, so even if he had never heard of the existence of the Burial King Land, after a few moments of exploration and many dangers, Guo Zhengyang suddenly had a flash of light in his heart.

"Could it be that this place is the reincarnation of metal, wood, water, fire, earth and the five elements, the chaotic and disorderly derivation of heaven?"

He has never heard anyone explain the magic of the Land of the Burial King, but after a few moments of exploration, he found that this world is only filled with five kinds of power, which are gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and the five elements. The power that flashes at the same time is also extremely different in strength. For example, in a heavy rain, part of it is ordinary rainwater, and part of it can contain endless destructive power, as if it contains the purest essence of water power in the two worlds. A drop of rainwater Almost able to kill the Immortal King, what kind of power is that?

And when the five elements appear alternately, or when two pairs merge and mix together, the scene sweeping the world has no purpose, at least those things are not aimed at him, so it is not surprising that he would have such speculations and inferences.

While thinking, Guo Zhengyang was still observing, when he was suddenly startled, and looked to the far left side in amazement, there, unexpectedly, a figure flashed, but it was an immortal king of an unknown race. Be alert around.

This made Guo Zhengyang happy again. He had an impression of the new fairy king, who was also one of the former kings who followed him to watch the battle.

He arrived near the fairy king in a flash, but before he asked anything, the face of the guarding fairy king suddenly changed, and he looked at Guo Zhengyang as if facing a formidable enemy, with a wry smile on his face, "Fellow daoist, I I have no grievances with you, since we are lucky enough to enter the Burial King's Land, we should seize the opportunity to comprehend, and don't waste the opportunity."

It can be seen that the Immortal King is full of deep fear for Guo Zhengyang at this moment, and his humanoid face is full of entanglements.

That's right, he was just an ordinary fairy king in the middle stage, and then he saw Guo Zhengyang and a super fairy king like Pearl King fighting all the way... The Way of Nature himself is far from Guo Zhengyang's enemy.

What's even more tragic is that he is still an Immortal King of the Remnant Clan!

Facing this monster-level existence in front of him who was hunted down by the immortal king of the descendant clan for seven or eight days, he was really afraid that the other party would take him down.

Guo Zhengyang was dumb, but when his heart was dumb, his expression was very indifferent, "The place where the king is buried? Can you explain the situation here for me?"

"Fellow Daoist doesn't know the place where the king is buried?" The fairy king was also shocked, looking very astonished.

Guo Zhengyang and Pearl King chased and fled all the way, which aroused the attention of hundreds of fairy kings. Among so many fairy kings, some people did recognize Guo Zhengyang occasionally, but not all of them.

After all, Guo Zhengyang’s previous pursuit and escape route did not pass through Yushou Continent, and those who recognized him basically had a good relationship with the immortal kings of Yushou Continent. Everyone who came out of him and didn't publicize it, most of them just communicated through sound transmission to some friends.

So until now, among the three-digit immortal kings watching the battle, there are also those who know nothing about Guo Zhengyang's origin.

"I don't know." Seeing the other party's astonishment, Guo Zhengyang didn't care, and admitted his ignorance very straightforwardly.

The Immortal King was also taken aback for a second, but quickly explained, "The Land of the Burial King is a chaotic and disorderly area where the laws of the heavens are extremely chaotic and displayed chaotically. It is also easy to be used by others to observe and improve one's own understanding, so there are many immortal king level powerhouses who hope to come here to understand..."

Although very suspicious, Guo Zhengyang's deterrence was too great, so he didn't dare to neglect, and quickly told everything he knew.

In a place where the Dao of Heaven is chaotic, various rules of the Dao of Heaven are vividly displayed, containing a lot of murderous intentions, but it is easy for the immortals to use them to comprehend?

This is not surprising, for example, the limit of the power of gold that Heavenly Dao can display, in normal times, even an immortal king who has comprehended the power of gold to that level will not easily show his power to others. It is the time of life and death. At this time, it is absolutely difficult for you to learn and enlighten.

But here, the ultimate power is easy to appear, and it appears in steps, such as the weakest gold power, step by step to the ultimate gold power, and countless stages are displayed in turn, and it is not a purposeful pursuit You, you can completely let you carefully comprehend the deduction while avoiding those murderous intentions.

This is a good opportunity, just like the way of heaven is showing the power of gold one by one, evolving step by step, and acting as a mentor for you.

But this mentor is also very cold. When it evolves everything, although it does not have the purpose of killing, it comes without a trace and without rules. In any area, the last breath is safe, and it may appear in the next moment. The murderous intent enough to kill the Immortal King would kill the Immortal King if he was not careful.

That's why so many fairy kings have died here since ancient times, and that's why Guo Zhengyang was injured several times after he came in for a few moments.

And the world of Burial King Land is full of reading power. For example, the world the two of them live in right now is the world of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and five elements. You can only see these when you come in. Other worlds of reincarnation, time and space, The world of alchemy, the world of formations, etc. are all outside this world. Unless you deduce your five elements to the level of heaven, you can leave the land of the king's burial. Of course, when you really reach that step, you don't have to leave the land of the king's burial , You can also enter another world from the Five Elements World to continue to understand.

Only when you deduce the five-star attainments to the limit can you see other worlds, and then you can enter any world you want to enter as you wish. One thought is enough to leave this place completely, and one thought is enough to enter other places.

It is completely random for outsiders to enter the Burial King Land. Whether you can meet other people here, and who you can meet, all depends on luck. (To be continued.)

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