One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 585 pay and gain

"Brother Weiyi..."

"Dead? It's just like this in the middle stage of the Immortal King..."


Killing a mid-stage Immortal King in an instant, because it relied on the power of Heavenly Tribulation accumulated in the past, was not surprising to Guo Zhengyang, but such a scene really frightened more than a dozen other Immortal Kings. .

Even before they came, they knew that Guo Zhengyang was not simple. Could it be easy for a guy who can keep escaping from the hands of the Super Immortal King?Knowing that his work is not simple, even after hearing the news from the spirit world before, only about half of the nearly thousand immortal kings from the outside world came in, which explained a lot of problems, but they still couldn't believe it. Gone.

That is to be completely exterminated, and everyone is also an immortal king, so naturally they can tell whether the previous one is dead or not!

In the incomparable shock, the remaining dozen or so fairy kings still had a creepy feeling.

It was under this feeling that Guo Zhengyang moved again, and with a wave of his hand, another Heavenly Tribulation that condensed the power of six thunders culled and killed another Immortal King in the middle stage.


The Immortal King was also shocked in an instant, and hurriedly propped up the strongest defense, but he was severely injured on the spot after being hit, and a piece of defensive immortal treasure was directly shattered, and his energy was sluggish. Killing, a total of four lightning bolts almost hit one by one, without giving him a chance to react, another Immortal King was wiped out again.


The second fairy king who died was obviously stronger than the first one. You can tell the difference just by seeing that the first one lasted two thunderbolts, but he lasted four thunderbolts. The fact in the eyes of others is that, just two or three breaths before and after, Guo Zhengyang quickly cut through the mess, directly killing two middle-stage Immortal Kings in a row in their astonishment.

So the remaining dozen or so are completely crazy!

You look at me, I look at you, in the air-conditioning, more than a dozen fairy kings suddenly screamed strangely, turned and fled.

In the blink of an eye, only one of the more than ten fairy kings remained in place, and the others all fled without a trace, and the last one looked at Guo Zhengyang with a broken face, and waited for Guo Zhengyang to turn his attention to him Only then did the Immortal King shudder and disappear.

"Damn, you are ruthless!"

The moment he disappeared, there was another voice, but other than a curse, he really didn't dare to stay, even though that was the only Immortal King Dzogchen among the dozen or so Immortal Kings who came to besiege him, But he is still a long way from a super fairy king like Pearl King.

So after knowing that Guo Zhengyang can keep escaping from the Pearl King, he never thought that he could kill Guo Zhengyang by himself. I am afraid that it would be difficult to be seriously injured. I didn't see him seriously injuring Guo Zhengyang, let alone him?

Before he came, he knew that unless more than a dozen of them joined forces, it would be impossible to take down Guo Zhengyang.

The result is good, after coming, more than a dozen people were directly cheated by this little thief, and they were in a daze for a few breaths, and then they were beheaded and killed by him one after another?Scared away other fairy kings in the middle and late stages?He's the only one left...

This situation was so unexpected that he was powerless to fight against it!

"Finally bluffed away."

Just after the last fairy king disappeared, Guo Zhengyang suddenly let out a long sigh of relief, feeling very grateful.

But no, he bluffed away this group of fairy kings again.

With his current ability, if he arranges a large formation in the outside world, he is really not afraid of the middle and late stages of ordinary fairy kings. The problem is that the world of five elements is too chaotic, and formation is too difficult.

Therefore, when he faced the Immortal King, his biggest advantage had been weakened a lot, and the one who could form the strongest and most effective lethality was only the power of the Heavenly Tribulation accumulated before, but those powers of the Heavenly Tribulation were also limited .

He had survived the Heavenly Tribulation from the early stage to the middle stage of the Immortal King before, and only accumulated forty or fifty thunderbolts. Only five or six thunderbolts of this kind can be accumulated at a time, which can be lethal to the middle stage of the Immortal King, but it is not good for the later stage. Or Dzogchen, I'm afraid it's still a long way off.

When he was chased and killed by the Pearl King, he had already wasted five or six strikes, and he had used about thirty strikes for the two beheadings just now, so don't look at the horror of the two lightning strikes.

But the accumulation in his hands is almost exhausted!

And even if the catastrophe he accumulated before was not only the catastrophe when the fairy king entered the middle stage, but also the catastrophe when the fairy king entered the fairy king, and the small realm improvement in the realm of the fairy king, but those cataclysms are too powerful. Small, even if all the Heavenly Tribulations of the Immortal Monarch Realm are fused together, the power may not be comparable to the previous blow.

If they don't run away, the rest will be a protracted battle!

Even if he is not afraid of being besieged to death by those more than a dozen fairy kings, if he keeps chasing, fleeing and fighting, it will be a waste of countless time.

His enemies are definitely not limited to this wave. If someone from other places realizes the Super Immortal King Realm and jumps into the Five Elements World, the fun will be even greater.

Fortunately, now after I revealed the thunder two strikes, the deterrent effect is still terrifying enough. It is true that there are only 16 fairy kings who rushed over, and he killed two fairy kings in the middle stage in two or three breaths. Of the 14, 13 are all in the middle and late stages of the Immortal King, so don't panic!

After heaving a sigh of relief, Guo Zhengyang quickly fled in the direction where the tornado storm swept before.

Time, as long as he is given enough time to raise his perception of the power of the five elements to the Immortal King Realm, then his strength will be greatly improved again! !

It's very simple. An ordinary fairy king, if he only comprehends the way of heaven in one aspect and catches up with the way of heaven, he is comparable to the middle stage of the fairy king, but Guo Zhengyang has such deep insights in four aspects, and his spiritual sea area is already small. Bigger, need to say more about the advantages?

After leaving here, he also took out a batch of treasures to set up formations again, and began to study the rules of left and right heaven.


"The world of reincarnation, damn it, it's a completely strange world, and that little thief doesn't seem to be here either. It seems that the deduction will start from the beginning..."

Just as Guo Zhengyang was setting up his formation, in another world of the Burial King, a figure carefully comprehended the left and right for a moment, and then he frowned and cursed in a low voice. .

This figure is the Pearl King. Even if he knew that after entering the Burial King's Land, he might not be lucky enough to enter Guo Zhengyang's world, but he had some hope before entering. When Guo Zhengyang's whereabouts could not be found, Mingzhu Wang was also full of disappointment.

He is good at the cycle of force and speed and the power of emotions, but if he is not completely ignorant of the cycle of life and death, he has rarely dabbled in it. Now it seems that he can only rely on his own understanding of the way of heaven to re-study everything here.

With a low curse, Mingzhu Wangcai also quickly started to set up an array, studying the left and right worlds.

He knows that he doesn't have the Lingshi Mansion, and he is definitely not as good as Guo Zhengyang in terms of time, but he also has an advantage. This advantage is that he himself is really comparable to heaven in terms of power and speed cycle. , even if he starts to study the reincarnation of death, he will understand it faster than ordinary fairy kings.

Especially now that so many fairy kings have entered here, there must be many people who are in the same world as Guo Zhengyang.

Then as long as someone holds Guo Zhengyang back and prevents him from comprehending with peace of mind, this is his chance!

And at this moment, Pearl King was not the only one who was yelling.

In another world where time and space are confused, the kings who quickly searched a large area and couldn't find Guo Zhengyang's whereabouts also cursed.

He was on par with heaven in alchemy, and now he suddenly entered the world of time and space. Guo Zhengyang's goal seems to be not here, and he has to re-deduce before he can leave.

"Fortunately, even if I am not in the same world as him, there must be other people with him. In terms of time and space, I have also dabbled. Based on my alchemy attainments, it is not difficult to improve. As long as I am with that kid If the Immortal King can delay him for a while, let me... then there is still a chance!"


Besides King Pearl and King Dagan, the situation of the other four super immortal kings in the fairy world is similar to them at the moment. After these people come in, the world they encounter is basically not the world they are familiar with, which is not surprising. There are dozens of such worlds in the Burial King's Land, and each of them can at most deduce one kind to the level of heaven. If they want to come in and rely on random luck, they will encounter the power they are good at, and the probability is one in forty or fifty. , how can it be such a coincidence.

Therefore, when all the figures found that the world they entered was completely different from the power they were good at, and they could only deduce it from the beginning, they could only curse and pin their hopes on the fairy king who lived in the same world as Guo Zhengyang. Those guys can buy them some time!

After all, in the past, although there were not many people in the fairy world who could be promoted to the super fairy king realm in the Burial King Land, there were basically only one or two, or even none at a time. The king fell.

And most of those have exhausted their lifespan, and they don't have enough time to improve.

And now that half of the fairy kings in the fairy world have come in, the probability of this must be much greater than before.

Especially those who can be promoted to the Immortal King Realm from the outside world, based on their own perception, they do have confidence that they can also raise the unfamiliar power to the limit.

All they care about now is time.

Of course, few people knew at this moment that the guys who lived in the same world as Guo Zhengyang, whom the kings placed high hopes on, had already been killed and were so scared that they fled in all directions.

If they knew that those hopefuls were just met by Guo Zhengyang who first lured the enemy and then fled with the force of thunder, then countless people would definitely regret entering the King's Burial Ground!

They don't know this, so at this moment, many people are still trying their best to understand and observe, and improve their own strength.

Under such circumstances, time flies, and two years have passed.

Two years later, in the Five Elements World.

Opening his eyes suddenly in a void, Guo Zhengyang's eyes were full of energy, and his whole body was beaming with joy.

It's been two years. In the past two years, he has finally raised his attainment of the Five Elements to the level comparable to that of the Formation Alchemy. It's really not easy.

After all, in the past two years, he has been seriously injured countless times in order to observe and observe, and several times he almost died, and in the same two years, the immortal mansion that was confiscated before, and the infinite treasures in it were even more so by him. It is completely worn out during use... If a formation is destroyed, a batch of treasures will be lost.

This consumption is really too big and terrifying!

However, although the loss is large and the process is full of dangers, compared with the gains, it is definitely worth it! (To be continued.)

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