One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 67 Strange Treasure

The murderous maniac came, and he wanted to kill the He family in Qingyuan City. No one knew whether this guy was male or female, tall or short, and no one knew why the other party killed people. Many people only knew that the evil guy With a shot, Ming Chuan lost seven lives in one night. The seven people had different identities and had almost no connection with each other. They were all killed, as if they were a lunatic who killed anyone at sight.

In a short period of time, such rumors swept across the entire Mingchuan, causing many people to turn pale as soon as the name was mentioned, as if there was a terrorist hidden nearby threatening everyone's safety, making the entire city All cast a shadow of death.

Such a situation was indeed far beyond the expectations of the perpetrators. Guo Zhengyang really did not expect that his action would have so much impact on the city, and even affected a certain couple who were getting married, and the festive atmosphere of the wedding scene was somewhat affected.

Xiaoyue, the bride who molested Guo Zhengyang a lot with her sisters last night, was frightened into a panic when she got married today, and the other main players who molested Guo Zhengyang were similar, including his elder sister, who grabbed Guo Zhengyang's arm violently from time to time , and then panickedly looked left and right, as if some demon was hiding in the crowd.

This situation is really speechless.

At least Guo Zhengyang is very speechless. Yesterday he was molested by a group of women, and today he scares these people like this. If these people know that the object of their panic is the well-behaved and fun little brother in their eyes, I don’t know what it will be like. what a scene.

Speechless, it wasn't until noon when people from the city bureau came out to refute the rumors that the situation was better.

The city bureau came forward to say that the homicide last night was not a simple case, but a case. For example, a female secretary was stabbed to death by the big boss, the big boss was killed by a mysterious person, and a fugitive killed her. After killing a family of three, he was killed by a mysterious person.

Although the details of this kind of case are usually not disclosed to the public at all, who made the rumors spread more and more evil in a short period of time, and everyone is spreading wild rumors that a certain madman kills people on sight, no matter what your identity and background , If you touch it, you will die, and the whole city is a little panicked, so you can't do it if you don't come out to refute the rumors.

Moreover, while dispelling the rumors, the city bureau also announced that no matter who the killer is, the bureau will solve the case as soon as possible and bring the suspect to justice.

With this refutation of the rumors, the panicked city finally became less panicked.

At least no matter how cruel that person is, as long as he is not a lunatic who kills anyone at sight, it will not cause the whole city to tremble. Things are much better than before.

It was also under such circumstances that Guo Zhengyang and his elder sister returned to Yanhe County respectively. Although he invited his elder sister to go to the county to have fun before leaving, he was rejected by the elder sister. Her original words were that she had met you anyway. Now, you have to go to school when you go back. She doesn't feel like facing her elders at home alone, so she won't go.

This is also true, and Guo Zhengyang didn't force it. When he returned to Yanhe County, the new month's classes officially started. Guo Zhengyang didn't make any changes that night, and he continued to study honestly in the classroom until 12 o'clock in the middle of the night. Only then took advantage of the night to dig out of the campus.

Following the route in memory, he rushed all the way to the outside of Mingchuan City, and dug out the nine treasures buried last night in a wasteland. Guo Zhengyang then rushed back to Yanhe County with the treasures.

These things were not convenient for him to wear on his body yesterday, so he buried them outside the urban area, but that was only for the time being, and now there is no need to worry about being found out by the elder sister and others, and naturally they still have to be brought back to the county.

Just when he arrived outside the county seat, Guo Zhengyang stopped again in a remote place.

"There is no way to cover up the aura fluctuations on these things, so you still can't take them with you. Even if you bring them back to the county, you can't simply put them in the school. You have to find a place to hide them." After thinking for a while, Guo Zhengyang didn't go directly to find them. Instead of hiding these treasures, he squatted on the spot in the wilderness and studied the many treasures in his hands.

Because there were too many things to do last night, he got these things and just looked at them roughly, and didn't study them in detail. Now that he has enough time, naturally he can't just find a place to bury them hastily.

As for the nine treasures on the ground, yesterday he saw that four of them were spiritual weapons. The spiritual weapons were useless to Guo Zheng now, because he hadn't cultivated spiritual knowledge and couldn't use them at all. It is also difficult to judge.

So the remaining five things are the objects of his research.

Of these five things, one is the treasure that contains the attribute of lightning last night. When it is placed on the ground, it looks like a dull lightning. It has a winding trunk, and occasionally some branches spread out from the middle. , also curved and irregular, just like the electric snake that suddenly appeared in the clouds during a thunderstorm, but the size has shrunk countless times, and now it is only more than ten centimeters long, and the color is also very dim, but the whole body is very crystal clear.

Then there is the weird scale that Guo Zhengyang took from a female corpse last night. The scale is not big, but it still carries a strong soul pressure, so that Guo Zhengyang dare not look directly at it easily.

The third baby is a basketball-sized, strange-shaped thing, this thing is the largest of all things, it looks like some kind of ore, the color is mottled and dim, the appearance is also uneven, very irregular, like a very ordinary one However, the strong aura fluctuations on it are enough to show that this thing is not simple, because the fluctuations on it are almost stronger than the weird scales, and this thing looks like ore, but it is very light after you get it. It seemed to have no weight, but Guo Zhengyang took the knife that had been swallowed by the crooked gourd to stab it last night, and it was difficult to cause the slightest damage to it.

The fourth one is a small tree.

The small tree is as long as a finger, as if it was uprooted from the soil. Although it is no longer sticking to the soil, the small tree is still crisp and green, full of vitality, the branches and leaves are not withered, and the color looks more than in spring Most trees that are in full bloom are more moving.

But the last treasure is even more weird, because it is an irregular cloud, if you throw it on the ground casually, it will float slightly on the surface, and will not really touch the ground.If you touch it with your hands, your palm can also pass through the cloud easily, as if it was an invisible and intangible thing. When Guo Zhengyang buried this thing in the ground yesterday, he was afraid that it would be crushed by the soil or something, but today he When I went to dig, I found that this thing was not affected by the soil at all.

What it looked like when it was buried is still the same when it is dug out.

Such a batch of things, even if Guo Zhengyang was a real person in his previous life, he is still confused and doesn’t know any of them, but he also understands that he, a real person, is not well-informed. Struggling to survive, it was almost difficult to gain a foothold in the spiritual realm, and then he was affected and died as soon as he was promoted to a real person, so in terms of knowledge, he was indeed inferior to some disciples from the Juling period who were born in big sects.

It is normal to encounter treasures without knowing them.

If he doesn't have a lot of knowledge, he can only study it by himself, but after squatting on the ground for a while, he couldn't find the slightest clue. In desperation, Guo Zhengyang took out a cigarette, put it in his mouth, and took out the lighter to light it.

But what was unexpected was that he couldn't get any flame when he pressed the lighter back and forth, and this disposable lighter, which he bought casually, was still full of gas.

Guo Zhengyang was speechless for a moment.

Speechless, he took off the backpack on his back and rummaged through it. This time he went out with all his equipment, and all the things that were swallowed by crooked gourds were in the backpack. Also includes two lighters.

After searching for a while, he took out two lighters, one was a disposable gas lighter, and the other was an oil-burning lighter. Guo Zhengyang continued to dial, but this time the two lighters still couldn't even fire a spark.

He was stunned for a moment.


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