One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 93 You dare to kill me?

(ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, a recommendation ticket!!)

"Shh! Shh!"

Two flying knives shot out through the night, and Xiaoya and Jiang Yu in front of them also dodged in shock for an instant. While they were dodging, Guo Zhengyang showed a smile on the corner of his mouth. He doesn't matter at all.

While chuckling, taking advantage of the opportunity for the two people in front of him to dodge, Guo Zhengyang sprinted out with all his strength, and rushed towards Jiang Yu with the fastest explosive force. The opponent was just dodging a throwing knife. Guo Zhengyang had already reached Jiang Yu more than 30 meters away, and took another breath. Two throwing knives were shot again, and when the two dodged again, Guo Zhengyang had already entered within 20 meters of Jiang Yu.

With a bang, an epee rose into the air and stabbed at Jiang Yu quickly. Although Jiang Yu dodged again by relying on his strong physical strength, the epee suddenly turned around, and the already wide sword body rose against the wind. It became as big as half a wooden door, rolled up a layer of black light and smashed it at Jiang Yu head-on, even when the epee touched the side of this handsome foreign handsome guy, a layer of water suddenly lit up on Jiang Yu's body Light, however, was also crushed down by the epee, shattering the aura, and smashing the figure underneath into a piece of flesh.

Among the few spiritual weapons that Guo Zhengyang got, only this heavy sword could be controlled, and the power of this heavy sword was power.

If you really want to fully stimulate the power of the epee, it is enough to evolve a huge force of tens of thousands of catties. However, with such a huge force, a full swing is enough to consume [-]% of Guo Zhengyang's cultivation, so the blow just now, he only stimulated the epee twice. It's only [-]% of the power, but even so, it is enough to deal with monks who have only slightly tempered their bodies in the early stage of gathering spirits.

Once crushed, the epee quickly retracted to its normal size, circling and flying back to Guo Zhengyang's side, and he also quickly bullied the master amidst Xiaoya's screams on the other side.

Before Master Yu asked two apprentices to shoot, he didn't expect them to kill Guo Zhengyang. He just wanted to delay the time. During the few breaths that Guo Zhengyang was blocked, he had already swallowed a elixir and recuperated one or two. Breathe jumped up from the ground and shouted sharply, "My master is a great cultivator in the spiritual realm, you dare to kill me?"

Guo Zhengyang, who was running fast, paused and stopped abruptly.

It was at this moment of pause that a gleam of joy flashed in Master Yu's eyes as he was drinking heavily. Amidst the joy, a flying sword had unknowingly pierced into the range of Guo Zhengyang's spiritual consciousness, 30 meters away, piercing in an instant.

But seeing that the flying sword was about to pierce Guo Zhengyang's head, Guo Zhengyang stretched out his left hand, grabbed the pierced flying sword in the palm of his hand with a snap, and shot out the heavy sword hovering beside him. Facing Master Yu, he smashed it head-on. Even up to this moment, Master Yu thought that the sneak attack had succeeded, and the surprise in his eyes did not fade away.


Watching the sword body the size of a door panel slam down, Master Yu just let out an angry rebuke, sparking a layer of glare, and was smashed into a pulp by the bang of the epee.

"You still play this kind of petty thinking in front of me."

After obliterating another target, and it was the most threatening target, Guo Zhengyang's eyes flashed with amusement, and his whole body relaxed a little. No, after spying out that Master Yu has a storage ring and so many spiritual weapons With the technique, he already guessed that this guy is not simple, there should be someone behind him.

Knowing this already, and having already chosen to make a move, how could he be frightened by the other party's threatening words?The pause just now was to let the opponent relax, and at the same time he was always on guard against the opponent's assassination, otherwise it would be impossible to catch the flying sword in time when the flying sword cut it down.

After all, this is a monk Feijian. If he hadn't been prepared for a long time, it would be too late to stop Feijian after it entered the range of his spiritual sense, because Guo Zhengyang's spiritual sense can only spread 30 meters now, the distance is too close.

After obliterating Master Yu, Guo Zhengyang suddenly looked back. Three to forty meters away, Xiaoya, who was so enchanting and glamorous as to make any normal man impulsive, was already screaming in fright. When he saw Guo Zhengyang turn around during the scream, She woke up suddenly, turned around and fled.

Guo Zhengyang raised his hand, the flying knife came out, and took advantage of the opponent's opportunity to dodge the flying knife to quickly catch up. With two breaths, he was within 30 meters of Xiaoya, and the epee circled out again, smashing with a bang. go down.

"No, don't kill me."

Before the epee came down, the peerless beauty who was running also knelt on the ground with a thud, crying and begging for mercy to Guo Zhengyang. This pear flower crying with rain, coupled with the expression of extreme panic and fear, made this scene even more so. The glamorous and seductive woman looked pitiful, but Guo Zhengyang didn't feel any pity at all, he just rushed forward quickly, the flying sword retracted, and hovered behind him, waiting for the beauties in the ground to think that they could escape death, and squeezed out a pleasing and obedient smile to see When he came, Guo Zhengyang urged his spiritual consciousness to release the spell of confusion.

"What's your name?"

"Wen Xiaoya."

"Where did it come from?"


"Who is Master Yu?"

"I don't know, that person only appears once a year or two,..."


The monks in the early stage of Juling only tempered their bodies, and they had no power to resist Guo Zhengyang's confusing spells. start?That guy's cultivation level seems to be higher than Guo Zhengyang's, and there are many treasures to protect him. It's hard to say whether such a technique will work. Turning over, the danger is too great.

After asking little by little what he wanted to know, a strange color gradually flashed in Guo Zhengyang's eyes.

"Great cultivator in the spiritual domain? This master's cultivation classics, body protection magic weapon, and mastered spells are all obtained from that person. The reward can be rewarded with a storage ring. I am afraid it is a member of the sect,... But fortunately, that person only comes to the world once a year or two, and the last time he left was only half a year ago, and under normal circumstances it would take half a year or more to reappear."

"A monk from the sect should have a certain status in the sect. Every time he appears, he asks Master Yu to prepare some top-quality virgins for him to make a cultivation furnace. In the spiritual realm, there seems to be no sect known for its double cultivation or the technique of harvesting and nourishing." , Could it be that the disciples of the sect accidentally obtained some such classics... quietly came out to collect supplements?"


After asking many things that he wanted to know, Guo Zhengyang really felt weird, because this time Master Yu will come to Donghai City, and it is because there seems to be no beauty in Nanyang who can't find Tai Chi products to make furnaces for the great monk. Expanding the territory, and looking for beautiful women, a republic with a population of more than one billion is undoubtedly the most convenient.With such a large population base, even if it is difficult to find virgins these days, as long as you have enough influence, you can naturally find the best.

He not only asked these questions, but even asked Xiaoya in front of him. On the surface, she was Master Yu's apprentice, or occasionally served as a female secretary, but in fact she had been enjoyed by Master Yu countless times. One of Master Yu's wives, the one in front of him is indeed a top-notch beauty, but he was no longer a virgin when he followed Master Yu, so even if he is a peerless beauty who is enough to seduce people, the big monk doesn't even bother to take a second look, so It will be taken over by Master Yu.

After asking everything he wanted to know, and cross-examining it several times, he was convinced that there was nothing more to be asked from the woman in front of him. Then Guo Zhengyang raised his hand, and a gust of cold air rushed down. The peerless beauty of the Qing Dynasty was directly frozen into an ice sculpture.

Guo Zhengyang's expression didn't fluctuate at all, he just quickly absorbed the sin from Xiaoya.

After absorbing the sins, he raised his hand, and balls of real fire flew out, completely melting the ice sculpture into nothingness.


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