One Step Fairy Dust

Chapter 96 9 Dead 1 Life

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"The fifth-rank Lingzhi is actually a fifth-rank Lingzhi who escaped death. No wonder, no wonder Zeng Ying's grandfather and third uncle would suddenly suffer from such a strange disease. It must be the snake demon controlling the Yin spirit to absorb the vitality of both of them." , directly deplete the vitality, of course it will become listless, sleep for a long time, and it will become weaker and weaker. But the ridiculous thing is that the snake demon doesn't understand the life of nine deaths at all. It is a turning point condensed by the death limit, and it cannot be catalyzed by absorbing the vitality of other lives. To catalyze it, you can only find more dead energy to make it continue to grow."

After sleeping for three or four hours, Guo Zhengyang got up at midnight full of energy, and then began to study the treasure he dug out from the Zeng's underground and put in the storage ring.

This treasure is actually a spiritual plant with a strange appearance. Spiritual plant is the general name of monks for those spiritual herbs and medicines with various wonderful effects.

Most of the spiritual plants in this world can only be conceived in places with rich spiritual energy, absorbing a large amount of spiritual energy, but there are indeed some wonderful spiritual plants. What is needed for the growth process is not spiritual energy, but some other specific conditions. For example, the escape from death in Guo Zhengyang's storage ring at this moment only needs one thing for its birth, that is, there should be a strong death energy and evil energy around it.

Guo Zhengyang also didn't know how the ground tens of meters below the lawn of Zeng's family had the conditions for the birth of a close escape, but there was indeed a close escape plant born there.

And it was a narrow escape that was about to reach maturity.

Lingzhi is divided into nine grades in Lingyu [***], and each grade is divided into upper, middle and lower grades. The pills refined by the first and second grades of Lingzhi are enough for all monks in the spirit-gathering stage to use. The plant is the spiritual plant needed by the real world.

There are not many spiritual plants above the fifth rank in the entire spiritual realm, and any one of the fifth rank spiritual plants is enough to make the Taoist heart move, not to mention that the near death in front of him is the most outstanding kind of fifth rank spiritual plant.

Nine Deaths looks very strange. It is a small winding tree, about tens of centimeters high, with a pitch-black trunk and ten branches extending outward from the tree.

There is a leaf and a flower on nine of the branches, and these branches, branches, leaves, and flowers are all pitch black, with black smoke around the body, looking gloomy, but the last branch that stretches out is emerald green and moving. Full of vitality.However, no foliage and flowers condensed on this emerald green branch.

Nine deaths, that's why it got its name.

If the last emerald green branch also condenses leaves and flowers, it is already a fully mature narrow escape.

This thing can only be born in a place where death energy is extremely strong, and its nine branches and leaves surrounded by death energy are also the ultimate treasures in the eyes of monks who practice yin and evil magic.

If a person dies by the side of such a spiritual plant, the soul will not be destroyed, but will be directly transformed into a Yin spirit, conceived and nurtured by the dead energy swallowed by nine dead branches, and the Yin spirit will continue to grow. If the flowers and leaves on the next dead branch are not exploded by the spirit body, it will become an evil ghost that is not as terrifying as the Dzogchen monk who gathers spirits.

Of course, if an ordinary Yin spirit really wanted to swallow the flowers and leaves on a dead branch, it would inevitably burst its spirit body and completely disappear.

But if you absorb and swallow by the side of Nine Deaths for decades, and absorb the dead energy escaping from its flowers and leaves little by little, you will grow little by little, and when you swallow a flower and leaf, you will be able to suppress Juling Dzogchen, if you If you have the strength to swallow nine dead leaves without exploding, you are a super fierce spirit comparable to the peak of a real person. However, if an ordinary ghost wants to have the strength to swallow nine flowers and leaves, it will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. It's impossible to get pregnant for a year.

And if Nine Deaths is used to refine elixir, or if its branches are used to refine magic weapons, they are also excellent top-grade treasures.

These things are also seen in some classics that Guo Zhengyang bought from other casual cultivators in his last life. Some spiritual plants go to accumulate wealth, so I really bought many classics introducing various spiritual plants.

Even the best spirit plants he had seen in the last life were only low-level spirit plants of the third rank, but he also knew a lot of spirit plants above the third rank.

"It's no wonder that such a snake demon was born in the underground of Zeng's house. If it only had dead branches and branches, ordinary creatures would be obliterated by the pure death energy and turned into ghosts when they came close. The life after nine deaths, even if it is just the first signs, is enough for ordinary life to survive. Even if it is an ordinary snake, if it has been living in this place and absorbing life and death, it will evolve into a monster and keep eating it. Vitality and death, this snake demon is born to control Yin spirits."

"However, ordinary snake demons don't have much wisdom, so they mistakenly think that manipulating Yin spirits can absorb more vitality and ripen the growth? Did it attack Zeng Ying's grandfather and third uncle? Slowly To absorb its vitality, is it afraid that too many people will die in a short period of time, so that no strangers will dare to approach it?..."

When Guo Zhengyang collected the underground escapees last night, he found only escapees in the underground snake cave. Other than that, there were no other abnormalities. Pregnant and nurturing, the snake demon wants to ripen by absorbing the vitality of the living?

Although this is Guo Zhengyang's inference, it is estimated that the facts are similar to this.

And that snake demon has been hanging on the lives of Grandpa Zeng Ying and Third Uncle, never once draining their vitality, probably because they are afraid that too many people will die in a short period of time, so scared that there will be no living people staying in the villa.

After all, the snake demon has become a monster, even if it is not fully mature, it is much smarter than ordinary animals.

In the battle last night, if Guo Zhengyang did not participate, the final result would probably be that neither the snake demon nor Master Yu could kill the other, and then the two sides would carve up the tree, otherwise his perception would not be that there are four targets that can kill each other. hunted.

But now all this is over, this time, Guo Zhengyang is the biggest winner.

The storage ring is in a vacuum state. Generally, spiritual plants are stored in it. Although it will not continue to grow, it will not be easily damaged and dilapidated. It is absolutely no problem to store it for a year or so. Taking it out and selling it can bring him great benefits.

Take it out for sale, and a top-quality fifth-grade spiritual plant that is about to mature can at least sell the wealth that he has not accumulated in his previous life.If you use it yourself?

If he kills someone in the future, he can directly refine and control his soul, and let the Yin spirit continue to absorb the dead energy in his life, and he will soon be able to cultivate a very powerful Yin spirit as a helper.

But just as Guo Zhengyang was thinking again and again, he suddenly frowned, and then raised his hand to release Nine Deaths.

"No, this is... Shit, when did these guys come here?"

"By the way, when the snake demon sprang out from the ground, the snake path opened up also connected Nine Deaths to the ground, so after they were killed, they were not killed, but were saved by the escaped fluctuations of Nine Deaths." If the soul is immortal and turned into a ghost, if there is no birth after nine deaths, then the ghost that fell and was born near him will not have the slightest sense of sanity, just a fierce ghost and evil spirit, but once the branch emerges, even if it is only the first clue, these The Yin spirit will also save the memory of the previous life, it took me an hour to destroy the corpse of the snake demon, and it is estimated that during that time, the souls of these guys climbed along the snake path to escape from death."

"When I was taking Nine Deaths away, I even brought out these Yin spirits."


This tree had a narrow escape, only about [-] to [-] centimeters high. At first, Guo Zhengyang did not find any other abnormalities, but just now after looking at it, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. Among the nine dead branches, there were actually six dead branches. , all have a layer of vague grimaces.

After careful identification, it was the great father who was beheaded by Jiang Yu and Xiaoya, three bodyguards of the Zeng family, and six people including the monk and Taoist duo.

As for the snake demon, Master Yu and others, because they were killed by Guo Zhengyang with a spiritual weapon, and the corpses were burned with real fire, it was the real annihilation of body and spirit.

On the contrary, these six ordinary people, because they were only killed by gunshots, even before they died, they were possessed by Yin spirits to absorb their vitality, but those Yin spirits also disappeared with the death of the snake demon. After all, those Yin spirits should have been attached to the snake demon. , and it was refined by the snake demon. Once the master died, his soul would naturally disappear with him.

"Not coming out yet! Do you want me to kill you completely?" After careful identification, although the six Yin spirits attached to the narrow escape were trying their best to hide their figures, they still left some traces on the branch. Guo Zhengyang Immediately there was a fierce look in his eyes.

All of a sudden, the six spiritual bodies originally hidden on the dead branch escaped, and all of them turned into the same appearance as before, but their bodies were transparent and somewhat blurred, and they all looked at Guo Zhengyang tremblingly.

" are Guo Shao?"

Under the boundless panic, it was still Zeng Ying's father who spoke tremblingly, looking with eyes full of horror.

Guo Zhengyang didn't pay attention to these, but suddenly reached out to touch his chin, and glanced at the six Yin spirits, his eyes were full of strangeness. He had thought before that if he didn't sell it, let him use it himself, that's the best way There is nothing better than cultivating a group of evil spirits. As long as the evil spirits are strong enough, they will also become his help.

If you want him to cultivate them, then naturally they won't just breed some low-level evil spirits like the Snake Demon. Apart from their terrifying appearance, they have no power at all. At most, they can possess mortals to absorb their vitality.

But he really didn't expect that not long after this idea appeared, there were already six Yin spirits around him.

Could it be that he really wants to develop into a gloomy old demon in the future?

If you want to kill the six Yin spirits in front of you, you can just snap your fingers. After all, these Yin spirits are just born. It can't make any climate.

Any thunder spell can kill them physically and mentally.

But if Guo Zhengyang gave these guys some cultivation classics and let them cultivate with the body of Yin spirits and with the help of the strong death energy of a narrow escape, they would definitely become a ghost cultivator very quickly.Even if this kind of Yin spirit is naturally restrained by Thunder, it can also be his help in many cases. After all, not every monk specializes in the art of Thunder.

If used well, the six evil spirits will be more effective than one or two spiritual weapons. The spirits are born to fly into the sky and escape from the ground, can pass through walls and enter rooms, and can be used to track, inquire about news, and so on.

Even if that was the case, if Guo Zhengyang wanted to let them play in the future, he would definitely make him look very dark, surrounded by ghosts and ghosts.


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