() Lin Heng who has the help of the system is happy, because he can take the elixir with peace of mind.After taking the elixir for the first time to practice, his zhenqi was obviously enhanced a lot.Later, he took the second pill after two months, and this is the result of the system reminder.Originally, he planned to take one pill a month, but the system told him that doing so was not good and would increase his drug resistance.So, he immediately listened to the system and took one tablet for two months.

Even if it is two months, twelve months a year is enough for him to take six pills.Six pills, that is six years of internal strength, plus the eight years of his own cultivation, that is 14 years of internal strength.

A 19-year-old boy has 14 years of skill, which is definitely quite extraordinary.

At this point, Lin Heng couldn't stay any longer, and he walked out of Zhongnan Mountain.

In the small town, Lin Heng held the flagon in his right hand, gulped down the wine, and held the roast chicken in his left hand, stuffing it vigorously into his mouth.He looks like a leopard who hasn't eaten for a few days.

"Hey, you guys have heard that the Wang family in the town was ransacked, and even the head of the Wang family was killed at home..."

"Of course I know, this matter has been spread around for a long time."

"Yeah, I don't know who is so bold as to dare to kill the Patriarch of the Wang Family. His son is a disciple of Quanzhen Sect. Isn't that person afraid of Quanzhen Sect's revenge?"

"What are you afraid of? If you want me to say, that guy from the Wang family deserves what he deserves. He usually relies on his son being a Quanzhen sect disciple to run amok in the town. It just so happens that he was killed..."

"Shut up, don't be listened to by the Quanzhen Sect..."

Listening to what they said, Lin Heng was delighted.Needless to say, he was the one who ransacked the Wang family.He stayed in the deep mountains for two years without any money, so when he came out this time, he naturally needed to get some money.How do heroes make money?Of course it is chivalrous.Ever since, he unceremoniously ransacked the bullies in the town.

Touching his mouth, Lin Heng glanced at the mess on the table, and shouted with a satisfied face: "Xiaoer, pay the bill!" After that, he took out a certain large amount of money from his arms, and threw it directly on the table, and then Walked out unsteadily.

"The feeling of a nouveau riche is really cool!"

Touching the money in his bosom, Lin Heng felt very satisfied, so much money was enough for him to squander.

"Rang Rang... Rang Rang..." Walking on the street, there were a few shouts in front of him, and then two tall horses rushed over from the front. Lin Heng turned sideways, hid by the side of the road, and looked at the riders with his eyes. He frowned slightly.These two people are dressed in Taoist robes, with long swords on their backs, and they are disciples of the Quanzhen Sect. "I didn't expect them to come so soon. Forget it, I don't need to mess with the Quanzhen Sect, it's better to run away!"

With a mutter, Lin Heng quickened his pace, walked out of the town in a short while, and walked in the direction of Jiangnan.

He travels during the day and rests beside the road at night. He only enters towns and cities when he eats, and inquires about various rivers and lakes by the way.Through the comparison of various parties, he knew that the eagle carving had started, and it had started for a while.Hearing this news made Lin Heng quite annoyed. I knew I would have come out earlier, but now it's a pity that I won't be able to see my lovely sister Huang Rong.

That big fool Guo Jing, how did you get so lucky?

That night, Lin Heng was still sleeping on the side of the road.But before he could sit down, he heard the sound of horseshoes in the distance.The sound of hoofbeats was urgent, obviously they were running very fast.After a while, a few black shadows came up from behind and passed Lin Heng quickly.Lin Heng looked at those people and frowned slightly, because they were not wearing clothes from the Central Plains.

"These outfits, are they Mongolians?" Lin Heng wondered in his heart, and immediately mobilized his inner strength, and he quickly chased after him like an arrow flying off the string.

The people in front were running fast on horseback, and Lin Heng was chasing after him like a cheetah.The two parties ran all night, and when they stopped to rest, Lin Heng was also panting from exhaustion.

"Damn, I must be crazy, why are you chasing them?" Lin Heng scolded himself, and immediately sat cross-legged behind a big tree, meditating and resting.

Lin Heng consumed a lot of zhenqi, but when he recovered, he forgot the time. When he opened his eyes, he found that the person in front of him had long since disappeared. This made Lin Heng even more annoyed. Check out the traces under your feet.Soon, he found the horseshoe mark and chased after it.

After walking for a long time, Lin Heng saw a small town in front of him, and immediately wanted to go in and have a rest, but at this time he heard the sound of horseshoes again, felt different, and immediately hid aside.After a while, a first-class cavalry team walked on the road. Their outfits were different from those of the previous ones, but the Song family's army outfits.

"Why did the army come here?" Lin Heng wondered, and immediately followed them into the town together.Soon, he saw that the army heard a group of people and saluted those people, which seemed quite respectful.These people were none other than the Mongolians Lin Heng was looking for.It was dark at that time, and Lin Heng couldn't see their faces clearly, but now he noticed that there was a woman among these people.

"This situation... Could it be that this is Niujia Village..." Lin Heng suddenly thought of the scene in the original book, and asked in surprise, "I encountered such a big scene as soon as I came out... But, where are Yang Kang's two or five sons?" Lin Heng Heng watched secretly, and soon saw those people walking into the store, and there were faint voices and exclamations.He knew that Yang Kang must have come out, but he was too far away to see the scene inside.

Lin Heng wanted to touch it secretly, but before he could move, he heard a high chant, and then saw several Taoists approaching from a distance.Lin Heng hurriedly looked, but this look made his eyes shrink.These Taoist walkers didn't take long steps, but one step covered a distance of three or four meters, so they were far away at first, but just after they finished speaking, they had already arrived at the door of the small shop.

"Quanzhen Taoist priest, the one who spoke must be Qiu Chuji...it really is this part!" Lin Heng chuckled and immediately decided not to go out.You know, the people who came back here are all masters, and he doesn't want to go out and beat them up.

Looking at those people talking, although Lin Heng couldn't hear them, he probably knew what they were talking about. After all, he had read the original work and judged who these people were through their words.Needless to say, the Mongols are naturally dragged down, Huazheng and others, and besides Qiu Chuji, those Taoist priests also include Ma Yu, Wang Chuyi, Sun Buer and Yin Zhiping. As for the extra man and woman, they are Yang Kang and Mu Nian after all. Merciful.

That Yang Kang is really a handsome guy, and Mu Nianci is also very beautiful, standing together, they really look like a golden boy and a jade girl.It's a pity that that guy Yang Kang is an idiot, he only thinks about Jin Yong's wealth and honor, and finally ended up in the Iron Spear Temple.

For this person, Lin Heng didn't have a good impression.In the previous life, the protagonists of many novels said that Yang Kang was the fault of his parents and Qiu Chuji.That's right, they were wrong, but their fault was just hiding from Yang Kang.As for the rest, what was wrong with them?On the other hand, Yang Kang, after he knew that Wanyan Honglie was not his father but an enemy, not only did he not want to take revenge, but he even tried to flatter him. What is this?This is typical villain psychology.Don't say that he can't react. You should know that he is not a fool, but a very smart person.This kind of person should know how to do what is best for him.

If it was Lin Heng himself, he felt that he might not be able to finish killing Yan Honglie. After all, he was Father Yang who treated him very well, but he also felt that he would not do treasonous things, nor would he think about dealing with Guo Jing and others, let alone Live up to Mu Nianci's friendship.He felt that the best way was to leave Dadu directly, take Mu Nianci to Quanzhen Sect, and practice martial arts wholeheartedly.

In this way, although he lost Yonghua's wealth, he could definitely become a master with his aptitude.

Of course, this is just Lin Heng's own opinion. Whether others agree or not can only depend on what he thinks in his heart.

Outside the small shop, everything was staged as in the original book. When a loud laugh came, Ma Yu and the others were surprised and delighted, because they knew that it was Zhou Botong's laughter.It's just that they didn't move, because there were three more shouts from the village, and Lin Heng knew that they were the other three of the Quanzhen Seven.Shaking his head, Lin Heng continued to look at the crowd. He found that Qiu Chuji seemed to be questioning Yang Kang, and Yang Kang answered with a grateful and sad expression.Later, two beggars came, they stepped forward and said a few words to Yang Kang, and then Yang Kang and them left.

Lin Heng knew that it must be because the two beggars saw the dog-beating stick in Yang Kang's hand and regarded him as the descendant of the old beggar.

"The dog-beating stick is a treasure... Damn, it's not right. If I go to snatch them, wouldn't the dog-beating stick become my own?" Lin Heng was excited, although he knew that he had snatched the dog-beating stick It will offend the beggar gang, but who can control so much, grab it first and then talk.In the future, as long as you have a good relationship with Guo Jing, you will be afraid of the beggar gang.

"Hey..." Lin Heng gave a cheap laugh, paused, and quickly chased after him.Soon, he discovered that Yang Kang and the beggar gang were mixed up with the Mongols again.He knew that Yang Kang was unwilling to give up and wanted to kill Torre and the others, but it was a pity that the two beggars were guarded so tightly that they never gave him a chance to strike.

Thinking in Lin Heng's mind, he immediately rolled his eyes and entered the woods. When he came out again, he had already taken a few pheasants in his hand.

Grabbing the pheasant, Lin Heng walked to the dilapidated courtyard where those people lived, and said loudly: "The passers-by want to rest here, I wonder if you can accommodate me?"

The beggar who was guarding looked Lin Heng up and down a few times. Seeing the long sword on his body, he was a little more careful, but this place was just a broken yard, so he naturally wouldn't stop him, so he let Lin Heng walk in.

Lin Heng was not polite at all, he lit a fire beside him and set up a pheasant.In front of everyone, he took out a medicine bottle from his pocket and sprinkled it on the pheasant.Immediately, a unique fragrance spread, and everyone felt hungry when they smelled it. The Mongolians in Torre looked at Lin Heng's roast chicken eagerly.Apparently, they had never smelled so good.

With the crackling sound of the firewood, time passed little by little, and the pheasant hanging on the fire became more and more fragrant.After a while, Torre and the others couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately stepped forward to negotiate with Lin Heng.It's just that they don't understand Chinese, and Lin Heng couldn't understand what they said after speaking for a long time.Knowing that they had given out a certain amount of money, Lin Heng understood what they meant, and immediately gave them a roast chicken.

Several people were overjoyed, and immediately sat back and ate, admiring while eating.Obviously, this roast chicken is very fragrant.

Lin Heng smiled slightly, and picked up a roast chicken and ate it. Yang Kang and the others saw this, and walked over to buy Lin Heng's leftover roast chicken.Naturally, Lin Heng would not refuse, and immediately gave them the roast chicken with a smile.

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