Starting with Jin Yong's martial arts

102 Beacon smoke everywhere

In a three-day battle to defend the city, more than half of the more than 3000 Song soldiers died, and only [-] people walked out of the city alive.With such a huge loss, not to mention Lin Heng, even Guo Jing, Huang Rong, Hong Qigong and others were silent.Fortunately, there is also good news, that is, the tens of thousands of Mongolian troops who invaded the city died even more.Although they don't have the exact number, everyone believes that under such a big fire, less than half of the Mongols may have survived.

Less than half of the five to sixty thousand people, that is, twenty to thirty thousand people died. If the tens of thousands of people who died in the siege of the previous three days were added, they would have lost thirty to forty thousand people in this battle.

Based on this figure, Lin Hengna's goal of consuming 5 people seems to have been initially achieved.Of course, if the city behind consumes another 5 to [-] people, it will be even more perfect.

The Mongols were plotted by Lin Heng, so they were naturally furious, especially when they got the huge loss figure, they hated the Song people even more.

The estimates of Lin Heng and others were right or wrong.The number of dead was about [-] as estimated by Lin Heng and others, but what about the injured?When two armies fight, you can't count the wounded.It is impossible to walk around in the fire without being injured. Even if the Mongols can rush out, they will be more or less burned, and some serious ones will even die after treatment. Even if it is not serious, it is impossible to fight immediately.

So Lin Heng didn't just burn 3 to 4 people in this fire, but more than 3 people.With such a large number, plus the 7 casualties ahead, they have already determined that they have lost more than [-].

This is why so many people were lost just by attacking one city. If they continue to attack one after another, how many people will be lost!

The Mongols couldn't imagine that someone thought of dividing the army, but it was immediately dismissed.the reason is simple.That was the first time the Mongols attacked the city, and they were defeated by the Song army. Although there were many people who came this time, if the Song army really seized the opportunity, they might not have to come again.Therefore, they still concentrated all their forces.

In the end, Meng Ge even issued an order to let the civilians occupy the city and temporarily guard the city, while the army continued to advance without dividing troops.

Mad Mongols are scary.No, as soon as Lin Heng and others entered the next town, the Mongolian army rushed over. They surrounded the city without hesitation, and then the army directly attacked.It's just that this time the Mongolian army's attack was very strange. They no longer attacked with four gates, but concentrated their forces to attack one gate.

The Mongolian army did this because they were afraid of repeating the same mistakes they made the first time, but in order to prevent the Song army from escaping, they still besieged the city.In their view, as long as the Song army has a chance to relax, the Mongolian army will be able to wipe them out, instead of disappearing silently like last time.

Seeing the movements of the Mongolian army, Lin Heng once again handed over the task to General Wang Shou. At the same time, someone secretly sent a message to ask Guo Jing, Huang Rong and others to gather all the disciples of the Beggar Gang into the back door, and he himself secretly moved the troops. .

At night, something unexpected happened to the Mongols, and the Song army broke through.They really didn't expect that Song Jun would break through so quickly, and his movement was like thunder.In fact, it was thanks to the Mongols. If they hadn't attacked only one gate, which gave Lin Heng the conditions to move his troops, he would not have broken through so quickly.He broke through this time by concentrating all his forces to cooperate with the sneak attack of the disciples of the beggar sect, and storm the 3 army at the back door. With more than 3 people against more than [-] people, the Song army did not have an advantage in numbers, but first the disciples of the beggar gang launched an attack, and then they pressed up again. This sudden attack caught the Mongolian army by surprise, and quickly defeated the Mongolian army. Army, and the Song Army also took advantage of this to break through quickly.

When Brother Meng received the news, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He immediately ordered people to enter the city, and the army chased after Lin Heng and others without stopping.But he didn't know that not long after he left, strands of Song Jun came out of the secret passage Lin Heng had prepared.They closed the city gates, killed all the Mongols in the city, and accepted the city again.

This is Lin Heng's backhand.

The Mongol army had 30, which was supposed to be enough to sweep the Song Dynasty, but they did not dare to attack regardless, because before Lin Heng came to burn Nanyang with one hand, giving them a fatal blow.This makes them have to carefully protect their logistics.In the past, they pushed forward step by step, and Lin Heng had no choice.This time, Lin Heng took advantage of the opportunity given by the Mongols, directly killed the carbine, let Guo Jing lead a group of Song troops to take over the city, and dressed up as Mongols, waiting for the Mongolian army to automatically deliver food to the door.

On the other side, when Lin Heng retreated to the next town, the Mongolian army also chased him, but this time, Lin Heng did not run away.He asked Hong Qigong and Huang Rong to lead half of the soldiers and horses to gather on one side of the front gate, while he led his troops to station on the other side.In this way, the soldiers and the town formed a Great Wall, blocking the way of the Mongolian army.Of course, there is danger in doing so, that is, the Mongolian army can send iron cavalry to directly penetrate the Song army.In order to prevent this possibility, Lin Heng had already had people build deep ravines on both sides of the city, and directly led the water from the moat into it, and built a pontoon bridge on top of it.

In this way, if the Mongolian iron cavalry charged, at most they would smash the Song army's formation and be blocked by the water.He believed that the Mongols would not be so unwise to let the cavalry come to die.

Sure enough, when the Song army was stationed outside the city and was digging the moat and was detected by the Mongolian army, Meng Ge decisively ordered the army to stop moving forward.This time, although he was angry, he didn't let the army attack immediately, but set up camp on the spot, thinking carefully about the countermeasures to defeat the enemy.There are quite a few Mongols who are superior, and they know a lot about marching and fighting.Soon, they came up with a solution, which was to attack by force.

Against the enemy on the battlefield, intrigues and tricks are indeed useful, but most of them are not very useful. The most used one is Yangmou, that is, one's own powerful strength.Compared with the Song army, the Mongolian army is strong enough.Today, the Song army is spread out on three sides, showing a long stretch, and because of the relationship between the city, they cannot support each other.This gave the Mongolian army a chance.They can completely send three armies, one army to attack the city, and two armies to attack the Song army on both sides.

The Mongolian army has the strategy of the Mongolian army, and Lin Heng has Lin Heng's considerations.Do you think he doesn't know that doing so will be detrimental to Song Jun?However, this is impossible.If he defends the city, the Mongolian army will definitely besiege the city. Now they have been attacking the city. If they can, will they attack again after their losses increase?If they came to a siege but did not attack, wouldn't Lin Heng be dumbfounded?

That's right, Lin Heng prepared a lot of supplies. Compared with the Mongolian army, he took advantage of it, but doing so would have a great blow to the morale of the Song army, and he came out to consume the vital strength of the Mongolian army, not to fight with him. time consuming.Therefore, he must be flexible and changeable in order to kill the Mongols to the greatest extent.

The war broke out again, and another confrontation with the Mongols began.In the city, Lin Heng was not worried. What he was worried about was the Song army on both sides.There were not many of them in the first place, and now there are even fewer troops when they are divided. It is impossible to fight and consume the Mongols, so he must find some way to keep himself and consume the Mongolian army.

For this reason, Lin Heng hoarded a large number of catapults, bows and arrows in this city, and asked them to block the enemy with catapults, bows and arrows. Even soldiers who were not archers each had a bow and arrow to shoot at the Mongolian army.

Although this method is very bad, it is very applicable.Archers and catapults attack from a distance, and other soldiers attack with bows and arrows. In this way, when the Mongolian army came close, they had already lost a large number of people. If they attacked continuously, they would give catapults and archers a chance .

This was only Lin Heng's first method, and the second method, he gathered all the Mongolian army horses captured some time ago, divided them into the armies on both sides, and attacked the Mongolian army with fire horse formations.

The ignited horses are all crazy, and even the Mongolian army can't help them run.Just think about how spectacular and unstoppable the scene of thousands of fire horses galloping is.

These two methods brought Lin Heng a day.After a day of blocking, the Song army lost less than the Mongolian army for the first time, and much less.Of course, this is not material.In the eyes of others, Lin Heng is a complete prodigal, but to Lin Heng from later generations, talent is the most important thing.Therefore, he kept a large number of horses and launched a fire horse formation.

At night, Mongolia launched a sneak attack, but the cautious Lin Heng failed to let them succeed, and even used the remaining horses to come to the camp with fire horses.It's a pity that he has too few horses. Although he seems to have a good posture, in fact he dare not let his army attack the Mongolian barracks at all, because it is obviously meat buns beating dogs!

The next day, the Mongolian army did not attack early, but dragged on until the afternoon.This time, the Mongolian army changed their strategy again. According to Lin Heng's method on the first day, they shamelessly used archers to shoot at the Song army.Speaking of it, Song Jun is also to blame, why do you say that your shots are not as far as the Mongols?

When the Mongols gave full play to their advantages, the Song army could only be passively beaten.Seeing the dense rain of arrows, Lin Heng had no choice but to order the Song army to retreat across the moat, while the Mongolian army pressed further.Seeing this, Lin Heng knew that his plan had failed, he shook his head, directly withdrew the pontoon bridge, and ordered all the troops to retreat.

The Mongols wanted to chase them, but to their surprise, Meng Ge ordered his troops to retreat.Everyone didn't know what was going on, but Da Khan's order was still to be obeyed, but Lin Heng thought of a certain possibility.

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