In his own hands, 35 people lost their lives.It seemed to be just a sentence, but the facts made Lin Heng unacceptable.He left Xiangyang City, ran all the way regardless, and returned to the Valley of Unrequited Love without knowing it.He wanted comfort.Unfortunately, he was disappointed because there was no one here.Because of the war, Lin Heng asked Guo Jing to take all the children here to Xiangyang, and he also incorporated the disciples of the Valley of Unrequited Love into the army, leaving only Li Mochou's mother and daughter.

But, for some reason, their mother and daughter are not here.

The surrounding scenery is still the same, but there is a sea of ​​corpses and blood in his eyes.At this moment, Lin Heng was filled with a sense of loneliness.

Glancing around blankly, Lin Heng walked aimlessly around.When he was tired from walking, he sat down to rest, and then continued walking.In his eyes, there seems to be an endless road ahead, and he is walking on the road.

Here, Lin Heng didn't have the slightest spirit, but the outside world was turned upside down.More than 30 of Mongolia's 20 troops died, and Meng Ge also died.This is great news for both Mongolia and the Song Dynasty, but one is bad and the other is good.

On the side of the Song Dynasty, Emperor Song made an ambition and directly ordered the army to recover the lost ground.Under the leadership of Guo Jing and others, they easily regained the lost ground.The Mongolian troops defending the city were still in a state of panic, and they couldn't stand the Song army's attacks from all directions.On the side of the Mongolian army, several princes began to scramble for power and profit, which had an extremely bad influence. The people with two hearts in the center began to move towards the restoration of the old country, so the war broke out in Mongolia.

In just a few days, half of the world was full of wars!

The Song Dynasty was happy to see these news, so they contributed to the flames and tried to recover the lost ground that had not been captured.Unfortunately, although the tiger is sick, it is still a tiger.The Song army fought down those places with few people, but the Song Dynasty had nothing to do with those people with a large number of Mongolian troops, unless they also learned from the Mongols and gathered a large army.But this is obviously unrealistic, especially in the generation of Xiangyang, where there is simply not enough troops.

Everything outside has nothing to do with Lin Heng. No matter what the outside world looks like, Lin Heng doesn't want to care about it. Now he is completely like a closed autistic patient, shutting himself in the room, not eating or drinking , take it quietly.In just a few days, he completely changed his appearance.At this time, he was covered with beards, and his whole body seemed to be drained of energy.If you look closely at his face, you will find that his face is very pale right now, without a trace of blood.

Day by day, Lin Heng's body is getting weaker and weaker. Now, because he does not eat or drink water at all, he can't exert any strength in his body.Fortunately, Li Mochou came back at this time, and she was startled when she saw Lin Heng with a pale face. Even Xiao Lintong was so scared that she burst into tears.

With Li Mochou's care, Lin Heng's body gradually recovered, but his spirit remained the same.

What happened this time caused Lin Heng a lot of harm, not only mentally, but also physically. He also lost a lot of weight, and his whole person looked completely different from before.Fortunately, time can heal everything. You won't feel any changes in one or two days, but after one or two months, everything will become normal.

Lin Heng was like this. He couldn't think about it at first, and he didn't think about it later, but seeing Li Mochou's hard work in taking care of himself, he stood up vigorously, and then tried to practice to restore his body.

Slowly, he recovered, but his spirit was still not as good as before.

The trauma in his heart made Lin Heng not want to move, so he stayed in the Valley of Unrequited Love and did not go out. Whether it was Guo Jing looking for it or Yang Guo looking for it, he didn't move. If he couldn't escape, he asked Li Mochou to treat him. He himself took Xiao Tongtong to watch the sunset in the Valley of Unfeeling.

This situation lasted for a long time, and Lin Heng didn't have a specific idea of ​​how long it lasted, but he knew that when he gave birth to spirit for the first time, it was Yang Guo who told him that he had a son.That time, Lin Heng wanted to go, but he was lost on the road with Xiao Tongtong.Looking at the busy people everywhere, Lin Heng felt as if he had come to another world.

In the past, the vicinity of Xiangyang was barren, and few people worked in those lands and markets, but now, although the place is prosperous, people can't see that there is anything missing. It seems that the 35 casualties are simply Nothing messy.

Lin Heng didn't understand, but he soon understood.What the Mongols brought to the Song people was not only physical harm, but also mental blows.With the Mongols, the Song people were slaves. Without the Mongols, they would have some freedom.This freedom will bring them a new spirit.

It was their spirit that influenced Lin Heng, and made Lin Heng finally get rid of the influence of those battles.However, he also missed the full moon of Yang Guo's son, but it didn't matter, because the little guy didn't mean to blame Lin Heng at all, but liked Lin Heng very much.When Lin Heng appeared in front of him, he stretched out his hands and exchanged them with Lin Heng.When Lin Heng hugged him, he giggled...

The little guy is very cute, and Lin Heng likes it very much. When they saw this, they all smiled soothingly.They knew that Lin Heng's knot had been untied.

With this little guy, Lin Heng suddenly didn't want to leave, so he lived in the ancient tomb, took care of the little guy, and played with the little guy when he had nothing to do.His concession made Xiao Lintong very fond of it, so one day, this guy ran away from home in anger.Although Lin Heng was worried about this, he didn't go out to look for it, but took the little guy to play around.

One day, Yang Guo who was out suddenly came back and said that he had met Guo Jing's second daughter, Guo Xiang. I don't look like myself at all.

Hearing what Yang Guo said, Lin Heng realized that 16 years had passed like this!

"I've lived in seclusion for so long, shouldn't I go out and have a look?" Standing in the ancient tomb, Lin Heng looked at the darkness and whispered to himself.

The next day, Lin Heng took the seven-year-old Yang Zhi out of the ancient tomb and walked in the direction of Baihua Valley.After so many years, he also wanted to take a look at his son.

Lin Heng had heard about this place from Yang Guo, so he was no stranger to it.Not long after, he arrived outside Baihua Valley.Standing in the distance, Lin Heng saw a young boy fighting with an old urchin.The old naughty boy is not weak in kung fu, but he loves to play. He let the young man attack, and occasionally made two moves. He was still a stinky boy, and the angry young man yelled, and then attacked the old naughty boy in a different way.

From their fight, Lin Heng could see that the young man's kung fu is not weak, especially in terms of internal strength, which is quite solid.

"Old urchin..."


As soon as Lin Heng yelled, the old naughty boy found him and ran away with a whoosh.Lin Heng shook his head and laughed, stepped forward and said to the young man, "What's your name?"

"Who are you? Why should I tell you?" The little urchin turned his eyes and asked Lin Heng.He looked Lin Heng and Yang Zhi up and down, with a faint smile on his face.

"Interesting!" Lin Heng laughed, and suddenly slapped the little naughty boy with his palm.The little urchin was startled, and quickly jumped back, but Lin Heng's palm was very strange, it seemed weak, but it completely stuck to him, no matter how he dodged, that palm always appeared in front of him.

"Damn it! Look at my little urchin's Haotian palm!"

With a slap, the two touched each other, invisible force was transmitted to Lin Heng's body, his right foot moved slightly, and all of the little urchin's force was lost in an instant.At the same time, he exerted force with his right palm, and lifted the little urchin up with a snap.

"Boy, let me show you what palm technique is!" Lin Heng laughed twice, but he didn't see any movement. The little urchin in the air suddenly yelled, and then he was thrown out with a touch. fell to the ground.

"It hurts, it hurts..." The little urchin clutched his chest, his face turned pale from the pain. He opened his clothes and saw the clear palm prints inside.This is a left palm print, but just now, he didn't see how Lin Heng attacked him at all. 'Master! 'Although the little naughty boy has the temper of the old naughty boy, he is not stupid after all. He immediately knew that the person who came was a master, a master no worse than the old naughty boy.

As soon as his eyes rolled, the little urchin got up and was about to run.But before he could move, Lin Heng came sideways to him, put a hand on his shoulder, and said, "Now what is your name?"

The little naughty boy looked bitter, and said: "My name is Lin Yi, and my nickname is little naughty boy. Let me tell you, my godfather is old naughty boy, my master is Master Bing, and my godmother is Big Sister Yinggu. You bullied me." , they won't let you go."

"Is Master Yideng here too?"

Lin Heng muttered to himself in surprise, then raised his head and looked in the direction of the room.There, the old naughty boy was secretly watching here, and Master Yideng and Ying Gu also came out of old age.As soon as he grabbed Ji Dong, he put his arms around Yang Zhi, and with a movement of his body, he came in front of the three of them.

"Lin Heng has met the three of you!" Lin Heng clasped his fists, turned his head to the old naughty boy and said, "Old naughty boy, you are never such a bastard as to be hopeless, I am really afraid that you will make my son into a Zhou surname."

"Hey..." The old naughty boy laughed, while Ying Gu gave Lin Heng a hard look, and then apologized to Lin Heng.

They were talking on this side, but the little urchin on the other side jumped up and shouted: "So you are my father. Dad, you are so good at kung fu, teach me."

His one sentence made Lin Heng's demeanor disappear, his face is so wonderful.Although he had expected that his son would not be able to learn much from the old urchin, Lin Heng couldn't stand this character.

"Master..." Lin Heng looked at Yideng dumbfounded. Just now, the little guy said that you belonged to his master. Would you always teach your disciples like this?

Yideng was also very embarrassed. When Lin Heng saw it, he was even more embarrassed.Although he is the little guy's master in name, the old naughty boy doesn't let people touch the little guy at all, and he concentrates on cultivating the little urchins in other cities.No, it worked.But his behavior is even more extreme than the old naughty boy before.

"Hey, let's go in and talk about it. Lin boy, I heard that the Mongols you fought in a big battle can't hold their heads up. Even the Mongolian Khan was killed by your apprentice Yang Guo. Your family is really It's amazing!" Seeing the embarrassment of these people, Gu Ying immediately stepped forward and asked Yang Zhi who was beside Lin Heng, "This little guy is really handsome, is he also your son?"

"No, he is Guo'er's child. Zhi'er, call me..."

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