Starting with Jin Yong's martial arts

122 Washing the Sutra and Cutting the Marrow

Stepping out of the cave, Lin Heng stood in the mountain stream and took a deep breath of the fresh air outside.He covered his eyes and glanced lazily at the sun in the sky.Said to himself: "I haven't been in the sun for a long time, today's sun is really good!"

Footsteps sounded from behind. Lin Heng turned his head, but before he saw anyone, he heard a cry.

"Father-in-law..." Zhang Junbao flew up to Lin Heng, bowed and said, "Junbao has met father-in-law."

Lin Heng nodded and said with a smile: "I didn't expect you to come so soon. I have gained something from this retreat. When you come, just listen to it."

"Yes. Thank you, father-in-law!" Zhang Junbao was overjoyed.The two walked to a large bluestone and sat down.Lin Hengdao: "You have passed on my Wuji magic skill, and your cultivation has already reached its peak. But you should know that the way of martial arts is endless. You must have noticed that penetrating the eight meridians is not the end of martial arts."

Zhang Junbao nodded when he heard the words, and said: "Yes. I reached the ninth level of Wuji Gong a few years ago. Later, I checked various classics and found that there is a higher level. I have been working hard these years, but there are many places. It’s still not perfect, so there’s been no progress.”

"Hmm! You are right. Without previous experience, it is too difficult to explore alone, especially in terms of the human body." Lin Heng quite agreed with Zhang Junbao's words.He himself can open up other meridians smoothly because he can look inside.This is not something anyone can do. Based on Lin Heng's guess, I am afraid that only people in the innate realm can look inside, and he can turn on the inside look in advance, which is the credit of the system.

"The meridians of the human body are complex and intertwined, but to put it bluntly, they are not without traces. You know, the human body has 360 five important acupuncture points, and these acupoints cover the whole body. You only need to pay attention to these acupoints, and you can find those hidden meridians. But this It's just the first step. After opening up these acupuncture points, you still need to use these acupuncture points to penetrate the surrounding acupoints, connect all the meridians in your body, and then use your true energy to form a circulation in the human body. This is your next step of cultivation!"

As he spoke, Lin Heng threw out a picture with a wave of his hand.This is a human figure, which he drew based on his own body.Zhang Junbao took the picture, looked at it carefully, and was overjoyed.This picture is absolutely precious, because the meridians and acupoints written on it are too detailed, and the details are like seeing it in person.With this picture, he will have a way to practice in the future.

"Don't be too happy. I entered this realm decades ago, but I didn't realize it until today. Do you think you can enter this realm with only one picture?" Lin Heng asked him with a sneer.

Zhang Junbao was taken aback by the question, with a look of doubt on his face, he respectfully said: "I also ask my father-in-law to advise me!"

"Everyone has their own understanding of martial arts. Your way of fighting slowly and quickly is the ultimate principle of martial arts, but no one has ever understood it. In today's martial arts, it is generally the first to strike first, and the opposite is the case. This is very good! It’s just that this is just your understanding of martial arts, and it doesn’t allow you to make breakthroughs in internal strength.” At this point, Lin Heng stopped suddenly, looked at Zhang Junbao in a daze, and asked: “Do you know this What is the name of the next level?"

"This..." Zhang Junbao didn't understand why.Lin Heng didn't expect him to answer, he said to himself: "What is the name of this level, there is no record in the books, but only through his performance, I named him Xijing Cutui!"

"Wash the scriptures and cut the marrow?" Zhang Junbao was slightly surprised.Everyone keeps talking about washing the sutras and cutting the marrow, washing the sutras and cutting the marrow, but what is washing the sutras and cutting the marrow?

The so-called washing of scriptures and cutting marrow is to remove impurities from the human body and allow people to be sublimated.Many martial arts have this effect, you can even say that all internal strength has a little bit of this effect.It's just that Zhang Junbao is not stupid, he naturally heard the seriousness in Lin Heng's words.He knew that Lin Heng's so-called washing scriptures were not those small washing scriptures, but the washing scriptures that had changed him tremendously.

"When I just broke through, a layer of dirt formed on my body. This layer of dirt is the impurities in my body." Lin Heng added, but just this sentence made Zhang Junbao tremble all over.Washing out the dirt from the body has really reached the legendary state of washing the scriptures and cutting the marrow.

"Is it incredible?" Lin Heng asked quietly.

Zhang Junbao nodded, opened his mouth wide, but couldn't say a word.

"Haha..." Lin Heng laughed a few times, and said, "Boy, your current knowledge is still far behind. And do you think that washing the scriptures and cutting the marrow once is enough? In ancient books, there are muscles like jade, The bone is like a stone. You should understand the meaning of this. If you understand it according to this, if you want to achieve consummation, you must make your skin like jade, but look at Lao Tzu's skin. far."

"Father-in-law, is there a higher realm beyond washing the scriptures and cutting the marrow?" Zhang Junbao remained silent for a long time, and after a while, the boss asked this question.

Lin Heng glanced at him appreciatively, and said: "Of course! According to the information I have obtained, establishing the human body's cycle is the first step, and then it is the washing of the scriptures and cutting the marrow, and then it is the connection between the human body's acupoints and the heaven and earth. , use the acupoints to absorb the aura of heaven and earth, and speed up the transformation of true energy in the body. As for the latter, it should be the innate state. I know very little about this state as a teacher, so I can't tell you!"

After explaining a few sentences, Lin Heng turned back to the topic and said, "I want to tell you this time, apart from the above, there is one more thing. That is the five elements and yin and yang. The Wuji Gong we practice is to stimulate the yin and yang of the human body. The second qi stimulates the potential of the human body and makes oneself burst out with great power. Only in this way, the order of yin and yang and five elements is reversed. Before, as a teacher, I didn't understand it until five years ago. I was able to break through this time , It is precisely because of this. You should also pay attention. I have passed on the Wuji Gong of the first nine floors to you, and I have just created the next tenth floor. I can’t say for sure, but even if it is good, I will I won’t pass it on to you. You kid will realize it by yourself!”

"Yes! Junbao, thank you father-in-law!" Zhang Junbao was so grateful to hear these things, how could he dare to ask for the following exercises, and he also understood that Lin Heng didn't want to pass on the following exercises to himself, but that the latter It is better to comprehend things by oneself, only in this way can one have a deeper understanding of martial arts.

With a wave of his hand, Lin Heng let Zhang Junbao go, and then he quietly descended Wudang Mountain by himself.If you don't come out for five years, you don't know how the world is going.

In a small town, Lin Heng walked into a tavern and asked Xiao Er about it.Through Xiaoer's mouth, Lin Heng knew.In the past five years, the world has been considered peaceful, but a few major events have happened.

The first thing is that Guo Xiang is dead!

Hearing this news, Lin Heng froze for a moment.Guo Xiangxiu is not low, and she is only two years older than Zhang Junbao, how could she die?

Worry sick!To put it bluntly, Guo Xiang died of sorrow.It's just that I don't know, which one does Guo Xiang like in this life?But no matter which one she likes, she left early just like the fate in the original book.

The second major event was that the beggar gang launched an uprising, but because they were informed, they were surrounded and suppressed by the Mongolian army before they could act. Among them, the gang leader Yeluqi and Guo Fu died in that battle.

This is not good news either, Lin Heng shook his head when he heard it.He really didn't understand why Guo Jing didn't use his plan to provoke the relationship between Meng Yuan and several major factions, but instead asked his son-in-law to launch the beggar gang to attract the attention of the court.Well now, his daughter and son-in-law are dead.This guy is really pedantic!

Shaking his head, Lin Heng felt helpless for a moment.He originally wanted to go back to Jueqing Valley to take a look, but upon hearing the news, he definitely didn't want to go back.Although I and Guo Jing have the same purpose, seriously, their methods of doing things are completely different.If it was Huang Rong, I believe she would definitely agree with her own method, but if it was Guo Jing, she could only hide it from him first, and then cook the raw rice.

Doing things like this is really frustrating!

"That's all! Anyway, I have done what I should do, and let God take care of everything!" Shaking his head, Lin Heng lost his mind for wandering, and he returned to the Wudang Mountain retreat again.

This time, he made up his mind and made up his mind to make a big breakthrough. If he succeeds, he will enter the sea and the bird will enter the sky; if he fails, he can only wait for death slowly!

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