Zhang Wuji was helpless against the people in the valley, but he was kind-hearted and couldn't bear so many people dying in front of him, so he went to see Hu Qingniu.It's just that Hu Qingniu would not make an exception and would not save them at all, but for Zhang Wuji's sake, he still told Zhang Wuji the cure method in a hypothetical way, and Zhang Wuji cured everyone based on this.

Because Granny Jinhua said she would come, how dare these cured people stay, they sneaked away as soon as their wounds recovered.On the second day, Zhang Wuji found that apart from Ji Xiaofu and Yang Buhui, there was no one left.He stood there blankly, holding the medicine bowl in his hand, speechless in a daze.He didn't come back to himself until Ji Xiaofu came out and patted him awake.

"Boy, now I know the face of these so-called decent families." Hu Qingniu and Wang Nangu had already noticed that these people had left, but it was useless for them to stay, so they never stopped them.At this time, seeing Zhang Wuji in a daze, Hu Qingniu sneered and said.

Zhang Wuji looked at him and sighed slightly.

He has been here for two years, and he has been with Hu Qingniu for two years. Although this person has many strange rules, he is interesting, and Zhang Wuji has a good impression of him.The only thing he cares about is probably his identity as a Mingjiao disciple.But now, the respectable and decent man he has a crush on is so unbearable and shameless!

The more he thought about it, the more depressed Zhang Wuji felt.Suddenly, he felt a chill rising in his body, and the cold feeling seemed to freeze him to death.At this time, a wave of blazing heat rose from his body.Heat and cold entangled in his body endlessly, and he rolled on the ground in pain, dying.

"Ah... so cold, so hot, so uncomfortable..."

Zhang Wuji's sudden change startled Ji Xiaofu, she immediately supported Zhang Wuji, and asked anxiously, "Wuji, what's wrong with you?"

Hu Qingniu shook his head, and replied for Zhang Wuji: "Don't worry, he's fine, it's just a cold poison in his body. He'll be fine after a while."

Hearing this, Ji Xiaofu breathed a sigh of relief, then picked up Zhang Wuji, intending to put him on the bed in the house.It's just that this touch surprised her, because she felt that Zhang Wuji's body was alternately hot and cold, which was very strange.

Once again, Ji Xiaofu looked at Hu Qingniu worriedly.Hu Qingniu shook his head, stepped forward to take Zhang Wuji's pulse.After touching it twice, Hu Qingniu laughed and said: "Master is really right. This kid is really an excellent talent for practicing Nine Suns Magic. He has only been practicing for two years, and his internal strength has surpassed that of you and me. It doesn't seem like it will be long. , he can relieve the pain of the cold poison on his body."

Ji Xiaofu was taken aback for a moment, and then his face was full of joy.She didn't expect that Zhang Wuji could learn the Nine Suns Magic Kungfu.As a disciple of the Emei Sect, she naturally knows this magical skill.If Zhang Wuji can learn, his future achievements will be extraordinary.

Zhang Wuji's cold poison attack was not serious, but his heart was stuffy, which made him unable to breathe out, and he would recover after taking a rest.It's just that he looks a little depressed.

Three days later, the peace in Butterfly Valley was broken again, when an old woman with a wooden stick came here with a little girl.This person wears golden flowers on his head, although he looks old, but his eyes are piercing, obviously his skills are extraordinary.When she came to the valley, she sneered as soon as she saw Hu Qingniu standing there, and said, "Hu Qingniu, you are so excited. You are still here to watch the scenery when you are dying."

Hu Qingniu smiled slightly, clasped his fists and said, "Grandma Jinhua said nothing. Hu just thought that he was going to die, so naturally he had to remember the scenery here, so as not to have anything to recall after death."

"Okay, okay, okay!" Granny Jinhua laughed angrily, and hit the wooden stick in her hand on the ground, saying: "Hu Qingniu, back then you refused to save those people, but now you have saved those people. See for yourself The rule of not being rescued after death has been broken, so don't blame my old lady for being hot-handed."

"I saved those people, and it has nothing to do with Mr. Hu!" Zhang Wuji couldn't bear it, stood up and said loudly.

Ji Xiaofu quickly gave him a hand, and whispered, "Wuji, don't talk!"

Although her voice is low, Grandma Jinhua is a master in the world, so she can hear it clearly.She turned to Zhang Wuji, sized him up carefully, and said in a concentrated voice: "Are you Zhang Wuji? The son of Wudang Zhang Cuishan?" She asked a question, but she didn't expect Zhang Wuji to answer, and said in the next moment: "Okay, okay... old lady Living on Spirit Snake Island feels quite lonely, I think you are pleasing to the eye, so you can live with me for a while!"

After saying that, Granny Jinhua jumped up and grabbed Zhang Wuji.Ji Xiaofu beside him was startled, the long sword in her hand was unsheathed in an instant, and she slashed horizontally, trying to force Granny Jinhua back.It's just who is Jinhua Granny, how could Ji Xiaofu be able to resist?She swung the wooden stick in her hand in front of her body, knocked Ji Xiaofu's long sword sideways with a heavy blow, and then, without stopping, hit Ji Xiaofu's shoulder with a slamming sound, knocking her into the air. She herself rushed to Zhang Wuji's side, grabbed his shoulders, and threw him towards the little girl.

"A Li, grab him!"

Now that Granny Jinhua has already started, she will naturally not stop.She asked Yin Li to grab Zhang Wuji, while she attacked Hu Qingniu and Wang Nangu.However, she really underestimated Wang Nangu and his wife.At this time, the two of them held a long sword in each hand.When Granny Jinhua attacked, Hu Qingniu raised his sword and Wang Nangu stabbed down, forcing Granny Jinhua to retreat.

She was surprised in her heart, but thought it was a coincidence, she didn't take it to heart, and stepped forward to attack again.Just three times in a row, before she could attack, she was forced to retreat.

She looked at the two with a look of surprise, and asked, "What kind of swordsmanship are you doing?"

"Jade Girl Suxin Sword! I was wrong!"

A clear female voice sounded from behind, answering the words of Granny Jinhua for Hu Qingniu and Wang Nangu.Several people were startled and looked there, among them Ji Xiaofu said in surprise: "Master..."

She got up quickly, went forward and said: "Master, hello, old man!"

"Hmph! You haven't been mad at you yet, so it's okay!" Miejue said coldly, flicking the sleeves of his monk's robe.Then, she looked at Hu Qingniu and Wang Nangu, and said, "I never thought that someone from the Devil's Cult would make the jade girl Suxinjian. Hu Qingniu, who is your master?"

In today's arena, not many people know about the older generation's affairs, and only Extinction knows some. Although she doesn't know much, she also knows that the Jade Girl Suxin Sword has something to do with the Quanzhen Sect.If Hu Qingniu and Wang Nangu were really related to the Quanzhen Sect, it would be unavoidable to help them with this matter today.

"Master Miejue, it's inconvenient for me to say the name of my mentor. I hope you..." Hu Qingniu didn't want Miejue Shitai to take too much care of him, because Lin Heng had spoken and let him solve it by himself, but he saw Zhang Wuji over there , then changed the words: "I am a Mingjiao disciple, and you are a decent sect. No matter what relationship we have, you, the head of the Emei Sect, are not suitable to take care of my affairs. However, that child is not my Mingjiao disciple, he is Wudang Send Zhang Cuishan's son Zhang Wuji, I don't think you will die."

"Zhang Wuji..." Jue Jue's eyes lit up, and he looked seriously at the two children beside him.Granny Jinhua knew it was wrong, and stood next to the two of them as soon as she moved her body, and said, "What? Is Miejue Shitai going to bully the two children?"

"Haha...how could I do such a thing like Juejue? But you are not a child..." Juejue's expression turned cold, the long sword in her hand tightened, and the endless cold light came out of its sheath instantly, pointing at Granny Jinhua, said: "Jinhua Granny Hua, let me see how much you weigh."

"Okay. The old lady also wants to see it. After Guo Xiang, your Emei sect still has some skills!" Jinhua Granny was not to be outdone, and raised her wooden staff to meet Miejue Shitai's long sword.

With a swing of Juejue's long sword, he stabbed at Granny Jinhua.Granny Jinhua laughed, and threw the stick in her hand at the long sword in Jue Jue's hand. To her surprise, she couldn't break the long sword with one blow, but let the sword crooked.Over there, Jue Jue was also surprised, he didn't expect Granny Jinhua to smash his long sword with a stick.She knew that this person was not weaker than her, so she didn't dare to be careless, so she raised her sword again to provoke him.

The two of them exchanged sticks and swords, and they passed three or four moves in the blink of an eye, but there was no winner.Suddenly, the long sword in Miejue's hand shone with a cold light, and an indifferent sword energy appeared from the long sword, and it slashed down vertically.Grandma Jinhua was slightly startled, she held up her staff to resist, but to her horror, the wooden staff in her hand was cut in two by the long sword with a snap.

Seeing the sword qi slashing down, Grandma Jinhua didn't care too much, she lay down and rolled, and hid to the side, and a ditch was cut out by Juejue's sword on the spot.

"Yi Tian Sword!" Grandma Jin Hua exclaimed in surprise as she stood up and stared seriously at the long sword in Miejue's hand, regardless of her embarrassment.

Extinction did not hide it, and said: "That's right, it's the Yitian Sword!"

Hearing this, the rumor in the martial arts flashed across Granny Jinhua's mind: "The Supreme Being of the martial arts, the precious sword slays the dragon."Order the world, dare not refuse.If Yitian doesn't come out, who will compete with him? 'Muttered: "So the Yitian Sword is in Emei's hand!" After she finished speaking, she glanced at Yin Li who was at the side, but she was shocked because Zhang Wuji had already run away, and Yin Li was holding her in pain. hands.

'pity! ' Secretly said, Jinhua Granny was very unwilling.Today, Yitian Sword and Dragon Slaying Saber have all come here.If, if... But in reality, if there is no if, she looked at Miejue Shitai who was very vigilant, and Hu Qingniu and Wang Nangu who were standing next to each other, and knew that not only would she not be able to get Yitian Sword and Dragon Slaying Saber today, but she would also have a great hatred I can't report it anymore.

Granny Jinhua is also a decisive person, she soon had a decision in her heart, she stepped forward to hold Yin Li, and walked sideways.Everyone didn't catch up, but the matter was not over.Miejue Shitai came this time because of the fact that someone else pretended to be her Emei sect, but since she saw Ji Xiaofu, she naturally wouldn't ignore it.She asked Ji Xiaofu to follow her, walked into a nearby forest, spoke out, and then asked him to kill Yang Xiao.

It's just that Ji Xiaofu has a deep affection for Yang Xiao, how could she do such a thing, so she flatly rejected the teacher's order.Juejue heard that she was so angry that she would die, she questioned again, but Ji Xiaofu still refused.All of a sudden, Miejue Shitai's anger burst out.Her senior brother Gu Hongzi died at the hands of Yang Xiao. Yang Xiao was her great enemy. Now that her disciple actually likes this demon cultist, how can she let it go?

So, with a sudden slap, Ji Xiaofu's life was about to be taken.

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