Starting with Jin Yong's martial arts

141 Zu Wu roars everyone in shock

The bright sky suddenly darkened, and the shining stars in the sky were eclipsed at this moment, and the billowing evil spirit spread throughout the prehistoric with the earth-shattering roar.

This roar is the common roar of the ten ancestor witches. The roar is like thunder and lightning, piercing into people's hearts, shaking the blood of living beings, and making everyone feel a sense of blood spurting, as if their own heartbeat does not belong at this moment. own up.

In the Nanzhan Buzhou Zhoutian Xingdou formation, the roar directly shattered the restraint attack of the Zhoutian formation, and the ten huge figures looked straight at Kunpeng, and their dull eyes were full of spirit at this moment.

"Roar!" At the front, Di Jiang roared again. Kunpeng, who was very familiar with him, had a secret way, and flew away from the spot in an instant. At the same time, with a wave of his hand, a star-colored light curtain blocked there.

With a sound of collision, a huge figure appeared at the position where Kunpeng was standing just now, and directly smashed the light curtain into pieces. Bai Ze not far away was even affected, and was rushed out by this tyrannical energy, turning over several times in a row. Only after somersaulting did he stabilize his figure.

He looked at Di Jiang with jealousy, feeling bitter in his heart.The gap between the quasi-sage and Da Luo is really too big, even though Bai Ze is at the peak of Da Luo, he is almost able to advance, but the gap in strength is still irreparable.

"Come here!" Kunpeng yelled, stretched out his hand to grab, and Bai Ze couldn't help being grabbed behind by Kunpeng's vigor.But at this time, the other nine ancestor witches moved one by one.

Zhu Rong opened his mouth, and a crimson fire dragon swept across the sky, and the starlight covering the sky was also dim at this moment.With a wave of Gonggong's hand, the monstrous waterfall came from the invisible, hitting behind Kunpeng.The other ancestral witches used their means one by one, and all kinds of attacks pressed on Kunpeng like covering the sky and covering the sun.

Kunpeng snorted coldly, and the Hetu and Luoshu in front of him changed for a while. Both of them exuded black and white brilliance, forming a huge Taiji diagram to block his body. "Find me!" Following Kunpeng's low shout, Zhou Tian's formation changed again.Half of the starry sky suddenly darkened, facing the Tai Chi diagram in front of him.

Hetu and Luoshu are the eyes of the Zhoutian Great Formation. The two treasures are integrated into the Zhoutian Great Formation, and the power of the formation is doubled!

With the protection of Zhou Tian's large formation, the attack of Kunpeng by the ten ancestor witches was simply ignored.In this world, he is definitely one of the people who understand the power of Zhou Tian's great formation best. With this formation, it is enough for him to run wild!

"Do you dead guys dare to show your power here?" Kunpeng's face was stern, and his eyes were stern.He asked this loudly.Like rolling thunder, it exploded in the space of stars.

As he asked, the starry sky seemed to spin, and black and white formed a huge vortex. The vigorous energy gathered at one point, spread all around Kunpeng, and spread to the ten ancestor witches non-stop.

This kind of attack that gathers the power of Zhou Tianxing is too terrifying, not to mention the summoned ancestor witch, it is the real ancestor witch.No one can stop it.Wu Gang, Hou Yi and the others obviously understood this, they immediately manipulated the formation, gathered the ten ancestor witches together, and tried their best together.Resist the attack of Zhou Tian's large formation.

Wave after wave of attacks came continuously, which changed the expressions of the Wu clan and descendants of human witches in Tianle Mountain, even Wu Gang and Hou Yi's expressions became serious.Such a powerful attack has never been seen in their lives.I was very worried in my heart, whether the ten ancestor witches could block it.

In fact, the ten ancestor witches blocked these attacks.They still underestimated Zu Wu's ability.Although.This ancestor witch does not have the full strength of his life, but as long as there are three points, ten together can also have the ability of three ancestor witches.Even if the three ancestral witches couldn't break through the Zhoutian formation, they still had no problem dealing with Kunpeng inside.

In the big formation, both sides attacked one by one and defended the other. Zu Wu would also attack for a while, but in the face of Zhou Tian's big formation attacking everywhere, their attacks could not be continuous at all. After all, Wu Gang, Hou Yi and others were not ancestors Wu, they don't have that level of realm, even if they control such advanced people, they still can't fully replicate their power.

Stalemate!The two sides really stalemate down.Following this stalemate, Kunpeng sneered.His Zhoutian great formation to attract starlight can be described as endless, what about the gods and gods of the witch clan?You can also receive the earth's energy, but in this space of stars, where do you go to receive the earth's energy?

Is Kunpeng thinking wrong?No.But he underestimated Lin Heng, and underestimated Lin Heng's successors.

The gods and gods arranged by the Twelve Ancestral Witches rely on their own strength to summon the more powerful Pan Gu's real body, which can solve the problem with one blow.In this way, they will not have any future troubles of lack of energy.However, when Lin Heng's Du Tianshen was created, there was this kind of trouble, because all formations of good and bad form their own space, if you can't absorb energy from the space, it is useless.

Lin Heng thought of this problem, and naturally thought of a solution.On Hongta Mountain, he directly took advantage of the terrain and attracted the power of the earth, so that the gods and evil spirits in the capital would flow endlessly.Here, Lin Heng specially refined the bluestone platform. The bluestone platform is not only the last step of the formation, but also directly leads into the earth, absorbing the earth's turbidity and evil spirit, and storing it.

With Lin Heng's arrangement, the strength of Qingshitai is enough to support the current formation for hundreds of years.

For such a long time, Kunpeng couldn't wait even if he wanted to fight against time.

Sure enough, the battle in this formation has been going on, from one day to two days, seven days, 30 days, and then to one year, two years, until ten years.For such a long time, Kunpeng, who controlled the Zhoutian Formation, was even more mentally exhausted, because he was alone in controlling the formation. On the other hand, although the Wu Clan side was not as powerful as Kunpeng, there were more people. Still able to hold on.

Seeing this situation, Kunpeng was greatly surprised.He knew that there must be something mysterious about this formation, otherwise it would be impossible to persist for ten years.

'hateful! Kunpeng cursed inwardly, sweating a little on his forehead, he turned his head to look at Bai Ze, seeing that Bai Ze was leisurely watching the play, he felt even more annoyed.

If this continues, Kunpeng will die here, or he will really break the ten ancestor witches. If the witch clan still has a backup, Kunpeng will not be able to fight back!

While Kunpeng was thinking, the Wu Clan was seeking change.The ten ancestral witches who had been directly resisting the attack of Zhou Tian's large formation erupted with brilliance, and the dazzling light completely covered the starlight at this moment, and it was conveyed outside the formation.For a time, all the great powers in the world were attracted by this powerful power.

In the formation, Kunpeng turned his face aside, pulled Bai Ze, and quickly retreated.With a wave of his hand, the attacking starlight instantly rewinds.Gathering completely in front of him, he guarded the two of them firmly.

However, the ten ancestral witches who burst into brilliance did not attack, they stayed in place, their aura increased step by step, and their bodies began to grow again.


When the body of the ten great ancestor witches grew to the limit, the roar echoed again.Kunpeng, who had been paying attention to them, suddenly shrank his eyes, secretly thinking that it was not good.In his eyes, at the feet of the ten great ancestor witches, a figure stood upright.

His body is thousands of feet tall.But under the nearly ten thousand feet tall tenth ancestor witch, it was not easy for others to notice him.Kunpeng noticed it, which also made Kunpeng's vigilance greatly increased.

He looked at the ten ancestor witch and that person seriously, and couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

It turned out that Wu Gang started the last step of the formation with himself, and now the energy of the ten great ancestor witches is converging on him.

"Stop him..." Kunpeng didn't even think about it, he waved his hand, and the starlight gathered in front of him attacked again.But, what horrified him was.As soon as Starlight entered the range of the ten great ancestor witches, it was immediately melted away.Unbelievable, Kunpeng attacked twice more, only to find that the starlight had indeed been melted.

At the critical moment, Kunpeng was still calm enough.Seeing that the energy attack was not working, he threw his hand, and a black spear was shot straight at him.Almost in the blink of an eye, the spear plunged into the range of the ten ancestor witches.With the induction of the spear.Kunpeng noticed an inexplicable fluctuation around the ten great ancestor witches, blocking the advance of the spear, and even the force of his own shooting was disappearing little by little.

"Hmph! I don't believe you can still resist!" Leng snorted.Kunpeng danced his hands violently, and the starlight suddenly hit the sky, turning into beams of light that reached the sky, hitting the spear barrel.The huge force directly acted on the gun shaft, and the force of the pushed spear increased greatly again.Once, twice... After a few times, the energy shield around the top ten ancestor witches burst open with a bang, and the long spears shot in like lightning.

With a puff, the black spear brought out a splash of blood.


In the distance, Kunpeng was slightly delighted, but when the light dissipated, his eyes widened.However, the spear hit Wu Gang, passed directly through his abdomen, and got stuck in his body.But Wu Gang still stood upright, looking at Kunpeng coldly.He held a huge ax in his hand, exuding a dangerous aura.

"Give it to me!" Wu Gang let out a stern roar, and the huge ax turned into a black light and slashed across in an instant.

The ax light with a destructive aura seemed to freeze the time. Looking at the Kunpeng, he widened his eyes and stared fixedly at the ax light, but his body could not move an inch, and he could only let the ax light pass through him.

boom!With a bang, the starlight in the sky burst, and the figures of Kunpeng and Bai Ze were violently thrown away.Looking at the figures of the two people, they were extremely embarrassed, and there was a huge wound on Bai Ze's abdomen, which almost cut his body in two.Compared with him, Kunpeng was much better, but there was an opening in the abdomen, but the wound was not deep, only a layer of outer skin was injured.

At the critical moment when the ax came to his body, Kunpeng pulled out Hetu and Luoshu and shielded him in front of him, so that he blocked the attack of the ax light. Unfortunately, there was no second treasure in the big formation, and he was hit by Wu Gang's ax light. Hit and break.

From this point, it can be seen that Kunpeng absolutely cherishes his life, and he is very careful!

As soon as Zhou Tian's formation was broken, everyone's eyes naturally fell on several people. They looked at the injured Kunpeng, the seriously injured Bai Ze, and the spear-piercing Wu Gang, all showing surprised expressions.

Looking at the situation, both sides are hurting!

Both sides hurt!Yes, Wu Gang used the last step of the formation. His muscles were torn and his bones were shattered. Now he can’t even move a bit. The energy in his body is constantly raging on his body. Whether he can survive depends on him. Can you bear it.If his spirit can't bear it, he must be assimilated by the raging energy in his body and become a part of the earth.If he resisted, his cultivation would go a step further.

On the other hand, Kunpeng didn't seem to be seriously injured, but the fact is just the opposite.That blow was not only the light of the axe, but also contained the will to destroy.With Kunpeng's exhausted mind, this blow was enough to penetrate his body and cause him great damage.

It can be said that the current Kunpeng has no fighting power at all.

"Let's go!" Seeing the light flying from the Wu Clan, Kunpeng pulled Bai Ze, and the two disappeared instantly.The next moment, the two appeared at the north-south junction.Kunpeng threw Bai Ze down, spat out a mouthful of blood with a wow, and fell to the ground, meditating and adjusting his breath.

Seeing Kunpeng in such a state of distress, Bai Ze couldn't care less about his injury, his eyes were full of disbelief.He thought that Kunpeng had blocked that blow, but looking at it now, he was worse than himself!

With a self-deprecating smile, Bai Ze reluctantly got up.He looked down at his wound, feeling even more bitter in his heart.He is also the ancient Da Luo, and he was once the upper echelon of the Yaozu, but in this battle, he didn't even have a chance to intervene, so he could only watch from the sidelines.Speaking of which, if it wasn't for Kunpeng, I'm afraid I would have to stay there too.

'Quasi-sage, quasi-sage, is there such a big gap between myself and the quasi-sage? It was the first time that Bai Ze had the idea of ​​not being reconciled, and the first time he had such a strong idea of ​​pursuing the quasi-sage.

If you are not a saint, you will end up as an ant!From the point of view of Bai Ze at this time, if he is not a quasi-sage, he is also an ant! (To be continued..)

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