Late Tang

Chapter 311

It was noon in the sky, and the sun at the end of April had begun to show its power. The Qingzhou soldiers who had been fighting since last night were exhausted.The Ziqi soldiers who came to help from afar were also physically and mentally exhausted. They were going to stop the Zhendong Army under Bochang City, but who would have expected that before they entered Qingzhou, they reported that the Zhendong Army was already moving rapidly to Qingzhou.Finally, Zhang Chan and Lu Hong had a discussion, and then they took a shortcut and went straight to Qingzhou.

By noon in the bloody battle, both Qingzhou soldiers and Ziqi soldiers were exhausted.No one expected that Li Jing's Zhendong Army suddenly arrived when the victory was hanging by a thread and within reach.

Although Wang Yanwen has no brains, but in terms of bravery, Wang Jingwu's command is also very good, especially he is Wang Jingwu's nephew, so when he was sent to intercept the Zhendong Army, Wang Jingwu felt that there was nothing wrong.His idea was to ask Wang Yanwen to block the momentum of the opponent's reinforcements first, prevent them from entering the battlefield, and then transfer the soldiers and horses from Ziqi and Qizhou who were climbing the mountain to attack the Zhendong Army.The Zhendong army had [-] reinforcements, but the two armies of Kezi and Qi had [-] troops.

Wang Jingwu didn't think that the soldiers and horses of Ziqi and Qizhou could defeat the Zhendong Army, but he didn't need them to defeat the Zhendong Army, as long as he entangled the Zhendong Army, even if it was only for half a day, he would be able to hold the already unsupported army. The valley where they lived was captured and Song Wei and others were captured alive.

As a result, as soon as Wang Yanwen rushed forward with the Qingzhou cavalry, he was immediately overwhelmed by the two iron streams of the accused crane and the flying cavalry.

The crane-controlling cavalry was Li Lingfu's trump card against Duli Town and Beisha City back then, and he always thought that this cavalry had never been defeated in a cavalry battle.Moreover, this is a cavalry army based on horse bandits, as a sturdy one, and there are many knights of the Hu tribes such as Khitan, Xihu, Mohe, Goguryeo, Shiwei, Turks, and Tiele in the army.Every time the Crane Control Army is dispatched, it can return with victory.

They often attack in small groups, harass and loot everywhere, and can often attack ten with one.After the assembly, their power is even more terrifying. On the frontal battlefield, one-on-one, no cavalry in Liaodong is their opponent.With one against two, you can also gain the upper hand, and sometimes you can even win with one against three.The most powerful time, Li Lingfu led a thousand control crane cavalry against a Khitan tribe with three thousand tents.A tribe with [-] tents can gather at least [-] or [-] soldiers, but in that battle, the [-] Crane Control Army completely defeated the Khitan tribe and captured the entire tribe, young and old, as slaves.

In Liaodong, the Crane Control Army is not only the most elite cavalry, but also a slave hunting team that makes many small tribes fearful.Many small tribes of the Hu nationality were often raided by them, and then tens of thousands of people in the tribe were directly captured as slaves.

The crane-control cavalry has been kept below 3000 people because their requirements are too high.Although [-] of the [-] crane-controlling troops died in the battle of Duli Town, it was not because they were weak.

Although there were only [-] crane control troops left in the first battle in Duli Town, they were not defeated by any army, but in the streets and alleys of the city.

The newly built Crane Controlling Battalion once again reached the size of 2000 after adding many Hu cavalry. Although it is now divided into two battalions, there are actually [-] old Crane Controlling cavalry in the Flying Cavalry Battalion.

The two battalion heads marched side by side, and the 2000 men and horses all wore fiery red battle robes and red lacquered leather armor.A fiery red cloak was draped over his shoulders, and the helmet tassel on his head was also as dazzling as fire.As they galloped, they held their crossbows flat in their hands. Twelve cavalry formed a small triangular formation, and a thousand cavalry formed a huge front arrow.

The sky dimmed a little, and the sunlight in the sky shone on the bloody armor of the cavalry, reflecting a dazzling blood-colored light.A breeze blew by, banners fluttered, and battle robes fluttered.

Li Juyi rode his horse at the front of the battle formation, holding a sharp saber in his hand, and looked at the infantry phalanx that was hastily set up in front, his calm eyes showed no emotion.He raised the saber in his hand high, and suddenly the sound of thunderous hooves was heard in the entire charging formation.

He waved his hand forward fiercely, and the cavalry of the Crane Control Battalion behind him burst into a loud roar: "The Crane Control is invincible!"

Not to be outdone, the Flying Cavalry Battalion on the other side also burst into shouts: "Flying Cavalry Shenwu!"

Two thousand cavalry put on their saddles and jumped their horses, and the torrent of iron cavalry rushed towards the Ziqi soldiers standing in front of them.The horseshoes roared like thunder.Although the Ziqi soldiers were desperately lining up, less than 3000 of the [-] Ziqi soldiers barely assembled, and the rest were still running down the hillside, chaotic like a flock of sheep.

The formation of 3000 people is not small, and there seems to be no end in sight, but the two cavalry battalions composed of old crane-controlling cavalry seem to be fearless.

The 3000 men and horses standing in front of the cavalry belonged to the three battalions of Zhang Chan in Zizhou. Due to the rush of time, these three battalions, which were originally a reserve team for attacking the mountain, gathered in a hurry to block the cavalry's advance.The people in these three battalions could feel the terrifying aura of the cavalry of the Zhendong Army approaching.These cavalry were originally a battle-tested crane control army as the core, and each of them was a battle-tested veteran.Now with the addition of those naturally fierce Hu cavalry, it makes the whole cavalry even more wild and unrestrained.

A capable cavalry unit is terrifying. If this capable cavalry is also fierce, wild and fearless, it will be a nightmare for all armies.The two battalions of Crane Control and Flying Cavalry marched hand in hand, and during the whistling, there was always a ferocious fighting spirit like tigers and wolves, which made the Zizhou soldiers standing in front feel that they were a group of poor lambs in front of the wolves, trembling unceasingly .

The shaking of the ground under their feet made those Zizhou soldiers unable to stand still, and their vests roared in their ears.The neat cavalry charge line, like two towering mountains that are speeding, is rushing towards Zizhou soldiers.

The soldiers in the front row of the Zizhou soldiers were thirsty, and the screams in their hearts were stuck in their throats but could not be uttered. The countless crossbow arrows rained by the cavalry of the Zhendong Army had already fallen into their formation, and countless soldiers fell to the ground with arrows .Hu Qi, who rushed to the front, rushed all the way to the front of the formation, and just before crashing into the spears on the formation, he separated and galloped away like two torrents.

Row after row of cavalry rushed forward, followed by row after row of arrow rain.Those Zizhou soldiers also fell row after row, as if they were as vulnerable as paper.


When the cavalry shot several arrows, the speed of the charge also weakened, and the formation of the Zizhou soldiers was already riddled with holes.At this time, Li Juyi and Guo Zhenhai, who were in command, ordered to rush into the formation of Zizhou soldiers without hesitation, like a pack of wolves entering a herd of sheep.

In this row of overwhelming offensives, the three Zizhou barracks couldn't even stop them for a moment, and they were submerged by the torrent of red cavalry in an instant.

After piercing through the three Zi army camps, Li Juyi and Guo Zhenhai did not continue to massacre those Zi soldiers who had already dispersed.They didn't love to fight, but one left and one right. Amidst the sound of iron whistle and bull horns, they quickly reassembled their team on the battlefield, spread out their formation, and continued to charge forward. The other seven battalions of Ziqi Erzhou soldiers and horses.

Zhang Chan, the governor of Zizhou, is Wang Jingwu's brother-in-law. He was also a Qingzhou dental soldier. He once served as a soldier and horse envoy in Yaqian.He rushed to help, bringing all his belongings and five thousand soldiers and horses.Unexpectedly, three battalions had already been defeated in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Zhang Chan immediately shouted and led his remaining two battalions to rush over.Lu Hong, the governor of Qizhou, was Wang Jingwu's uncle. At this time, he also saw the critical situation, and immediately led the Qizhou soldiers who had just rushed down the mountain to rush behind Zhang Chan.

It was too late to line up to face the enemy, and the seven thousand Ziqi soldiers met the two thousand Zhendong cavalry, and the two armies collided head-on.

Li Juyi and the others also saw that Qingzhou soldiers outside the valley were still attacking Taniguchi, and they knew that Li Jing in the valley was about to lose his hold.At this time, the fiercest side was shown, and the cavalry and infantry began to confront each other.It's like two tides colliding head-on, causing countless splashing waves. These are not only the sparks from the swords and guns of the soldiers and horses on both sides, but also the blood splashed from the swords and guns on their respective bodies.

Both Zhang Chan and Lu Honghong are very brave, but bravery does not mean victory.

In front of the rapidly charging cavalry formation, the Ziqi soldiers were not considered elite, and after another day of rushing, the exhausted soldiers were no match for the cavalry at all.Often before their weapons touch the cavalry, the cavalry of the Zhendong Army have already trained thousands of times to chop scarecrows and wooden stakes. With a wave of a sharp saber, a Ziqi soldier will inevitably be chopped to the ground. , Then trampled into broth by countless iron hooves.

In less than a while, the Zhendong army was inserted into the army of Ziqi soldiers like a red-hot iron braze.In front of the cavalry, Ziqi soldiers fell down in pieces, like rice waves blown by the wind.The cavalry behind followed desperately. In front of them, whether they were sword and shield soldiers or spear soldiers, they were kicked to the ground one after another in front of this hurricane, and the entire huge formation was torn apart.

The Controlling Crane Camp and the Flying Cavalry Camp seemed to be competing, one on the left and the other on the right, fighting into the Ziqi soldiers together, and they were also unstoppable and unstoppable!

Finally, Zhang Chan and Lu Hong's plan to block the cavalry by relying on their superiority in numbers failed completely.After the Crane Controlling Camp and the Flying Cavalry Camp pierced through the seven thousand Ziqi soldiers from left to right, they continued to charge at high speed without looking back, and charged straight at Wang Jingwu.

Wang Jingwu was horrified, and hurriedly ordered Qingzhou soldiers to turn around and fight, trying to double-team with Ziqi soldiers.It's just that the Ziqi soldiers are not the opponents of the cavalry of the Zhendong Army, and the Qingzhou soldiers are also no good. They charge and charge and charge again.

Li Jing in the valley also led the thousands of remnants in the valley to fight out at the right time. Unwilling to reconcile, Wang Jingwu wanted to continue to fight again with the whole army. At this time, the sound of horns sounded again, and another group of soldiers came to kill on the northern horizon. Soldiers and horses, the first few banners are the three battalions of the Silver Spear Battalion, the Guard Battalion and the Flying Eagle Battalion.Although Wang Jingwu was extremely unwilling, he had no choice but to lead his troops to retreat.

Li Jing led the Zhendong army to chase and kill them all the way, killing corpses all over the field. Qingzhou soldiers and Ziqi soldiers lay dead for ten miles, and died in countless battles. Of the 5000 soldiers and horses, only less than [-] retreated to Qingzhou City.

(To be continued)

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