Late Tang

Chapter 811

(The [-]-word chapter is here, please recommend!)

Li Jing saw that the teacher Cui Yunqing's smooth forehead was slightly sweating, and he still hadn't recovered from Li Jing's tough statement just now. "If Wuhu refused to agree just now, what should the king do? The old man still feels that this matter is a bit immature. This matter should be raised by the officials of the Ministry of Rites of Shangshu Province to Chief Wuhu. In this way, whether they agree or not , there is still a room for negotiation. In the end, no matter whether the matter is successful or not, it will not damage the prestige of King Qin. But just now, if you made a strong statement like this, if the other party refuses, there is no room for turning around the matter. If you shoot and break up, you will lose the majesty of the king." He rode close to Li Jing's BMW to persuade him, "Now that you are the King of Qin, some things should not be up to you. You must have a set of rules for everything. You have to follow the rules." With a flick of his sleeve, he rode his horse forward a few steps, then turned back and said, "Or, if Your Highness is not satisfied with the old man and Zi Ming being in charge of the affairs of the Minister of Ministers, you can just say that the old man is willing to abdicate to the worthy. "

"Teacher, don't misunderstand." Li Jing smiled gently.

He kicked his horse, "I didn't think carefully about this matter, and I didn't talk to the teacher beforehand." Li Jing's horse understood his meaning very well, and smartly walked to the side of the road and stopped.

When Cui Yunqing also came over on horseback, Li Jing said: "This king thinks that these barbarians have nowhere to go before they come to vote, and the teacher should also know that although these barbarian's attachment is beneficial for a while, in the long run However, they are hidden dangers in the borderlands. If they are not properly settled, they will become border troubles sooner or later. During the Sui Dynasty, the Emperor Sui adopted the policy of uniting the weak and separating the strong, and used tactics to divide the eastern and western Turks, making it impossible for the powerful Turks to be unified. This is a It is a very good strategy, but they obviously made a mistake in arranging the Turkic tribes who were defeated in the war. The Sui Emperor just blindly gave up the border lands, such as Dingxiang, Dali, Yinshan, Yunzhong, etc. Turkic grazing. As a result, it turned into a confidant's trouble. For example, Shibi Khan, who once surrounded Emperor Yangdi in Yanmen, was the son of Qimin Khan who was defeated in the Turkic civil war and finally attached himself to the Sui Dynasty. Qimin Khan surrendered After the Sui Dynasty, the Sui Dynasty moved them to the Yinshan Daibei area, and married two princesses to him, that is, Shibi Khan, and his Khan was also a princess of the Sui Dynasty. But in the end, the Qimin Khan tribe passed by After decades of rest and recuperation, as soon as it became stronger, it immediately bit the Sui Dynasty back, and 40 cavalry surrounded Sui Emperor Yang Guangyu Yanmen. Even at the end of the Sui Dynasty, the northern heroes almost all asked the Turks to pay tribute and borrow troops. support."

Li Jing shook his head as he said, "Although the Tang Dynasty destroyed the Turks, it made a big mistake in resettling them, which eventually led to the restoration of the Turks and the restlessness in the frontiers. These are lessons from the past. The Wuhu tribe It is of great significance to come and surrender. We cannot shut them out. But we cannot arrange them like the Sui and Tang Dynasties. Therefore, although my statement is a bit tough, it is actually for once and for all. Incorporate them The army not only took away their military power, but also recruited those horsemen who are excellent in riding and shooting to join our cavalry unit to enhance our cavalry combat effectiveness. And moving them to various provinces, states and counties, and disrupting their resettlement, is also to prevent them from To form forces, we must completely assimilate them and not give them any chance."

"I believe that the strategy you proposed must have been carefully considered. In fact, you have always been amazingly talented in seeing the overall situation, King Qin. At least, you have rarely made mistakes in your overall judgment. Regarding this, I I don’t want to express any objection.” Cui Yunqing looked a little tired and upset, “Your strategy is correct, but it’s not up to you to bring it up. You are the King of Qin, and you have ministers, cabinets, and staff under you. The Academy, the Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies, the left and right servants, the left and right ministers, the six ministers, the four halls, the cabinet bachelors, and other officials are here to help you with these affairs. Don't you think you are just a general and a governor? ? Do you have to do everything yourself?"

"No." Li Jing shook his head and said, "Sorry, I'm the one doing Meng Lang's business..."

"I know what you're thinking." Cui Yunqing calmed down, "Ji Yu, now you are the king of Qin, controlling three parts of the world, and your status has changed. You should pay attention to it. On the other hand, you You personally formulated a series of systems for Qin Fan today, these systems are very good, but in the end you don't abide by them, how can others abide by them?"

Cui Yunqing is in favor of a series of reforms in the official system and military system formulated by Li Jing.The core of these systems formulated by Li Jing is decentralization and balance.According to these systems, in fact, Li Jing, the king, did not do whatever he wanted. The Provincial Court was to balance Li Jing's rights.

Today, Li Jing did not go through Shang Shusheng or the cabinet before making a decision on such a big matter as the annexation of Wuhu. This made Cui Yunqing a little worried.This is not to say that Cui Yunqing is in love with power, but worried about Li Jing's change of attitude, whether it is because Qin Fan is becoming more and more powerful, and he is slowly becoming arrogant and conceited.There are some things that other civil and military officials are not easy to talk about, and only he is suitable for relying on the old and selling the old to mention it with the help of Teacher Li Jing's qualifications.

"Sanlang, now that the five Hu chiefs have agreed, do you think they are sincere?"

"Of course it won't be sincere, but it's just a matter of necessity, and there is no better choice." Li Jing chuckled, "But no matter what, since they agreed, we can't give them a chance to go back on their word. About The reorganization of soldiers and horses must be started immediately, and Wuhu has a population of more than 110 million. Among them, almost all adult men are warriors, and even a small half can serve as cavalry. Even men who are 12 to 60 years old, all Can go to the battlefield. There are at least 30 young and strong men in the tribes attached to the Wuhu. If we recruit with all our strength, we can recruit at least 20 Hu warriors, and among them, we can recruit at least [-] elite cavalry soldiers."

"Although Fanbing is brave, the loyalty of Fanbing has always been a problem. Shatuo, Sogdian, Uighur, Tuyuhun, Tiele, and Tatar were all foreign mercenary elite soldiers of the Tang Dynasty. They are stronger than most of the Han army. There are many. But in terms of loyalty, they are not reliable. The Shatuo tribe is a lesson from the past. The Anshi Rebellion was basically a chaos of fan soldiers and generals. Our Qin army now has about 20 fan soldiers and horses. If we recruit another ten [-] or even [-] soldiers, I am afraid that the morale of the army will be unstable and there is a risk of losing control." Cui Yunqing frowned.

Fan soldiers and Hu cavalry are very strong, especially cavalry.

It is not easy to recruit and train a cavalry from the Han people.Many Han people did not know how to ride a horse before being recruited into the army. It took at least three to five years to train a commoner who had never ridden a horse into an excellent cavalryman who was proficient in riding and archery.This time is long, and in many cases, the war situation is tense, and there is not such a leisurely time to recruit soldiers and train slowly.

But Fanbing is different. Most of the Hu people are nomadic tribes, and some are hunting tribes.They almost grew up on horseback. They were born riders, and almost everyone could shoot a bow.Riding and archery are their basic abilities.

Recruiting these Hu people into the army, although they want to become a qualified cavalry, they still have to receive training to transform from a herdsman to a cavalry, and learn knowledge such as formation and marching.But with a good foundation, they will be basically qualified in half a year, and in one year, they will be able to match the results of more than five years of training for Han soldiers.

Although the cavalry unit of the Qin army has been expanded several times, until now, among the 36 Qin army, there are only [-] cavalry units.And among the [-], there are almost [-] cavalry who have not been trained recently, which are not considered elite.It's not that Li Jing doesn't want to build more cavalry troops. Li Jing has horses. After owning the Northeast, Li Jing has a sufficient supply of war horses.But there is a lack of good cavalry.Even if there are [-] cavalry now, there are still a large number of cavalry from all ethnic groups in the Northeast.

Therefore, for Li Jing, he is actually looking forward to the Wuhu coming to vote this time.

Hundreds of thousands of Hu people are young and strong, and it is completely possible to expand an army of cavalry.

Moreover, the Hu people are physically strong, even if they are incorporated into the infantry, they still have inherent advantages over the Han people.

"I am also very clear about this." Li Jing nodded. Although the Hu people have a great physical advantage over the Han people, they also have a big disadvantage.One is the surname of loyalty, and the other is the surname of discipline.Discipline can be restrained by military regulations, but loyalty is difficult to cultivate in a short period of time. "I don't intend to let these Tibetan soldiers form an army alone, but to organize them into the original cavalry or infantry. In each army, the proportion of Han and Tibetan must have a bottom line, and the absolute advantage of the Han army must be guaranteed. In addition, it is planned to transfer some of the chieftains of the Fans to serve as deputies at the middle and lower levels of the battalion capital team to strengthen control."

"I'm not familiar with the affairs of the army. You can discuss the details with the General Staff Council, the Governor's Mansion of the Fifth Army, and the Ministry of War in detail. The old man believes that His Highness has this ability." Cui Yunqing looked at Li Jing with some appreciation, and he clearly found that, This student did not become arrogant and conceited because of his success. He still maintained a clear head, considered problems carefully, and treated his subjects with humility. This is the attitude of a wise king.

"However, regarding the dispersal and relocation of the five tribes to various provinces, states and counties, and the scattered resettlement, I'm afraid the current situation is not optimistic. We have just passed this cold winter, and our reserves are almost exhausted. All of a sudden It is a huge project to resettle millions of Hu people to various provinces, states and counties.”

"I know." Li Jing said with some helplessness: "Compared with recruiting Hu soldiers, it is indeed more troublesome to resettle these Hu people. But we must not be afraid of trouble, and put them in Liaoxi and Liaodong, and assign them pasture land Such an approach is absolutely unacceptable. In ten or twenty years, those sites will no longer be ours. Therefore, we not only have to move, but also have to start moving immediately. We must not delay, otherwise, it is very likely to delay If you delay any more, when these barbarians recover and settle down at home, they won't leave anymore. I'll have to trouble the teacher and Shang Shuxing to deal with this matter."

In the evening, Li Jing held a grand dinner in the Palace of the Prince of Qin. Almost all the important figures in Yanjing City liked to invite them to welcome the chiefs and nobles of the Wuhu tribe together.

The dinner was held in the Crystal Palace in the other courtyard of Prince Qin's Mansion. This hall is not too big, but it is extremely luxurious.

Because this is a large hall made of glass, in it, it feels like being in the Crystal Palace of the Dragon King.Although glass products have gone to thousands of households nowadays, they are no longer a high-end luxury.But it is still amazing to cover a hall with glass.But in fact, the order volume of the glass factory on Dengzhou Island has dropped sharply, and the start of work is somewhat insufficient.Li Jing built a large hall with glass, which actually cost little money, but this other hall, which is not far from King Qin's Mansion in Yanjing City, has become a living advertisement.What's more, Li Jing asked him to operate this palace and host a banquet, so it was actually a very profitable business.

However, the invited nobles of the Wuhu tribe were still shocked when they entered this glittering and shining Crystal Palace.

"Clang clang clang!"

Just here, being careful, for fear of accidentally bumping into a group of barbaric nobles, just when their buttocks were next to the feather sofa cushions, they suddenly heard bursts of loud bells in their ears.Immediately they all stood up.

"The alarm bell is sounding, it's not good, the enemy is attacking!" Many barbarian people went to touch the knife, but they all touched it.Only then did I remember that all the weapons had been left outside before entering the palace.

The melodious bells echoed all the time, but the nobles of the Wuhu tribe were jumping around and panicking.Some people even thought that this was Qin Wang Li Jing sending a signal to surround and kill them in one fell swoop.

When the bell stopped, there was no Qin army rushing in. Following the careful explanation of the officials of Qin Fan's Ministry of Rites, they blushed and found that the bell just now was not the bell being struck by each Shang, nor the alarm bell for the alarm, but It is another kind of clock, a clock that can tell the time automatically.The bell rang seven just now, which meant seven o'clock in the evening.It happened to be Xu time!That is, the first watch at night.

All the humans stared wide-eyed, unable to believe that there was such a miraculous thing.However, when Li Jing beckoned and sent a batch of exquisite gold pocket watches to each of the Wuhu nobles present, these people held the gold pocket watches with very funny expressions on their faces.That pocket watch was in my hand, I was holding it in my hand for fear of falling, and holding it in my mouth for fear of melting.

But after this episode, those five-hu nobles who originally thought that Li Jing was taking advantage of the fire to annex them were all overwhelmed by Li Jing's big hand, and their eyes staring at the pocket watch occasionally looked into Li Jing's eyes Full of awe.

When the nobles proposed that if their tribesmen were scattered and moved to various places, their usual interests would be lost.

"Oh, don't worry, friends." Cui Yunqing took the initiative to answer for Li Jing, "After your tribesmen have moved to the states, the King of Qin will not forget you. We will follow the wishes of the King of Qin, according to the original pastures of the kings The size of the tribe, the number of tribesmen, the ranks and titles, and the land and manors are granted to you. From then on, you are a member of the nobles of the Great Tang Empire. And for your livestock and horses on the border, we I am also willing to bid to buy and trade banknotes, gold and silver for Qin Jingtong. Moreover, as long as you are willing, you can also join my Qin Fan's government and army. As long as you pass the assessment, you will be appointed according to your ability, and everyone will be treated equally .”

Cui Yunqing laughed resonantly. He had served as the governor of many places and served as a military envoy, and he was from the top wealthy Cui family, so he spoke very gracefully and had added etiquette, which made people feel like a spring breeze.He first described in detail the many benefits of being nobles under King Qin's rule after the nobles of various tribes accepted the nobility of King Qin. Far beyond the many benefits of being a tribal leader on the grasslands beyond the Great Wall. "In addition, from now on, you are the people of Tang Dynasty, the nobles of Qin Fan. Qin Fan is the number one fan in the world. As the nobles of Qin Fan, you will no longer have to worry about snow disasters, famine, plague, war, and robbery from now on. Wait, from now on, you have a stable life, a rich life, fine wine, and the company of beauties, what more can you ask for in this lifetime?"

In addition to the arrangements for the nobles, Cui Yunqing also described to them the many benefits of their tribesmen moving inward.After moving to the hinterland, they no longer rely on the sky for food. Every Hu family can get a large piece of land of their own to build their own farms, and their daily life is guaranteed from then on.

Moreover, from now on, like all Qin Fan people, they have the qualifications to take the exam and become officials.They can also serve as soldiers, make meritorious service in the army, be promoted to rank and title, establish meritorious service, and establish a family business. "As long as you make great achievements, you will be rewarded. Not only can you become a captain, a general, but you can even become a marshal. You will also become the founder of the Tang Dynasty, the founder of the country, and even the founder of the county, the country, etc. A minister of merit."

Hearing these wonderful prospects, most of the Hu leaders were already intoxicated.Many people even thought about how prestigious it would be if they could become the founding marquis of the Tang Dynasty, and they don't need the founding marquis, even if they can be named the founding uncle.

The banquet was very lively, but most of the barbarians didn't drink the wine tonight, and everyone was drunk. They have been immersed in the beautiful future scenes described to them by the Great Master of the Tang Dynasty and the Duke Cui Yunqing.

Through the window, Li Jing heard the laughing and talking of the female relatives in the side hall.Li Jing pushed Cui Yunqing to the front of the stage tonight, trying his best to maintain that superiority.There is no doubt that the Wuhu nobles have been completely dazed by Cui Yunqing's three-inch tongue, and the matter has succeeded.His attention was also diverted from those Huren leaders who had been giggling all the time. He seemed to faintly hear Liu Yunniang's voice in the voice from the side hall just now.I don't know what happened, but she seemed to be smiling, and she was smiling very happily, very carefree.

After drinking a lot of wine tonight, Li Jing, who was slightly drunk and in a good mood, suddenly flew up with that pleasant laughter! (To be continued.)

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