Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1003 Fire and Explosive Factory

Chapter 1003 Fire and Explosive Factory
The eavesdropping/wiretapping records of the Dutch East India Company's business hall are the highest priority materials, and they will be translated and printed on the next morning and sent to Zhao Manxiong's desk.The material was also copied to police headquarters and the Foreign Intelligence Service, as agreed at weekly security joint meetings.

Zhao Manxiong will personally study these top-level materials as soon as he enters the office every day-the executive committee does not want to be disturbed by any external forces during the engine operation.

Among the foreign forces, the Portuguese and the British are weak, and the Spaniards are far away and lazy; only the Dutch have certain power and are related to their immediate interests.

The senior officials were very important to the East India Company, and it is difficult to say how the Senate's development of Kaohsiung would make them respond.

"Let the Dutch fully realize the terror that is our enemy." In the planning meeting before the start of the engine operation, the countermeasures adopted in response to the possible reactions of the Dutch were to use intimidation to force them not to take rash actions. action.

Judging from the eavesdropping/hearing/reporting, it is clear that the work on Trini has achieved very good results-whether it is intentional or not, the Italian is desperately boasting about the strength of the Senate.Zhao Manxiong knew very well that a person in a comfortable and comfortable environment would not have much interest in waging war.

Living a comfortable life, doing a job I love, with a lot of money, and Lori and Masamune by my side - Trini would not want to fight a war to end his current situation unless he was insane.

The conversation between the two did not exceed most of his speculations: including the thoughts and attitudes of the East India Company, and the purpose of sending a large ship to Lingao when it was not the trading season was obviously not just for making money.Magdeburg's mission was apparently to scoop up news.

Then he read the surveillance report on the East India Company's trading house, especially the report on the activities of the servants in the trading house.Ufer believes that at least one of the servants was performing some kind of secret work.

According to the report, this servant is very active, often in Lingao, and has traveled all over the places where foreigners are allowed to visit.It is almost necessary to go to Bopu Port once a day-the public excuse is to buy fish catches.

Finally, there is the report of the letter censor at the General Post Office of the Political Security Service.The General Post Office took over the post-transmission system of the original Ming government.Postal routes from Lingao to various counties in Hainan were opened, and post offices were set up in each county.However, these branches are currently only responsible for the delivery of official documents and letters of the departments, enterprises and military units under the Senate, and private letters are limited to the naturalized people and a small number of indigenous people who have contacts with the crossing group.

The way of postal inspection is to inspect all the letters of some individuals and departments, and the other part is to conduct random inspections.Zhao Manxiong skipped the other parts and directly found the postal inspection report on the East India Commercial House.

As usual, the letters of the Dutch merchant house are sent to Bopu by the servants of the merchant house, and handed over to the East India Company merchant ships returning to Batavia or about to go to Daguan. When there are no East India Company ships, they are handed over to Chinese merchant ships in the two places.Regardless of the consignment method, the OGPU could always get a copy before leaving the port.

The letters were encrypted, but any seventeenth-century encryption was child's play for the Political Guard.Each letter was deciphered, translated, and several copies were sent to the "relevant departments"-because the Dutch were the focus of attention, the postal inspection reports involving them were all accompanied by the original letter.

Zhao Manxiong carefully read the report and recent letters, and he is generally satisfied: it fully conforms to the effect they want to receive from their "promotion of power" activities.

However, this is only for the current shop staff, and it is hard to say whether it will have the same effect on the newly arrived Van der Lantron.Whether it is necessary to launch a new "declaration of force" against van der Laantelon is a subject that Zhao Manxiong needs to consider.

To "declare force", there are many ready-made things: whether it is the 901 project in the port, the new artillery that the army is testing recently, or even the not-so-fresh typewriter, it is enough to shock the Dutchman enough.

The problem is that excessive showing of force is sometimes considered a kind of "covering up weakness".Zhao Manxiong was very worried that a group of smart people in Batavia would make such a judgment.

"It would be nice to let this cheese eater understand this point unequivocally." He said, thinking of the 2300 project that is currently in full swing-if it is successfully completed, it will be a very amazing military development.It's a pity that Van der Lantelon may not be able to accurately understand the power of it.

It's better for Vanderlan Tron to see the steam engine fleet of the Senate -- as a seafaring nation, Vander Lan Tron will not fail to understand the powerful power of steam engine warships.

The location of Project 2300 is Lingao Specialty Chemicals Consortium.Although this consortium belongs to the Ministry of Chemical Industry, it is far away from the chemical enterprises under the Ministry of Chemical Industry. Many workers working in chemical factories have never even heard of such an enterprise.

The planning of Lingao's special chemical complex was modeled on the construction of a certain explosives factory in the 156 projects of that year.Its main task is to produce gunpowder and explosives.

Fire and explosives are the key items for the traversers to maintain their own advantages. With the continuous expansion of the army and the needs of civil engineering, the early manual workshop-style production scale and laboratory-style production technology have become far from meeting the demand.

Especially the lack of sufficient and relatively safe explosives makes the military and civilian applications very restricted.As a result, the stockpile of fire and explosives for military use can only be kept at a relatively low reserve level.The ammunition in the army's reserves, in addition to ensuring the daily training of the army, has only one battle amount.The artillery and ammunition reserves on the various ships of the Navy are also generally not satisfied with the base.

The Planning Institute is well aware of the current predicament, so it officially started planning and building an explosives company - Lingao Specialty Chemicals Consortium more than a year ago.

Lingao Specialty Chemicals Consortium covers a vast area--it looks like an old man with a vast territory, and the factory covers an area of ​​several thousand acres.Even so, it was only planned according to the reduction ratio of ten times the old time and space.The site of the factory is located on the edge of the high mountains and hills.It is a slope where bedrock begins to emerge.The soil layer is very thin, and there are rocks and gullies everywhere, making the project very difficult.The advantage is that it is remote and desolate, there are almost no people and cultivated land around, and the terrain is relatively high, so it will not be flooded by the typhoon.

Because in the explosives factory, all kinds of explosives and precursors are concentrated together.Once a chain reaction occurs, half of the existing industrial zone in Lingao may be reimbursed.It is already very unsafe to stay in the industrial zone.

For things like explosives, the finished product is actually very safe. What is unsafe is the intermediate precursor, many of which are in an unstable state, and can only be temporarily stabilized by strict process specifications.Workers on this plane, however, have little conception of craft discipline.Even in the former explosives factory, which strictly followed the militarized management and frequently imposed extremely severe punishments, even the death penalty and even sit-downs, all kinds of small accidents were not completely eliminated.

The casualty accident rate of the Explosives Factory was kept secret and never reported in internal bulletins. Unless the naturalized people worked in the factory, they would never know that there was such a place.The selected workers are also single as far as possible.

Even through various means to reduce the impact of the accident to a minimum.Small accidents can turn into major accidents if they are not dealt with in time.Relocating to this barren area can at least reduce the loss to the greatest extent in the event of an accident-even the black powder that is mainly produced, once a sufficient amount of gunpowder explodes, the effect will be very strong-the Wang Gong factory The big bang is scary enough.

According to the safety standards of the old time and space, the planning of a special chemical consortium is still a serious violation.Because this factory not only produces explosives, but also manufactures various finished ammunition, and also undertakes scientific research tasks.

"At least our production conditions are much better than Huangyadong's..." Xu Yingjie said with a forced smile after reading the plan.There was already a scar on his exposed arm—this was left by the broken glass half a year ago when he was making thunderbolt.

"It's also better than the current security conditions. Otherwise, sooner or later, the guys in our Chemical Industry Department will become one-eyed dragons and one-legged. It is inevitable to enter Cuigang earlier." Ji Tuisi, the head of the Chemical Industry Department, said.Not to mention things like explosives, even the production in chemical factories often made him terrified.

The Ministry of Chemical Industry does have a few dynamite enthusiasts who are not afraid of death, but courage cannot bring safety—everyone still wants to see the day when the revolution wins—of course it must be intact.

"Everyone should try their best to mention the safety requirements, and don't be afraid of trouble or consumption. As long as they can be met, the Planning Institute will definitely meet them." Wu De said at the meeting, "Safety comes first."

After more than a year of heavy construction work, the factory area has not yet been completed, or it is not known when it will be completed.According to the plan: a large number of artificial obstacles to block the shock wave should be built between various facilities, usually 20-30 meters high earth embankment, in order to guide the shock wave and burning materials to high altitudes - in order to avoid the splash of rocks during the explosion, it cannot be used Stone.

After the basic civil works are completed, less than 10% of the earth embankment works have been done.Many earth embankments had to be made up with a thick layer of soil on the outside of piles of stones.The factory bit the bullet and put into production.The traditional way of safety ditch continues to be used.The embankment will continue to be constructed.For the sake of safety, steam-powered engineering equipment that emits smoke and fire can no longer be used at this time, and can only rely on manpower: the Fubo Army and the labor reform team will use modern machinery when necessary.

(End of this chapter)

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