Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1009 Beginning of Spring

Chapter 1009 Beginning of Spring
"It's a pity that no finished product has arrived yet, so we have to leave it empty." Zhou Ke said regretfully.

"Anyway, warships in the past could fight without this kind of thing-Nelson didn't use it for shooting the commander." Lin Shenhe knew that this was purely some people's bad taste. With their current industrial capabilities and potential enemy warships , The performance of the artillery, the firing distance of the naval warship is up to 2000 meters, and there is no need for any ballistic computer at all. Equipping the gunner with binoculars, artillery shooting meters and slide rules is Zentraedi technology.

The technology points of Super Zenith Star Technology are obviously not so easy to climb, and this empty shooting command tower is proof.

But it doesn't matter to him, he only cares about the artillery and shells, and let the precision instrument department consider what kind of observation equipment the artillery uses.

When the visit was about to end, Lin Shenhe suddenly thought of a question:
"Is this ship named?"

"Not yet. The Navy said that the naming ceremony will be held after the sea trials are over."

"Did the Navy say what it was going to be called?"

"It is said that someone suggested calling it Xuefeng or Shigure..."

"Damn, it's too funny." Lin Shenhe had goosebumps all over his body.There are quite a lot of IJN fans in the navy. Now that there are proposals from Yukikaze and Shigure, it goes without saying that the nominations of Nobu will also appear.

"I think you can use the names of mountains and rivers, such as Taihang, Taishan, Kunlun, etc., which are grand!" Zhou Ke said gesturing.

Lin Shenhe shook his head: "I'm afraid this small ship can't afford it." He actually prefers names like "fearless", "unyielding", "furious", and "aggressive", but the 1630 class can't afford it either. This kind of boldness-even if it is suspected that it is painful to build a [-]-ton battleship in this time and space, it must be a battleship of more than four or five thousand tons to appear majestic.In contrast, the pattern of names like Shigu is more appropriate.

The artillery installation of the 1630-class first ship lasted for three days, during which almost half of the veterans of the mechanical department were mobilized to solve the problem.Especially all veterans with fitter certificates.The constant repairing of parts has become the main theme of the installation work.In order to improve efficiency, a number of mobile equipment were specially dispatched to the dock assembly site.The gun mounts, rails, and even the fixing bolts of the artillery brought endless troubles to Zhou Ke.Standardized production has been implemented for more than two years, but there are still many problems in actual application-the workers are not good enough, and the materials are even less good.

Zhou Ke has always maintained a calm mind-he has become accustomed to the endless problems when he is in charge of the shipbuilding maintenance plan. According to his words: when installing equipment, he never expects to succeed at the first time.

With the collective efforts of everyone, all the cannons were finally installed and functioning normally.Although the fire control equipment did not have a ballistic computer, it was equipped with some simple equipment such as artillery slide rules and observation mirrors before the official sea trial.

The artillery observation mirror was made by Lin Hanlong, and the observation mirror was mainly used as a ruler.Structurally, it is a Kepler telescope, and it is not difficult to manufacture.However, in order to obtain a relatively large field of view and luminous flux, it is necessary to manufacture a relatively large aperture. Although it is difficult for Lin Hanlong, it is not insurmountable.

The most difficult sealing of the lens barrel - although they have no fir optical glue to use, and no rubber gaskets, they have to use complicated copper gaskets, vulcanized cowhide pads, and finally a layer of Eucommia glue to seal.Although the proposal to plant eucommia widely to replace rubber was rejected, eucommia gum is still used in a small area where the performance requirements are not strict. Fortunately, eucommia has been planted in China, and it is very convenient to collect raw materials.

The buffer structure when the lens barrel is installed is made of vulcanized cowhide. Although the performance is not ideal, it is barely usable.The lenses were originally planned to use lead glass or natural smelted crystals—Hainan itself has abundant natural smelted crystal deposits, but Lin Hanlong tried smelting several times, but still couldn't get a suitable product, so he could only be satisfied with the original product.

The rangefinder was originally a research project in the optical workshop, but Lin Hanlong discovered many problems that could not be overcome at the current stage during the experiment—especially the lack of high-quality optical glass and processing methods—even if it is manufactured at this stage, the quality cannot be guaranteed.

In the warehouse of the Planning Institute, there are one-meter rangefinders for 37mm guns and half-meter rangefinders for mortars brought in from the old time and space, bought in batches from military stores on Taobao, with a range of 5000 Meters, the accuracy is enough for naval guns, and the number is nearly one hundred.But the Navy ultimately decided not to use these "sophisticated devices."

"As long as the equipment of the army can be used, it must be based on domestic production." Ming Qiu, the People's Commissar of the Navy, expressed his position at the technical meeting of the 854 reform.

Eventually the artillery range finder was reduced to a simple steering wheel system.Specifically, an angle plate with a sight is installed on the bow and stern of the ship, and the sight is used to align the target, and then the distance between the warship and the target is calculated according to the difference between the different angles displayed by the bow and stern-this technology is Appeared in the 19th century, it is in line with the current technical level of the Senate Navy.

A wind vane and anemometer are also installed in the fire control equipment to measure the crosswind and longitudinal wind. When calculating the shooting elements, the wind direction and wind speed are important reference data.

The last piece of equipment is the quadrant, which is made of tin brass. It is used to measure the inclination angle of the artillery within the range of 0-1500 mils (0°~90°) in the vertical plane, and to check the angle of the artillery aiming device and the artillery. .At the same time, the cannon can be adjusted to the desired firing position.Cooperating with ranging and plotting, the speed of enemy ships can be determined.The more important use is that on the command platform, the limiter can be added to the quadrant to determine the safety of the naval gun, so that the gunfire will not accidentally damage the ship in the fierce battle.

After all the fire control equipment was installed, the ship finally got the belated name of the ship: "Lichun".Whether this means that 1630 ships will be built for the 24 class has caused discussion among the elders.The Navy cheered, the Army worried.The spokesperson of the Planning Institute responded to this in the Senate: "At present, there is no plan to start the construction of the second batch of 1630-class." However, he admitted that the preliminary preparations for the keel laying of the second 1630-class ship have already begun, and we only have to wait The Senate approved the addition of the budget for the "Second Warship Filing".

However, judging from the naming of this ship, it is clear that there are plans to build larger warships in the Navy's Ship Administration Headquarters.The Navy denied this. Naval People's Commissar Chen Haiyang said: At present, there is no plan to build a new type of warship.



On September 9, the Lichun, which had completed the shooting test, returned to Bopu. Eight days later, the Lichun was officially completed and served, handed over to the navy, and raised the warship flag.Its registry is registered in Kaohsiung Port of the Navy.

Naturally, Kaohsiung does not exist at all-but this does not prevent Kaohsiung from being one of the main bases in the Senate's naval system.

All sea trials went smoothly, although some failures occurred during the sailing test, especially some minor failures occurred from time to time in steam engines and boilers.But neither is a serious problem, and the test can continue with minor repairs and adjustments.

After a month of intensive testing, the full data of Lichun are:
空载排水量:1,091 吨,标准排水量:1,160 吨,正常排水量:1,359 吨,满载排水量1,519 吨。实际动力功率输出为489马力,在标准海况下全功率航行最大时速12.5节。风帆最大航速15节。最大排水量下载煤359吨,最大动力续航力5节/5000海里。

Shipboard personnel, excluding seamen 149 people.In addition, it can carry a platoon of sea soldiers and all their weapons and equipment for a long time.For short voyages, a company and equipped light artillery and its battery can be carried.

Li Ziping's comprehensive evaluation of the Lichun is: excellent machinery, storage, and cabin space; sufficient accommodation and work space; the ship shakes slowly and calmly, and is a good firepower platform.Excellent sea boat, comfortable, capable of firing in the worst weather.

In general, Li Ziping is quite satisfied with this ship—it is much stronger than the first warship Haitian built by the veterans—it is much more stable than Haitian in terms of sailing performance alone.The shooting effect of large-caliber artillery is also satisfactory.Whether it is the use of armor-piercing projectiles or grenades, the damage to the target has far exceeded their psychological expectations.

As for the living conditions, which is the hard indicator most valued by the veterans, there has also been a leap forward, especially in the layout of the living quarters of the veteran officers. Lichun is much more spacious than the "Zhenhai" class. Not only the captain can enjoy a single room as usual, but the veteran officers also have doubles. The dormitory can be lived in, and the kitchen on the ship has also been upgraded.

"It only takes three months for this ship to display its full combat effectiveness." He said to Chen Haiyang confidently.

"You don't have three months left, you only have 30 days to familiarize yourself with the equipment and train your subordinates." Chen Haiyang said, "Once the Mid-Autumn Festival is over, the engine operation will start in full swing."

(End of this chapter)

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