Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1023 Advantage

Chapter 1023 Advantage
Lin Baiguang lives comfortably in the post house in Anping. Although it is the property of the government, it is actually the Zheng family's private business.The maintenance expenses are naturally much more generous than the emperor.Not only is the house clean and tidy, but the post officials are not bad looking, and they are very attentive to this "honored guest" of the Zheng family.

However, the response from the Zheng family was like nothing but nothing.Every day, the congren waited at the gate of the courtyard where they were staying to see if there were any envoys from the Zheng family outside.Except for the postmen and officials who took care of them back and forth, there was no one.

His followers were all naturalized people, and they all became anxious, fearing that they and the "chief" would be detained by the famous sea lord at sea, and their lives would be lost if they made trouble.

Lin Baiguang was not in a hurry, the Zheng family could not have swallowed this bait, even if they knew it was poisonous, they could not refuse, Zheng Zhilong had a serious attitude of "gambling", relying on "gambling", he was under the hands of his uncle in just over ten years A young man from Yan Siqi became the village owner under Yan Siqi, and finally became the overlord of the southeast sea in one leap.

Just as Zheng Zhilong will be lured to the camp by the Qing army for abduction decades later, in fact, this is not the first time for him--a few years ago, he was tricked into boarding a ship and kidnapped by the Dutch governor of Taiwan, and forced to A trade deal was signed and a ransom was paid to Natz.But when Man Qing tempted him by cracking the earth to seal the king, Zheng Zhilong took the bait again.

From this point of view, the Great Library believes that it is completely feasible to do business with Zheng Zhilong to buy and sell salt—as long as it is a business, everything is easy to talk about.

However, although neither the Standing Committee nor the Branch Committee of the Senate revealed how they would deal with Zheng Zhilong and Liu Xiang, it is clear that ambitious sea masters like Zheng Zhilong and Liu Xiang must be eliminated.Their group is too large to accept the adaptation, even if they accept it, the leader of the Zheng family and the entangled leaders and cronies below make it difficult for this group to be quickly absorbed by the navy and trade department.

Furthermore, large groups such as Zheng Zhilong and Liu Xiang are quite harmful to China's coastal maritime trade, and they pursue a monopoly effect.After Zheng Zhilong defeated Liu Xiang, he sold the right of passage for international trade at a high price. The annual price of a command flag was 2000 taels, which actually completely blocked the possibility of general merchants and ship owners with poor financial resources to participate in ocean trade.Before the fall of the Ming Dynasty, the Zheng Zhilong Group had actually monopolized the Hirado trade with Japan, and a quarter of the Chinese ships arriving in Hirado were Anhai ships under its direct control.And their strife and monopoly in the coastal areas of China have also seriously affected the domestic maritime trade,

The Senate wants to seize maritime hegemony and build "sea peace under the rule of the Senate".The purpose of obtaining hegemony is not only to obtain excess profits, but also to promote maritime trade and stimulate the development of coastal industry and commerce.If the profits of trade are monopolized by distributors, in addition to necessities and luxury goods, traders and retailers will have to withdraw from this business system sooner or later.Excessively high prices will also make consumers' spending power shrink or even disappear.

"Private monopoly means reaction." Ma Qianju defined the sea owners at an enlarged meeting of the Executive Committee. "It is backward, old things that hinder productivity."

"Hindering productivity" is a serious qualifier—roughly a death sentence.

So it was completely defeated, and the only option for the executive committee was to incorporate the remnants, which has become a consensus among the veterans who have access to core secrets.

His main purpose in coming to Anping was not to show favor or to paralyze Zheng Zhilong—it was just incidental.The Oceanic Fleet and the transport fleet didn't care much about Liu Xiang's or Zheng Zhilong's sea power.The fleet of the Senate is basically on an overseas route. Unless Zheng Zhilong has radar and radio, it is difficult to accurately capture the fleet.Even if he is lucky enough to capture the convoy or wait for a chance at some point, the outcome of the engagement is not in his favor.

The navy has conducted several war games on the map in Ma Niao, simulating various hostile activities that Zheng Zhilong, Liu Xiang and the Dutch may carry out.Under various harsh conditions, these three major forces were still completely defeated.

Taking the Zheng Zhilong Group as an example, Zheng Zhilong wants to attack the engine-fighting troops, not to mention the main First Fleet and Second Fleet. Even if he wants to intercept the transport fleet, the main force of the entire army must be dispatched to the Penghu area. And the commander of the transport team must be stupid enough to crash into his ship formation.Once Lingao knew that he was deploying in Penghu, the return of nine spy boat squadrons would be enough to crush Zheng Zhilong.

If Zheng Zhilong's fleet hides along the coast, then it can relatively guarantee its own advantage. After all, in the shallow sea area where the harbor is criss-crossed and full of beaches and hidden reefs, the light ships that account for the majority of his fleet have great flexibility. Ships also have odds of success.The transportation routes for engine operations generally do not go to the shore of the mainland.

It is also unlikely that Zheng Zhilong will take the initiative to go to overseas routes to intercept the Senate's convoy.

Traditional Chinese navigation relies heavily on maritime landmarks.Because China has not developed the concept of latitude and longitude, even with a compass, there is still the problem of being unable to locate ships.The traditional method is to watch the stars, and roughly estimate one's own position through the positions of the stars.

But more commonly used and more convenient is to use maritime landmarks.On the traditional nautical navigation map "needle road book", the geometry of the needle path to a certain place and where the course is are clearly recorded.When turning the rudder to change the course, the landmarks in the sea are used as navigation marks.Therefore, ship navigation is generally used as navigation marks along the coastline or islands in the sea and sandy beaches.

Due to congenital deficiencies, Zheng Zhilong's ocean-going combat capabilities are actually very weak. Except for the Dutch, neither Liu Xiang nor Zheng Zhilong has the ability to conduct search operations on the vast ocean.In fact, almost all his battles with the Dutch and other sea lords were fought near the bays and islands along the coast.

As for the Dutch, there are nine squadrons of spy boats alone, and 36 large Fuchuan Guangchuan. Of these 36 ships, none of them has the firepower of the large warships of the Dutch, and the number far exceeds them.

Although Zheng Zhilong claims to have hundreds of warships, there are only [-] to [-] full-time large warships among them, and the combat effectiveness of a single ship is far inferior to that of a spy boat. Against Zheng Zhilong's fleet.Even if Zheng Zhilong assembled all the warships, he might not be the opponent of the spy boat squadrons.

The navy used a computer program to conduct a simulated combat test at sea. On one side was a typical large armed merchant ship of the Dutch: the NEW BANTAM, with a load of 800 tons and a maximum displacement of more than 1200 tons, which belonged to the largest class in the East Asian sea.The firepower on the ship is 7 18-pound snake guns and 16 12-pound half-snake guns. These are all the artillery that can enter the artillery battle.Since the artillery is arranged on the two sides of the ship, the projected volume of its single side fire is only about 150 pounds.

The NEW BANTAM is not only helpless when facing the Lichun class and Type 901 - the power of the rifled gun is simply a god-like existence in front of the early smoothbore guns.According to software calculations: the destructive power of the solid bullets, incendiary bombs, and grenades fired by the 130mm Dahlgren rifled gun, even if it is quite conservatively estimated, only five or six hits at most can completely destroy the combat and navigation capabilities of the NEW BANTAM.In a software simulated shooting, there was even a state where a solid bullet directly penetrated the hull and hit the gunpowder magazine, blowing up the entire ship.

Even in the face of spy boats without rifled guns, the Dutch's top warships have no advantage at all.

When faced with a spy boat equipped with a 48-pound smoothbore cannon and a 68-pound Caron gun, not only is its projected firepower inferior to that of the spy boat, but it is also no match for the spy boat in terms of range, penetration, and shooting accuracy.

一艘常见的标准排水量大约200吨的广船型特务艇上,仅48磅加农炮就有6门,外加4们68磅卡隆炮。一次侧船舷开火就能投射280磅炮弹,差不多是NEW BANTAM号的一倍。

Not only that, the projectiles of the snake cannon and half-snake cannon on the Dutch battleship have a small single weight and weak penetrating power.The penetrating power of the snake is far worse than that of the 24-pound gun. According to the data of the French long gun, the penetration ability of the 18-pound long gun during the war period at 100 yards is not as good as that of the 24-pound gun at 300 yards.One shot of 24 lbs is more damaging than two shots of 18 lbs.Not to mention the 48-pound gun.With a good gun mount, the rate of fire of the 24-pound gun is much faster than that of the snake and half snake.

As for the PB range of the 68-pound Caron cannon is 270 yards, the snake cannon is only about 330 yards, and the range of the 5-degree elevation angle of the Caron is even higher than that of the snake cannon.Moreover, the Snake Cannon generally needs about 100 yards of lethality to kill Galen ships. On the contrary, the 68-pound gun has too strong penetration and can go far away. Although the structure of the Fuchuan is weak, there is no problem with them.In the case of confrontation, the two sides bombard each other at 300 yards. The snake cannon can certainly destroy the Fuchuan, and the 68-pound can blast the armed merchant ship to scum.

As for the Harmony Ship with less firepower, although it is not as good as the NEW BANTAM in terms of single-sided firepower projection, even without the escort of warships such as spy boats, the Harmony Ship sailing in a team is still the most powerful fleet on the seas of East Asia.A convoy of five ships has enough firepower to withstand the fleet that the Dutch can dispatch at one time.

You must know that in order to deal with the Dutch fleet, Zheng Zhilong must gather the main force every time, and must fight in the offshore to win.

No matter how you calculate and deduce, as long as they don't rush into the narrow sea to fight, it doesn't matter whether it's Zheng Zhilong, Liu Xiang or the Dutch.

(End of this chapter)

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