Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1025 Prologue

Chapter 1025 Prologue
The seeds of sea yingcai can also be used to extract oil.Although the number of seaweed seeds harvested this year was limited, they provided some valuable oil.Lu Wenyuan's three meals a day are fried with this oil.

The lunch in the farm was eaten by Lu Wenyuan alone, and he said it was a "special offer", but the level was really poor.The best dish on the table is diced bacon and scrambled eggs from Tianchu Factory, plus a few plates of vegetables—the so-called vegetables are actually dried vegetables and pickles shipped from Lingao, Shandong in November, even a green Couldn't even see it, let alone fresh vegetables.The only vegetable that can be called fresh is the local Chinese cabbage in the cellar. Lu Wenyuan's life secretary made a cabbage and shrimp skin soup.

After having lunch at the farm and resting for a while, Lu Wenyuan went to inspect the refugee camp non-stop.The refugee camp was set up on the leeward side of the island—even so, it was still bitterly cold.Because it is a temporary building, all of them are fast-built wooden sheds, which are not well kept warm. In addition, he does not have many cotton clothes to supply. He relies on the stone stoves with flues arranged in each longhouse for heating. Daily fuel consumption is huge.

It is very difficult to collect enough firewood in the fast-growing withering year—there is almost no straw in the field, and the forest coverage rate in Dongsanfu is not high.

Fortunately, there are quite a lot of coal-producing places in Shandong, there are quite a few small coal mines, and the price is not expensive.Using his connections in the Shandong church, he was able to easily purchase coal and ship it to Longkou for landing.

As soon as the thick curtain of the longhouse was lifted, a mixed smell of sweat, body odor and coal came straight to his nose, and Lu Wenyuan frowned involuntarily.

He looked up at the long transom windows near the roof, and at last they were all open—otherwise they would have killed them.There was no sign of smoke from the chimney either.

The roof is sloping and there are several glass skylights, which surprised many refugees. They felt that the kind-hearted Mr. Deer was extravagant, but in fact it was just to use more sunlight and less fuel.

The passage is made of rammed earth, and on both sides is a ground raised with dry bricks - below is a flue that uses the waste heat of the stove - and above it is covered with thick wheat straw and dried seaweed.The refugees huddled together in groups of three or four to keep the temperature.

The temperature in the room can barely be maintained at about ten degrees, which can basically guarantee that people will not freeze to death.

Lu Wenyuan looked around and found that there were only old and young women and children in the house, and all the young and strong men were taken out to work.An earthen rampart and trenches, protected by bastions, are currently being built around the refugee camp.Farms can't do agricultural production in winter and can only do more infrastructure.

After looking at all the houses, I went to the kitchen again to check the hygiene and food rations.The special relief rations shipped from Hong Kong are used here.The price of local food is high, and the quality is poor. Lu Wenyuan has given up hope of replenishing food locally.

In addition to relief rations, at his request, "milk replacer powder" was shipped from Lingao - rice flour with a small amount of sugar in order to ensure that as many children as possible could be saved.

Lu Wenyuan inspected the kitchen very carefully, and he had a very clear account in his mind: Cheka has a form quantifying the consumption of each food in the relief in grams, and each kitchen is required to strictly abide by it.

There was nothing wrong with the accounts and inventory. In the end, he paid special attention to whether the cook who was born as a naturalized citizen showed any signs of gaining weight, and wondered if he should be weighed—Lu Wenyuan, like all veterans, did not believe in morality powerful.After leaving the kitchen, he asked the followers around him for the hundredth time: "Is there any new news?"

"Report to the chief, not yet."

"En." A gust of cold wind blew, and Lu Wenyuan shrank his neck involuntarily.Wrapped tightly in a cloak——the winter of the Little Ice Age, it’s really not covered!He found that he had chilblains, and his feet were sore and itchy. He used the chilblain ointment from the Ministry of Health and found no effect.

What worries him more than the severe cold is that according to his experience, if the temperature is already so low in early November, the sea surface of Longkou Bay is likely to freeze at the coldest time.

If it's just thin ice, it's not a big deal.Lu Wenyuan is very afraid that the sea will eventually form ice that can be walked on. The water depth is not large and the relatively closed bay is easy to form thick ice.Bohai Bay will be largely frozen in the winter of the 21st century.In this way, the wicker edge he set up on the sand embankment would lose its effect of delaying the enemy, and the farms and refugee camps would be directly exposed to the enemy's sharp edge.The fortifications he is rushing to repair right now stem from such worries.

He cast his eyes on the beach. Apart from the women who were working on the beach: fishing for kelp and drying sea vegetables, a group of strong men were running along the beach in the cold wind wearing vests and shouting slogans.A stout man with a pot head and a vest was beside him, yelling loudly from time to time.

This is the Chen Sigen unit of the special investigation team who arrived here not long ago. After arriving here, they are stepping up cold resistance training.With them there, Lu Wenyuan felt a little relieved—the machine guns they were equipped with could be called killer weapons.

Due to the impact of the weather, the Shandong detachment originally planned to arrive at the Northward Detachment a week ago did not arrive on time. Currently, the main force is still stranded in Taiwan. Only one advance company carrying four 48-pound naval guns landed on the scheduled date. Now it is in full swing. Build artillery positions.

He looked at his watch. Today is November 1631, 11. According to the normal historical trajectory, yesterday, that is, October 1, 1631, Kong Youde, who was sent by Sun Yuanhua to Liaodong to reinforce the Ming army, returned to the army. When passing through Wuqiao, due to the lack of supplies, the soldiers "got food locally", clashed with the local gentry, the whole army was in turmoil, Kong Youde was kidnapped, and the mutiny broke out.A Dengzhou rebellion that lasted for nearly two years officially kicked off.

Although Qimu Island is quite remote here, it belongs to Huang County, which is the place where the rebels and officers and soldiers repeatedly saw each other.Under the high mobility situation where the rebel army is dominated by cavalry, no one can guarantee that the flames of war will not spread to this place. Lu Wenyuan must have sufficient self-protection means-especially when the northward detachment is not in place yet.

He looked out to sea, hoping to see the black smoke and sail shadows of the fleet on the horizon, but there was nothing—the sea was empty.

Lu Wenyuan sighed, and walked back—on the bastion, the soldiers were doing artillery training in full swing, and some of them simply took off their thick wool coats and practiced in only unlined clothing.But the atmosphere didn't infect him.He returned to the farm's conference room sullenly, and asked the secretary again, "Is there any new news from Taiwan?"

"No new news." The secretary replied, but she added a new situation: 10 minutes ago, a telegram was sent from Yizhou.

The content of the telegram was to inquire about the reception capacity of the refugee camp on Chim Island, if possible: he planned to transfer some of the refugees to Chim Island.

Zhang Daochang has achieved brilliant results in the direction of Yizhou. Using the power of the Dadian Zhuangzhuang family, not only has he gained a firm foothold, but also the operation to accommodate refugees in the name of charity is also proceeding smoothly.Not long ago, he experimentally sent a group of refugees to Qimu Island to verify whether the refugee transportation route he planned was feasible.

"Call Yizhou back, don't send any more refugees here for the time being. The situation in Shandong is unclear at present, and the roads may not be able to remain open..."

He was dictating the content of the call back when Chen Sigen walked in—this strong man who was born as a fitness trainer had a well-proportioned figure and a flushed face. Exercising will keep you warm and you won't be afraid of the cold all winter."

"Thank you, I don't plan to steam it first and then freeze it." Lu Wenyuan said weakly, took out a seal from his inner pocket and stamped it on the message, "Send it immediately."

After Chen Sigen arrived on Qimu Island, he immediately built a sauna for himself, took the soldiers to the sauna every day, and then took them to run in the field wearing a vest—according to him, this is to improve the body's cold resistance Best way to do it: Both Finns and Russians are sauna lovers.

Lu Wenyuan sent his secretary away, and then he said to Chen Sigen: "Old Chen, if the rebels come here, do you think we can stand it?"

Chen Sigen was taken aback, and immediately smiled: "It's not whether we can stand it, but how we can fight better..."

"It's a bit of a big talk—Kong Youde has more than 2000 capable Liaodong cavalry anyway."

"Have the cavalry heard of machine guns?" Chen Sigen said, "Let's not talk about machine guns. My unit is full of automatic weapons. Basically, after a round of concentrated fire, the enemy will definitely collapse. It is very difficult to fight annihilation. Question." He patted Lu Wenyuan on the shoulder—he was so powerful that he almost fell to the ground, "Besides, there are the advance company and those cannons, and this alone is enough for Kong Youde to drink a pot."

Although Chen Sigen said so, Lu Wenyuan was still a little worried.He has sent a group of spies to work on the road leading to Huang County every day in order to detect the arrival of the rebels in time.

Chen Sigen was not interested in Kong Youde - Kong Youde's fate had already been decided when the Senate decided to intervene.He led the special reconnaissance team to participate in the engine operation. In addition to providing special forces support for the entire operation, he also had another mission.

The basic attitude of the Engine Action Command to the Dengzhou Rebellion is "orderly rebellion", that is to say, it is necessary to expand the rebellion to the entire ground of Dongsan Prefecture, create as many refugees as possible, and then accommodate them.However, their ability to project troops and transport personnel is limited after all, and the number of people that can be transported at each time period is limited. In order to avoid the loss of excessive population and social wealth, the chaotic situation must be controlled at the same time. "of.Make sure that there is chaos where it should be, and that there is absolutely no chaos where it should not be.

(End of this chapter)

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