Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1029

Chapter 1029
Dongjiang Town, which is isolated in Liaodong, is not stable at this time: Huanglong can't suppress Mao Wenlong's old troops in Dongjiang Town, and the internal strife in Dongjiang Town since Chen Jisheng was killed is intensifying.

Under the combined effects of internal and external factors, the Dongjiang old people will set off a large-scale riot sooner or later. The three elders all hold such inferences.

The difficulty is: now that their one-way transparency no longer exists, Kong Youde's next move has become confusing.

The most urgent task is to speculate on Kong's next move and make corresponding preparations.

Zhu Mingxia leaned over the map, and the colored pencils in his hand kept sliding on the glass plate. Lu Wenyuan and Chen Sigen looked at him nervously. As military chiefs, it was their responsibility to speculate on the enemy's next specific move.

"I don't think there will be much difference in Kong Youde's movements." Zhu Mingxia said after studying the map for a long time.

Pointing to the large-scale map on the table, he cleared his throat and said:
"First of all, we all agree: Kong Youde's rebellion was the product of the collision of inclement weather and irreconcilable conflicts—this is an inevitability, and at most the time and place are different.

"Secondly, we need to know why Kong Youde attacked Dengzhou. This is very important, and it will directly affect our next actions. Kong knows Sun very well and knows that he is different from other Ming bureaucrats. Sun Yuanhua has the most friendly attitude towards Dongjiang old people, whether it is Kong Sun Yuanhua is the best choice whether it is to paralyze the opponent, quickly expand the results of the battle, or really have the expectation of being recruited. If you lead the team to Dengzhou by yourself, there is a slight hope of being recruited. This is the first point. Second, Dengzhou has his colleagues, the old army, and a large number of Liaodong soldiers. These Liaodong soldiers also face the same problems as Kong Youde’s army and have the same dissatisfaction. If he wants to rebel, only in Dengzhou can he find enough reliable and good fighters The third point is that as a general with long-term combat experience, once he raises the rebel flag, he must need a stronghold with sufficient food and weapons and can advance and retreat freely. Looking at several surrounding cities, Dengzhou is the most suitable: Dengzhou is Kong Youde and others The main gathering place of old Dongjiang people, and most of the dotted islands in Bohai Bay are the old Dongjiang tribes in the past, so it is easy to echo each other. Although the rebellion was not planned by him alone, once the mutiny occurs, he must return to his own people as soon as possible and use the old Dongjiang tribes to quickly Kong Youde has no choice in terms of increasing his strength - if he is satisfied with running around, he will be exhausted if he stays in Shandong for too long.

"In the end, his buddies Geng Zhongming and others are in the city of Dengzhou. As long as the inside and outside cooperate, the city of Dengzhou is the easiest to win. It is precisely because of these three points that as long as Kong raises the rebellion flag, Dengzhou is the best city." A choice—and an inevitable choice.”

"You are right. So Kong Youde will go back to Dengzhou sooner or later."

"As long as Kong Youde's troops are not too far away from Shandong, following the mutiny is his best choice." Zhu Mingxia was full of confidence. "Based on this prediction, our countermeasures are simple."

Zhu Mingxia suggested immediately dispatching all scouting cavalry and local aborigines to scout Kong's movement on foot. In addition to the cavalry's long-range tracking and searching, the original route to Liaodong to reinforce the Daling River should not be missed, so as to prevent him from really going there. front.

Kong Buqing is a water cavalry soldier with a distinctive appearance. It is difficult to hide for a long time, and he is not afraid of being mistaken by scouts.For the local aborigines, Li sent people to spread the facts about the massacre of the village near Dengzhou. In a few days, these things would be processed by the aborigines and spread to the ears of Liaodong soldiers and Mr. Sun's mansion.

The speed of word of mouth is generally relatively slow. Under normal circumstances, it takes a long time for news from Wuqiao, Hebei to reach Dengzhou. Now they have to accelerate the speed of this spread.

"In the end, if Kong Youde really had to go to the front line of the Daling River or other factors prevented him from going to Dengzhou, we had no choice but to instigate the Liao soldiers in Dengzhou. This is another topic."

"Hehe, Xiao Zhu, you summed it up pretty well!" Chen Sigen interjected, "You're the one who wrote the report to the Senate!"

"According to the organizational principle, all things have to be discussed and decided by the three of us. Besides, now is not the time to write a report." Zhu Mingxia said.

Chen Sigen thought for a while, and said: "Your words are very reasonable. But I want to remind one thing: You just said that we should pay attention to this uncertainty. Now we still can't accurately predict Kong Youde's actions. If we only passively monitor him , It’s not enough to create some rumors. We must actively intervene and let him act according to our wishes-this is the necessary certainty.”

Zhu Mingxia said: "Are we going to incite his subordinates directly?"

"We don't have the ability to instigate it now." Chen Sigen smiled: "You forgot what Lu Wenyuan said before: 'If you openly lead troops to cut off the canal, that is a rebellion'. We are not sure if he is capable of votes, but I Sure, we can vote for him! Let him go around without eating, and if he doesn't, he has to!"

"Can this work?"

"Ha, there's nothing wrong with it! Our special investigation team is doing this kind of murder and robbing with a sledgehammer. These days, the boys under my command are so idle, I'm afraid there will be no chaos. At most, you can send some more people If you cooperate, you will be absolutely safe." Chen Sigen said.

"The soldiers under Kong Youde all speak with a Liaodong accent..." Lu Wenyuan still had some doubts.

"Haha, it doesn't matter. Our Mandarin is more similar to the dialect of the Liaodong Army. Even if it doesn't, it's a big deal not to speak. No one will notice any flaws when they really kill. Besides, even if there are flaws, except Kong Youde is responsible. Is there another way?" Chen Sigen said.

"Old Chen is right, but you still have to choose who goes. Wen Yuan, didn't you get the military uniform number before? Find it out. Let's give him hard evidence. But what to do, we still have to do it now." We have to discuss it again."

"I did get some Ming army's kangaroos, but not many." Lu Wenyuan, considering the possible needs of the operation, managed to get some Ming army kangaroos from Dengzhou through Huang Ande's relationship. Yes, some are still old.But Chen Sigen thinks this is better - it looks real.

"Tear off the battalion logo on the sill when you act, so it's more real." Lu Wenyuan said, "When you move your hands and put some worn-out robes on it, it looks more like it."

Everyone had no objection to Zhu Mingxia's judgment, so they split up and acted immediately.In addition to sending out all the cavalry on standby, some fine ones were selected from the refugees who came in to go to the road to inquire about news.

Lu Wenyuan called Huang Ande and asked him to take a few soldiers from Shandong to Dengzhou immediately, and spread all kinds of news about Kong Youde to relatives and friends in Dengzhou city.

At the same time, an intelligence officer under Lu Wenyuan who was in contact with the local church in Dongsan Prefecture was also sent to spread the news through the relationship of the church.

Kong Youde led his troops out of Wuqiao County, followed the direction of the Beijing-Shanghai Railway, which did not exist in this time and space, all the way north, and entered Dongguang County.Dongguang is on the bank of the South Canal.Nourished by the canal, commerce flourished.

Kong Youde chose to go to Dongguang, with the idea of ​​making a fortune here - Dongguang is not the place he must pass through to aid the Daling River in the north. With the fast movement ability of his troops, he came here to make a detour for himself and his subordinates. It's not a problem to get some benefits in terms of time.

Before arriving at Wuqiao, the morale of his men and horses had been extremely low, and there were complaints all the way, and an undercurrent was already surging among the soldiers and officers.Kong Youde is a veteran general, if he hadn't acted decisively and slaughtered a village in Wuqiao that night, and got a lot of food and property to reassure his subordinates, the best result would be that the troops would be scattered along the road, and half of them would be lost when they reached Shanhaiguan; The brothers who were born and died simply went to work desperately in Wuqiao County.

Kong Youde was unwilling to rebel and cause chaos: he joined the army as a young man, climbed out of the dead, and finally made it to the third-rank general, and he didn't want to abandon his career that he had earned so hard.But these years, whether he was in Dongjiang or Dengzhou, his future became more and more bleak—although Sun Yuanhua valued him very much, but the whole Ming Dynasty looked terminally ill—no hope in sight.

As far as Dongjiang itself is concerned, since Mao Shuai was suddenly beheaded, and then Deputy General Chen was killed in internal strife, and then Huanglong landed on the island, various ministries rebelled, and Dongjiang killed each other in an all-round way.

If they were under Mao Wenlong back then, at least they could go out to demonstrate armedly on the ground of the Tartars and beat the Tartars by surprise.Now the will to fight is getting weaker.As soon as the order to go to Daling River to reinforce Zhang Chun was issued, everyone from the officers to the soldiers was filled with fear of the enemy.

From the top to the bottom of Kong Youde's department, there is probably no one who does not know what will happen to Zhang Chun in Dalinghe.Zhang Chun knew that he would definitely die, but there were many soldiers who were about to die—and he was probably one of them.

When he thought of this, he felt hard to let go.

After Kong Youde led his troops to Dongguang, they temporarily settled quietly in a village not far from the canal.There are quite a few villages near the South Canal "relying on the river to eat the river", and there are quite a few big families who made a fortune secretly.He released his men and slaughtered another village, looting a large amount of money and food.The generals and officers all made a small fortune, and the soldiers also had enough to eat and drink. They dropped some money to some extent, and their morale was higher than before.

But something even more troublesome came. The officers and soldiers were a little bit reluctant to leave after enjoying the sweetness.Some people even secretly encouraged military officers to simply become bandits and make a fortune in this rich land.

Kong Youde sneered at this: Once the army becomes a bandit, its combat effectiveness will soon be completely weakened. At that time, he will be a useless king of the mountain, and sooner or later he will be destroyed by the officers, soldiers and regiments.

(End of this chapter)

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