Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1039

Chapter 1039
The few people in front of the divers are extraordinary, probably the high officials of the "bald pirates".Although they don't have much knowledge, they understand that under the authority, they can only suffer less and save their lives by being submissive, and they all knelt down on the ground with submissive expressions.

The two sides exchanged a few words. The Korean language in the 21st century is obviously very different from the Jeju dialect in the 17th century.The two sides made gestures and said that fortunately, Korean language, like Japanese, belongs to an isolated language island, which is highly closed and has not changed much in the past few hundred years.After some body movements, facial expressions and "Smecta", Feng Zongze was finally able to communicate with the divers smoothly.

From the mouth of the divers, they know that these divers are indeed from the nearby fishing village.There are few men in the fishing village, and most of them are women.Because men often encounter storms and die in the sea when they go fishing, a haenyeo village dominated by women has been formed over time.Women mainly make a living as sea girls, fishing for various seafood to make dry goods, and then selling them to merchants.

Life is naturally extremely difficult, and the money from selling dried abalones, sea cucumbers and other seafood is exchanged for a little food and catches, barely making ends meet.Unlike what the elders imagined, Jeju Island cannot be self-sufficient in food and has to rely on imports from the Korean Peninsula.Although the divers don't have much perspective on the overall situation, the older divers say that the population has been decreasing in the past ten years - many people have moved to the peninsula.

In the past few years, Jeju Island suffered from natural disasters again and again. The food relief from the imperial court was scarce and slow, and many people fled to death of starvation.Many nearby villages are deserted.

As for the specific situation on the island, the ama don't know much - they seldom go out, buy seafood, and merchants who sell food come to the village every month.Someone in the village has been to Jeju.Because of the short distance to Jingyi County, many people have been there.

Feng Zongze sat upright and asked, "What is the population of Jingyi County and how many soldiers are there? What is the radius of the city?"

"My lord, the servants and maidservants are all ignorant and lowly white girls. The lords don't understand things very well. If you don't answer well, please forgive me..." The sea girl who answered the question was about 25 or 3000 years old, and she looked rather smart. When Feng Zongze asked questions, she answered them all.She lowered her head and said respectfully, "I don't know how many slaves and servants there are in Jingyi County, but I only know that there are few residents in the city, and there are two villages outside the city. The total number is only [-]."

As for the soldiers, there were about two hundred of them.How big is the city, the ama has no concept of size, and it is not clear.But she said that there are large official warehouses in the city, which store a lot of grain.

This is important news, both Feng Zongze and Nangong Wudi's eyes lit up - food is the most important thing.Especially when I heard that Jeju Island
"I heard that there are a lot of cattle and horses here, where are they all?"

"The cows and horses are all in the mountains on the other side of Halla Mountain. They are everywhere. It's just that there are not many here—" the haenyeo replied.The reason why there are not many is because the seaside lacks enough water sources.Cattle and horses need a lot of water, and there are only springs in this area.

Feng Zongze nodded in satisfaction, and asked, "What's your name?"

Hai Nu hesitated for a moment, then said: "Report to the master: Pan Shi, the poor maid."

It's not really a name - but Chinese women have been named X all their lives until the 30s, and there are many women in remote rural areas.Haenyeo are white men, only a little better than public and private bitches (slaves).It's okay to not have a name.

"Are you a soldier?" He suddenly asked.

Hai Nu stared at him with wide eyes, then quickly lowered her head again:
"The maidservant is young and only in the Chinese army."

The so-called Zhongjun Shangjun is a level in the Haenyeo community of Jeju Island. It starts from the "Children Shangjun", goes through the Lower Army, the Middle Army, and the Upper Army, and finally can reach the Grand Senior Army.

However, this title is only spread among the Haenyeo in Jeju Island, and even the officials and scholar-bureaucrats of the Li Dynasty may not know it. Such a foreign pirate would know it, which surprised the Haenyeo.

Nangong Wudi and Xue Ziliang asked some more about the local situation. The female divers knew and didn't know, so it was obviously worthless to ask.

Feng Zongze told them to take them all down: "Everyone will be given a relief biscuit and a bowl of hot soup. Let them get back their clothes and fishing tools."

"Why, keep them?" Nangong Wudi's enthusiasm for the divers has dropped a lot—although the divers are in good shape, and two of them are still young, but their appearance makes him not like them very much.

"I'll keep it for now, and I'll issue the soldiers together after the interrogation." Feng Zongze said that he didn't have any thoughts about the divers, but planned to use them to carry out civil affairs work.Follow Du Wen's article "How to Use Class Theory in Civil Work": The oppressed class is a natural rebel and a leading party.Haenyeo's status is low, their lives are difficult, and they have the desire and motivation to stand up.

Then the soldiers were interrogated. According to the report of the special investigation team, there were only five garrison soldiers on the beacon tower.When the special investigation team suddenly appeared, they didn't even try to resist, they just tried to escape.Looks like there is no will to fight at all.

Looking at the appearance of the soldiers, I also know that their fighting will will not be so high.The soldiers described Kuga one by one, as if he had not had enough to eat for a long time.The battle jacket he was wearing was tattered and faded.They had no armor, only a bamboo hat, and the weapons they used were extremely poor. The veterans had seen the weapons of the Ming army seized in the Battle of Chengmai, as well as various miscellaneous equipment discarded by pirates.But the level of weapons and equipment of Li Chao's army in front of him is not even comparable to that of a large group of pirates.There are no firearms that are already common in the army of the Ming Dynasty, and the handles of the long spears equipped are extremely short, only 1.70 meters at best.Apart from serving as a guard of honor, it is basically useless.The knives were also poor.Slightly better are their bows and arrows, which seem to be well-made.

North Korea under the rule of the Li Dynasty was known as "Little China". In terms of disregard for the army, it was not only on par with Daming, but even worse--Daming still had a small number of elite servants as the core of the army.

Nangong Wudi looked at the soldiers and weapons and thought, "If I were Kinoshita Fujiyoshiro, I would also come to fight North Korea-what is the difference between this army and a scarecrow?"
The soldiers quickly confessed everything they knew.As soldiers they are often mobilized on the island.Moreover, the leader of the Taiwan soldiers has served here for more than 20 years, and has stayed in almost all defense posts all over the island.Knows much more than the divers.

From the mouths of the soldiers, Nangong Wudi knew that there were three divisions of soldiers on the island, and each division had 500 soldiers.In other words, the regular army on the island is 500, which is lower than the 2000 they originally had.

The shepherd envoys on the island have been asking the imperial court to expand the garrison in Jeju to five divisions, and gather a battalion of troops.However, natural disasters and man-made disasters have continued over the years, and the imperial court has been devastated, and has no intention or power to strengthen the defense of Jeju Island.Fortunately, since Tokugawa locked the country, the scourge of Japanese pirates has been much less than before, and they can barely deal with it.

Because the enemy situation on Jeju Island mainly comes from the sea, the soldiers of these three divisions are scattered all over the island. There are 500 in Jeju, and more than 200 in Dajing and Jingui counties each.In addition, there are nine garrisons - "Pu", which are similar to the guards of the Ming Dynasty.Each Pu has 50 to [-] garrison soldiers.These garrisons are all set up on the harbors of Jeju Island, lined up along the coastline, fully showing the coastal defense thinking of guarding the ports.In addition, there are eighteen beacon towers, each with five soldiers.

The army of the Li Dynasty had artillery equipment, and there were a small amount of artillery in various garrisons and cities, but there was no such heavy equipment as the Ming army's Hongyi cannon.

From this point of view, the largest heavy military group is only 500 people in Jeju.A company of infantry can easily annihilate it.

As for the navy, Li Chao basically had no navy on the island.There are only a few small boats patrolling the coast.

"Who are the officials on the island, tell them one by one!" Feng Zongze shouted.

"Yes. Lord Li Zhenqing is the judge in Jeju, Lord Li Dazhen is the judge, Lord Li Qiu is the supervisor of Dajing County, and Lord Cui Renjian is the supervisor of Jingyi County."

The Jeju Observer is Li Chao's highest officer on the island, a third-rank civil servant, and the judge is the highest military officer on the island.

"How many servants and servants are there on the island, and where are they all?"

Officials and servants are the most interesting place for the elders-they are excellent candidates to lead the party.To take a step back, even if the consciousness of officials and servants is not high, they are still the most convenient labor force to use.

"The prison camps in Jeju, Dajing, and Jingyi have officials and servants. I don't know if the total number is small, but there are always tens of thousands. There was a famine a few years ago, and many escaped to death from starvation..."

Qian Zhi was quite satisfied with the soldier's confession, and had a lot of detailed information.

After ordering the captives to be taken down, Qianzhi held a brief meeting and decided not to delay, and immediately dispatched troops to control the three cities of Jeju, and took all the grain stored in each city into his own hands.Disarm the garrisons.At the same time, it controls the main ports entering and exiting Jeju Island.

Nangong Wudi proposed to send a mixed task force of infantry and artillery. The infantry marched along the official roads on the island, and the artillery and supplies used the fleet to bring large boats and rowboats to maneuver along the coastline.Among the three towns of Jeju, apart from Jingui County, Jeju and Dajing are all by the sea.It is very convenient to use ships for supply support.

Out of caution, I decided to first capture Jingyi County, which is the closest to the Chengshan base, so as to have an intuitive understanding of the combat effectiveness of Li Dynasty's army and the city's defense system, and then proceed to the next step according to the situation.

Jingyi County is a city in South Korea in the old time and space. When South Korea developed tourism, the former site of the county was restored and built into a folk village. Although it is not by the sea, it is actually very close to the city.There is also a road to pass through.Both Xue Ziliang and Nangong Wudi have been to this folk village.However, after all, the folk village was built by later generations. Although there are so-called historical evidences for the restoration, no one can guarantee how different it is from the reality.

 The historical materials of the Li Dynasty in Jeju Island are all provided by SB netizen Beiyu.

  Haenyeo ranks, from the novel "Dae Jang Geum"

(End of this chapter)

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