Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1047 Economic strategy of Jeju

Chapter 1047 Economic strategy of Jeju
Although the Jeju Prison Camp is the most magnificent and best house in Jeju City and even Jeju Island, it still looks shabby--Feng Zongze recalled the feeling of visiting Yongfu Palace back then: Is this also called a government office?

The two roamed the prison camp under the leadership of the captured prison camp administrator.

The architectural form of the prison camp is slightly different from that of the Ming Dynasty, but the scale and style are far different.Not to mention the several Ming and Qing counties in Shanxi that many veterans visited, even the government offices in a few remote counties on Hainan Island are more dignified than this.

"... This Guande Pavilion was built by Xin Shuqing, the pastor of Jeju during the reign of King Sejong. Later, Yang Zan, the pastor of King Sejong, rebuilt it." The little official said attentively——the death of the pastor and judge of Jeju made him more and more worried. Cherish your own life, so as not to annoy this group of strange Japanese pirates.

The two looked at this very Chinese-style pavilion together.It is said to be a pavilion, but it is actually like a pavilion. In front of the pavilion is a large empty city, which is paved with yellow sand.This place is where the priests and judges practice martial arts. A few days ago, the archery target of the Jeju officials' archery competition is still standing.

"When was Sejong born?" Nangong Wudi asked.

Feng Zongze said: "I don't know either. By the way, Li Chao used Daming's reign name. Just ask."

At the moment, I asked the little official, and the little official said that the reign name was Xuande.In other words, it has a history of nearly 200 years.

The writing on the plaque was beautiful, and the official said it was written by King Sejong's third son, Anping Dajun.

"The handwriting is good. Rare, rare." Feng Zongze said this from the bottom of his heart. Like most elders, his handwriting is basically invisible except for his signature.The little official felt baffled - in his opinion, Maharaja Anping's handwriting was certainly not bad, but it was not rare.

Although the layout of the prison camp is a bit smaller, compared with the more shabby private houses, the houses in Jeju prison camp are still quite elegant: there are platforms raised above the ground, and all of them are of brick and tile structure.The floor is laid inside the house, as well as ground fire cages and heated kangs.It's warm to walk in.The disadvantage is that the ceiling is too low. People like Nangong Wudi and Feng Zongze can almost touch the ceiling with one lift of their arms.

"It's really depressing." Nangong Wudi said dissatisfied.

Feng Zongze said: "The house is built small to keep warm..."

"Beijing is even colder. I haven't seen the emperor and the yamen build the house so small. Isn't Jeju Island still subtropical?"

"It's a subtropical zone, but it still snows. It's freezing in winter. It's about the same as Jiangnan. Not to mention it's the Little Ice Age." Feng Zongze said, "The difference you said is actually the difference in national strength." Feng Zongze and Nangong Wudi It is different from learning Korean by himself in the mall. He learned it specially, so he also has a certain understanding of Korean history and culture.

"Don't talk about the house, look at the table and chairs," Feng Zongze patted the table, "it's made of pine and elm, not to mention Beijing, how is it compared to the furniture of the county government and big households in Hainan?"

"That's true, at least in Hainan, rosewood is not a rare thing."

"Actually, North Korea in the late Ming Dynasty was quite miserable." Feng Zongze was satisfied to see that the house chosen as the headquarters had been cleaned up and smelled of disinfectant. He sat down on the chair, He took off his velvet hat, "Natural disasters were frequent during the Little Ice Age, and Daming and Houjin were not good people, so they all "grassed grass" from this neighbor. To the south is Dongjiang Town, which is constantly asking for food, and to the west is Houjin. Often invaded by bandits. Li Chao was too poor to deal with it, and it was a miracle that he could survive in Guozuo, which has lasted for 300 years."

1631 was just another bleak year in the half century of hard life of the Li Dynasty during the late Ming Dynasty.Drought from spring to July and August affected a wide range of areas, and the king frequently prayed for rain; after August, there were frost and heavy rains in various places, which did not stop until November, and all the ministers resigned in order to appease the anger of the sky.After May of this year, Jin invaded Anzhou and other places again, and did not retreat until July and August.Riots broke out in Dongjiang Town, which occupies the Liaodong Peninsula and the border of North Korea. The governor Huang Long was once imprisoned. The island was extremely short of food and kept asking for food transportation.

Nangong Wudi was dissatisfied and said, "Are you showing mercy?"

"Of course, seeing that the people of the Li Dynasty are living in dire straits, and the glory of the Senate has not yet shined here, I am very sad." Feng Zongze pretended to be sad.

"Okay, you little sun will shine on Jeju Island." Nangong Wudi roared, "General Feng, Man Sai!"

"Complete competition, complete competition." Feng Zongze said, "Let's take stock of the spoils of Jeju Island first."

Occupying the three cities put at least half of the population of Jeju under their direct control,
According to historical data, interrogation of captured officials, and seized books, they roughly know that the current population of Jeju Island is 5—the exact figure is unknown to the officials of the Li Dynasty. If the numbers on the books are used, soldiers are not included There should be 93 and [-] people.But the housekeeper who was caught said that this is impossible: since the reign of King Sejong, the local population has been allowed to migrate to the North Korean mainland during the famine years, and the population has been in a state of outflow for many years. , But Jeju Island has been in a state of food shortage for a long time, and there are many people who fled.Therefore, the actual population should be around [-]
Of these populations, more than half are concentrated in Jeju city and nearby villages.This is why Feng Zongze wants to set up the base camp here.In addition, Jeju City itself is also a transportation hub for entering and leaving the island, facing the North Korean mainland.

There are nine frequently used harbors with better conditions on Jeju Island - exactly where the "nine towns" are located, and the one with the most contacts with the North Korean mainland, apart from Jeju, is Chaotianpu in the east of Jeju.There are posthouses and ships in the local area, which are dedicated to official exchanges between North Korea and Jeju Island.So while taking Jeju, Xue Ziliang has been ordered to take Chaotianpu to control the local ships and boatmen.

"We should immediately occupy all the settlements and control all the ports." Nangong Wudi said eagerly.

"It doesn't matter, we only have this few people, and it is impossible to completely seal off the whole island." Feng Zongze said, "Generally the poor will not run away, but even if the rich run away, what can they take with them?"

It doesn't make sense to have full control over the port either.The strait between Jeju Island and the mainland of North Korea is not wide, only tens of kilometers, plus the Kuroshio Current, anyone who is determined to shoot cannons can reach the shore of North Korea with a bathtub. Besides, if you are fleeing for your life, you only need to bring some soft dry food Kind of, a small boat is enough.

The task force's sea power is limited, and they can only blockade a few major ports. Moreover, there are many rivers on Jeju Island, and it is impossible to control them all. As long as the big households are ready to take a small boat from these rivers, it is easy to escape.

But even running away is not a big problem: the wealth of Jeju is mainly the cattle and horses on the island.To transport cattle and horses, a big ship is necessary.Except for a few official ships, Jeju Island has no big ships at all.Rich people would never take cumbersome horses and cattle with them when they ran away, they would only carry valuables. For the Senate, it was better for the rich to run away, and the cattle, horses and real estate they left behind became the spoils of war.

"If you don't have enough people, you have to pull the team. There must be a big party to lead the way!" Nangong Wudi said.He was so satisfied with the performance of the Japanese Company of the Public Security Army that he suddenly had a good impression of the word "Public Security Army". "There are so many officials and servants on the island, they may not support Li Chao wholeheartedly, right? Make a few fake... No, the Security Force Company is not a problem."

"Yes, we should do it right away—the nationalist sentiment is not strong these days, so we can take advantage of it." Feng Zongze also nodded.Their numbers are limited, and both the regular army and the security forces have to be reserved as mobile troops, and it is impossible to deploy occupying troops everywhere.

They calculated that each city should be armed with at least one security company, equipped with cold weapons.Weapons are not difficult to solve: whether it is the weapons of the soldiers of the Li Dynasty collected or the weapons in the official warehouse, it is still possible to select three to five hundred usable ones.

As for the source of the soldiers, start with the officials and servants.There are seven or eight thousand officials and servants suffering from hunger and cold in and around Jeju City alone, and it is certainly not difficult to choose the three hundred who suffer the most.

"We should establish a liaison system in various places, ordering the villages in the countryside to pay tribute and provide labor, as we did in Hainan, so as to gradually cut into the grassroots," Nangong Wudi suggested again.

"Okay. But our first thing is to strengthen the city."

After detailed calculations, it was decided to send a platoon and a task force to each of Dajing and Jingyi as the core of the occupying force.The Seongsan base is controlled by the Navy.The main force of the remaining troops, including the labor squadron, was concentrated in Jeju City.After all, the loot here is the richest, and it needs to be digested.

The first step is to clean up the houses in the city.Jeju City has [-] steps back and forth, more than double the size of Qiongshan County, the first county in Hainan. Apart from the residential streets and shops of ordinary people, a large number of them are "official buildings".

The quality of official housing varies from good to bad, and many are resettled and exiled to live in local officials and servants.Because officials and servants are mobile, some people built their own houses after a long time on the island, and some were assigned to other places on the island to farm and herd, so many houses were left empty.The houses where officials and servants are placed are very simple, but at least they can shelter from wind and rain.It is suitable for housing refugees from Shandong.

The disadvantage is that the sanitary conditions are not good, skin diseases and parasites are rampant, and strict disinfection is required
However, there is a lot of open space in the city, which is also very convenient for building temporary camps.In particular, the water source is quite abundant, which can be used for purification and living and drinking water in refugee camps.Although the city wall of Jeju is a bit sad, it is still a wall, which can implement effective refugee control and prevent them from escaping and running around.

(End of this chapter)

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