Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1049 Upstart Pu Dehuan

Chapter 1049 Upstart Pu Dehuan

Park Dehuan's current position is Feng Zongze's "civil assistant", which is actually equivalent to the role of "translator" with expanded scope of authority.Because Feng Zongze's Korean is not his mother tongue, and there is still a gap of hundreds of years, sometimes he cannot express it very clearly.At this time, Piao Dehuan, who is proficient in Chinese, is needed to act as a bridge.His younger brother Pu Demeng arranged to be a clerk in the military control committee.

Park Duk-hwan has a lot of work, which is very heavy.It didn't take many days for the common people and officials and servants in Jeju city to know that he was now the "popular man" of the "short-haired Japanese pirates".

As long as there are people with a little wealth in the city and outside the city: including the shopkeepers of the shops and workshops in the city, the landlords and herdsmen outside the city all come to give him gifts, treat him to dinner and say good things, just for peace: the Pu family brothers are here It's been almost ten years, and he is considered half of the local aborigines. He knows the details of Jeju city and outside the city.

This kind of thing is not difficult at all.The Senate basically respects the private property of the natives—even if it wants to seize it, it will use a variety of economic means.Since he was not prepared to extort money, Park Dehuan was nothing more than promising some empty favors.

Of course, Pu Dehuan's consciousness has not reached the level of "resisting corrosion and never touching it".Inevitably, I became a little flustered.Busy with work during the day and entertaining at night.

He and his younger brother also moved to a good house outside the prison camp in Jeju, and even used a former servant girl to cook and wash for him, and he seemed to be a prominent figure in the local area.

Feng Zongze was not ignorant of these things. He secretly monitored his every move through the initially developed local work network of special commissioners from the Political Security Bureau.Local leading parties like Park Dehuan are generally only transitional. Whether they can reach the level of real naturalized civilian cadres depends on their ability and understanding.

Furthermore, he would also like Pu Dehuan to play better - now he is a benchmark.If there is not enough interest, it is impossible to recruit enough traitors in a short time.Right now, Pu Dehuan is nothing more than eating, drinking, and receiving some small gifts, and he has not yet reached the key issue of right and wrong.He can tolerate him for a while.

The big waves wash away the sand, and the leading party members will wash away the mud and sand at first, but time will wash out the aborigines who are suitable to be shaped as "newcomers".Let time tell if Park Duk Hwan has what it takes to be a "newcomer".

Pu Dehuan didn't know that he was under the cold gaze.Still working hard every day.With his help, the temporary county supervisor in Jeju was the first to resume operation, and the people who fled outside and the officials and servants also returned to their residences one after another, the shops opened for business, and the farmers went to work in the fields.

After the basic order was restored and the society was functioning normally, the first thing Feng Zongze did was to check the roster of all the official servants and maidservants in the Jeju prison camp, and basically figured out the household registration, number of people, gender, age, property, and current employment status.

The official slaves on Jeju Island do all kinds of work, all-encompassing.It covers everything from cooking, fishing for seafood, weeding grass, raising horses and cattle, to working and farming, and even providing medical services.Basically, all the products and labor needed by the local government in the Li Dynasty were actually undertaken by official servants and maidservants.And the ones who use the most officials and servants are the local farms.

The Li Dynasty gave each prison camp a certain amount of wasteland, which was reclaimed by each prison camp and used as farmland. The income from the farmland was used to cover military expenses, with the purpose of supplementing military funds.In fact, the income from farming was often used as the general expenses of the government or as the personal money of the pastor.All the fields are cultivated by officials and maidservants.Because of the serious disadvantages of farming, King Seongjong abolished the system of using official slaves to cultivate farmland, but in Jeju Island, official slaves are still responsible for farming.

Because the land on Jeju Island is barren, most areas are not suitable for developing paddy fields, so the farmland is mainly dry land, which is used to grow barley and buckwheat-at that time, North Korea rarely grew wheat.Most of the patriarchs remember the saying "Flour is a precious ingredient".

These official slaves are actually state serfs. Feng Zongze believes that it is Wu Nanhai who is engaged in intensive agriculture and a good target for large farms: land and labor are readily available.

The official slaves responsible for grazing and raising are also accepted by the agricultural department, and are going to be reorganized by the Council of Agriculture into specialized animal husbandry production teams.

The remaining official servants engaged in handicrafts and supplying for travel were directly accepted by the Military Control Commission and reorganized into local labor squadrons.

As a major administrative measure, Feng Zongze posted a notice, issuing the No. [-] order in the name of the Jeju Military Control Committee of the Senate, exempting all official slaves and maidservants on Jeju Island as benefactors, and they are no longer allowed to be called "public and humble" in the future.

At the same time, the body tribute of official slaves and maidservants was abolished: "That is to say, they are exempted from being white men, and all the body tributes they originally borne are exempted, and the debts owed to the beloved and the common people over the years will no longer be compared."

Although this move is nothing more than a change of identity, it is of great significance in buying people's hearts.It is also quite shocking to the local people.The locals privately called these official slaves who were released and restored their status as "Kun Baiding"—meaning that Kunwo only got his status as a Baiding when he arrived.

From the point of view of the original servants and servants, this order can be called "earth-shaking": the status of slaves and servants is abolished, and they are no longer "untouchables" who have been classified into separate books-not only their own status has been liberated, but even future generations have been freed. It goes without saying that I am grateful for turning over to be a human being.

The Pu family brothers cried until the day they saw the notice.That day, they were not the only ones who cried bitterly.

Freeing slaves is in name, exempting tribute is economically, two-pronged approach, Feng Zongze first won over the official slaves who accounted for more than one-third of the population of Jeju Island.

With your own basic masses, it is easy to start doing anything.

He also opened warehouses in the three cities to release grain at the same time, provided relief to the most needy servants and common people, adopted orphans, and all kinds of measures to buy people's hearts followed one after another.The common people gradually became more and more welcoming of "Kunwo" from their original fear and suspicion.

"The next step is to pull the team." Feng Zongze said to Nangong Wudi.

"As long as there is food, pulling the team is easy."

The work of recruiting the security forces did not take much effort: the new conquerors neither killed nor plundered—this gave everyone enough sense of security. It's very simple.In this era of long-term chronic famine, there are countless people who have taken risks and sold their bodies and lives just to get enough to eat.

Nangong Wudi is very picky about the recruits, he doesn't want Bai Ding, only those who come from officials and servants.And they must be official slaves engaged in physical labor.Those who run around the officials, he thinks they are the "privileged class" among the officials and servants, are "unreliable", and he will not want them at all.Recruits range in age from 16 to 22 years old.The height must be higher than 1.5 meters.basic health.Physically fit: Of course this is relative.

Even under such conditions, there are more than 400 qualified people.Originally, the Jeju Island Front Committee only planned to recruit three companies.In the end, the three of them decided together that as long as they were qualified, they would accept them all: there is not too much cannon fodder.Even if they can't be sent to perform tasks immediately, it's okay to be a coolie.

The recruits were initially screened, and those who could read were individually selected to be trained as administrative cadres.At present, they have been thrown to the coaching field for basic training.

The martial arts arena in front of the Guande Pavilion is in full swing, and the newly recruited Jeju Island Security Forces are training in squads.

The recruits who have shaved their heads and have been purified wear the standard uniform of the Security Force, the khaki "Soviet-style pullover" and put on leggings. The only thing they wear is the distinctive "big hat". They drove to learn to goose and queue.

The content of the training has also been further simplified, because they are not going to be equipped with firearms right now, so the Jeju Security Force only conducts queues, assassinations and simple tactical coordination training.The weapons used are standard spears and machetes.

The training is conducted by corporals and senior soldiers selected from the Army and the Security Forces.Although there is a language barrier, as the good soldier Schweik said: soldier education is about punching and kicking.Especially the public security army came to train soldiers, Baga and Sanbin kept coming.

The training ground was crowded with curious people, pointing at everything on the training ground.Park Duk-hwan is also among them.

He didn't come here to watch the fun, but just came out after accepting a mission: Feng Zongze asked him to investigate the inventory of finished bows and arrows, semi-finished products and raw materials in various bow and arrow shops in the city, and at the same time investigate the number of craftsmen and associates in each shop, and the area of ​​the business premises. and approximate financial status.

After occupying the three cities, a large number of bows and arrows were seized in the official warehouses in each place. This was originally an important bow and arrow production area in the Li Dynasty.But Nangong Wudi decided not to equip the security forces: Bows and arrows require too much practice, they are very professional weapons, and the actual combat effect is completely incomparable with rifles-these security forces will definitely change to Southeast Asian rifles in the future. It is necessary to waste energy and time on bow and arrow practice.

However, a large number of bows and arrows is an excellent trade product-Nangong Wudi originally wanted to do business with Man Qing, although Man Qing was very poor and had limited purchasing power.But they definitely welcome bows and arrows, war necessities and consumables.

Since Jeju Island has such an "industry", it can also be considered to support it as the current main export product.

That's why Park Duk-hwan got such an errand.

Such errands are commonplace for him-but in the past he was "assisting work", this time he is officially in charge of the job.So I was very excited.In the evening, after dinner, I returned home and was about to rest when suddenly someone came to invite me.

The person who came to invite him was also an official servant in the past, but he had some money at the beginning. After arriving in Jeju, he bribed the small official in charge, started a small business locally, and later became the agent of a large business group in the capital.Specialized in local operations.

(End of this chapter)

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