Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1071 Elution

Chapter 1071 Elution
How to write this memorial took him a lot of effort.

Kong Youde's rebellion, he is absolutely the first person responsible, after losing Dengzhou, this cannot be washed away, so the memorial must involve the content of the plea.

God bless!He was rescued by fellow Australians, and the most dangerous charges of "entrapment of the enemy" and "attachment to the enemy" were erased, so the rest of Zuo was nothing more than "unknown employment", "overseeing", "connivance" and other issues. .In any case, it's not a very serious crime--it's not a principled one.

However, things are far from that simple.The crime of falling into Dengzhou, an important military town, is also quite serious.Civil and military officials who lost their teachers and land and were held accountable by the court and even lost their heads are also rewarded.How can I avoid falling into this end, I need to think about it carefully.

Fortunately, Kong Youde's mutiny was not in his defense zone, not even Shandong—they had already entered Zhili's territory. Secondly, Kong Youde's mutiny had already been assigned to Jiliao, which was not under his control.

Although this is somewhat suspect, at least there is room for excuses.This aspect can make a fuss.

There is one more thing he must communicate with people as soon as possible, and that is the Wang family.

On Qimu Island, Lu Yang and Lu Wenyuan had already explained to him the whole process of Kong Youde's mutiny, which gave Sun Yuanhua a comprehensive and reliable understanding of the whole incident for the first time. Conflicting news.With reliable intelligence, there is the possibility of adopting different attitudes in considering North Korea-China relations.

Sun Yuanhua thought to himself that although the trigger of the matter was stealing chickens, in the final analysis, it was directly related to Wuqiao County's "closed doors strike".

He was very clear about the reason for the strike behind closed doors: in addition to the poor discipline of the soldiers and repeated harassment of the local area, the leadership of Bi Ziyin, the magistrate of Wuqiao County, must be the main reason.The magistrate of Bi County was "very unhappy" with himself-the reason was related to the Liao incident.

Bi Ziyin had a deep hatred for the Liao people. When his brother Bi Zisu was the governor of Liaodong, he was tied up and tortured by the Liao soldiers who demanded payment during the Ningyuan Mutiny in the first year of Chongzhen, so that Bi Zisu committed suicide afterwards.

He reused the Liao people in Denglai, spoke for the Liao people many times, and seemed to be the spokesperson for the interests of the Liao people. It has been a long time since the Bi brothers have been dissatisfied with him.

With such a major event happening right now, Bi Ziyin cannot escape the charges of "stirring up disturbance" and "provoking aggression" if he is to be seriously investigated.

Similarly, there is also the Xincheng Wang Family.Of course, Sun Yuanhua knew why Kong Youde wanted to execute the soldier who stole a chicken: first of all, the imperial examinations of the royal family were very prosperous, and they were famous at that time.

Among the three consecutive generations of children of Guang, Zhi and Xiang, the Wang family produced a total of [-] Jinshi.Among them, there are ten elephant characters.Wang Xiangchun was an official of the Ministry of Civil Affairs in Nanjing. He served as Minister of the Ministry of War twice since his brother Xiangqian.Chongzhen retired and returned home two years ago.Among the brothers of Xiangchun's same father, many also served as civil and military officials.

Secondly, and most importantly, when Sun Yuanhua took the provincial examination in the 40th year of Wanli, his teacher was Wang Xiangchun.Xu Guangqi and Wang Xiangjin were in the same year, and their predecessor Yang Tingyun was in the same year as Wang Xiangjie.

From this point of view, although Wang Xiangchun belongs to the Donglin Party and is not from the same faction as Sun Yuanhua and Xu Guangqi, the relationship between the two parties is quite close.Especially the relationship of "teacher" and "same year".

Kong Youde knew the special relationship between the Wang family and himself, so he dealt with his subordinates in such a way to satisfy the Wang family - in this regard, Sun Yuanhua was quite satisfied with Kong Youde, thinking that he "knows the general".At the beginning of Kong Youde's mutiny, he kept sending people to submit letters to explain his "difficulties".

The Wang family was also deeply involved in this matter. Sun Yuanhua thought to himself that the Wang family could also be charged with a "radical change".Now that the Donglin Party in the DPRK is beginning to lose momentum, many people will definitely use this as a cannonball.

Moreover, the Wang family and the Bi family have a similar relationship by marriage.In terms of emotion and reason, the Wang family must clear up the charge of "radical change".

The Wang family may use him as a scapegoat and put the blame on him.But it's not very likely if you think about it carefully.First of all, doing so by the Wang family will only push the bureaucrats of Xu Guangqi's faction to the opposite side-this will not benefit the Donglin Party itself.Secondly, as the governor of Denglei, he obviously has the most right to say whether there is a "catastrophe".If he had a major responsibility for biting the Wang family, the Wang family would not be able to wash themselves clean.

As long as you understand the benefits, even if the Wang family doesn't help, they won't make trouble.

Of course, this matter has to be excused by the big shots in the court as much as possible-a lot of administrative expenses are indispensable.

Money, of course he has it.Sun Yuanhua is not an "upright official" in the traditional Chinese sense. He has the ability to do things, but he is not clean.He was recommended into the official career as an aide, and he became the governor of Denglai in less than ten years. In addition to his own talents, the first is the protection of Xu Guangqi, a teacher and in-law in the court, and the second is the expenditure on Zhou Yanru. RBI.

Sun Yuanhua did not do less to run and buy officials.What's more, in the environment that the imperial court had formed at that time, the government was formed by bribery, and it would take a lot of money for anyone's political views and opinions to be recognized and promoted by the imperial court.The money certainly wasn't out of his own pocket—he couldn't afford it either.

Although the position of governor of Denglei made him rich, most of the money was lost to the city after the fall of Dengzhou.As soon as his memorial is handed in, it will cost a large amount of activity funds.Fortunately, before that, he asked Shanxi House to remit a sum of money to the capital.Including the deposits in the capital and at home, it is probably enough.Even if it is not enough, the rest can only be raised by the teachers and friends in the capital.

The memorial was written, but it was not formally issued.Instead, a private message was sent to the mansion of Xu Guangqi in the capital, and he was asked to revise it before sending it out--he knew nothing about the situation in the court and China, and I was afraid that something that should not be said in the memorial would instead be sent out. Get yourself in trouble.

Sun Yuanhua was in the middle of intense activities.Shandong former refers to the telegram sent at the same time.Xu Xu immediately issued instructions to the intelligence agencies in Beijing, Hangzhou and Nanjing after receiving the telegram.The intelligence agencies set up in the previous year followed suit.The order given to the Foreign Intelligence Bureau before the engine is: try to keep Sun Yuanhua's official position, and try to get dismissed and stay in office; if not, try to get Sun Yuanhua to serve before the dismissal.In short, try to keep Sun Yuanhua in Shandong.

When Ning Yun received the telegram, he was in his bank's study, wrapped in a thick leather robe, using a calculator to calculate the accounts.

His current appearance and demeanor, except that he doesn't have a pig tail, is very similar to the Shanxi merchants in the TV series.Including the heated kang under the buttocks-the winter in Beijing in the 17th century was really not covered.The teapot left in the house at night can also be frozen solid in the morning.

Finally, the thick bun acted as a hat, offsetting a lot of the chill.Thinking of the "Manchu warriors" with money rat tails living in higher latitudes in the Qing Dynasty, Ning Yun had to admire their ability to keep out the cold.

"NND," he tremblingly picked up the telegram, thinking that he would have to do basic construction this spring, get some heating and bathrooms, and he was fed up with the dry toilets in the yard and bathing in wooden barrels.

I have been in the capital for more than half a year. I have spent a lot of money on opening a shop, looking for ways, and various entertainments. The money is all public funds, so I have to clean it up and report it.

The confidential officer brought him a telegram, and he looked at it carefully.In fact, this task was assigned a few months ago.Ning Yun's mission is to try to get through the relationship with Eunuch Yang and take the eunuch route.Wang Dehua, Gao Qiqian, these "internal ministers" are all very popular nowadays, if they come out to say a few words for Sun Yuanhua and help secretly, not only will Sun Yuanhua not die unexpectedly, but I am afraid that it is possible for Sun Yuanhua to stay in Denglai.

The more the end of the imperial court, the easier it is to manipulate such things as turning black and white.Ning Yun has no doubts about this - he is in a dilemma, how to effectively connect with Wang Dehua and others - this is quite difficult.

Although Eunuch Yang is in charge of bell and drum division, he is not a direct descendant of Wang Dehua and others, nor is he from the eunuch Conglong in Prince Xin's mansion.Although it was reactivated by ingratiating Wang Dehua, it was actually outside the core power of the court.

My own entrustment is not surprising in terms of motivation - the shopkeepers of the big shops in the capital are almost all "entrusted agents", and those with high positions often regard the big shops as "firewalls" and "introductions" for bribery. people".The key point is that Eunuch Yang is likely to play tricks like "taking money and doing nothing".

Ning Yun knows: Even if Eunuch Yang can't help at all, he will put on an inscrutable expression and keep swallowing the money without shame, and then sigh a few times "it's a pity" when Sun Yuanhua's head falls to the ground .

"The eunuch is unreliable!" This is the experience that Ning Yun summed up after he came to the capital to run a bank.Similarly, "Officials are also unreliable."

His first thing is to confirm whether Eunuch Yang has the ability to help in this matter.

Condensing Yun thought for a moment, then asked someone to call Wu Kaidi, and talked with him about the things to be done.

"Go and ask, can Eunuch Yang and Wang Dehua talk to each other, can you ask him for help?"

"I understand." Wu Kai nodded, "Eunuch Wang is very popular recently, Eunuch Yang should be very attentive."

"To ask him to do something is not simply to flatter him."

"The chief is right." Wu Kai said, "However, asking for a job is nothing more than money. As long as the money is spent, you can do it."

"This matter is not as simple as spending money—after all, we changed hands." Ning Yun said, expressing his worries to Wu Kai.

(End of this chapter)

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