Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1074

Chapter 1074

At this time, he was more and more eager to get reinforcements - he sent people to all the places where he could ask for help to mobilize reinforcements, and at the same time called Dongjiang Huanglong's subordinates to come to Laizhou for reinforcements.At Yu Dacheng's place, he also asked to send reinforcements quickly, and he estimated that Yu Dacheng would not refuse.Although Yu Dacheng also held the attitude of "caressing" at the beginning, but the first priority now is to defend Laizhou and block the roads for the rebels to avoid poisoning the whole of Shandong - as long as Yu Dacheng understands this, he will not refuse his request of.

Yu Dacheng is already anxious like an ant on a hot pot - news has come from his reading room in central Beijing that the court is very unfavorable to him, and he may be dismissed for questioning.Recently, he received a letter from the court asking him to "really find out" the whereabouts of Sun Yuanhua and others.

After the fall of Dengzhou, Yu Dacheng had no news of Sun Yuanhua.He who had been chanting scriptures suddenly received a request for help from Sun Yuanhua, knowing that not only was Sun Yuanhua safe and sound, but he was still guarding Laizhou, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief—it would be much easier for Sun Yuanhua to be settled.

In the letter, Sun Yuanhua briefly described how he escaped from danger, which inevitably contained some "artistic processing" elements-of course he couldn't say that he was rescued by others-Lu Wenyuan specially reminded him that he must never admit that he There was such a thing as being captured.Sun Yuanhua himself understands that this is a crucial joint.Fortunately, people have come out now, so you can say whatever you want.

As for Dengzhou Dao Song Guanglan, Jianjun Dao Wang Zheng, Fubiao General Zhang Tao and others who were captured at the same time, Sun Yuanhua followed the suggestion of Lu Yang and others, saying that they had broken through separately when the city was broken, and they did not know whether to live or die.

Because Sun Yuanhua had already been rescued, whether Song Guanglan, Wang Zheng, and Zhang Tao would be released by Kong Youde as they did in history has become an unknown.So for the time being, it's better not to know - if they were killed, it would be easy, if Kong Youde still releases them: then according to the plan, the special investigation team will intercept them as soon as possible, and then deal with them according to the situation at that time.Among them, Wang Zheng saw with his own eyes that Sun Yuanhua committed suicide and failed to be captured.Others probably heard about Sun Yuanhua's capture, so they must keep it in their hands to prevent leaks.The status of these people is different from that of ordinary soldiers and civilians. Once it is said that Sun Yuanhua was captured, it will be very difficult to clean up again.

In addition to asking for help, he also talked about the policy of suppressing appeasement.What surprised Yu Dacheng was that Sun Yuanhua changed his attitude, from "stroking" with all his strength to "suppressing pain"—you must know that when Kong Youde surrounded Dengzhou, Sun Yuanhua sent him a letter, asking him to speak to Xiong Mingyu on his behalf , Trying to appease Kong Youde's department.For this reason, he was given a box of valuable gold and silver jewelry for the event.

Yu Dacheng had no prejudices on Fu or Suppression—he had no feelings for Kong Youde and others, and he would not want to put them to death.For him, caressing is just a low-cost practice.The imperial court is now in a difficult situation, and it needs to use troops everywhere. It is easy to say "suppress", but where can we get soldiers?Not to mention that the local government has to raise a lot of food and salaries.

However, whether to suppress or appease, Yu Dacheng decided not to care - since Sun Yuanhua is not dead, he is the first to bear the brunt of how to deal with the rebels.Immediately take care to invite the master, and consider how to dispatch reinforcements and more important things-how to write a memorial to the court.

But Yu Dacheng's fate could not be changed. Not long after his memorial was sent out, on the [-]th day of the first lunar month, the rebels captured Huang County.Yu Dacheng was dismissed and arrested immediately.However, at this time Sun Yuanhua had already gained a firm foothold in Laizhou.His memorial has also been officially played to the court.

Sun Yuanhua has the savvy of being an official. After Dengzhou City was broken, Kong Youde, Li Jiucheng and others tried to pull him into the gang to become king. Not only could this rebellion not be solved, but it would create countless enemies for him in the court—especially the officials from Shandong. If he continued to insist on governing the bureau, he would inevitably be attacked by them who were originally neutral.

Therefore, in his letters to Xu Guangqi, Zhou Yanru, Xiong Mingyu and others, after briefly reporting his "breakthrough and escape from danger", he changed his attitude towards future countermeasures and proposed "painful suppression".

Not only must soldiers and horses from Zhili and other places be used, but some elite troops must also be brought back from Liaodong to participate in the battle.

Of course, this change of "painful suppression" was not only out of the consideration of protecting his own political future, but also because he hated him for trusting Kong Youde and other old Dongjiang people, but was betrayed by them.

Lu Wenyuan and others are always paying attention to the situation in Laizhou.Because radio equipment was limited and expensive, Lu Wenyuan built a pigeon shed and a pigeon communication system soon after he arrived at Qimu Island.Before Sun Yuanhua's group accompanied Sun to Laizhou, they specially brought a group of carrier pigeons.Therefore, reports are sent to Lu Wenyuan's desk every day.

"Old Sun is still very good at being an official." Lu Wenyuan looked at the team's report, and combined with the information from Ning Yunyun, he could clearly see the changes in the situation in Shandong.

"He started as a mere recruiter and was recommended by an aide. He became the governor of Denglai in ten years. How can he do without the ability to be an official?" Lu Yang sighed, "Old Sun is a capable person, if you can give him enough time , Maybe the Manchuria will be wiped out by his new army."

"Your words are too naive. The situation at the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Ming court has no solution. Unless there is a powerful emperor—not Zhu Baba, at least it must be a strong person like Yongle."

In fact, Sun Chengzong and Xiong Tingbi both had a chance, and even Yuan Chonghuan, who had mixed reputations in the Senate, could also "recover Liao".Comparing the strengths of Daming and Houjin—as long as a minister with some ability can accomplish this strategic goal, it is not too difficult.

"Their team members are too cheating—not to mention the pig-like team members, they will dig holes for you all day long. No matter how capable you are, without the protection of powerful emperors like Yongle and Zhu Baba, no one can do anything." " Lu Wenyuan said, "You just have to look at Daming's demoted officials and generals. Before surrendering, everyone was stupid and afraid of death. After surrendering, everyone was brave and good at fighting..." He said, paying attention to the latest information on the map. The situation evolves.Huang County was already captured by the rebels yesterday, and it is estimated that within a day or two, the surrounding area of ​​Huang County will be in chaos—according to the 21st century, a "humanitarian disaster" is taking place.

"Invite Chief Zhu to come." Lu Wenyuan informed the secretary.

Zhu Mingxia basically only did one thing these days: training soldiers.

In addition to the daily training and targeted project training of the Beishang Detachment, it also formed and trained the auxiliary armed forces of Qimudao Xiangyong.

Qimudao Xiangyong was expanded from Lu Wenyuan's team of Xiangyong, supplementing many local refugees and refugees sent by Daoist Zhang of Yizhou.Since the opening of the refugee camp on Qimu Island, there have been floods of refugees. It is quite difficult to select suitable soldiers from a large group of gloomy and skinny people. Fortunately, the population base is large enough, and he still selected 800 people as soldiers. local auxiliaries.


Zhu Mingxia believes that the French's views are good. At least at a low-tech level, young people do have advantages in being soldiers: young people are bloody, easy to be mobilized, lack understanding of death, and dare to fight.

The soldiers who were selected formed a group alone, especially to strengthen nutrition.Young people have strong vitality, good nutritional supplements and moderate physical exercise can quickly restore their physical fitness.

The Ministry of Education Superintendent gave him the designation "Shandong No. [-] Advancing Column Temporarily Organized by the Public Security Army".It is organized according to the establishment of the public security army, and all weapons and equipment are cold weapons.

The auxiliary force is very necessary for the northbound detachment-the number of the northbound detachment is limited, and some troops have to be sent to Jeju Island.In the next operation, it is necessary to divide troops in multiple locations to perform containment and defense tasks. It is impossible to complete the task without expanding the army on the spot.

Zhu Mingxia divided the auxiliary force into two parts, one part with the best training performance was incorporated into the northward detachment as an auxiliary force, and could be directly put into battle according to the situation during the battle.The other part is used as the garrison of the Qimu Island base,

"How is it? Has there been any action?" Zhu Mingxia asked as soon as he came in—he also got the news that Huang County was captured.

Lu Wenyuan nodded: "That's right, since Huang County has fallen, our containment team will be dispatched."

Due to the frequent activities of the rebels in Huang County in the past ten days, in order to avoid direct armed conflicts, apart from sending scouts, Qimu Island did not send a large-scale foot containment team.

After Huang County was captured, the rebels were bound to carry out large-scale burning, killing and looting inside and outside the city.The original small villages in Huang County could not withstand such a large-scale army, and a large number of refugees would inevitably flow to the safe Qimu Island.This is the time to dispatch the containment team.

Without taking them out in the past, the refugees fled on foot during the icy and snowy first month, and the old, weak, women and children had little chance of surviving. Moreover, large groups of refugees were likely to attract rebel attacks.

Although Lu Wenyuan said that he decided to go out for shelter, he still had concerns in his heart: What if we encounter rebels?If the number of enemies is small, it's not a big problem, just use superior firepower to disperse them.In case a large group of enemies were cavalry, Zhu Mingxia's containment team might not be able to fight the rebels while covering the escape of a large group of refugees.The mobility and organization of the refugees are the worst, and there is no way to control the chaos.At that time, don't make a fuss about Liu Xuande defeating Changbanpo.

(End of this chapter)

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