Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1076 Cavalry Conflict

Chapter 1076 Cavalry Conflict
Zhu Mingxia kept a gloomy face along the way, and Huang Xiong muttered in his heart, not knowing what the chief was thinking.He used to be a veteran of Dengzhou, and he always had a habit of trying to figure out the intentions of his boss. As long as the boss had a sullen face, he would panic, and it was difficult to ask questions, so he could only obediently follow him.

"Yellow Bear, do you think the number of people I brought out is a little less?"

As soon as Huang Xiong heard Zhu Mingxia's question, he regained his energy, and immediately continued: "Report to the detachment leader, this containment team consists of two infantry companies, one axle company, one township company, one cavalry squad, and one working group. A total of 470 people, not very small."

"It's enough to take in refugees." Zhu Mingxia gave Huang Xiong a cold look, and then said, "But if you want to do something other than take in refugees, this is not enough."

"What are your plans, Captain?"

"Hmph - I just want to complain."

Huang Xiong naturally didn't know what it meant to complain, but he also knew that Zhu Mingxia meant something.If the boss wants to open up the conversation, the subordinate had better listen patiently. Any interruption is asking for trouble, so he followed the boss closely with his head sullen, listening carefully to what Zhu Mingxia said, for fear of missing anything.

"Yellow bear, our army is brave and good at fighting, and one can stand up to ten. You are all trained by me. You are all hard-working soldiers." Zhu Mingxia pointed in the direction of Dengzhou, "It is far from being able to compete with the gangsters in Dengzhou. We There are [-] people in the Northward Detachment. Regardless of the small number of people, if you want to break through the city of Dengzhou, you can still do it. The result? We can only hide in Qimu Island, because we want to avoid direct military conflicts."

Huang Xiong used to be a Dengzhou soldier. After the rebels broke through the city, the news of the massacre of local soldiers and civilians in the city made him feel a little sad, but the chiefs have been standing still, and it is difficult for him as a small officer to say anything. Hearing Zhu Mingxia like this Said, could not help but sigh.

"We can't even attack Huang County. It's a barrier for the rebels to defend us. Once we attack Huang County, it will be a serious battle. Kong Youde and Li Jiucheng have to mobilize an army to fight us to the death. Of course we must fight them." It’s nothing—it’s easy. But my current mission is not to fight the rebels, otherwise it would be much easier to take down Huang County than it is for me to wander here and collect refugees.”

After the Senate intervened in the Jiaodong Peninsula, it had a great impact on history.Although the refugee camp on Qimu Island is not a military camp from the outside world, tens of thousands of people have gathered there.To put it mildly, they are refugees, but to put it bluntly, they are potential bandits.In the eyes of the people at the time, if so many people gathered together, even if they weren't bandits, they wouldn't be good birds—if one day they didn't have enough food, they would be human-shaped locusts.

Soon after the rebels occupied Dengzhou, they immediately attacked Huang County, preparing to use Huang County as a base to consolidate their rear.The offensive to Laizhou is to broaden the scope of activities.The purpose of capturing Huang County was to ensure a reliable support point on the outskirts of Dengzhou - once the imperial court wanted to attack, the first batch of officers and soldiers would definitely attack from the direction of Huang County.

Because Qimu Island has gathered a large number of refugees, not only more rebels attacked Huang County this time than recorded in history, but also the rebels were more active in capturing strong men to enrich their own strength after capturing Huang County.If I don't come out and take the initiative to pick up these refugees, I'm afraid none of them will be able to escape, and they will all be taken away.Zhu Mingxia jokingly referred to this collection as "the big battle to plunder the little brother". What he has to do is to plunder the population from under the opponent's nose with as little or as little fighting as possible. "It's enough to overthrow the rebels!" He wailed in his heart more than once.

The containment team came to an abandoned village amidst Zhu Mingxia's complaints. The buildings in this village were relatively intact, with dilapidated fences and barely recognizable earthen walls.If the local area can replenish water, it is more appropriate to set up camp here.Zhu Mingxia immediately ordered a search team to be sent into the village to search.

"There is no one in the village! There is a well—" the scout hesitated, "Somebody threw a body in the well, so it can't be used anymore."

Wang Qisuo, the scout sent to search the village, reported.He was born in a local salt owl, he could speak the dialect of Dengzhou and the surrounding area, and he was quite smart, and his training performance was very good, so Zhu Mingxia chose him as a scout in the advancing column, specially assisting the scouts of the regular army in the field. Activities locally.

"It seems that the rebels have already come." Zhu Mingxia said. Throwing corpses into the well is tantamount to destroying the necessary conditions for local survival and forcing the local people to flee—even if someone is lucky enough not to be captured by the rebels, they cannot continue. stay in the village.

Zhu Mingxia had no doubt that if it hadn't been for the recent snow that made it difficult to start a fire, the rebel army would have completely burned the village down.

However, this is a suitable relay camp. If there is no clean water source, collecting snow from the ground is barely enough-if only fuel is needed, the only way is to demolish the house.Zhu Mingxia thought to himself, the people in this village would not come back anyway.

He ordered some personnel to be stationed, including some refugees collected along the way, and they were placed in empty houses to light a fire for warmth and let them rest temporarily.Others used the sundries in the village and some axle weights to pile up fake street forts to block off the east and west ends, and planted landmines on the north and south sides of the village to prevent sneak attacks.

He himself led the large army to move forward, dispatched all the cavalry in his hand, and took the initiative to contact the largest refugee group, and directly wiped out the small groups of enemies when they encountered them.Zhu Mingxia estimated that the rebel army would probably send a small number of cavalry to harass the refugees, slowing down their progress and making it easier for follow-up troops to capture them.

On the frozen land of Shandong, more than 100 refugees huddled together, and several of them lay motionless on the ground, blood gurgling from their wounds, and more than a dozen executioners were happily looking at their trophies on horseback.They are the rebels under Kong Youde, and there are dozens of other cavalry like them.There is only one purpose for wanton outings: to rob refugees, young and beautiful women, and their belongings, and the rest are irrelevant.This kind of looting can sometimes find good treasures, and there is not much risk. Many rebels are happy to do so.

A bald-browed man in the lead was the first to jump off the horse, trying to take a closer look at the women among the refugees, but everyone bowed their heads and curled up, barely grabbing their hair and forcing them to raise their heads. The knife hacked two more refugees to death, he grinned and shouted: "Grandma is a bear, girl, hurry up to the uncle, and then sharpen my knife one by one, and chop you all off."

As he spoke, he raised the knife, intending to kill the third person, but before the knife could be cut down, someone shouted: "Cavalry!"

Bald Mei followed the sound and saw that a small troop of cavalry was slowly running towards them more than a hundred feet away.The bald eyebrow left the refugee behind and quickly got on his horse with a knife in his hand—the vision was better right away.

Bald Eyebrow was also a cavalry soldier in Liao Town in the past, and fought against the Manchus in Liaodong—although he lost every battle, he was always safe and sound with his horse riding skills and his ability to grasp the best time to escape.

Relying on this ability to escape, he worked hard to become the capital - but Mao Wenlong was granted too many official titles in Pidao back then, so after his death, the official title of General Dongjiang was several levels lower. Put the total.

Years of escape experience made him quite cautious towards enemies, especially those on horseback, because the greatest threat to fleeing cavalry is the chasing cavalry.

Stretch your feet on the stirrups, stand upright, and look at the past and see these cavalrymen don't wear armor, and they have never seen the outfit before: they are wearing gray cloaks and tall hats on their heads, and they are marching towards themselves in double file. Come
The visitors were not friendly, the numbers on both sides were about the same, Bald Eyebrow and the rebels under him were people who had seen battle formations at any rate, and seeing that the opponent had no superiority in strength and no armor, they did not flee, but gathered together and planned to fight against each other. Come on cavalry hedge.

Although the Liaodong cavalry performed mediocrely against the Manchus, they could still fight against them after all.Guannei is even known as "Iron Cavalry, so neither Bald Eyebrow nor his cavalry took the dozen or so cavalry in front of them seriously - although the strength of the two sides was evenly matched.

However, the opponent did not directly draw out his sword and charge forward, but reined in the horse at a distance of seventy to eighty feet, and all but three or four riders dismounted.lined up.

The bald eyebrow pulled down the iron helmet on his head, a little puzzled, did the opponent get off his horse and prepare to shoot with a bow?He had seen Tartars do this in Liaodong before, but the distance was a bit far—even Tartars, known for their strong bows and arrows, would not get off their horses and shoot arrows at such a distance. He waved his hand: "Everyone, go! For a while!"

More than a dozen cavalrymen drew their swords at the same time and charged forward on horseback.

Because there were very few people on both sides, Bald Eyebrow didn't order his subordinates to adopt any formation, and rushed forward directly.

Almost at the same time as they rode their horses and galloped, there was a crisp popping sound in their ears.

"It's too early!" Bald Eyebrow roared, firing a gun so far away was just a loud noise!He lowered his head, clamped his legs around the horse's belly, and continued to gallop.

However, the second row of gunshots sounded soon, and the horse of a rebel cavalry suddenly fell down, followed by another one.

The gunshots became more and more intense, and the opponent's blunderbuss seemed to be able to shoot continuously!Before running the distance of twenty feet, three or four people had already fallen down.When another person fell down, without waiting for an order, everyone turned the horse's head in circles, whipped the horse's buttocks, and chose to run without saying a word.

The rescued refugees looked at these cavalry in horror. They didn't know what the new group of people were going to do. Fortunately, they could understand each other's language. Isle of Mu for refuge.Qimu Island was not the destination for these refugees, but they had no other choice in front of these cavalrymen who had just killed someone.

(End of this chapter)

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