Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1086 Closing

Chapter 1086 Closing
The volley of rifles shook the entire ice surface, and the front row of five hundred "Dragoons" fell down as if they had suddenly hit an invisible wall.

The overturned horses and knights immediately became obstacles for the following people and horses, and immediately more people and horses fell to the ground.

After Chen Guangfu's men and horses were shot by the second volley, fifty or sixty riders fell down in an instant.

The infantry calmly followed the orders of the sergeants, methodically reloaded and fired.Although there are only double arrays, the firepower density far exceeds the "three stacks" of the contemporary arquebus.

"Come on!" Chen Guangfu lowered his body, almost lying on the horse's back—but except for some of his subordinates who could ride horses, the riding skills of the others were just passable.Under the dense rain of bullets, the soldiers neither dared to gallop their horses nor control them to dodge, so they became targets on the bare ice.

Rows of gunshots sounded, and more and more people fell on the ice. In the chaos, some people reined in their horses and tried to beat them to escape. spin around.The scene was extremely chaotic.

Chen Guangfu knew that it was impossible to make a detour and attack from the ice—the enemy had already prepared, and there were obviously a large number of well-trained brave men on the island, so even if he rushed up with his troops, he would not be able to get any advantage.

Immediately with a whistle, the rest of the people circled their horses and fled to the shore in a hurry.Some people are not good at horsemanship, and the horses are frightened and unable to control, so they simply abandon the horse and flee on foot.

"Free Fire!"

The rifles followed the fleeing rebels, and from time to time someone was shot and fell on the ice

"It's boring——" Zhu Mingxia said, and suddenly there was the sound of heavy artillery fire in his ears.He looked back and saw that the sky was full of gunfire on the sand embankment, and the sun was covered by thick smoke. He saw a large group of rebels gathered on the sand embankment like an avalanche, rushing down from the sand embankment recklessly, rolling and crawling, and fell on the ice. Run wildly.

This time the artillery fire was rapid fire, which lasted less than 3 minutes, and all the artillery bombarded the 4471 direction with their maximum fire rate.

The place was immediately engulfed by artillery fire. In the black and red flames, only fragments of armor, weapons, banners and vehicles were thrown up, while the flesh and blood fragments of people and horses could no longer be seen clearly.

The large group of rebels gathered on the sand embankment, no matter whether they were soldiers, auxiliary soldiers, or refugees brought in, all fell into a desperate panic at this moment. Not a single arrow or bullet was fired from the side of the wicker, and the whole formation still collapsed.

The crowd on the sand embankment seemed to be blown up, because the shells behind them were still falling, many people simply slid down from the sand embankment, trying to escape to the land by detouring the ice, but the ice at this section was not very frozen. It was solid, and there were ice crevasses. The bombardment hit the ice surface with a lot of shells. It was already in a state of disintegration, and it could not withstand the trampling of thousands of people.Only a few clicks were heard, and the ice surface was shattered immediately. People who descended on the ice surface were caught off guard, and many people immediately slipped into the ice crevasse.Before struggling to call for help, he was submerged by the floating ice floes.For a moment, screams and cries for help resounded through the sky, and floating bodies were everywhere on the ice floes and in the crevasses.

Marinxi also went down to the ice in the chaos, and was pushed and fell into an ice cave in the chaos. Fortunately, he was extremely cautious and grabbed a pole before going down the ice.Even though he fell into the ice cave and his body was tingling with cold and his body was numb from the cold, he still tried his best to hold the pole against the ice floe, avoiding the catastrophe of drowning.He took a deep breath, exerted all his strength, and finally crawled out, lying on the ice and gasping for breath.

Although the refugees were weak, they had no armor at all. Those who fell into the ice crevasse had a chance to climb out. Most of the rebels wore armor, and the warriors were all armored. Once they fell, they would be dragged down by the armor.A few people were quick to see the opportunity, quickly discarded their armor, and finally escaped a way out.

"Stop shooting, get ready to attack!" Chen Sigen put down the binoculars.The enemy has collapsed, and continuing to shoot is just more kills.Seeing that the shattered ice surface is already full of corpses, continuing to shoot is nothing but a meaningless massacre.

Chen Sigen immediately ordered a battle infantry company and a township brave company to open the gate by the wicker and start chasing.Zhu Mingxia's three companies also swept across the ice and launched an attack on the flanks of the rout soldiers—he planned to try to intercept most of the rout soldiers on the sand embankment, and make a big deal out of it.

The passionate melody of the charge sounded, more than a dozen trumpeters blew their horns at the same time, and each company charged at the defeated crowd with their bayonet-mounted rifles like tigers descending the mountain.

The counterattack accelerated the process of disintegration and rout of the rebels.Thousands of people threw away the weapons and sticks in their hands, ran as hard as they could, howling and running desperately.It's like the desperate howl of an animal before it dies.People kept falling down in the rout of pushing and shoving, and then they were trampled to death by the people behind them.Some people even stabbed the people in front with knives and guns in order to open a road.

This madness of survival left Chen Sigen dumbstruck - he had never seen such a cruel battlefield.Although the entire army of officers and soldiers was defeated in Chengmai, the battlefield is vast, and there is no such thing as nearly [-] people crowded on the sand embankment to flee for their lives.

"All run!" Zhu Mingxia brandished the saber in his hand and commanded three companies to run wildly all the way. He was eager to seal the entrance of the sand embankment before the rout soldiers escaped from the sand embankment-although there are ice on both sides of this nearly ten-kilometer sand embankment. The front can barely pass through, but as long as the entrance is blocked, most of the rebels can be caught this time.

How many people are killed is not the goal, but how much benefit is obtained is the main thing.Zhu Mingxia knew very well the character of the Senate, fighting and killing people must be rewarded in the final analysis.It is far from enough to be satisfied with the military exploits of "beheading XX class".

Zhu Mingxia led the fastest light infantry company and finally rushed to the junction between the sand embankment and the mainland.Because they ran so fast, all the typewriters for the infantry were left behind.

However, he was still a step late. Before that, some cavalry and those who stayed at the end of the team ran out and rushed all the way to Huangxian County.

Zhu Mingxia didn't care about chasing, and ordered the troops to occupy the camp immediately--Mao Chenglu was no ordinary person, he knew the key points here, and set up a camp here before the whole army launched an offensive, leaving behind five hundred soldiers, five hundred auxiliary soldiers and many firearms Guard, in case the back road is lost.

However, when the Chinese army was destroyed and the entire army collapsed, the rebels guarding the village had already panicked, and some people had already jumped off the wall to escape.The travel notes guarding the village are Mao Chenglu's confidantes. Knowing that this place is of great importance, they still desperately suppress the troops.

The light infantry company spread out a skirmish front on the march, first fired a volley of guns, and then rushed towards the stockade in one go.A cannon rang suddenly on the wall of the village, and hundreds of various firearms placed on the wall of the village fired at the same time.For a while, gunpowder smoke filled the air, but did not kill a few soldiers of the Fubo Army. Zhu Mingxia sneered disdainfully: I can't change the problem of firing randomly when I didn't reach the range.

Although the rebels on the wall opened fire once, seeing this group of people rushing forward with bayonet-mounted blunderbuss regardless, there was another cry and screams on the sand embankment, and the already flustered military spirit Unable to sustain it any longer, the remaining hundreds of people collapsed immediately.

Zhu Mingxia commanded the whole army to rush into the stockade, and at the same time cleared out the rebels, at the same time ordered people to replace the Xingquan red flag.In the blink of an eye, the rout of the brigade had already rushed in, and hundreds of people had already fled from the road in front of the village.

"Block the intersection with firepower and bring a loudspeaker." Zhu Mingxia excitedly threw his command knife on the ground, picked up the microphone of the electric loudspeaker amidst the sudden burst of gunfire, and shouted: "Survivors will not die! "

In this way, the defensive battle of Qimu Island came to an end. The battlefield was cleaned up and the work of capturing prisoners continued until night.Except for Chen Guangfu, most of the troops fled, and the rest either died or surrendered. Less than 2000 people fled.More than 6000 rebels descended.Countless baggage and firearms were seized, and the biggest gain was the capture of a large number of horses, donkeys, mules, and cattle.

Among the generals who were killed were more than a dozen people below Mao Chenglu—all above a thousand generals.Zhu Mingxia ordered the captured rebels to identify their bodies one by one, cut off the heads of all identifiable rebel generals, and preserved them with lime.These are going to be gifts for Sun Yuanhua, and now the old Sun needs something that can express himself to the court.

The captives of the rebels were stripped of their armor and tied together with ropes, and temporarily put into the stockade to be guarded in the open air-there was no housing, and the island really couldn't accommodate so many people.

Regarding the disposal of the rebels, the three had different ideas.Needless to say, the refugees who came under the coercion are all transported to Jeju Island, but there is controversy about how to deal with these battle-hardened military oil. The easiest way is to send them to Sanya to do hard work in the mine, or better. , Like the captives of He Rubin's troops at the beginning, they were incorporated into the road construction team to work and atone for their sins.

However, Zhu Mingxia thought that the captives could be released, so as to prevent the rebels from reducing their combat power too much and make the turmoil in Dengzhou last longer.By the way, they joined Kong Youde, and the two sides came to a non-aggression agreement—they could even ask the rebels to collect refugees on their behalf, anyway, they were very skilled at this—and they didn’t need to dirty their hands.

Lu Wenyuan expressed his objection: the rebels' coercion of refugees is their basic strategy, and if they hand over the refugees to Qimu Island, it is tantamount to spitting out part of their interests, which will inevitably involve the issue of interest exchange.

"What are you going to exchange for refugees?" Lu Wenyuan asked, "Why should they give us the refugees they captured from the city?"

Food, firearms, and gunpowder are all things the rebels need, but Lu Wenyuan feels unwilling, and they are also in short supply of these things.

"Exchange?" Zhu Mingxia sneered, "The exchange is to ensure the safety of the rebels' traffic lines in Huang County!"

(End of this chapter)

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