Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1102

Chapter 1102

Lu Zeyang was sitting in Fan Twelve's small restaurant. Because his small restaurant was inconspicuous and beside the road, it was now the forward headquarters of the Laizhou detachment.

There are many irregular holes in the walls made of broken bricks and plaster, and the ground is full of mud and broken bricks and tiles. The tables and chairs have been piled aside, leaving only the two square tables in the middle together.On it were a lantern and a map.The windows had been smashed and sealed up with broken bricks and tiles.There are sandbags piled up at the door—it looks like an exterior scene of an anti-war movie.

Lu Zeyang was wearing a thick cotton gown, covered with a homemade gown, which was covered with dust and dirt, and was torn in some places.He wears a Fan Yang hat on his head, and around his waist is a canvas belt belt used by ordinary soldiers of the Fubo Army. Two [-]-type revolvers made by Lingao are interlaced and obliquely inserted, and a long knife made by the Ming Army is leaning against it. table.

Fan Twelve stood beside him respectfully. Since the great battle seven or eight days ago, he had never admired this Chief Lu Tuan more.

Mr. Lu Tuan is not a human being - he is a god, the God of War!From Fan Twelve's limited knowledge, he knew that Grandpa Yue was extremely brave, beat the golden soldiers to the brim, and saved the Song Dynasty.But that was also a one-shot kill.

President Lu Tuan basically never left the Wang family graveyard during the entire battle.From the beginning when the rebels rushed over on cavalry, and at the end when the rebels charged on foot, Mr. Lu Tuan always stood on the roof of the Wang family cemetery, watching with two cylinders, and occasionally ordered a few words to the soldiers around him, Let him go and spread the word.

Hearing that the rebel army was approaching the city, Fan Twelve was so frightened that he didn't leave Mr. Lu's side - he felt that the leader would always have a way to escape, so he would follow Mr. Lu to escape.

Unexpectedly, before the rebels began to attack the city, the officers and soldiers guarding the south gate hurriedly closed the inner city gate, shutting out these hundreds of people alive.Many people in the strong men's team lost their positions and ran to the city gate, crying and begging for the upper level to open the door.

Fan Twelve thought he was going to confess to the South Passage, but he didn't expect that at the beginning of the battle, he saw the more than 100 regiments firing guns on the roof and barricades. The white smoke almost enveloped the entire Passage, and only the smoke was heard. The sound of the bird's blunderbuss ping-ping-pong-pong came and went, and red flames were everywhere. By the time the gunpowder smoke cleared, the outside of the closed room and the entrance to the street were already full of corpses of rebels.

In the ensuing battle, the sea wind blows away the thick gunpowder smoke from time to time, and Fan Twelve can clearly see how the regiment members lined up and shot in groups, knocking down the rebels with bird guns from a long distance, Several times, the rebels retreated before they could get close to the Guanxiang.Lu Tuan always has two small two-wheeled artillery carts, which look small and exquisite, and they are pushed all over the ground by a few people--no matter how you look at them, they are not useful gadgets. There are many large and small artillery positions on the head of Laizhou City. Fan Twelve and his strong men have transported gunpowder and iron, and they are all big guys who have surpassed each other.You can tell it's heavy just by looking at it.But it was only when we started fighting that we realized that the small cannon was very powerful. The shells flew far and accurately, and could bloom when they hit the ground.

When the rebels attacked Nanguanxiang for the last time, thousands of people on foot and cavalry rushed over. Relying on the large number of people and the continuous beheading of the guards behind, they forced the rebels to rush into the streets of Nanguanxiang. A large group of rebels rushed in like quicksilver. There were only a few dozen regiments on the street, their legs and feet trembling with fright. Seeing that they were about to urinate, they pushed out a flat box on top of a truck from the house. When the wheelbarrow crossed the middle of the street, the regiments in front immediately dispersed, and flames spewed out of the box continuously, crackling and crackling, and immediately beat the rebels who rushed in to the ground—the most rare thing The best thing is to let it go for a while, and then play the second round, continuously.Then dozens of regiments rushed forward with their guns in their hands and stabbed them indiscriminately, driving hundreds of people out of the street abruptly.The hundreds of people in the front dropped their helmets and armor, shoved and scrambled to escape, while dozens of regiments behind were chasing after them with blunderbusses with daggers on them. Fan Twelve was stunned by the scene—— The battle was won!
After the rebels were driven away, the results of the battle were checked. There were more than 200 abandoned corpses inside and outside the street alone, and many of them were trampled to death alive.In the wilderness a little farther away, because they were worried about the enemy's ranger attack, they didn't go out to count the abandoned corpses. It was estimated that there were two or three hundred corpses.Dozens of captives who were trampled to faint during the escape were also captured.

Governor Sun and Governor Xu in the city heard the news of the great victory at Nanguan, and after inspecting the sent heads, banners, swords and guns, they not only sent people to send money to reward them, but also praised President Lu Tuan greatly. , even Fan Twelve was commended.The person who came said: The two governors, Sun and Xu, are drafting a memorandum to make a list of meritorious personnel. When the imperial court rewards them, they can get fame even for nothing.On the contrary, Mr. Lu Tuan was very indifferent to this, but was more interested in the money, wine and meat sent from the city.

So far, Fan Twelve has given up on Mr. Lu Tuan, treating him like a god—originally, his own life was almost at risk, but now he hasn't even broken his skin, and he can get a reward from the court if he hears it. This Mr. Lu Tuan is simply him. lucky star.

Lu Zeyang was also very proud. During the battle, only one person was shot and killed, and several others were injured.The losses were insignificant - not even much ammunition wasted.

After capturing dozens of captives, he conducted preliminary interrogations, and those who spoke with local accents were all assigned to the strong men team——Fan Twelve has now become his henchman and echoer, and he is unambiguous about what he calls him.He handed over all the Liaodong accents to Zhu Wannian. Most of these people were veterans of Dongjiang, and it would be dangerous to keep them in his hands.

After this great battle, the rebels turned their attacks to the north, west, and east, and there were cannons attacking the city gate almost every day.In addition to strengthening his guard, Lu Zeyang also sent several scouts to various city gates to check the situation.In case the officers and soldiers couldn't resist, he was ready to lead the team to help.

Historically, Laizhou City was defended with a small force, so Lu Zeyang was not very worried, but just in case.He heard scouts report that the battles at each gate were fierce, the rebels fired fiercely, and bombarded with cannons day and night, so that the guards could only hide behind the battlements on the city wall. Most of it was also destroyed by artillery fire.Casualties were high everywhere.

However, the morale seems to be pretty good. Under the leadership of Zhang Xin, the rich gentry in the city spent a large amount of money and food to reward the army: in the late Ming Dynasty, whoever had the money to serve as a soldier would work for him. Even the emperor could do the same thing: Chongzhen transferred the Guanning Army to Zhuxian Town to fight Li Chuang for a decisive battle, and the imperial court would not dispatch the army unless it was paid.

Lu Zeyang was most worried about the officials and soldiers in the city: now there are as many officials in Laizhou City as Mao, there are only two civil servants and governors, and there are more military generals. Leaving Laizhou.Now the light army in the city includes the Denglai Town troops under Sun Yuanhua's subordinates, the Tongzhou, Tianjin and Shandong armies who came with Yang Yufan, and the local military households in Laizhou... Troops of different systems are mixed together. skirmish.

When the rebels attacked Nanguan, the way the Nanguan guards directly closed the city gate made him clearly realize that the officers and soldiers are cheating team members. Not only can they not be counted on for help, but they have to be on guard at all times.As expected, as soon as the rebels were defeated, the officers and soldiers of Nanguan rushed out to snatch their heads and weapons. Lu Zeyang unceremoniously ordered to use random guns to clean up the rushing soldiers, so that they would be honest.

Lu Zeyang didn't care about this "credit", but he was afraid that they would cause trouble behind their backs during the exchange of fire.Fortunately, it didn't take long for Zhang Tao to arrive in Laizhou from Dengzhou, and was appointed by Sun Yuanhua as the guard of Nanguan.

The defense in the city is also divided into areas, and the four-door system is adopted.Sun Yuanhua guarded the south gate, Xu Congzhi guarded the north gate, Yang Yufan guarded the west gate, and Wang Daochun guarded the east gate.

Lu Zeyang was placed in Sun Yuanhua's defense zone, which saved him countless troubles.Otherwise, without Sun Yuanhua's cover for his great victory at the Nanguan that day, those who were unfavorable to his small team would have stretched out their hands long ago.

Even so, people kept asking to see Mr. Lu Tuan's "weapon".Yang Yufan even proposed to buy some guns and cannons used by the regiments. Of course, Lu Zeyang refused, but he did not hide it, saying that he bought "overseas sharp weapons" from Guangzhou.Yang Yufan immediately asked him for an introduction, and planned to go to Guangzhou to buy "sharp weapons".

Zhang Tao is also very interested in their weapons - he and Sun Yuanhua are church friends, and they are both promoters of Western-style firearms in China, so they have known for a long time that the sharp weapon of this Lu Tuanzong is actually used by the "Girl Thief" in Guangdong .Especially the kind of musket that can be equipped with a short sword and can be fired in bursts, only the gangsters have it.

Although the so-called President Lu Tuan speaks Laizhou dialect, he has a deep relationship with the Kun bandits in all likelihood.

But he and Sun Yuanhua had communicated with each other a long time ago, so they pretended to be confused about this.In order to avoid trouble, the troops who guarded the south gate of Laizhou were gradually replaced by remnants of the original Dengzhou town. The number of troops was a bit small, but Sun Yuanhua knew the combat effectiveness of Lu Zeyang's men, so he was not worried.

Lu Zeyang is satisfied with everything now, the only dissatisfaction is that his refugee accommodation plan is not as full as ideal.

Just now a military officer came to report on the current situation of refugee accommodation.Due to the speed at which the rebels arrived, very few refugees were able to reach Laizhou before the rebels arrived.After the rebels approached the city of Laizhou, the source of refugees was completely cut off.He housed less than 500 people in total.They were all arranged in an empty house in the South Passage.Just wait for the seaside port to be delivered as soon as it freezes.

(End of this chapter)

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