Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1108 Brothers

Chapter 1108 Brothers
"It doesn't matter. What a hero Mr. Jin is, why would he care about this kind of thing?" Cui Xuanze said nonchalantly, "Miss Jin is a lady of everyone, and she doesn't care about such small things. Besides, Mr. Pu, you must have a reliable person in your inner house." Local people. Otherwise, there will be no one to wait for Madam when she enters the door."

Then he hinted that Mr. Jin knew about it, so he could accept it without any problems.Pu Dehuan thought for a second that since she was an evil girl, her status in the family would not be very high, so she didn't have to worry too much.Furthermore, this woman was really seductive, so she accepted it half-heartedly.

Pu Dehuan sent Cui Xuanze away, and asked someone to call his brother back.In addition to discussing his own marriage, he has other plans: Pu Demeng acts as an interpreter, who is often by the chief's side and knows a lot of inside information.He wanted to find out who gave him eye drops by the chief's side recently, and by the way remind his brother that someone might be against his brother.

There have been faint signs of "official struggle" in the recent "Leading Party" in Jeju Island.Feng Zongze suffered from the lack of suitable cadres, and some negative effects of appointing a large number of leading parties have gradually emerged.A large number of old people have been absorbed into the administrative organization of the new government, and some political characteristics of the old regime have also emerged.

Now that Pu Dehuan has become a "supervisor of bows and arrows", he has naturally become a thorn in the side of many people. In order to preserve his status and the benefits that come with it, he plans to have a good talk with his brother about today's matter.

"I'm exhausted..." Pu Demeng dragged his exhausted body back from outside the city.

He spends most of his time today in the stables outside the city as an interpreter for Chief Nick. Among the chiefs, Nick is famous for his energy. Pu Demeng even felt that he didn’t need to sleep: one day he trained breeders for Nick. Do live translation until midnight.The next morning, before dawn, he was called out again to be an interpreter, and he only slept for less than two hours.Drowsy and just want to sleep.

Pu Demeng felt that being an interpreter for Nick was not only more tiring than being an interpreter for other chiefs, but also more tiring than when he was an official slave and servant in the past. Running all the time, and constantly thinking about how to translate a lot of words that he has never heard of, it can be said to be exhausting.

Because of his busy work, he lived in the dormitory of the prison camp most of the time, and did not return to the house purchased by his brother.As soon as he returned to the dormitory today, a security guard came to tell his elder brother that he had nowhere to go home tonight.

After hearing this, Pu Demeng hurried home and returned to his mansion. As soon as he entered the courtyard gate, the maid greeted him and took his satchel.

"Is there a guest at home?" Pu Demeng saw a pair of women's shoes on the stepping stones outside, and couldn't help but feel strange—my elder brother has always planned to get married, but he hasn't married yet; and his elder brother will not bring prostitutes home.

"It belongs to the new servant," said the maid.

"A new servant?" Pu Demeng was a little surprised. At this moment, he heard the voice of the eldest brother in the room:
"Is it Brother Xian? Come in!"

Pu Demeng walked in, and was surprised to find that his eldest brother was drinking with a strange young woman.Already a little tipsy.

He was about to salute, but Pu Dehuan waved his hand: "Sit down. We brothers have a good conversation."

"Yes." Pu Demeng sat down respectfully.

Although Pu Dehuan drank a few cups, his mind was very clear, and he told Zhang Chengxue to leave first.Immediately told him about Feng Zongze today, and asked him to pay more attention to the affairs around the chiefs, especially to see who spoke ill of him in front of the chiefs.He also specifically mentioned that Kim Yong-joo may be behind the scenes, asking whether Park De-meng can find a chance to give Kim Yong-joo a black brick.

Pu Demeng didn't speak all the time, he just listened to his brother's half-narrative and half-complaint words, until he talked about Kim Yong-joo, he said:

"Kim Yong Joo is highly valued by the chiefs," he said cautiously, "Where is he going to send his daughter Kim Oh Soon to 'study' and come back to be a female official..."

"Nonsense!" Pu Dehuan said unconsciously, and he was in a cold sweat when he said the words. How could he say "nonsense" about the chief's affairs.If someone listens to it and reports it, the crime of slandering Shangguan is not a small one.

He quickly looked around and said in a low voice, "What do you want a woman to be an official? She looks so ugly!"

Pu Demeng nodded and said in a low voice: "Brother is right. But he is very trusted now, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to do what Brother said..."

He hesitated for a while, and wanted to say some more of his own opinion: Since the eldest brother became a bow and arrow supervisor, there have been more and more entertainments outside, the house has become bigger and bigger, and all kinds of enjoyment have also increased, and now there is an inexplicably more sister-in-law woman.

Thinking of the ideals of the two brothers at the beginning, they only wanted to have enough food every day, have a house to hide themselves, and be able to find a woman as a wife, Pu Demeng couldn't help but feel that the eldest brother has become too big now.

"Bastard!" Seeing that he hesitated and refused to answer, Pu Dehuan put on a "brother" face and reprimanded him solemnly, "You can't do such a small thing! How can you be an interpreter?"

Pu Demeng didn't dare to say anything - he was brought up by this elder brother, and he was very afraid of him.Although he felt that this matter was inappropriate, he did not dare to bring it up in person.

Pu Dehuan lost his temper, and then slowed down: "You also know how difficult it is for the two of us brothers to get to this point. When the chiefs came, we turned over, and now it's the time when the chiefs are employing people. The thing is, you have to protect yourself! Otherwise, no matter how hard you try to flatter you, you’ll end up in the same place!” As he spoke, he drank another cup of wine.

Pu Demeng had no choice but to say: "Brother sees and teaches." In fact, he didn't think much of it.In his opinion, it is a bit taboo for the big brother to enjoy such a high-profile life now-the current "leading party" is really not so blatant.

But he didn't dare to say any more, and only listened to his eldest brother continue talking about his marriage.It was the first time Pu Dehuan told his brother that Huang Yunyu mentioned the marriage of the wicked daughter of Mr. Jin's family.

"Brother, this is not appropriate." After hearing what the elder brother said, although Pu Demeng was a little afraid of the elder brother, he felt that the matter was serious, so he said it.

"What's wrong?"

"This Mr. Jin is still a second-rank official of the imperial court—although it is a false title, he is still a member of the Li Dynasty. My eldest brother is now an official of the Song Dynasty. Is it okay..."

"What's the matter?" Pu Dehuan disapproved, "Master Jin is also the person invited to this meeting—besides, his second-rank officer is just an empty title. He is also a big horse breeder. Didn't you say that the chiefs value horses very much?" Is it? If we have a good relationship with him, wouldn’t this Jeju Island become Da Song’s racecourse? Your brother and I still have merit.”

These words seem to make sense. After all, Pu Demeng is a young man with limited experience.Although I felt that something was wrong in my heart, I still didn't say it.

Seeing that his brother obviously did not approve of his marriage, Pu Dehuan was also a little bit depressed, so he asked Zhang Chengxue to come in for a meal, and they ate together and went to rest.

That night, in the backyard of a large store in Jeju City, another banquet was in progress.Besides Cui Xuanze and Huang Yunyu, the other person on the table was Zhao Minggui.

The three of them were drinking in small sips and talking in low voices.

Huang Yunyu stroked his beard, seemed to be in deep thought, and said after a while, "So he didn't shirk?"

"I made a little show, and he accepted it after I said a few words—this kid is greedy enough!"

"It's good to be greedy, you dare to fish the money in the frying pan." Huang Yunyu laughed, "Does Zhang Chengxue look like you?"

Cui Xuanze hurriedly said: "I think he likes it very much!"

"Okay, okay." Huang Yunyu nodded again and again, "You go to her tomorrow and tell her to put more effort into gaining his trust as soon as possible, and hold him firmly in her hands!"

"She can save this kind of thing!"

Zhao Minggui, who hadn't spoken much, said at this moment: "This person is greedy for money and lustful, but it's easy to grasp. I'm afraid he won't be reliable at a critical moment."

"So put Zhang Chengxue beside him." Huang Yunyu said.Then he looked at him with searching eyes and asked, "What does Master Jin say now?"

In fact, Cui Xuanze went to the peninsula to sell goods on the surface.In fact, there is another task, which is to contact the officials of the Li Dynasty for Jin Wanyi.

Although Jin Wanyi, as a local big landlord, took advantage of the chaos and embezzled many horses in the official stud farm during the short-term chaos of the government's collapse, and made a fortune, he had no attachment to the new "Wo Kun".

It's not how much loyalty he has to Li Chao, but under Li Chao's rule, he is very comfortable on this island. Although he has a few officials, he will inevitably spend some entertainment and donate some horses every year, but other than that, The government doesn't interfere with him at all.

Now they have changed to this group of "Japanese pirates"—although they have always called themselves "Da Song", Master Jin thinks they are just Japanese pirates who are slow to change their words.

After this group of "Japanese kuns" arrived on the island, they neither looted nor burned them, but continued to build wantonly, and continued to transport the people of Ming Dynasty to the island with large ships.They began to build roads on the island, measure the land, build horse pens, check household registration, and send people to check pastures all over the island... All these actions show that they have other plans.Recently, I learned from Pu Dehuan that the "Wo Kun" was going to call a meeting in all the villages on the island, and when all the big households wanted to send people to attend, Mr. Jin couldn't help feeling extremely worried about his property.

He is well-known as the richest man on the island, and he has many coveted horses. Could it be that he is planning to kill himself?Although Master Jin is not very loyal to the court, Li Chao will not want all of his wealth after all.This group of "Japanese kuns" with unknown origins is hard to say.

(End of this chapter)

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